Test function which requires *os.File as argument - go

I would like to write a test for the bellow function, but I can't understand what I can send as an argument to toCount, because I don't want to open/create a file, I know that os.Stdin will work, but I think you're not allowed to write into it.
func toCount(f *os.File) int {
input := buffo.NewScanner(f)
sum := 0;
for input.Scan() {
return sum

Your toCount function only requires an io.Reader. If you change the signature to
func toCount(f io.Reader) int
It can accept an *os.File and any other kind of reader you want to use to test.


Why can not use Pointer() method when reflect.Value is passed to an interface in golang?

I am writing a unit test to check equality of struct that contains func.
Here are my test code.
Go Palyround
When comparing, I used a func named GetFunctionName to get function's name for going.
func GetFunctionName(i interface{}) string {
fmt.Printf("type in GetFunctionName: %v\n", reflect.TypeOf(reflect.ValueOf(i)))
return runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(i).Pointer()).Name()
Also a compare function was made.
func SelectCompareStruct(got interface{}, want interface{}) {
rvGot := reflect.ValueOf(got)
rtGot := rvGot.Type()
rvWant := reflect.ValueOf(want)
rtWant := rvWant.Type()
for i := 0; i < rtGot.NumField(); i++ {
fieldGot := rtGot.Field(i)
fieldWant := rtWant.Field(i)
valueGot := rvGot.FieldByName(fieldGot.Name)
valueWant := rvWant.FieldByName(fieldWant.Name)
fmt.Printf("type in SelectCompareStruct: %v\n", reflect.TypeOf(reflect.ValueOf(valueGot)))
// Works
gotFuncNameInner := runtime.FuncForPC(valueGot.Pointer()).Name()
wantFuncNameInner := runtime.FuncForPC(valueWant.Pointer()).Name()
fmt.Printf("gotFuncNameInner:\n\t\t\t%v\nwantFuncNameInner:\n\t\t\t%v\n", gotFuncNameInner, wantFuncNameInner)
// Does not work
gotFuncName := GetFunctionName(valueGot)
wantFuncName := GetFunctionName(valueWant)
fmt.Printf("gotFuncName:\n\t%v\n wantFuncName:\n\t%v\n", gotFuncName, wantFuncName)
You can see, when I write directly to get function's name, it works.
However, it does not work when using a func instead.
Although, both of which type that apply Pointer() method are reflect.Value type.
Yes, I can change input type of GetFunctionName to reflect.Value for working.
That's not good for other use cases. I want to make a function for getting name for versatility.
It will be beautiful to make input type interface{}.
Anyone have any idea why? And how to fix it?
The problem is that you are calling reflect.Value on a reflect.Value. Fix by removing the extra call to reflect.Value.
func GetFunctionName(v reflect.Value) string {
fmt.Printf("type in GetFunctionName: %v\n", v.Type())
return runtime.FuncForPC(v.Pointer()).Name()
Run it on the playground.

How do I write a go Test function for something that reads from stdin?

I have go test code similar to this:
func TestRollback(t *testing.T) {
store := NewStore()
// do some stuff
err := store.Rollback()
// checks
The problem is store.Rollback() has a prompt read from the stdin for y or n
How do I send "y" to the test process when running go test -v --run TestRollback
The difficulty in testing your Rollback method stems from hardcoding its dependency on singleton os.Stdin.
Tinkerer's answer is viable but, because it mutates that package-level variable, it doesn't lend itself to running tests in parallel.
A preferable alternative (IMO) consists in using an interface. Testing often rhymes with interface, in Go. Here, because os.Stdin satisfies the io.Reader interface, you could parameterise your Store type with an io.Reader passed to your factory function:
type Store struct {
// other fields, omitted here
in io.Reader
func NewStore(in io.Reader) *Store {
store := Store {
// other fields, omitted here
in: in,
return &store
Then, in your test functions, you could use a concrete type that satisfies io.Reader and is easily configurable, such as a *strings.Reader:
func TestRollback(t *testing.T) {
// arrange
in := strings.Reader("-- put contents of stdin here --")
store := NewStore(in)
// act
err := store.Rollback()
// assert
// ...
The following can redirect stdin temporarily.
rd,wr,err := os.Pipe()
saved := os.Stdin
os.Stdin = rd
... Test code feeds wr ...
os.Stdin = saved

