Spring Integration TcpInboundGateway Read exception resulting in SocketException:Connection reset - spring

I am using spring boot as per examples for TcpInboundGateway,so different devices send data to this Gateways,things works fine but in between in logs it showing following exception:
2015-12-29 18:42:19.455 ERROR 3465 --- [ool-3-thread-47] o.s.i.i.tcp.connection.TcpNetConnection : Read exception SocketException:Connection reset
If this exception is resetting connection then how to avoid this reset?What is the cause of this error?
My code as follows
public class SpringIntegrationApplication extends SpringBootServletInitializer{
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
ConfigurableApplicationContext ctx = SpringApplication.run(SpringIntegrationApplication.class, args);
protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) {
return application.sources(SpringIntegrationApplication.class);
private static Class<SpringIntegrationApplication> applicationClass = SpringIntegrationApplication.class;
TcpNetServerConnectionFactory cf(){
TcpNetServerConnectionFactory connectionFactory=new TcpNetServerConnectionFactory(8765);
return connectionFactory;
TcpInboundGateway tcpGate(){
TcpInboundGateway gateway=new TcpInboundGateway();
return gateway;
public MessageChannel requestChannel(){
return new DirectChannel();
public class Echo {
public byte[] echo(byte[] in,#SuppressWarnings("deprecation") #Header("ip_address") String ip){
byte[] rawbytes = gosDataSerivce.byteArrayToHex(in,ip);//Process bytes and returns result
return rawbytes;
After setting singleUse to true now exception message is changed slightly.
2015-12-31 06:09:00.481 ERROR 16450 --- [ool-3-thread-10] o.s.i.i.tcp.connection.TcpNetConnection : Read exception SocketException:Connection reset
Use Case:
I have several clients that established GPRS connection to TcpInboundGateWay and sends login packet,our server will reply to this login packet.If client receives server reply to login packet then it will send data packets at regular interval. Server needs to reply to these packet also if server fails to send reply to those data packets then client GPRS connection is terminated and client will try to establish connections again.Let me know if this use case can be handle with TcpInboundGateWay
Network Trace Analysis
General flow of communication between client and server is as follows:Client sends login packet from ip say so at server connection named is created, that client sends subsequent packets from that ip only.So everything works fine,but after some time same client sends its login packet from another ip say subsequent packets from new ip.But in logs following error comes that for previous connection exception occurred.
2016-01-05 05:16:14.871 ERROR 6819 --- [pool-3-thread-5] o.s.i.i.tcp.connection.TcpNetConnection : Read exception SocketException:Connection reset
I have set singleUse true and I am using spring integration 4.2.1

This message is emitted when the client closes the socket - if your client only sends one message then closes the socket, you can set singleUse to true and it will suppress this message (as long as the socket is closed normally - between messages).
With Spring Integration version 4.2 and later, the message is not emitted on a normal close, even if singleUse is false.


How do I throttle the amount of data sent to Stomp queue (handling websockets) so that I can guarantee that I don't overflow the buffer?

I have two Java processes and I am connecting them using a websocket in spring boot. One process acts as the client and connects like this:
List<Transport> transports = new ArrayList<Transport>(1);
transports.add(new WebSocketTransport(new StandardWebSocketClient()));
WebSocketClient client = new SockJsClient(transports);
WebSocketStompClient stompClient = new WebSocketStompClient(client);
stompClient.setMessageConverter(new MappingJackson2MessageConverter());
StompSessionHandler firstSessionHandler = new MyStompSessionHandler("Philip");
stompClient.connect("ws://localhost:8080/chat", firstSessionHandler);
The session handler extends StompSessionHandlerAdapter and provides these methods (I am subscribing by username so each client can receive its own messages):
public void afterConnected(
StompSession session, StompHeaders connectedHeaders) {
session.subscribe("/user/" + userName + "/reply", this);
session.send("/app/chat", getSampleMessage());
public void handleFrame(StompHeaders headers, Object payload) {
Message msg = (Message) payload;
// etc.....
On the server side I have a Controller exposed and I am writing data by calling the endpoint from a worker thread.
private SimpMessagingTemplate template;
public void send(
Message message)
throws Exception {
In the websocket config I am overriding the method to set the limits:
public class WebSocketConfig extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {
config.enableSimpleBroker("/topic", "/user");
public void configureWebSocketTransport(WebSocketTransportRegistration registration) {
registration.setMessageSizeLimit(500 * 1024);
registration.setSendBufferSizeLimit(1024 * 1024);
My question is this, if the load on the server gets high enough and I overrun the limit, the websocket fails catastrophically, and I want to avoid this. What I would like to do is for the controller to have the ability to ask the message broker "will this message fit in the buffer?", so that I can throttle to stay under the limit. I searched the API documentation but I don't see any way of doing that. Are there any other obvious solutions that I am missing?
Actually I found a solution, so if anyone is interested, here it is.
On the server side configuration of the websockets I installed an Interceptor on the Outbound Channel (this is part of the API), which is called after each send from the embedded broker.
So I know how much is coming in, which I keep track of in my Controller class and I know how much is going out through the Interceptor that I installed, and this allows me to always stay under the limit.
The controller, before accepting any new messages to be queued up for the broker first determines if enough room is available and if not queues up the message in external storage until such time as room becomes available.

