Is it possible to get a list of installed software of a remote computer ?
I know to do this for a local computer with use of Powershell. Is it possible with Powershell to get installed software of a remote computer and save this list on the remote computer ?
This I use for local computers:
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Select-Object -Property Name
Thanks in advance,
Best regards,
This uses Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey to check the SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall registry key on remote computers.
*edit: pasting code for reference
function Get-InstalledApps {
param (
[string[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
[string]$NameRegex = ''
foreach ($comp in $ComputerName) {
$keys = '','\Wow6432Node'
foreach ($key in $keys) {
try {
$reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $comp)
$apps = $reg.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE$key\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall").GetSubKeyNames()
} catch {
foreach ($app in $apps) {
$program = $reg.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE$key\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$app")
$name = $program.GetValue('DisplayName')
if ($name -and $name -match $NameRegex) {
ComputerName = $comp
DisplayName = $name
DisplayVersion = $program.GetValue('DisplayVersion')
Publisher = $program.GetValue('Publisher')
InstallDate = $program.GetValue('InstallDate')
UninstallString = $program.GetValue('UninstallString')
Bits = $(if ($key -eq '\Wow6432Node') {'64'} else {'32'})
Path = $
There are multiple ways how to get the list of installed software on a remote computer:
Running WMI query on ROOT\CIMV2 namespace:
Start WMI Explorer or any other tool which can run WMI queries.
Run WMI query "SELECT * FROM Win32_Product"
Using wmic command-line interface:
Press WIN+R
Type "wmic", press Enter
In wmic command prompt type "/node:RemoteComputerName product"
Using Powershell script:
Thru WMI object: Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Computer RemoteComputerName
thru Registry: Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate | Format-Table –AutoSize
thru Get-RemoteProgram cmdlet: Get-RemoteProgram -ComputerName RemoteComputerName
Here is an article detailing how to query the list of installed programs locally and remotely.
Also, it will interest you to know the reason why the Get-WmiObject cmdlet is working anymore. It has been superseded with the CimInstance cmdlet.
When working with the CimInstance cmdlet and you encounter this error "WinRM cannot complete the operation, verify that the specified computer name is valid, that the computer is accessible over the network, and that a firewall exception for the WinRM service is enabled", I have described the steps to have it resolved in this link: WinRM cannot complete the operation, verify that the specified computer name is valid, that the computer is accessible over the network, and that a firewall exception for the WinRM service is enabled.
No one seems to know about get-package in powershell 5.1. You'll have to use invoke-command to run it on a remote computer.
get-package | more
Name Version Source ProviderName
---- ------- ------ ------------
7-Zip 21.07 (x64) 21.07 Programs
Wolfram Extras 11.0 (5570611) 11.0.0 Programs
ArcGIS Desktop Background G... 10.8.12790 Programs
# and so on...
I want to deploy our Network Printers that are shared from a Print-Server to Windows 10 PCs, on per-machine basis.
Currently we do this with a Kix-Script and ini file, but I want to move this to PowerShell and deploy it as a Startup/Login Script with Group Policy. The deployment must be with PowerShell not purely GPO, with a script we are more flexible to deploy to singular machines.
I've written a PS Script and using a CSV File containing the PCs and Printers to map, but it seams completely wrong. Is there a better way to deploy the printers?
Here are my CSV, 'True' is to set Printer as Default:
#TYPE Selected.System.Management.ManagementObject.Data.DataRow
\\SV0002\PR0001, True
\\SV0002\PR0001, True
and the PS-Script:
Get–WMIObject Win32_Printer | where{$_.Network -eq ‘true‘} | foreach{$_.delete()}
$Printers=IMPORT-CSV \\server\$env:username\printers.csv
FOREACH ($Printer in $Printers) {
Invoke-Expression 'rundll32 printui.dll PrintUIEntry /in /q /n $($Printer.Name)'
I edited the csv File, and it looks like this now:
We did that with Excel, so it's easier to edit, and save it as csv.
Also where is located, we changed it to \Server\Netlogon\Subfolder\Printers.csv so that also the the Variable is changed to:
$Printers=IMPORT-CSV \\server\Netlogon\Subfolder\printers.csv
But now I think the whole script is wrong?
Using a CSV like this:
The code would be:
$csv = "\\server\Netlogon\Subfolder\printers.csv"
$Computers = Import-Csv $csv
foreach ($Computer in $Computers){
If ($ -eq $env:computername) {
$Printers = ($Computer.printers).split(";")
foreach ($Printer in $Printers) {Add-Printer $Printer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}
(New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network).SetDefaultPrinter("$($Computer.defaultprinter)")
The way we do (did) it here at work was by invoking some VBScript from within the PowerShell script.