Function types in Go - particular type casting to more general type

What cast / assertion need I do in Go in order to pass to a function expecting a generic function like func(interface{}) interface{}, a more specific function like func(int) int instead?
For example, in code like this, fooA can be passed to MakeExclamer, but not fooB:
func MakeExclamer(foo func (interface{}) interface{}, n int) func () {
return func() {
fmt.Printf("%v!!!", foo(n))
func fooA(x interface{}) interface{} {
return x.(int)*2
func fooB(x int) int {
return x * 10
func main() {
exclamerA := MakeExclamer(fooA, 12)
exclamerB := MakeExclamer(fooB, 66)
// >> cannot use fooB (type func(int) int) as type func(interface {}) interface {} in argument to MakeExclamer
(Go Playground link: https://play.golang.org/p/xGzfco0IAG)
I'm not interested much in alternative code structure patterns, since this is how I want it to work: a specific function should be passed to a general function transformer (accepting function of type Any -> Any) that will return another general function (Any -> Any). This may not be idiomatic in Go, but it is the pattern that I want my code to follow.
To use type assertions, every possible type must be enumerated in MakeExclamer:
func MakeExclamer(fn interface{}, arg interface{}) func() {
switch fn := fn.(type) {
case func(int) int:
return func() {
fmt.Printf("%v!!!\n", fn(arg.(int)))
case func(interface{}) interface{}:
return func() {
fmt.Printf("%v!!!\n", fn(arg))
panic("not supported")
To accept a function of any type, the fn argument is declared as type interface{}. The code uses a type switch to handle the different function types.
playground example
Reflection can be used to write a more general function.
func MakeExclamer(fn interface{}, arg interface{}) func() {
fnr := reflect.ValueOf(fn)
argr := reflect.ValueOf(arg)
return func() {
resultr := fnr.Call([]reflect.Value{argr})
fmt.Printf("%v!!!\n", resultr[0].Interface())
playground example
First things first : When it comes to typing in Go, everything is theoretically possible. That's because even though the compiler does a lot of checks at compile-time, it is possible to change the runtime... at runtime. So-called runtime hacks, where you dynamically manipulate runtime structs that you're NOT supposed to handle.
Now, you have an interesting question, whose answer doesn't include the need to use the 'unsafe' package. However, the way I found of generalizing a function involves heavy reflection.
How to call a function (via reflection) ?
The documentation for the reflect package can be found here.
So, like all elements in Golang, functions have a Type. Without going through all fields, functions do take an array of arguments and produce an array of results. It is possible to investigate the Type of arguments and results through the In(int) and Out(int) method.
func investigate(fn interface{}) {
fnType := reflect.TypeOf(fn)
for idx := 0; idx < fnType.NumIn(); idx ++ {
fmt.Printf("Input arg %d has type %v\n", idx, fnType.In(idx))
for idx := 0; idx < fnType.NumOut(); idx ++ {
fmt.Printf("Output arg %d has type %v\n", idx, fnType.Out(idx))
We won't use this code. However, two important things are to be noted at this point :
The generic type under which a function can be passed around without caring about its type is interface{}. Something like "func(interface{}) interface{}" is not a generalization of a function, it is already a concrete type. Hence, "func(interface{}) interface{}" is not a generalization of "func(int) int", those are two different function types entirely. This is why you can't use type assertions/cast to convert from one function type to another.
A function can be represented as something that takes an input array and produces and output array.
Now, in order to call a function, you have to get not its Type, but its Value. Once you get its value, you can call it using an array of arguments, which must all be Values.
The prototype is:
func (v Value) Call(in []Value) []Value
Using this method, it is possible to call any function.
The code
So, the only thing you need is to convert whichever arguments array you have to an array of Values, then you will be able to call your function.
Here is your code:
package main
import (
func MakeExclamer(foo interface{}, n int) func() {
exclamer := generalize(foo, n)
return func() {
fmt.Printf("%v!!!\n", exclamer())
func fooA(x interface{}) interface{} {
return x.(int) * 2
func fooB(x int) int {
return x * 10
func generalize(implem interface{}, args ...interface{}) func() interface{} {
valIn := make([]reflect.Value, len(args), len(args))
fnVal := reflect.ValueOf(implem)
for idx, elt := range args {
valIn[idx] = reflect.ValueOf(elt)
ret := func() interface{} {
res := fnVal.Call(valIn)
// We assume the function produces exactly one result
return res[0].Interface()
return ret
func main() {
exclamerA := MakeExclamer(fooA, 12)
exclamerB := MakeExclamer(fooB, 66)
The important bit is the generalize function which makes the translation between your arguments and an array of Values, then returns a new function whith all parameters already filled.
Do not hesitate if you need any precision !