Spring Websocket connection getting closed automatically with reason Invalid reserved bit

My spring websocket code runs in Liberty server. The code works fine in local. When I move to my server, when I try from 'Simple Websocket Client', I get an error like
WebSocket connection to 'wss://url' failed: One or more reserved bits
are on: reserved1 = 0, reserved2 = 1, reserved3 = 1
On the server side logs, I can see that afterConnectionEstablished method gets triggered, and immediately afterConnectionClosed gets triggered and when I print close status, it gives me
Code 1002 Reason:: Invalid reserved bit.
Am not clear on what this means and what are reasons this could come from.
public class NotificationHandler extends TextWebSocketHandler {
Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(NotificationHandler.class);
public void afterConnectionEstablished(WebSocketSession session)
throws IOException {
logger.info("In NotificationHandler, afterConnectionEstablished.. ");
session.sendMessage(new TextMessage("Hello !"));
public void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session, TextMessage message) throws IOException {
logger.info("In NotificationHandler, handleTextMessage.. ");
session.sendMessage(new TextMessage("Hello Text Message!"));
public void afterConnectionClosed(WebSocketSession session, CloseStatus status) {
logger.info("In NotificationHandler, afterConnectionClosed, Code:: "+ status.getCode() + ".. Reason:: " + status.getReason());
Please let me know if you need more details.
Given the exact wording, that is not a reason code coming from the Liberty Websocket code, so I am guessing it is coming from the Spring code. If you are running on Liberty I would think you would want the system configured to use the Liberty Websocket code and not another provider.

Spring Integration + SpringBoot JUnit tries to connect to DB unexpectedly

Please refer to system diagram attached.
system diagram here
ISSUE: When I try to post message to input channel, the code tries to connect to the DB and throws an exception that it is unable to connect.
Code inside 5 -> Read from a channel, apply Business Logic (empty for now) and send the response to another channel.
public IntegrationFlow sendToBusinessLogictoNotifyExternalSystem() {
return IntegrationFlows
.handle("Business Logic Class name") // Business Logic empty for now
I have written the JUnit for 5 as given below,
PublishSubscribeChannel CommonChannelName;
MessageChannel QueuetoAnotherSystem;
public void sendToBusinessLogictoNotifyExternalSystem() {
Message<?> message = (Message<?>) MessageBuilder.withPayload("World")
.setHeader(MessageHeaders.REPLY_CHANNEL, QueuetoAnotherSystem).build();
this.CommonChannelName.send((org.springframework.messaging.Message<?>) message);
Message<?> receive = QueuetoAnotherSystem.receive(5000);
assertEquals("World", receive.getPayload());
ISSUE: As you can see from the system diagram, my code also has a DB connection on a different flow.
When I try to post message to producer channel, the code tries to connect to the DB and throws an exception that it is unable to connect.
I do not want this to happen, because the JUnit should never be related to the DB, and should run anywhere, anytime.
How do I fix this exception?
NOTE: Not sure if it matters, the application is a Spring Boot application. I have used Spring Integration inside the code to read and write from/to queues.
Since the common channel is a publish/subscribe channel, the message goes to both flows.
If this is a follow-up to this question/answer, you can prevent the DB flow from being invoked by calling stop() on the sendToDb flow (as long as you set ignoreFailures to true on the pub/sub channel, like I suggested there.
((Lifecycle) sendToDb).stop();
PublishSubscribeChannel CommonChannelName;
MessageChannel QueuetoAnotherSystem;
SendResponsetoDBConfig sendResponsetoDBConfig;
public void sendToBusinessLogictoNotifyExternalSystem() {
Lifecycle flowToDB = ((Lifecycle) sendResponsetoDBConfig.sendToDb());
Message<?> message = (Message<?>) MessageBuilder.withPayload("World")
.setHeader(MessageHeaders.REPLY_CHANNEL, QueuetoAnotherSystem).build();
this.CommonChannelName.send((org.springframework.messaging.Message<?>) message);
Message<?> receive = QueuetoAnotherSystem.receive(5000);
assertEquals("World", receive.getPayload());
CODE FOR 4: The flow that handles message to DB
public class SendResponsetoDBConfig {
public IntegrationFlow sendToDb() {
System.out.println("******************* Inside SendResponsetoDBConfig.sendToDb ***********");
return IntegrationFlows
.from("Common Channel Name")
.handle("DAO Impl to store into DB")
NOTE: ******************* Inside SendResponsetoDBConfig.sendToDb *********** never gets printed.

