Bash - How to kill all the processes of the current user that meet a criteria? - bash

I am currently using ps -o pid,cmd | awk '{if($2=="watch") print $1}' | xargs kill -1.
I would like to expand the command to kill the processes of the current user.
What I got working is ps -o uid,pid,cmd | awk '{if($1==1000 && $3=="watch") print $2}' | xargs kill -1 but I would like to replace $1==1000 with something like id -u but its not working.

I would suggest a simpler command like
pkill -U $USER watch
Note that you can target more than one user by using -U user1,user2,...

You can use:
ps -o uid,pid,cmd |
awk -v uid=$(id -u) '$1==uid && $3=="watch"{print $2}' |
xargs kill -1


How to use xargs to pass arguments as sudo to given program in terminal shell

I want kill a series process like follow:(rg is a grep alternative)
ps -aux | rg "some_procs" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
but It raise an error message show I don't have permission. I also can't add sudo neither after xargs or behind xargs.(seems it will cause xargs assign argus to sudo rather kill).
How do I use sudo in this pipe link to kill those processes?
ps -aux | rg "mytmp" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs sudo kill -9
this command worked.
In addition to
the answer,
if you are using GNU/Linux box, you could have use
pkill so
sudo pkill some_procs
Also note that, otherwise, your can pass many PIDs to kill OK. You don't need all ps default fields, but only PID and name to filter. Last, you can skip the rg part because you can do it in awk directly.
sudo kill -9 $(ps -o pid,args | awk '$2 ~ /some_procs/ {$1}')

Killing a running sh script using pid

I have made an Auto Clicker and was wondering how i would kill it using
kill [pid]
My auto Clicker works like this:
while true [1]; do
xdotool click --repeat 10000 --delay 150 1
code I have used to try and terminate running proccess:
ps -ef | grep AutoClicker | grep -v grep | xargs kill -9
I found this code on another post, however i have had no luck with it.
pkill -f AutoClicker or kill $(pgrep -f AutoClicker)
If you run your code:
ps -ef | grep AutoClicker | grep -v grep | xargs kill -9
you should get an error message from kill.
kill expects a list of process ids not usernames, times, and random strings.
You need to filter out everything except the pids with something like:
ps -ef | grep AutoClicker | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
Instead of searching for the process ID, use your own "PID file". I'll demonstrate with sleep in place of xdotool.
echo $$ > /tmp/
while true [1]; do
echo "clicking"
sleep 5
# rm -f /tmp/
I can run this script in another terminal window or the background. The important thing is that /tmp/ contains the process ID of this running script. You can stop it with:
kill $(</tmp/
This interrupts the while-loop. Need to figure out how to remove the PID file...

Killing parent process only, not both child and parent in bash

I'm trying to kill process by name. It's supposed to kill children processes first then the parent later but I only get parent killed. Help needed please. EDIT: SOLVED
Please try it this way:
PID=$(ps -aef | grep `whoami` | grep $argument | grep -v grep | grep -v $$ | awk '{print $2}'
for x in ${PID[#]}; do
CPID=$(ps -aef | grep `whoami` | grep $PID | grep -v grep | grep -v $$ | awk '{print $3}'
for y in ${CPID[#]}; do
kill $y
kill $x

Count the number of processes and kill them

I am writing a script to kill all instances of the same process. As it is going to be used on Linux, AIX, HP-UX and Solaris, I need to use only built-in bash (sh) functions. That's why killall, pkill, etc. don't work for me.
Once there is only one instance of a process it should be just killed in traditional way:
kill -TERM `ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep $process | awk '{print $2}'`
However sometimes the program has extra instances running and that's why ps -ef | … returns more than one PID. That needs to be reported.
bash-3.2$ ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep perl | awk '{print $2}'
My thought was to store those values in a temporary variable and then send kill signal to each in a for loop.
bash-3.2$ tmp=`ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep perl | awk '{print $2}'`
bash-3.2$ echo $tmp
5267 5268 5269 5270 5271
However I still need the information if such a case occurred (how many instances were present).
It seems I need to check the whole string stored in the tmp variable and maybe count spaces?
Anyway the questions reduces to how to check how many values the $tmp variable stores?
For maximum portability and reliability, use -A (POSIX synonym of -e) and a custom format with -o rather than -f.
Your filtering of the output of ps is brittle: it may match other processes. You've had to exclude the grep process, and you may need to exclude your script as well, and there may be other completely innocent processes caught in the fray (such as your script itself) because their command line happens to contain $process as a substring. Make your filtering as strict as possible. With ps -o pid= -o comm=, you get just two columns (PID and command without arguments) with no header.
You don't need to use a loop to do the killing, kill accepts multiple arguments. For the counting, let the shell do it: you have a whitespace-separated list of numbers, to let the shell do the word splitting (with $(…) outside quotes) and count the number of resulting words ($#).
count_and_kill_processes () {
set -- $(ps -A -o pid= -o comm= |
awk -v "name=$process" '$2 == name {print $1}')
if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then kill "$#"; fi
count_and_kill_processes foo
# now the number of killed processes is in $count
If your shell is bash or ksh on all machines, you can use an array.
pids=($(ps -A -o pid= -o comm= |
awk -v "name=$process" '$2 == name {print $1}') )
if [[ $# -ne 0 ]]; then kill "$#"; fi
# the number of killed processes is ${#pids}
use xargs:
ps aux | grep -ie perl | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
You can use a loop which should work in both cases:
for pid in $(ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep $process | awk '{print $2}'); do
echo $pid
Or count the number of matches:
if [ $(ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep $process | awk '{print $2}' | wc -l) -gt 1 ]
# more than one

Redirecting the output of ps command,getting process id and killing that process using shell script

I want to write a shell script to find the running process for a given user and kill the process by getting the respective process ID.
Its like
ps -ef | grep dinesh
After this, i am getting the output as the following
dinesh 19985 19890 0 11:35 pts/552 00:00:00 grep dinesh
Here 19985 is the process ID. I want to kill that process.
How can i achieve this using script?
I have to parse the ps command output and get the process ID
Thanks in advance.
kill `ps -ef | grep dinesh | awk '{ print $2 }'`
What if there is more than one process defined by the string 'dinesh'? What about the grep process itself? This is a more complete answer
ps -ef | grep dinesh | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
