Safe navigation operator (&.) for nil - ruby

As Ruby 2.3 introduces the Safe navigation operator(&.), a.k.a lonely operator, the behavior on nil object seems odd.
nil.nil? # => true
nil&.nil? # => nil
Is that designed to behave like this way? Or some edge case that slipped away when adding the lonely operator?

foo&.bar is shorthand for foo &&, so what would you expect the result of the expression nil && nil.nil? to be?

This is because nil&.nil? is shorthand for nil && nil.nil?. This would evaluate to nil && true, which is then nil.
(nil && x).nil? always evaluates to true, for any value of x.
While the syntax has power, this specific case has some potential to become a 'gotcha' for a developer:
(stuff&.things).nil? => This produces true if stuff doesn't exist, or stuff.things returns nil.
vs. the below case:
stuff&.things&.nil? => This produces nil in every case except the case where stuff.things returns something other than nil, in which case it would return false.
Because of the difficulty in normal boolean logic of differentiating between false and nil, it is unlikely that this would make sense in normal logic.

safe navigation operator: tells Ruby to only call the next method if the receiver isn’t nil. Otherwise, the expression returns nil.
class Roster
attr_accessor :players
class Player
attr_accessor :name, :position
def initialize(name, position)
#name = name
#position = position
With these two objects, we can create a roster for a 2-on-2 women’s basketball tournament:
moore ="Maya Moore", "Forward")
taurasi ="Diana Taurasi", "Guard")
tourney_roster1 =
tourney_roster1.players = [moore, taurasi]
If we want to know the forward for our 2-on-2 team, we might find the name this way:
if tourney_roster1.players.first.position == "Forward"
puts "Forward: #{}"
But what if our opposing roster isn’t set correctly?
tourney_roster2 =
if tourney_roster2.players.first.position == "Forward"
puts "Forward: #{}"
tourney_roster2 hasn’t yet been set with any players. The preceding code will raise a NoMethodError because tourney_roster2.players returns nil. We can add conditional statements to avoid this, but it makes our if statement verbose and unclear:
if tourney_roster2.players &&
tourney_roster2.players.first &&
tourney_roster2.players.first.position == "Forward"
Instead, we can use the safe navigation operator to avoid the NoMethodError:
if tourney_roster2.players&.first&.position == "Forward"
puts "Forward: #{}"
Some legitimate use cases: The safe navigation operator comes in handy when working with multiple objects, as shown here, and when chaining methods together.


Is there a comparison Operator that returns true if both values are set and equal: false if both are nil

Is there an ideomatic or shorter way to "compare two values but don't allow them to be nil".
One way would be:
(!left.nil? || !right.nil?) && (left == right)
One of the nil checks could be omitted, here, but I left it in the example, to show the intent better.
Is there a method in Ruby core, on Kernel or BasicObject, next to equal?, eql?, == and such that matches this?
I aim at something similar to what e.g. minitest assert_equal does (edited for brevity, nil-check at line 5):
def assert_equal exp, act, msg = nil
msg = message(msg, E) { diff exp, act }
result = assert exp == act, msg
if nil == exp then
refute_nil exp, "Use assert_nil if expecting nil."
In my case this is for an autorization system where I repeatedly have to guard against both sides being nil. E.g.
class ContactPolicy < ApplicationPolicy
def add?
! && ==
After repeating that pattern in various forms, I wondered if there is not a better Ruby-ism for this. I am now leaning towards a refactoring using null-objects that have a def ==(other) which always return false. The question of whether this "equal but not nil" remains interesting though.
Possible Approaches
The optimal answer will depend on why you think either value might be nil, and other aspects of your code that are not shown in your original question. Without that context, it appears that this is primarily an attempt to guard against nil values raising a NameError exception, while also preventing your expression from resolving to (nil == nil) == true. If that's the case, you can take one of the following approaches, among others:
Rescue all possible exceptions.
Rescue NameError explicitly.
Avoid exception handling, and use a conditional expression chain to test whether your variables are both defined and not-nil.
Handle NameError Exceptions from Undefined Variables
You might rescue all exceptions, but this is generally considered a poor approach in the general case.
# Swallow anything descended from Exception. This is
# common in the wild, so it's idiomatic by definition,
# but it can cast too wide of a net sometimes, and may
# lead to unexpected problems.
left == right rescue nil
It would be better to rescue NameError, but it's up to you to figure out how the program should handle the exception. Perhaps you will decide to set the variables, and then retry the rescued block, but there are certainly other approaches.
# Rescue just NameError; other exceptions would still
# get raised when necessary.
left == right
rescue NameError => e
# handle the exception
Avoiding Undefined Variables
There are a number of situations where Ruby will autovivify variables within a given scope, but your example isn't one of them. In this case, you can rely on operator precedence to ensure your values are defined using the defined? keyword.
For example, assuming left and right are either undefined? or can respond_to? :nil?, then you can use the following expression to:
Ensure both left and right are defined. Returns "expression" if they are both defined variables within an array literal.
Ensure neither of the values in [left, right] are nil using Enumerable#none? (which is mixed into Array) and the Object#nil? method that Array inherits.
Check equality of your two defined, non-nil variables.
defined? [left, right] and
[left, right].none? &:nil? and
left == right
#=> nil
Based on your question, the expectation is that when your variables resolve to nil == nil the whole expression should still return false.
The same conditional expression also guards against both variables being set to nil rather than simply being undefined. For example:
# Test with nil values.
left, right = nil, nil
defined? [left, right] and
[left, right].none? &:nil? and
left == right
#=> false