JMS ActiveMQ createBrowser always returns empty queue

ActiveMQ 5.10.0
Spring 4.1.2
I'm using Spring to access activeMQ and trying to peek at the queue before adding a new message onto the queue. The message is added successfully, but it does not show anything in the queue. Through the web interface, I see my messages are pending in the queue.
public class MessageQueueService{
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageQueueService.class);
JmsTemplate jmsTemplate;
#SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public void testAddJob(){
jmsTemplate.send(new MessageCreator() {
public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException {
IndexJob j1=new IndexJob();
ObjectMessage om=session.createObjectMessage();
QueueBrowser qb=session.createBrowser((javax.jms.Queue) jmsTemplate.getDefaultDestination());
Enumeration<Message> messages=qb.getEnumeration();
logger.info("browsing "+qb.getQueue().getQueueName());
int i=0;
while(messages.hasMoreElements()) {
Message message=messages.nextElement();
logger.info("total record:"+i);
return om;
2014-12-07 00:03:43.874 [main] INFO c.b.b.s.MessageQueueService - browsing indexJob
2014-12-07 00:03:43.878 [main] INFO c.b.b.s.MessageQueueService - total record:0
UPDATE: execute has a not yet well-documented parameter boolean startConnection. When it is set to "true", it seem to work. This is not a solution though -
String result=jms.execute(new SessionCallback<String>() {
public String doInJms(Session session) throws JMSException {
QueueBrowser queue=session.createBrowser((Queue)session.createQueue("indexJob"));
Enumeration<Message> messages=queue.getEnumeration();
String result="";
logger.info("Browse Queue: "+queue.getQueue().getQueueName());
while(messages.hasMoreElements()) {
Message message=messages.nextElement();
return result;
}, true);
Looking at org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate.class source, most of the send methods are using execute() method with startConnection=false.
If the connection was not started, then how did the messages get added to the queue?
Does anyone know what this #param startConnection whether to start the Connection means?
This can be a somewhat confusing bit of JMS. The Connection start only refers to consumption of messages from the connection, not to producing. You are free to produce messages whenever you like, started or not, but if you want to consume or browse a destination you need to start the connection otherwise you will not get any messages dispatched to your consumers.
This purpose behind this is to allow you to create all your JMS resources prior to receiving any messages which might otherwise catch you in an state where you app isn't quite ready for them.
So in short, if you want to browse that message, you need to ensure the connection gets started.

Check auth while sending a message to a specific user by using STOMP and WebSocket in Spring

I'm developing a realtime notification system in Spring 4 by using a build-in Message Broker, and STOMP over WebSocket.
I would like to be able to send messages to a specific user, according with his username.
In order to achieve this goal, I'm using the convertAndSendToUser method of org.springframework.messaging.simp.SimpMessagingTemplate class, as follows:
private final MessagingTemplate messagingTemplate;
public LRTStatusListener(SimpMessagingTemplate messagingTemplate) {
this.messagingTemplate = messagingTemplate;
public void sendMessages(Principal principal)
.convertAndSendToUser(principal.getName(), "/horray", "Horray, " + principal.getName() + "!");
As configuration:
public class WebSocketConfig extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry registry) {
registry.enableSimpleBroker("/topic", "/queue", "/user");
Client-side (via JavaScript), I should subscribe to a channel by specifing the username (according with another very similar question: Sending message to specific user on Spring Websocket).
stompClient.subscribe('/user/' + username + '/horray, ...)
This last point sounds weird...
Supposing that I'm logged as w.white on my webapp, by subscribing:
stompClient.subscribe('/user/w.white/horray, ...)
... I will be able to see messages sent to w.white, and this is awesome... But subscribing:
stompClient.subscribe('/user/j.pinkman/horray, ...)
... I will be able to see also messages sent to j.pinkman, despide that I'm currently logged as w.white.
It is a way to overcome this problem?
Below there is the log about the connection over WebSocket:
Opening Web Socket...
Web Socket Opened...
connected to server undefined
Connected: CONNECTED
I found the solution.
First of all, it is important to know that the /user channel is already managed by Spring STOMP, and by the way, no registration is required.
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry registry) {
registry.enableSimpleBroker("/topic", "/queue");
Then, I setup the destination channel as /queue/horray:
public void sendMessages(Principal principal)
.convertAndSendToUser(principal.getName(), "/queue/horray", "Horray, " + principal.getName() + "!");
At last, on client:
stompClient.subscribe('/user/queue/horray', '...');
Now, it works fine! Messages are sent only to the specified recipient, according to the Principal fetched by the security context.
Since users on my application are not authenticated I just used the session Id to differenciate the various topics
on the server:
template.convertAndSend("/topic/warnings/" + sessionId, ...)
And the client is pretty straightforward
stompClient.subscribe('/topic/warnings/${pageContext.session.id}', ...
Maybe not the cleanest way but it works, and without authentication I couldn't make use of /user channel
