Starting point for image recognition? - algorithm

I have a set of 274 color images (each one is 200x150 pixels). Each image is visually distinct. I would like to build an app which accepts an up/down-scaled version of one of the base set of images and determines the closest match.
I'm a senior software engineer but am totally new to image recognition. I'd really appreciate any recommendations as to where to start.

If you're comparing extremely similar images, it's in theory sufficient to calculate the Euclidean distance between the 2 images. The images must be the same size to do so, so it is often necessary to rescale an image to do so (generally the larger image is scaled down). Note that aliasing issues can happen here, so pay some attention to your downsampling algorithm. There's also an issue if your images don't have the same aspect ratio.
However, this is almost never done in practice since it's extremely slow. For N images of size WxH and 3 color channels, it requires N x W x H x 3 comparisons, which quickly gets unworkable (consider that many users can have over 1000 images of size >1000x1000).
Generally we attempt to reduce the image to a smaller array that captures the image information much more briefly, called a visual descriptor. For example taking a 1024x1024x3 image and reducing it to a 128 length vector. This needs only be calculated once for the reference images, and then stored in an appropriate data structure. Then we can compare the descriptor for the query image against the descriptor for the reference images.
The cost of calculating the distance for our dataset of N images for a descriptor of length L is then N x L instead of the original N x W x H x 3
So the issue is to find efficient descriptors that are (a) cheap to compute and (b) capture the image accurately. This is still an active area of research, but I can suggest some:
Histograms are probably the simplest way to do this, although they do very poorly with any illumination change and incorporate only color information, no spatial information. Make sure you normalise your histogram before doing any comparison
Perceptual hashing works well with very similar images or slightly cropped images. See here
GIST descriptors are powerful, but more complex, see here


CNN - Image Resizing VS Padding (keeping aspect ratio or not?)

While people usually tend to simply resize any image into a square while training a CNN (for example, resnet takes a 224x224 square image), that looks ugly to me, especially when the aspect ratio is not around 1.
(In fact, that might change ground truth, for example, the label that an expert might give the distorted image could be different than the original one).
So now I resize the image to, say, 224x160 , keeping the original ratio, and then I pad the image with 0s (by pasting it into a random location in a totally black 224x224 image).
My approach doesn't seem original to me, and yet I cannot find any information whatsoever about my approach versus the "usual" approach.
So, which approach is better? Why? (if the answer is data dependent, please share your thoughts regarding when one is preferable to the other.)
According to Jeremy Howard, padding a big piece of the image (64x160 pixels) will have the following effect: The CNN will have to learn that the black part of the image is not relevant and does not help distinguishing between the classes (in a classification setting), as there is no correlation between the pixels in the black part and belonging to a given class. As you are not hard coding this, the CNN will have to learn it by gradient descent, and this might probably take some epochs. For this reason, you can do it if you have lots of images and computational power, but if you are on a budget on any of them, resizing should work better.
Sorry, this is late but this answer is for anyone facing the same issue.
First, if scaling with changing the aspect ratio will affect some important features, then you have to use zero-padding.
Zero padding doesn't make it take longer for the network to learn because of the large black area itself but because of the different possible locations that the unpadded image could be inside the padded image since you can pad an image in many ways.
For areas with zero pixels, the output of the convolution operation is zero. The same with max or average pooling. Also, you can prove that the weight is not updated after backpropagation if the input associated with that weight is zero under some activation functions (e.g. relu, sigmoid). So the large area doesn't make any updates to the weights in this sense.
However, the relative position of the unpadded image inside the padded image does indeed affect training. This is not due to the convolution nor the pooling layers but the last fully connected layer(s). For example, if the unpadded image is on the left relative inside the padded image and the output of flattening the last convolution or pooling layer was [1, 0, 0] and the output for the same unpadded image but on the right relative inside the padded image was [0, 0, 1] then the fully connected layer(s) must learn that [1, 0, 0] and [0, 0, 1] are the same thing for a classification problem.
