Found a issue related to Laravel routing - laravel

I have issue related to Laravel routing. For example if my site is and i have link on my home page Instagram.
Then it does not take me to the Instagram link instead of opening this link it opens the wwww.servername/laravel/public/ instead. How can I open a new link?

Your link is being generated using blade functionality. However based on the discussion in the comments above, the link does not sit within a blade file, and thus the blade functionality, specifically in this case url, is not being called.
Please ensure the following:
Blade functions sit within a .blade.php file
url is called within the blade markers {{ and }}

Homepage - This will take u to homepage
This post - This will take u to your link in this case this post
Best Regards


How to redirect to a blade dashboard page from Vue login Component page after successfully login in laravel JetStream?

I created a laravel 8 project using jetstream authentication. As stack I have used inertia+vue. After successful login, I need to redirect to a blade file. But the problem is when I redirect to the blade file, the blade file opens as a modal like the image attached below. And the URL doesn't change (I mean the browser doesn't get refreshed). I would be grateful if you can suggest me the solution. Thanks in advance.
I eventually found this that allowed me to redirect to a page directly from a controller without it appearing in a modal—
return Inertia::location($url);

Passing more than one parameters in route messes up my view

I am a beginner to laravel. When I pass more than one parameter through the route my view gets messed up. For example when my route is {{URL/product}}. It is ok, but when try it the other way i.e {{URL/product/anything}}, the view is messed up.
[This is the correct view][1]
These are my routes :
Route::get('/addproduct' , 'AdminController#add_product')->name('add_product');1
(not working)
Route::get('/add/product' , 'AdminController#add_product')->name('add_product');This one is not working
I haven't changed anything but my web.php file.
This is probably because of how you are linking to your assets. You are most likely using relative URLs. Try using one of the URL helpers to generate absolute URLs for you.
href="{{ asset('css/somefile.css') }}"
Laravel 7.x Docs - Helpers - URLs asset

Links in Laravel

I'm am just starting out in Laravel, been using codeIgniter for years. Very quick question as the Laravel documentation does not seem to address this. Do all links in your blade file have to have defined route in the routes files. In codeigniter it was generally /controller/function in your links but it seems to me in Laravel all links have to be defined in routes file...
No, they do not have to be defined.
There's nothing prohibiting you from using <a href='/whatever/you/want'> -- That said, it's generally better to use defined routes and reference them by name, that way, if you ever change the actual structures, the route('name'); will automatically resolve to the new structure.
You can use
{{ url('/what/you/want') }}
Look at too
You must define all your routes in Laravel.

Laravel 5 public folder asset management

I have a file stored in public/files/sample.pdf. When I want to download the file using Download. It says not found. What will be the correct path. Thank you.
You can always use
It will be easier
You should apply url function instead of paste the directory directly.
If you're really looking for a download response when clicking the link, you should have the URL link to a controller method.
<a href="{{ url('route/to/method') }}">
Now in the controller method
return response()->download(public_path('files/sample.pdf'));
Laravel responses

Codeigniter redirection

Hi I created a codeigniter project but when I click on a link to one of my functions, example add user, I get redirected to the main page of my local host XAMPP installation instead of being taken to the correct application url. What can be the problem? Thanks
Have you set the base URL in the CI configuration? file projectname/application/config/config.php? This might be the problem... I guess your project isn't on the webroot, but your base URL is missing the /projectname/ part.
$config['base_url'] = '';
How do you create the link (can you show us the code)? If you are not using the URLHelper take a look at urlHelper.
I am just guessing, but maybe you are missing the Controller name (you have to load the UrlHelper), e.g.:
Link to the controllers method
or (see Jordan Arsenault's comment below on the usage of the site_url call for better performance):
<?= anchor('/name_of_the_controller/method_to_invoke', 'Link to the controllers method'); ?>
I hope this helps.