Overriding == equality operator works only in one direction

Consider next example where I override == operator to return true constantly:
class Example
def ==(other)
return true
However, this only works in one direction:
exp =
puts exp == {} #=> true
puts {} == exp #=> false
Is there a way to force this equality method to work in the reverse direction?
It's not possible without changing other classes. Basically a == b equals a.==(b). So you need to override == operator for the second class if you want to make it work.
Is there a way to force this equality method to also work in the reverse direction?
No, but you can change Hash#== to recognize the special case of Example.
class Example
def ==(other)
return true
class Hash
alias_method :original_double_equals, :==
def ==(other)
case other
when Example
other == self
exp =
exp == {} # => true
{} == exp # => true
{} == {} # => true
{foo: 1} == {foo: 2} # => false
I wouldn't do this, if I were you.
No, it is not possible.
Ruby is an object-oriented language. The fundamental idea of OO is that you send messages to objects and the receiver object, and nothing but the receiver object gets to decide how to respond to that message.
If you send the message == to object a, passing object b as an argument, then a and a alone gets to decide how to respond.
If you send the message == to object b, passing object a as an argument, then b and b alone gets to decide how to respond.
The only way that this is guaranteed to give the same response, is if a and b cooperate and agree to give the same response.
It would theoretically be possible to design a language in such a way that a == b is not a message send to either a or b, but rather a message send to some third "context object". IOW, a == b is not interpreted as a.==(b) or b.==(a) but rather some_context_object.==(a, b) (for example, the context object could just be yourself, i.e. self.==(a, b)). In that case, the context object has access to the public API of both a and b and could take steps to ensure that == is commutative.
But in general, and by the fundamental nature of OO, messages are non-commutative, and the receiver object is special.

Implicit value of if/unless statement in ruby

I'm new to Ruby, and trying to understand why this works (it does seem to, at least according to "the Master"):
def array_of_fixnums?(array)
true unless array.find { |item| item.class != Fixnum }
My concern is where the "false-ness" is coming from when the array contains non-fixnum values. Am I right to assume there is no implicit "else false" in the unless statement? In that case I assume it must be coming from the nil value returned by Enumerable#find. Is that correct?
If so, that seems a bit shaky. Might it be better to return false explicitly, like this?
array.find { |item| item.class != Fixnum } ? false : true
Is there another, better way entirely? Thanks for helping me wrap my head around this, and for any "best practice" suggestions.
Your method is returning nil not because find returns nil, but because if your inline conditional does not pass, the method has no explicit return value. This would be more clear if it were not inline, consider:
def array_of_fixnums?(array)
unless array.find { |item| item.class != Fixnum }
return true
# otherwise don't explicitly return (implicit nil)
While relying on the falsiness of nil will often work, it is problematic in that it does not follow the principle of least surprise. A ? method should return true or false.
But your method has worse problems. It uses confusing logic (a double negative), and itself relies on the falsiness of nil and the truthiness of not nil, to function. Consider what happens if your method were passed [false]. Oops.
The better way would be something like:
array.all? {|n| n.is_a? Fixnum }
The reasoning is that this method does exactly what it says, plainly.
Returning a boolean explicitly, while not necessarily wrong, is superfluous and often considered bad practice. Rather consider the example, which says, in ruby speak, is every one of the values in this array a Fixnum?. The result of that expression is what the method is after; there's no reason to evaluate it then return true|false.
From the find method doc:
Passes each entry in enum to block. Returns the first for which block is not false. If no object matches, calls ifnone and returns its result when it is specified, or returns nil otherwise.
Thus, all you need is:
def array_of_fixnums?(array)
array.find { |item| item.class != Fixnum }
If anything is found, that will be returned, otherwise nil will be returned, and the method will evaluate do false.
However, as the item return could be an false or nil (if any item in the list is false or nil) I would recommend that you use the .any? method instead.
def array_of_fixnums?(array)
array.any? { |item| item.class != Fixnum }
Let's look at why true unless condition works as it does.
I believe x unless condition was provided as an esthetic improvement to x if !condition, but the two are equivalent (and, in my opinion, it is an improvement). To get rid of double-negatives, I'll just consider x if condition.
One of Ruby's basic tenets is that every statement must return a value (namely, the last expression evaluated). Therefore, x if condition must be evaluated as if condition then x else y end. But what is y? If y evaluated as true or false, x if condition would be meaningless when x is a boolean expression. To see why, consider:
w = (x == 5 if z == 6)
If w were true, we could conclude that x = 5 and z = 6, but if w were false, we wouldn't know whether z = 6 and x != 5, or z != 6 and x = 5 or x != 5. Considering that any value of y other than nil is evaluated as true or false, the only reasonable value for y is nil. That way, if w == nil is be available. Of course, this is still a problem (in other situations) when x could possibly be nil.
I would welcome clarification and elaboration. Perhaps there is also a less convoluted way of making this argument.