Therefore, learning the equivariance of different possible positions of the image is what makes training take more time. If you have 1,000,000 images then after resizing you will have the same number of images; on the other hand, if you pad and want to consider different possible locations (10 randomly for each image) then you will have 10,000,000 images. That is, training will take 10 times longer.
That said, it depends on your problem and what you want to achieve. Also, testing both methods will not hurt.

Mysql Algorithm for Determining Closest Colour Match

I'm attempting to create a true mosaic application. At the moment I have one mosaic image, ie the one the mosaic is based on and about 4000 images from my iPhoto library that act as the image library. I have already done my research and analysed the mosaic image. I've converted it into 64x64 slices each of 8 pixels. I've calculated the average colour for each slice and assertain the r, g, b and brightness (Luminance (perceived option 1) = (0.299*R + 0.587*G + 0.114*B)) value. I have done the same for each of the image library photos.
The mosaic slices table looks like so.
slice_id, slice_image_id, slice_slice_id, slice_image_column, slice_image_row, slice_colour_hex, slice_rgb_red, slice_rgb_blue, slice_rgb_green, slice_rgb_brightness
The image library table looks like so.
upload_id, upload_file, upload_colour_hex, upload_rgb_red, upload_rgb_green, upload_rgb_blue, upload_rgb_brightness
So basically I'm reading the image slices from the slices table into PHP and then pulling out the appropriate images from the library table based on the colour hexs. My trouble is that I've been on this too long and probably had too many energy drinks so am not concentrating properly, I can't figure out the way to pick out the nearest colour neighbor if the appropriate hex code doesn't exist.
Any ideas on the perfect query?
NB: I know pulling out the slices one by one is not ideal however the mosaic is only rebuilt periodically so a sudden burst in the mysql load doesn't really bother me, however if there us a way to pull the images out all at once that would also be a massive bonus.
Update Brightness Comparisons.
With Brightness
Without Brightness
One way to minimize the difference between the colours (in terms of their RGB components) is you would individually minimize the difference in each component. Thus you're looking for the entry with lowest
(targetRed - rowRed)^2 + (targetGreen - rowGreen)^2 + (targetBlue - rowBlue)^2
I think that you may be better off using HSL instead of RGB as color space. Formulas to compute HSL from RGB are available on the internet (and in the linked Wikipedia article), they may give you what you need to compute the best match.

Image comparison - fast algorithm

I'm looking to create a base table of images and then compare any new images against that to determine if the new image is an exact (or close) duplicate of the base.
For example: if you want to reduce storage of the same image 100's of times, you could store one copy of it and provide reference links to it. When a new image is entered you want to compare to an existing image to make sure it's not a duplicate ... ideas?
One idea of mine was to reduce to a small thumbnail and then randomly pick 100 pixel locations and compare.
Below are three approaches to solving this problem (and there are many others).
The first is a standard approach in computer vision, keypoint matching. This may require some background knowledge to implement, and can be slow.
The second method uses only elementary image processing, and is potentially faster than the first approach, and is straightforward to implement. However, what it gains in understandability, it lacks in robustness -- matching fails on scaled, rotated, or discolored images.
The third method is both fast and robust, but is potentially the hardest to implement.
Keypoint Matching
Better than picking 100 random points is picking 100 important points. Certain parts of an image have more information than others (particularly at edges and corners), and these are the ones you'll want to use for smart image matching. Google "keypoint extraction" and "keypoint matching" and you'll find quite a few academic papers on the subject. These days, SIFT keypoints are arguably the most popular, since they can match images under different scales, rotations, and lighting. Some SIFT implementations can be found here.
One downside to keypoint matching is the running time of a naive implementation: O(n^2m), where n is the number of keypoints in each image, and m is the number of images in the database. Some clever algorithms might find the closest match faster, like quadtrees or binary space partitioning.