Compare Go stdout to file contents with testing package [duplicate]

I have a simple function I want to test:
func (t *Thing) print(min_verbosity int, message string) {
if t.verbosity >= minv {
But how can I test what the function actually sends to standard output? Test::Output does what I want in Perl. I know I could write all my own boilerplate to do the same in Go (as described here):
orig = os.Stdout
r,w,_ = os.Pipe()
thing.print("Some message")
var buf bytes.Buffer
io.Copy(&buf, r)
os.Stdout = orig
if(buf.String() != "Some message") {
But that's a lot of extra work for every single test. I'm hoping there's a more standard way, or perhaps an abstraction library to handle this.
One thing to also remember, there's nothing stopping you from writing functions to avoid the boilerplate.
For example I have a command line app that uses log and I wrote this function:
func captureOutput(f func()) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
return buf.String()
Then used it like this:
output := captureOutput(func() {
assert.Equal(t, "removed certificate www.example.com\n", output)
Using this assert library: http://godoc.org/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert.
You can do one of three things. The first is to use Examples.
The package also runs and verifies example code. Example functions may include a concluding line comment that begins with "Output:" and is compared with the standard output of the function when the tests are run. (The comparison ignores leading and trailing space.) These are examples of an example:
func ExampleHello() {
// Output: hello
The second (and more appropriate, IMO) is to use fake functions for your IO. In your code you do:
var myPrint = fmt.Print
func (t *Thing) print(min_verbosity int, message string) {
if t.verbosity >= minv {
myPrint(message) // N.B.
And in your tests:
func init() {
myPrint = fakePrint // fakePrint records everything it's supposed to print.
func Test...
The third is to use fmt.Fprintf with an io.Writer that is os.Stdout in production code, but bytes.Buffer in tests.
You could consider adding a return statement to your function to return the string that is actually printed out.
func (t *Thing) print(min_verbosity int, message string) string {
if t.verbosity >= minv {
return message
return ""
Now, your test could just check the returned string against an expected string (rather than the print out). Maybe a bit more in-line with Test Driven Development (TDD).
And, in your production code, nothing would need to change, since you don't have to assign the return value of a function if you don't need it.

Adding "static" functions to a struct

encoding/base64 and encoding/hex both support nearly the same set of functions, but base64 uses a class-based encoder, whereas hex exports the methods at the top level. Is there a simple way to create a wrapper around hex so that you can work with an abstracted encoding interface? More generally, is there a way to do the equivalent of binding a method to a struct? (e.g., SomeStruct.Encode = hex.Encode)
So far, I had to define functions on a hexEncoder struct with the same signature as the hex functions. I created an interface like this:
type Encoding interface {
Decode(dst, src []byte) (n int, err error)
DecodedLen(n int) int
Encode(dst, src []byte) // base64 returns nothing, hex returns int
EncodedLen(n int) int
which works perfectly with base64.StdEncoding, but I wasn't clear on how to wrap the hex methods. I created an empty struct for hex:
// wrap hex encoding/decoding so that it can be used interchangeably with base64 encoding
type hexEncoder struct {}
func (h hexEncoder) Decode(dst, src []byte) (n int, err error) {
return hex.Decode(dst, src)
func (h hexEncoder) DecodedLen(n int) int {
return hex.DecodedLen(n)
func (h hexEncoder) Encode(dst, src []byte) {
hex.Encode(dst, src) // don't return the int to match Encoding
func (h hexEncoder) EncodedLen(n int) int {
return hex.EncodedLen(n)
This works, but it's a bunch of extra boiler plate (where all that really needs to be wrapped is hex.Encode). Is there a better way to do this? Ultimately, the goal is to be able to use hex and base64 interchangeably with encoding/decoding, like in something like this:
func convert(src []byte, decoder Encoding, encoder Encoding) ([]byte, error) {
temp := make([]byte, decoder.DecodedLen(len(src)))
n, err := decoder.Decode(temp, src)
if err != nil {
return temp, err
dst := make([]byte, encoder.EncodedLen(len(src)))
encoder.Encode(dst, temp[:n])
return dst, nil
No, there is no better way to implement an interface that dispatches to functions in another package, and to be honest I cannot really imagine how a better way would look like.
What you're saying in that wrapper is:
type myType struct{}
func (myType) WhenCalledLikeThis() { DoThat() }
Which seems optimal. It doesn't need any backing memory, allows slight changes in naming and return values (as you've done for Encode), and dispatches with a single call.