What does !! mean in ruby?

Just wondering what !! is in Ruby.
Not not.
It's used to convert a value to a boolean:
!!nil #=> false
!!"abc" #=> true
!!false #=> false
It's usually not necessary to use though since the only false values to Ruby are nil and false, so it's usually best to let that convention stand.
Think of it as
One thing that is it used for legitimately is preventing a huge chunk of data from being returned. For example you probably don't want to return 3MB of image data in your has_image? method, or you may not want to return your entire user object in the logged_in? method. Using !! converts these objects to a simple true/false.
It returns true if the object on the right is not nil and not false, false if it is nil or false
def logged_in?
! means negate boolean state, two !s is nothing special, other than a double negation.
!true == false
# => true
It is commonly used to force a method to return a boolean. It will detect any kind of truthiness, such as string, integers and what not, and turn it into a boolean.
# => false
# => true
A more real use case:
def title
"I return a string."
def title_exists?
This is useful when you want to make sure that a boolean is returned. IMHO it's kind of pointless, though, seeing that both if 'some string' and if true is the exact same flow, but some people find it useful to explicitly return a boolean.
Note that this idiom exists in other programming languages as well. C didn't have an intrinsic bool type, so all booleans were typed as int instead, with canonical values of 0 or 1. Takes this example (parentheses added for clarity):
!(1234) == 0
!(0) == 1
!(!(1234)) == 1
The "not-not" syntax converts any non-zero integer to 1, the canonical boolean true value.
In general, though, I find it much better to put in a reasonable comparison than to use this uncommon idiom:
int x = 1234;
if (!!x); // wtf mate
if (x != 0); // obvious
It's useful if you need to do an exclusive or. Copying from Matt Van Horn's answer with slight modifications:
1 ^ true
TypeError: can't convert true into Integer
!!1 ^ !!true
=> false
I used it to ensure two variables were either both nil, or both not nil.
raise "Inconsistency" if !!a ^ !!b
It is "double-negative", but the practice is being discouraged. If you're using rubocop, you'll see it complain on such code with a Style/DoubleNegation violation.
The rationale states:
As this is both cryptic and usually redundant, it should be avoided
[then paraphrasing:] Change !!something to !something.nil?
Understanding how it works can be useful if you need to convert, say, an enumeration into a boolean. I have code that does exactly that, using the classy_enum gem:
class LinkStatus < ClassyEnum::Base
def !
return true
class LinkStatus::No < LinkStatus
class LinkStatus::Claimed < LinkStatus
def !
return false
class LinkStatus::Confirmed < LinkStatus
def !
return false
class LinkStatus::Denied < LinkStatus
Then in service code I have, for example:
raise Application::Error unless !!object.link_status # => raises exception for "No" and "Denied" states.
Effectively the bangbang operator has become what I might otherwise have written as a method called to_bool.
Other answers have discussed what !! does and whether it is good practice or not.
However, none of the answers give the "standard Ruby way" of casting a value into a boolean.
true & variable
TrueClass, the class of the Ruby value true, implements a method &, which is documented as follows:
Returns false if obj is nil or false, true otherwise.
Why use a dirty double-negation when the standard library has you covered?

Best ruby idiom for "nil or zero"