Alternative solution: Histogram method
Another less robust but potentially faster solution is to build feature histograms for each image, and choose the image with the histogram closest to the input image's histogram. I implemented this as an undergrad, and we used 3 color histograms (red, green, and blue), and two texture histograms, direction and scale. I'll give the details below, but I should note that this only worked well for matching images VERY similar to the database images. Re-scaled, rotated, or discolored images can fail with this method, but small changes like cropping won't break the algorithm
Computing the color histograms is straightforward -- just pick the range for your histogram buckets, and for each range, tally the number of pixels with a color in that range. For example, consider the "green" histogram, and suppose we choose 4 buckets for our histogram: 0-63, 64-127, 128-191, and 192-255. Then for each pixel, we look at the green value, and add a tally to the appropriate bucket. When we're done tallying, we divide each bucket total by the number of pixels in the entire image to get a normalized histogram for the green channel.
For the texture direction histogram, we started by performing edge detection on the image. Each edge point has a normal vector pointing in the direction perpendicular to the edge. We quantized the normal vector's angle into one of 6 buckets between 0 and PI (since edges have 180-degree symmetry, we converted angles between -PI and 0 to be between 0 and PI). After tallying up the number of edge points in each direction, we have an un-normalized histogram representing texture direction, which we normalized by dividing each bucket by the total number of edge points in the image.
To compute the texture scale histogram, for each edge point, we measured the distance to the next-closest edge point with the same direction. For example, if edge point A has a direction of 45 degrees, the algorithm walks in that direction until it finds another edge point with a direction of 45 degrees (or within a reasonable deviation). After computing this distance for each edge point, we dump those values into a histogram and normalize it by dividing by the total number of edge points.
Now you have 5 histograms for each image. To compare two images, you take the absolute value of the difference between each histogram bucket, and then sum these values. For example, to compare images A and B, we would compute
|A.green_histogram.bucket_1 - B.green_histogram.bucket_1|
for each bucket in the green histogram, and repeat for the other histograms, and then sum up all the results. The smaller the result, the better the match. Repeat for all images in the database, and the match with the smallest result wins. You'd probably want to have a threshold, above which the algorithm concludes that no match was found.
Third Choice - Keypoints + Decision Trees
A third approach that is probably much faster than the other two is using semantic texton forests (PDF). This involves extracting simple keypoints and using a collection decision trees to classify the image. This is faster than simple SIFT keypoint matching, because it avoids the costly matching process, and keypoints are much simpler than SIFT, so keypoint extraction is much faster. However, it preserves the SIFT method's invariance to rotation, scale, and lighting, an important feature that the histogram method lacked.
My mistake -- the Semantic Texton Forests paper isn't specifically about image matching, but rather region labeling. The original paper that does matching is this one: Keypoint Recognition using Randomized Trees. Also, the papers below continue to develop the ideas and represent the state of the art (c. 2010):
Fast Keypoint Recognition using Random Ferns - faster and more scalable than Lepetit 06
BRIEF: Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features - less robust but very fast -- I think the goal here is real-time matching on smart phones and other handhelds
The best method I know of is to use a Perceptual Hash. There appears to be a good open source implementation of such a hash available at:
The main idea is that each image is reduced down to a small hash code or 'fingerprint' by identifying salient features in the original image file and hashing a compact representation of those features (rather than hashing the image data directly). This means that the false positives rate is much reduced over a simplistic approach such as reducing images down to a tiny thumbprint sized image and comparing thumbprints.
phash offers several types of hash and can be used for images, audio or video.
This post was the starting point of my solution, lots of good ideas here so I though I would share my results. The main insight is that I've found a way to get around the slowness of keypoint-based image matching by exploiting the speed of phash.
For the general solution, it's best to employ several strategies. Each algorithm is best suited for certain types of image transformations and you can take advantage of that.
At the top, the fastest algorithms; at the bottom the slowest (though more accurate). You might skip the slow ones if a good match is found at the faster level.
file-hash based (md5,sha1,etc) for exact duplicates
perceptual hashing (phash) for rescaled images
feature-based (SIFT) for modified images
I am having very good results with phash. The accuracy is good for rescaled images. It is not good for (perceptually) modified images (cropped, rotated, mirrored, etc). To deal with the hashing speed we must employ a disk cache/database to maintain the hashes for the haystack.