Print server and Printer are obtained via AD cmdlets.
$net = New-Object -Com WScript.Network
$net.AddWindowsPrinterConnection("\\" + $PRINT_SERVER + "\" + $PRINTER)
Starting from Windows 8 :
# Add the printer
Add-Printer -ConnectionName ("\\" + $printServer + "\" + $printerName) -Name $printerName
# Get the printer
$printer = Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * From Win32_Printer Where ShareName = '$printerName'"
# Set printer as default
I solved the Problem with the Script of James C., many thanks to him, it was a big help!.
The only wrong Thing was that between Add-Printer and $Printer, it had to be -ConnectionName. After that Little Edit in the script, everything was fine.
So we made a GP_Printers, where we putted under Computer Configuration/Windows Settings/Scripts/Startup this Script as printermapping.ps1
Also we putted into Shutdown a PowerShell Script where all Printer Connection are deleted.
Here are all the scripts.
Printer Mappings with PowerShell depending on CSV:
$csv = "\\server\Netlogon\Subfolder\printers.csv"
$Computers = Import-Csv $csv
foreach ($Computer in $Computers){
If ($ -eq $env:computername) {
$Printers = ($Computer.printers).split(";")
foreach ($Printer in $Printers) {Add-Printer-ConnectionName $Printer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}
(New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network).SetDefaultPrinter("$($Computer.defaultprinter)")
And the Printer Disconnection:
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Printer | where{$_.Network -eq ‘true‘}| foreach{$_.delete()}
I hope this could be helpfoul for others.
Again many thanks to James C.
I've made some correction and improvements to the script, and found also some Problem that Comes if you use it on a GPO, the changes are following:
The Connection Script:
$csv = "\\server\Netlogon\Subfolder\printers.csv"
$Computers = Import-Csv $csv
foreach ($Computer in $Computers){
If ($ -eq $env:computername) {
$Printers = ($Computer.printers).split(";")
foreach ($Printer in $Printers) {Add-Printer-ConnectionName $Printer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}
(New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network).SetDefaultPrinter("$($Computer.defaultprinter)")
And also a disconnect Script when logging off:
#$a = Get-WMIObject -query "Select * From Win32_Printer Where Name = 'Microsoft Print to PDF'"
$TargetPrinter = "Microsoft Print to PDF"
$ErrorActionPreference = “SilentlyContinue”
$LocalPrinter = GWMI -class Win32_Printer | Where {$_.Name -eq $TargetPrinter}
$ErrorActionPreference = “Stop”
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Printer | where{$_.Network -eq ‘true‘}| foreach{$_.delete()}
To disconnect the default printer must be changed, otherwise it won't be disconnected.
After all Script was made, we putted them in a GPO under User Configuration\Policies\Windows Settings\Scripts and there on Logon and Logoff.
You may have some troubles that the GPOs won't run, so here some usefull troubleshooting guides that i found:
The Scripts aren't working as Machine Policies under Startup and Shutdown, they have to be in the User Configuration as mentioned above.
Also you have to configure the Policie that deley the Script of 5 minutes. These are under Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Group Policy\Configure Logon Script Delay aktivate them and set the delay to 0 minutes, otherwise any Script will be deleyed to 5 minutes after logon.
Also a problem could be, if you are running the GPO on Windows 8/10 System, and you made them on a WIndows 7 PC. Create GPOs allways on the Server 2008/R2 or 2012R2 for this kind of system.
It could be helpfoul also if you configure the Logon/Logoff GPO as follows: As Scriptname "powershell.exe" (without quotes) and as Script Parameters -F "\SERVER\FREIGABE\meinskript.ps1" (with quotes.
I hope this could help someone else.
Thanks to who hleped me.
I wrote a PowerShell script to change the login user for a service on my remote VMs. It works when I execute it. However, when I send it to my coworkers, the script appears that it ran without errors and they checked it still listed as "local account'.
$account = Read-Host "Please admin account Name"
$password = Read-Host -AsSecureString "Please enter your password"
$password = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($password))
$service = Read-Host "Enter service name"
$computers = Get-Content -Path ".\servers.txt"
foreach ($computer in $computers) {
$svc = gwmi Win32_Service -ComputerName $computer -Filter "name='$service'"
Write-Host $service "is now running as" $account
I would move this block
foreach ($computer in $computers) {
$svc = gwmi Win32_Service -ComputerName $computer -Filter "name='$service'"
into a invoke-command block. Cmd-lets using the -Computer parameter implement the remote actions in a proprietary way, while invoke-command uses WSMAN (-> more standardized way).
