Where is ghci.conf if installing GHC using brew cask in mac? - macos

I used homebrew-cask to install haskell-platform in my mac (OS X 10.11.2) by running:
brew cask install haskell-platform
and it is working well until the day I want to enable syntax highlight in GHCi. I found in this post that I should add one line in ghci.conf. But I could not found where this file is.

You will have to create a new file in your user directory; the final path should be ~/.ghci or /Users/<username>/.ghci. The file does not exist by default. See the documentation for the full details.


Homebrew Portable Ruby Error macOS 10.14.6

Homebrew suddenly stopped working, when i run any brew command i get following output:
==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles-portable-ruby/portable-ruby-2.6.3_2.yosemite.bottle.tar.gz
Already downloaded: /Users/<user>/Library/Caches/Homebrew/portable-ruby-2.6.3_2.yosemite.bottle.tar.gz
/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/cmd/vendor-install.sh: line 123: /usr/bin/cut: cannot execute binary file
Error: Checksum mismatch.
Expected: b065e5e3783954f3e65d8d3a6377ca51649bfcfa21b356b0dd70490f74c6bd86
Archive: /Users/<user>/Library/Caches/Homebrew/portable-ruby-2.6.3_2.yosemite.bottle.tar.gz
To retry an incomplete download, remove the file above.
Error: Failed to upgrade Homebrew Portable Ruby!
I already tried to remove the file portable-ruby-2.6.3_2.yosemite.bottle.tar.gz but it doesn't work and i couldn't find any helpful information about this error on Google.
Any help is appreciated.
There are several things that I can think of for your situation.
Your output has yosemite identifier, to be clear, MacOS Yosemite is actually 10.10.x, it is not in the current/latest homebrew support list, and also different from 10.14 Mojave in your problem title. So if you are actually using Mojave, you can keep your brew up to date and reinstall ruby.
The latest Ruby formula is actually 2.7.x, you might want to reinstall/upgrade (brew reinstall ruby/brew upgrade ruby).
In all, if you still run into an issue, please attach the outputs of brew config and brew doctor for troubleshooting.
Try brew update-reset and then try brew upgrade.
It's set portable-ruby-2.6.3_2.yosemite.bottle.tar.gz was already downloaded so I removed it and it went through henceforth.

Tex error occurred while upgrading octave with brew

I first installed octave through brew with the instruction on the office website. One day when I entered brew update && brew upgrade, octave started to upgrade but one error occurred said
You don't have a working TeX binary (tex) installed anywhere in your
PATH, and texi2dvi cannot proceed without one. If you want to use this
script, you'll need to install TeX (if you don't have it) or change
your PATH or TEX environment variable (if you do). See the --help
output for more details.
So I entered brew cask install mactex to install tex and added the Library/TeX/Distributions/.DefaultTeX/Contents/Programs/texbin to the PATH, when I run tex, it correctly processed:
terminal screenshot
Then I run brew upgrade but the same error occurred again.
I realized that the --without-docs argument may fix this problem but if I want to install docs (since I have already installed tex) what should I do?
I had similar problem while installing another program (not octave) and after looking around I found that I needed to install TeTex (http://www.tug.org/teTeX/) or TexLive, however I decided to install TexLive because TeTex is not mantained anymore...
For me it worked after installing Texlive on the basic configuration. You can follow the instructions over here:

updating octave: linking the installation

I have OSX 10.10.5 with Octave 3.4.0 running (installed, who knows how, I did it a million different ways through port, file extraction, ftp, homebrew…). I tried to update my Programme (brew install octave or sudo port install octave) and Terminal spits out:
Warning: octave-3.8.2 already installed, it's just not linked
Okay, great. So I have a better programme somewhere installed. What now? How on earth am I supposed to “just link” the newer installation?
If you install octave with Homebrew and it doesn't link it it should tell you why. You can force Homebrew to link octave with
$ brew link --overwrite octave
You can also add the --dry-run option to check and see what Homebrew will do to link octave
$ brew link --overwrite --dry-run octave
A possible reason for Homebrew not linking octave is that you've installed it by another method, MacPorts for instance. It is not recommended that you use both Homebrew and MacPorts on the same system.

how to install libX11 on OSx 10.9?

I am trying to install ROOT (cern.root.ch). When I run ./configure , I get a message that libX11 is missing and must be installed.
I did some research and found that I need to install
) XQuartz (I already have the latest version.)
) Command line tools in Xcode.
I tried installing Command Line Tools from apple's developer website. The installation goes through smoothly but how do I know whether it has been installed? I still get libX11 missing error with root's configure command.
I also tried xcode-select --install and it once went through smoothly and then later again gives error saying this package is no longer maintained - or something of that sort.
I understand I may have multiple installations... But I am still facing the problem of not having libX11 and not being able to install ROOT.
This link and the one referenced in it suggests you use homebrew (brew) to install it
$ ruby <(curl -fsS https://raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)
$ brew doctor
Remember to add the Homebrew directory to your PATH by adding the directory (found with brew --prefix) to your .bashrc, .zshrc or whatever shell file you’re using (.bashrc is the OS X default). We’ll also add the XQuartz binaries to the PATH in case anything needs them in the future.
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/opt/X11/bin:$PATH
Start a new Terminal session to pick up the changes.
Now that Homebrew is installed, we can use it to install the required dependencies. Each may take some time as Homebrew generally compiles from source.
$ brew install gfortran # Fortran compiler
$ brew install python # Python interpreter
$ brew install pcre # Regular Expressions library
$ brew install fftw # Fast Fourier Transforms
$ brew install cmake # Cross-platform make
install root
$ brew tap homebrew/science
$ brew install --with-cocoa root
You don't say whether you have installed XCode as well as the commandline tools but I think you will need it

How to install libuuid on Mac OS X?

I'm trying to compile gearman-0.28 on Mac, but encountered the following error:
configure: error: Unable to find libuuid
I don't know how to install libuuid on Mac, my Mac is 10.7.2 version.
Any one can help me? Thanks in advance.
With Homebrew:
brew install ossp-uuid
For those who are trying to install the uuid extension from PECL, the ossp-uuid and the util-linux's uuid package shipped with Mac OSX will not work as they are out dated. You will need an updated version of uuid from util-linux. It is available on Homebrew.
brew install util-linux
But util-linux is a keg-only package and will not be symlinked to /usr/local. Hence you will have to specify the following path when prompted for uuid installation directory
For unattended installations, you can use
printf "/usr/local/opt/util-linux" | pecl install uuid
Install mac port like
sudo port install ossp-uuid
$configure --with-lib
As time goes by, it seems worthwhile to mention that libuuid has become part of macOS in the meantime.
If you want an up to date alternative to the brew or mac ports solutions, the following from here works great. You can also add the code to your .zshrc or .bash_profile
$ alias uuid="python -c 'import sys,uuid; sys.stdout.write(uuid.uuid4().hex)' | pbcopy && pbpaste && echo"
$ uuid