The really nice thing about phash is that once you build your hash database (which for me is about 1000 images/sec), the searches can be very, very fast, in particular when you can hold the entire hash database in memory. This is fairly practical since a hash is only 8 bytes.
For example, if you have 1 million images it would require an array of 1 million 64-bit hash values (8 MB). On some CPUs this fits in the L2/L3 cache! In practical usage I have seen a corei7 compare at over 1 Giga-hamm/sec, it is only a question of memory bandwidth to the CPU. A 1 Billion-image database is practical on a 64-bit CPU (8GB RAM needed) and searches will not exceed 1 second!
For modified/cropped images it would seem a transform-invariant feature/keypoint detector like SIFT is the way to go. SIFT will produce good keypoints that will detect crop/rotate/mirror etc. However the descriptor compare is very slow compared to hamming distance used by phash. This is a major limitation. There are a lot of compares to do, since there are maximum IxJxK descriptor compares to lookup one image (I=num haystack images, J=target keypoints per haystack image, K=target keypoints per needle image).
To get around the speed issue, I tried using phash around each found keypoint, using the feature size/radius to determine the sub-rectangle. The trick to making this work well, is to grow/shrink the radius to generate different sub-rect levels (on the needle image). Typically the first level (unscaled) will match however often it takes a few more. I'm not 100% sure why this works, but I can imagine it enables features that are too small for phash to work (phash scales images down to 32x32).
Another issue is that SIFT will not distribute the keypoints optimally. If there is a section of the image with a lot of edges the keypoints will cluster there and you won't get any in another area. I am using the GridAdaptedFeatureDetector in OpenCV to improve the distribution. Not sure what grid size is best, I am using a small grid (1x3 or 3x1 depending on image orientation).
You probably want to scale all the haystack images (and needle) to a smaller size prior to feature detection (I use 210px along maximum dimension). This will reduce noise in the image (always a problem for computer vision algorithms), also will focus detector on more prominent features.
For images of people, you might try face detection and use it to determine the image size to scale to and the grid size (for example largest face scaled to be 100px). The feature detector accounts for multiple scale levels (using pyramids) but there is a limitation to how many levels it will use (this is tunable of course).
The keypoint detector is probably working best when it returns less than the number of features you wanted. For example, if you ask for 400 and get 300 back, that's good. If you get 400 back every time, probably some good features had to be left out.
The needle image can have less keypoints than the haystack images and still get good results. Adding more doesn't necessarily get you huge gains, for example with J=400 and K=40 my hit rate is about 92%. With J=400 and K=400 the hit rate only goes up to 96%.
We can take advantage of the extreme speed of the hamming function to solve scaling, rotation, mirroring etc. A multiple-pass technique can be used. On each iteration, transform the sub-rectangles, re-hash, and run the search function again.
My company has about 24million images come in from manufacturers every month. I was looking for a fast solution to ensure that the images we upload to our catalog are new images.
I want to say that I have searched the internet far and wide to attempt to find an ideal solution. I even developed my own edge detection algorithm.
I have evaluated speed and accuracy of multiple models.
My images, which have white backgrounds, work extremely well with phashing. Like redcalx said, I recommend phash or ahash. DO NOT use MD5 Hashing or anyother cryptographic hashes. Unless, you want only EXACT image matches. Any resizing or manipulation that occurs between images will yield a different hash.
For phash/ahash, Check this out: imagehash
I wanted to extend *redcalx'*s post by posting my code and my accuracy.
What I do:
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageFilter
import imagehash"C:\yourlocation")"C:\yourlocation")
if img1.width<img2.width:
Here are some of my results:
item1 item2 totalsimilarity
desk1 desk1 3
desk1 phone1 22
chair1 desk1 17
phone1 chair1 34
Hope this helps!
As cartman pointed out, you can use any kind of hash value for finding exact duplicates.
One starting point for finding close images could be here. This is a tool used by CG companies to check if revamped images are still showing essentially the same scene.