I am looking for a concise way to check a value to see if it is nil or zero. Currently I am doing something like:
if (!val || val == 0)
# Is nil or zero
But this seems very clumsy.
Objects have a nil? method.
if val.nil? || val == 0
[do something]
Or, for just one instruction:
[do something] if val.nil? || val == 0
From Ruby 2.3.0 onward, you can combine the safe navigation operator (&.) with Numeric#nonzero?. &. returns nil if the instance was nil and nonzero? - if the number was 0:
unless val&.nonzero?
# Is nil or zero
Or postfix:
do_something unless val&.nonzero?
If you really like method names with question marks at the end:
if val.nil? ||
# do stuff
Your solution is fine, as are a few of the other solutions.
Ruby can make you search for a pretty way to do everything, if you're not careful.
First off I think that's about the most concise way you can check for that particular condition.
Second, to me this is a code smell that indicates a potential flaw in your design. Generally nil and zero shouldn't mean the same thing. If possible you should try to eliminate the possibility of val being nil before you hit this code, either by checking that at the beginning of the method or some other mechanism.
You might have a perfectly legitimate reason to do this in which case I think your code is good, but I'd at least consider trying to get rid of the nil check if possible.
You can use the Object.nil? to test for nil specifically (and not get caught up between false and nil). You can monkey-patch a method into Object as well.
class Object
def nil_or_zero?
return (self.nil? or self == 0)
my_object =
==> false
This is not recommended as changes to Object are difficult for coworkers to trace, and may make your code unpredictable to others.
nil.to_i returns zero, so I often do this:
However, you will get an exception if val is ever an object that does not respond_to #to_i.
I believe your code is incorrect; it will in fact test for three values: nil, false, and zero. This is because the !val expression is true for all values that are false, which in Ruby is nil and false.
The best I can come up with right now is
if val == nil || val == 0
# do stuff
Which of course is not very clever, but (very) clear.
My solution also use Refinements, minus the conditionals.
module Nothingness
refine Numeric do
alias_method :nothing?, :zero?
refine NilClass do
alias_method :nothing?, :nil?
using Nothingness
if val.nothing?
# Do something
Short and clear
[0, nil].include?(val)
Shortest and best way should be
if val&.>(0)
# do something
For val&.>(0)
it returns nil when val is nil since > basically is also a method, nil equal to false in ruby. It return false when val == 0.
Rails does this via attribute query methods, where in addition to false and nil, 0 and "" also evaluate to false.
if (model.attribute?) # => false if attribute is 0 and model is an ActiveRecord::Base derivation
However it has its share of detractors.
To be as idiomatic as possible, I'd suggest this.
if val.nil? or val == 0
# Do something
It uses the nil? method.
It uses the "or" operator, which is preferable to ||.
It doesn't use parentheses, which are not necessary in this case. Parentheses should only be used when they serve some purpose, such as overriding the precedence of certain operators.
I deal with this by defining an "is?" method, which I can then implement differently on various classes. So for Array, "is?" means "size>0"; for Fixnum it means "self != 0"; for String it means "self != ''". NilClass, of course, defines "is?" as just returning nil.
You can use case if you like:
case val with nil, 0
# do stuff
Then you can use anything that works with ===, which is nice sometimes. Or do something like this:
not_valid = nil, 0
case val1 with *not_valid
# do stuff
#do other stuff
case val2 with *not_valid, false #Test for values that is nil, 0 or false
# do other other stuff
It's not exactly good OOP, but it's very flexible and it works. My ifs usually end up as cases anyway.
Of course Enum.any?/Enum.include? kind of works too ... if you like to get really cryptic:
if [0, nil].include? val
#do stuff
The right thing to do is of course to define a method or function. Or, if you have to do the same thing with many values, use a combination of those nice iterators.
I really like Rails blank? method for that kind of things, but it won't return true for 0. So you can add your method:
def nil_zero?
if respond_to?(:zero?)
And it will check if some value is nil or 0:
=> true
=> true
=> false
if val.nil_zero?
Instead of monkey patching a class, you could use refinements starting in Ruby 2.1. Refinements are similar to monkey patching; in that, they allow you to modify the class, but the modification is limited to the scope you wish to use it in.
This is overkill if you want to do this check once, but if you are repeating yourself it's a great alternative to monkey patching.
module NilOrZero
refine Object do
def nil_or_zero?
nil? or zero?
using NilOrZero
class Car
def initialize(speed: 100)
puts speed.nil_or_zero?
car = # false
car = nil) # true
car = 0) # true
Refinements were changed in the last minute to be scoped to the file. So earlier examples may have shown this, which will not work.
class Car
using NilOrZero
This is very concise:
if (val || 0) == 0
# Is nil, false, or zero.
It works as long as you don't mind treating false the same as nil. In the projects I've worked on, that distinction only matters once in a while. The rest of the time I personally prefer to skip .nil? and have slightly shorter code.
[Update: I don't write this sort of thing any more. It works but is too cryptic. I have tried to set right my misdeeds by changing the few places where I did it.]
By the way, I didn't use .zero? since this raises an exception if val is, say, a string. But .zero? would be fine if you know that's not the case.
This evaluates to true for nil and zero: nil.to_s.to_d == 0
unless (val || 0).zero?
# do stufff
In a single stretch you can do this:
[do_something] if val.to_i == 0
nil.to_i will return 0
Another solution:
if val.to_i == 0
# do stuff
val ||= 0
if val == 0
# do something here
