I'm trying to install Ipopt using mingw64(TDM-GCC) in Windows 64bit. I'm thinking about using it in anaconda python.
I closely followed instructions here (http://www.coin-or.org/Ipopt/documentation/node15.html#SECTION00045300000000000000), but I couldn't compile it at all.
I used reference BLAS/Lapack sources, and compiled them together with Ipopt.
I got the message that configuration is successfully done, but when I tried to make it, I kept getting the error message that *
dasum.lo requires libcoinblas library
I also tried to connect it to Intel MKL library(lp64,latest version) instead of compiling reference libraries, but it gave me an error
"Makefile:272: *** target pattern contains no '%'. Stop"
Ipopt version:3.12.4
Reference BLAS/LaPack version:3.6.0
Can anyone help me with this problem?
conda install -y -c pycalphad cyipopt
Executing this in an anaconda prompt should complete the installation of ipopt using cyipopt for python in anaconda.
I mostly work in Python to do data analysis, but am trying to learn R stats as well. Python, Pandas, etc are installed via Anaconda on my Mac laptop.
Today I downloaded R Studio onto my laptop, and tried running install.packages("tidyverse") to get started in R. I ran into this error:
ERROR: dependencies ‘rvest’, ‘xml2’ are not available for package ‘tidyverse’
Warning in install.packages :
installation of package ‘tidyverse’ had non-zero exit status
After Googling for a while I came across a few instances of this exact or similar issue. However, the solutions are not for Mac, e.g.,
sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev
It turns out Anaconda has already installed libcurl, libxml2 and openssl for me. Is there a way to get Rstudio to ... "look" (?) ... for the compiled libraries it needs where Anaconda has installed them?
If you know where the libraries are (say /my/lib/path) then you could use withr::with_makevars to supplement the library search path. Something like
with_makevars(c(PKG_LIBS="-L/my/lib/path"), install.packages("tidyverse"), assignment="+=")
Personally, I would try to limit this to only the specific packages in tidyverse that are failing, and not the whole umbrella package.
I am trying to develop a system that requires OpenCV and dlib to be installed in anaconda to work with. I tried a lot to install dlib package in latest anaconda (Anaconda3-2019.03-Windows-x86_64) distribution. But it says to downgrade the python version. Again I also found the dlib package does not still support python3.7. See here the available versions:
Than I created a virtual environment having python3.6. But I faced another type of error. It cannot play video file (mp4). But it works fine if the video is taken from webcam. It shows the following error:
gray=cv.cvtColor(frame,cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) error: ..\..\..\modules\imgproc\src\color.cpp:3739: error: (-215) scn == 3 || scn == 4 in function cv::cvtColor
As I found this error occurs when it doesn't find any video file. But in my case there is no reason of not finding a video file. I tried both by using video file name (keeping it in the same folder) and full path as well. It behaves the same.
Than I installed Anaconda3 (5.0.1) which comes with python3.6 which should work fine but I failed to install OpenCV using command:
conda install -c conda-forge OpenCV
It says:
CondaError: Cannot link a source that does not exist. C:\Users\Username\Anaconda3\Scripts\conda.exeRunning `conda clean --packages` may resolve your problem.
It throws the same error even if I try to install OpenCV after cleaning conda packeges.
With which versions of these navigator, python, OpenCV and dlib I can make a stable working environment for my work and how?
Summarizing what I want:
A stable anaconda installation
Can work with dlib and OpenCV libraries
No problem in working with video files. No matter it comes from
webcam or other saved video.
Please help me :(
Well I solved this problem myself. These are what I did:
Removing existing Anaconda distribution "Completely". Follow
instructions from here:
Installing Anaconda3 5.2.0 from here (this version comes with python
3.6.5 that satisfies the requirements):
Installing OpenCV from Anaconda prompt. See here:
Installing dlib (19.7.0) from Anaconda prompt using this command:
pip install https://pypi.python.org/packages/da/06/bd3e241c4eb0a662914b3b4875fc52dd176a9db0d4a2c915ac2ad8800e9e/dlib-19.7.0-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl#md5=b7330a5b2d46420343fbed5df69e6a3f
Here I got some of the steps from the following posts:
For uninstalling Anaconda I found the solution from: How to remove anaconda from windows completely? | Answered by: Jakob
For installing dlib I found the solution from: dlib installation on Windows 10 | Answered by: Marco D.G.
I am thankful to them as well.
Forgive me in case this too easy a question.
I installed Python 3 and Anaconda as I want to start programming Python and want to dive into machine learning.
Unfortunately all this shell based installation thing is absolutely new to me.
I managed to install python 3.6. and Ananconda 3.
Unfortunately now I have several Python instances installed. One with Anaconda under user/anaconda and some under library/Python/
Now I need for a course to install PyML and PyBrain. I tried to it the "normal way". i.e. what is written on the webpage and as so often I get multiple errors during the installation.
I'd like to have it under the Anaconda packages. Is there a way to do that?
If no: how can I get my other Python 3.6. installation to know the location of the Anaconda packages?
edit 12.08.17
The content of $PATH:
/Users/ak/anaconda/bin:/Users/ak/miniconda2/bin:/Users/ak/miniconda3/bin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/bin:/Users/ak/.rbenv/shims:/Library/Frameworks/EPD64.framework/Versions/Current/bin:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin:/Users/ak/Library/Application Support/GoodSync:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/X11/bin:/usr/local/MacGPG2/bin:/Library/TeX/texbin:/Users/ak/.rvm/bin
edit 12.08.17 - 2:
When I try to "conda" this libraries this happens though I started it from the unzipped, downloaded PyML:
AKs-MacBook-Pro:PyML-0.7.14 ak$ conda install -c manmadescience pyml
Fetching package metadata ...........
PackageNotFoundError: Packages missing in current channels:
And when I do this: conda install -c manmadescience pyml (found here https://anaconda.org/manmadescience/pyml)
I get the same result.
I installed theano, keras, pygpu, and libgpuarray via conda install, and I get this error. I'm attempting to run a convolutional network on my GPU. Does anybody know how to fix this problem?
OS: Windows 10
I had exactly the same problem. I had originally installed the latest pygpu 0.6.4. When I installed pygpu 0.6.2 then I still got a lot of error messages, but at least it used the GPU!
Run the following command to downgrade:
conda install theano pygpu=0.6.2
I hope that helps!
When I pip install or conda install "threading" I get an error saying it cannot be found, I am having a similar problem with Queue. Does Anaconda only fetch 64-bit libraries? I am trying to go through Parallel Programming with Python.
How do I install this library correctly?
Is any other information is needed?
Have you tried "import threading" and "import Queue" in your code? They are both standard libs in Python. There should be no need for an install.