I have an idea, which can work and it most likely to be very fast.
You can sub-sample an image to say 80x60 resolution or comparable,
and convert it to grey scale (after subsampling it will be faster).
Process both images you want to compare.
Then run normalised sum of squared differences between two images (the query image and each from the db),
or even better Normalised Cross Correlation, which gives response closer to 1, if
both images are similar.
Then if images are similar you can proceed to more sophisticated techniques
to verify that it is the same images.
Obviously this algorithm is linear in terms of number of images in your database
so even though it is going to be very fast up to 10000 images per second on the modern hardware.
If you need invariance to rotation, then a dominant gradient can be computed
for this small image, and then the whole coordinate system can be rotated to canonical
orientation, this though, will be slower. And no, there is no invariance to scale here.
If you want something more general or using big databases (million of images), then
you need to look into image retrieval theory (loads of papers appeared in the last 5 years).
There are some pointers in other answers. But It might be overkill, and the suggest histogram approach will do the job. Though I would think combination of many different
fast approaches will be even better.
I believe that dropping the size of the image down to an almost icon size, say 48x48, then converting to greyscale, then taking the difference between pixels, or Delta, should work well. Because we're comparing the change in pixel color, rather than the actual pixel color, it won't matter if the image is slightly lighter or darker. Large changes will matter since pixels getting too light/dark will be lost. You can apply this across one row, or as many as you like to increase the accuracy. At most you'd have 47x47=2,209 subtractions to make in order to form a comparable Key.
Picking 100 random points could mean that similar (or occasionally even dissimilar) images would be marked as the same, which I assume is not what you want. MD5 hashes wouldn't work if the images were different formats (png, jpeg, etc), had different sizes, or had different metadata. Reducing all images to a smaller size is a good bet, doing a pixel-for- pixel comparison shouldn't take too long as long as you're using a good image library / fast language, and the size is small enough.
You could try making them tiny, then if they are the same perform another comparison on a larger size - could be a good combination of speed and accuracy...
What we loosely refer to as duplicates can be difficult for algorithms to discern.
Your duplicates can be either:
Exact Duplicates
Near-exact Duplicates. (minor edits of image etc)
perceptual Duplicates (same content, but different view, camera etc)
No1 & 2 are easier to solve. No 3. is very subjective and still a research topic.
I can offer a solution for No1 & 2.
Both solutions use the excellent image hash- hashing library:
Exact duplicates
Exact duplicates can be found using a perceptual hashing measure.
The phash library is quite good at this. I routinely use it to clean
training data.
Usage (from github site) is as simple as:
from PIL import Image
import imagehash
# image_fns : List of training image files
img_hashes = {}
for img_fn in sorted(image_fns):
hash = imagehash.average_hash(
if hash in img_hashes:
print( '{} duplicate of {}'.format(image_fn, img_hashes[hash]) )
img_hashes[hash] = image_fn
Near-Exact Duplicates
In this case you will have to set a threshold and compare the hash values for their distance from each
other. This has to be done by trial-and-error for your image content.
from PIL import Image
import imagehash
# image_fns : List of training image files
img_hashes = {}
epsilon = 50
for img_fn1, img_fn2 in zip(image_fns, image_fns[::-1]):
if image_fn1 == image_fn2:
hash1 = imagehash.average_hash(
hash2 = imagehash.average_hash(
if hash1 - hash2 < epsilon:
print( '{} is near duplicate of {}'.format(image_fn1, image_fn2) )
If you have a large number of images, look into a Bloom filter, which uses multiple hashes for a probablistic but efficient result. If the number of images is not huge, then a cryptographic hash like md5 should be sufficient.
I think it's worth adding to this a phash solution I built that we've been using for a while now: Image::PHash. It is a Perl module, but the main parts are in C. It is several times faster than and has a few extra features for DCT-based phashes.
We had dozens of millions of images already indexed on a MySQL database, so I wanted something fast and also a way to use MySQL indices (which don't work with hamming distance), which led me to use "reduced" hashes for direct matches, the module doc discusses this.
It's quite simple to use:
use Image::PHash;
my $iph1 = Image::PHash->new('file1.jpg');
my $p1 = $iph1->pHash();
my $iph2 = Image::PHash->new('file2.jpg');
my $p2 = $iph2->pHash();
my $diff = Image::PHash::diff($p1, $p2);
I made a very simple solution in PHP for comparing images several years ago. It calculates a simple hash for each image, and then finds the difference. It works very nice for cropped or cropped with translation versions of the same image.
First I resize the image to a small size, like 24x24 or 36x36. Then I take each column of pixels and find average R,G,B values for this column.
After each column has its own three numbers, I do two passes: first on odd columns and second on even ones. The first pass sums all the processed cols and then divides by their number ( [1] + [2] + [5] + [N-1] / (N/2) ). The second pass works in another manner: ( [3] - [4] + [6] - [8] ... / (N/2) ).
So now I have two numbers. As I found out experimenting, the first one is a major one: if it's far from the values of another image, they are not similar from the human point of view at all.
So, the first one represents the average brightness of the image (again, you can pay most attention to green channel, then the red one, etc, but the default R->G->B order works just fine). The second number can be compared if the first two are very close, and it in fact represents the overall contrast of the image: if we have some black/white pattern or any contrast scene (lighted buildings in the city at night, for example) and if we are lucky, we will get huge numbers here if out positive members of sum are mostly bright, and negative ones are mostly dark, or vice versa. As I want my values to be always positive, I divide by 2 and shift by 127 here.
I wrote the code in PHP in 2017, and seems I lost the code. But I still have the screenshots:
The same image:
Black & White version:
Cropped version:
Another image, ranslated version:
Same color gamut as 4th, but another scene:
I tuned the difference thresholds so that the results are really nice. But as you can see, this simple algorithm cannot do anything good with simple scene translations.
On a side note I can notice that a modification can be written to make cropped copies from each of two images at 75-80 percent, 4 at the corners or 8 at the corners and middles of the edges, and then by comparing the cropped variants with another whole image just the same way; and if one of them gets a significantly better similarity score, then use its value instead of the default one).

Image fingerprint to compare similarity of many images

I need to create fingerprints of many images (about 100.000 existing, 1000 new per day, RGB, JPEG, max size 800x800) to compare every image to every other image very fast. I can't use binary compare methods because also images which are nearly similar should be recognized.
Best would be an existing library, but also some hints to existing algorithms would help me a lot.
Normal hashing or CRC calculation algorithms do not work well with image data. The dimensional nature of the information must be taken into account.
If you need extremely robust fingerprinting, such that affine transformations (scaling, rotation, translation, flipping) are accounted for, you can use a Radon transformation on the image source to produce a normative mapping of the image data - store this with each image and then compare just the fingerprints. This is a complex algorithm and not for the faint of heart.
a few simple solutions are possible:
Create a luminosity histogram for the image as a fingerprint
Create scaled down versions of each image as a fingerprint
Combine technique (1) and (2) into a hybrid approach for improved comparison quality
A luminosity histogram (especially one that is separated into RGB components) is a reasonable fingerprint for an image - and can be implemented quite efficiently. Subtracting one histogram from another will produce a new historgram which you can process to decide how similar two images are. Histograms, because the only evaluate the distribution and occurrence of luminosity/color information handle affine transformations quite well. If you quantize each color component's luminosity information down to an 8-bit value, 768 bytes of storage are sufficient for the fingerprint of an image of almost any reasonable size. Luminosity histograms produce false negatives when the color information in an image is manipulated. If you apply transformations like contrast/brightness, posterize, color shifting, luminosity information changes. False positives are also possible with certain types of images ... such as landscapes and images where a single color dominates others.
Using scaled images is another way to reduce the information density of the image to a level that is easier to compare. Reductions below 10% of the original image size generally lose too much of the information to be of use - so an 800x800 pixel image can be scaled down to 80x80 and still provide enough information to perform decent fingerprinting. Unlike histogram data, you have to perform anisotropic scaling of the image data when the source resolutions have varying aspect ratios. In other words, reducing a 300x800 image into an 80x80 thumbnail causes deformation of the image, such that when compared with a 300x500 image (that's very similar) will cause false negatives. Thumbnail fingerprints also often produce false negatives when affine transformations are involved. If you flip or rotate an image, its thumbnail will be quite different from the original and may result in a false positive.
Combining both techniques is a reasonable way to hedge your bets and reduce the occurence of both false positives and false negatives.
There is a much less ad-hoc approach than the scaled down image variants that have been proposed here that retains their general flavor, but which gives a much more rigorous mathematical basis for what is going on.
Take a Haar wavelet of the image. Basically the Haar wavelet is the succession of differences from the lower resolution images to each higher resolution image, but weighted by how deep you are in the 'tree' of mipmaps. The calculation is straightforward. Then once you have the Haar wavelet appropriately weighted, throw away all but the k largest coefficients (in terms of absolute value), normalize the vector and save it.
If you take the dot product of two of those normalized vectors it gives you a measure of similarity with 1 being nearly identical. I posted more information over here.
You should definitely take a look at phash.
For image comparison there is this php project :
And my little javascript clone:
Unfortunately this is "bitcount"-based but will recognize rotated images.
Another approach in javascript was to build a luminosity histogram from the image by the help of canvas. You can visualize a polygon histogram on the canvas and compare that polygon in your database (e.g. mySQL spatial ...)
A long time ago I worked on a system that had some similar characteristics, and this is an approximation of the algorithm we followed:
Divide the picture into zones. In our case we were dealing with 4:3 resolution video, so we used 12 zones. Doing this takes the resolution of the source images out of the picture.
For each zone, calculate an overall color - the average of all pixels in the zone
For the entire image, calculate an overall color - the average of all zones
So for each image, you're storing n + 1 integer values, where n is the number of zones you're tracking.
For comparisons, you also need to look at each color channel individually.
For the overall image, compare the color channels for the overall colors to see if they are within a certain threshold - say, 10%
If the images are within the threshold, next compare each zone. If all zones also are within the threshold, the images are a strong enough match that you can at least flag them for further comparison.
This lets you quickly discard images that are not matches; you can also use more zones and/or apply the algorithm recursively to get stronger match confidence.
Similar to Ic's answer - you might try comparing the images at multiple resolutions. So each image get saved as 1x1, 2x2, 4x4 .. 800x800. If the lowest resolution doesn't match (subject to a threshold), you can immediately reject it. If it does match, you can compare them at the next higher resolution, and so on..
Also - if the images share any similar structure, such as medical images, you might be able to extract that structure into a description that is easier/faster to compare.
As of 2015 (back to the future... on this 2009 question which is now high-ranked in Google) image similarity can be computed using Deep Learning techniques. The family of algorithms known as Auto Encoders can create a vector representation which is searchable for similarity. There is a demo here.
One way you can do this is to resize the image and drop the resolution significantly (to 200x200 maybe?), storing a smaller (pixel-averaged) version for doing the comparison. Then define a tolerance threshold and compare each pixel. If the RGB of all pixels are within the tolerance, you've got a match.
Your initial run through is O(n^2) but if you catalog all matches, each new image is just an O(n) algorithm to compare (you only have to compare it to each previously inserted image). It will eventually break down however as the list of images to compare becomes larger, but I think you're safe for a while.
After 400 days of running, you'll have 500,000 images, which means (discounting the time to resize the image down) 200(H)*200(W)*500,000(images)*3(RGB) = 60,000,000,000 comparisons. If every image is an exact match, you're going to be falling behind, but that's probably not going to be the case, right? Remember, you can discount an image as a match as soon as a single comparison falls outside your threshold.
Do you literally want to compare every image against the others? What is the application? Maybe you just need some kind of indexing and retrieval of images based on certain descriptors? Then for example you can look at MPEG-7 standard for Multimedia Content Description Interface. Then you could compare the different image descriptors, which will be not that accurate but much faster.
So you want to do "fingerprint matching" that's pretty different than "image matching". Fingerprints' analysis has been deeply studied during the past 20 years, and several interesting algorithms have been developed to ensure the right detection rate (with respect to FAR and FRR measures - False Acceptance Rate and False Rejection Rate).
I suggest you to better look to LFA (Local Feature Analysis) class of detection techniques, mostly built on minutiae inspection. Minutiae are specific characteristics of any fingerprint, and have been classified in several classes. Mapping a raster image to a minutiae map is what actually most of Public Authorities do to file criminals or terrorists.
See here for further references
For iPhone image comparison and image similarity development check out:
To see it in action, check out eyeBuy Visual Search on the iTunes AppStore.
It seems that specialised image hashing algorithms are an area of active research but perhaps a normal hash calculation of the image bytes would do the trick.
Are you seeking byte-identical images rather than looking for images that are derived from the same source but may be a different format or resolution (which strikes me as a rather hard problem).

How do I efficiently segment 2D images into regions/blobs of similar values?

How do I segment a 2D image into blobs of similar values efficiently? The given input is a n array of integer, which includes hue for non-gray pixels and brightness of gray pixels.
I am writing a virtual mobile robot using Java, and I am using segmentation to analyze the map and also the image from the camera. This is a well-known problem in Computer Vision, but when it's on a robot performance does matter so I wanted some inputs. Algorithm is what matters, so you can post code in any language.
Wikipedia article: Segmentation (image processing)
[PPT] Stanford CS-223-B Lecture 11 Segmentation and Grouping (which says Mean Shift is perhaps the best technique to date)
Mean Shift Pictures (paper is also available from Dorin Comaniciu)
I would downsample,in colourspace and in number of pixels, use a vision method(probably meanshift) and upscale the result.
This is good because downsampling also increases the robustness to noise, and makes it more likely that you get meaningful segments.
You could use floodfill to smooth edges afterwards if you need smoothness.
Some more thoughts (in response to your comment).
1) Did you blend as you downsampled? y[i]=(x[2i]+x[2i+1])/2 This should eliminate noise.
2)How fast do you want it to be?
3)Have you tried dynamic meanshift?(also google for dynamic x for all algorithms x)
Not sure if it is too efficient, but you could try using a Kohonen neural network (or, self-organizing map; SOM) to group the similar values, where each pixel contains the original color and position and only the color is used for the Kohohen grouping.
You should read up before you implement this though, as my knowledge of the Kohonen network goes as far as that it is used for grouping data - so I don't know what the performance/viability options are for your scenario.
There are also Hopfield Networks. They can be mangled into grouping from what I read.
What I have now:
Make a buffer of the same size as the input image, initialized to UNSEGMENTED.
For each pixel in the image where the corresponding buffer value is not UNSEGMENTED, flood the buffer using the pixel value.
a. The border checking of the flooding is done by checking if pixel is within EPSILON (currently set to 10) of the originating pixel's value.
b. Flood filling algorithm.
Possible issue:
The 2.a.'s border checking is called many times in the flood filling algorithm. I could turn it into a lookup if I could precalculate the border using edge detection, but that may add more time than current check.
private boolean isValuesCloseEnough(int a_lhs, int a_rhs) {
return Math.abs(a_lhs - a_rhs) <= EPSILON;
Possible Enhancement:
Instead of checking every single pixel for UNSEGMENTED, I could randomly pick a few points. If you are expecting around 10 blobs, picking random points in that order may suffice. Drawback is that you might miss a useful but small blob.
Check out Eyepatch ( It should help you during the investigation phase by providing a variety of possible filters for segmentation.
An alternative to flood-fill is the connnected-components algorithm. So,
Cheaply classify your pixels. e.g. divide pixels in colour space.
Run the cc to find the blobs
Retain the blobs of significant size
This approach is widely used in early vision approaches. For example in the seminal paper "Blobworld: A System for Region-Based Image Indexing and Retrieval".