Try this:
foreach ($computer in $computers) {
# $computer can be either an IP-address or a FQDN e.g. computer.mydomain
invoke-command -computer $computer -credential (get-credential) -scripblock {
$svc = gwmi Win32_Service -ComputerName $computer -Filter "name='$service'"
With that proposal all actions are performed on the remote machine. In contrary to the first attempt. The first attempt "fetches" the remote objects to you local machine (objects are converted), than you locally perform some actions on the converted object (-> changed properties are send back to the remote).
If your computer is not in the same domain as the remote ones, you've to add your remote targets to your local trusted host list. This link describes how to update your trusted hosts list.
You should also check if Powershell remoting is active on your targets, also described in this link. If your target OS is WIN Server 2012 R2 Powershell remoting is active per default.
I'm having issue with a script I've written and would love some help.
Please note I'm very new to powershell.
I've written a script that uses a txt file that contains remote computers on a domain, I appears to be working to some degree but in the event of a machine being offline I get errors which then loop the script.
Name = 'Machine'
Expression = { $_.PsComputerName }
ForEach ($System in $Machines)
#Pings machine's found in text file
if (!(test-Connection -ComputerName $System -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ea 0 -Quiet))
Write-Output "$System Offline"
#Providing the machine is reachable
#Checks installed programs for products that contain Kaspersky in the name
gwmi win32_product -Filter {Name like "%Kaspersky%"} -ComputerName $Machines | Select-Object -Property $pcname,Name,Version
At present this runs and output's like so:
Machine Name Version
UKTEST01 Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent 10.1.249
UKTEST02 Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows
But in the event of a machine not being reachable the following error is given:
gwmi : The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)
At C:\Scripts\Powershell\Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10\Script\New folder\Kaspersky Checker working v2.ps1:15 char:9
+ gwmi win32_product -Filter {Name like "%Kaspersky%"} -ComputerName $Mach ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Get-WmiObject], COMException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : GetWMICOMException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetWmiObjectCommand
And then moves to the next machine in the list, and then repeats from the beginning again.
I'd like for this to simply show as:
UKTEST03 Offline
And stop once the last machine in the txt file is done.
Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated.
This is the perfect time to use a Try/Catch/Finally block. The flow is this : Try the block of code here, if you encounter an error, suppress the message and do what is in the Catch block instead.
I've modified your code a bit, so simply copy this whole code block and drop it in, replacing your Else {scriptblock} in your original code.
#Providing the machine is reachable
#Checks installed programs for products that contain Kaspersky in the name
Try {Get-WMIObject -Class win32_product -Filter {Name like "%Kaspersky%"} `
-ComputerName $Machines -ErrorAction STOP |
Select-Object -Property $pcname,Name,Version }
Catch {#If an error, do this instead
Write-Output "$system Offline }
Your completed answer
I've folded in the change you requested, to keep your script from running on every machine in $machines instead of $system, as you likely intended.
ForEach ($System in $Machines){
#Pings machine's found in text file
if (!(test-Connection -ComputerName $System -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ea 0 -Quiet))
Write-Output "$System Offline"
#Providing the machine is reachable
#Checks installed programs for products that contain Kaspersky in the name
Try {Get-WMIObject -Class win32_product -Filter {Name like "%Kaspersky%"} `
-ComputerName $System -ErrorAction STOP |
Select-Object -Property $pcname,Name,Version }
Catch {#If an error, do this instead
Write-Output "$system Offline "}
You could try this:
$machines=... # your machines' names
foreach ($machine in $machines)
trap{"$machine`: not reachable or not running WsMan";continue}
if(test-wsman -ComputerName $machine -ea stop){
gcim -Class CIM_Product -Filter 'Name like "%Kaspersky%"' |
select pscomputername,name,version
I'm using gcim because gwmi is deprecated.
Correction: the correct name is Kaspersky; I corrected it.
Ive wrote a script to get the services of a machine and i want to mirror the StartMode to another machine. I cant think of how to achieve the latter: setting the services on the remote machine. Heres a script ive written so far:
#List of Issue of services
$NamesOfIssueServices = "Browser", "Dhcp", "Dnscache", "dwmrcs", "iphlpsvc", "LanmanServer", "LanmanWorkstation", "MMCSS", "MpsSvc", "Netlogon", "Netman", "netprofm", "NlaSvc", "nsi", "p2pimsvc","PNRPsvc","PolicyAgent", "SessionEnv", "stisvc", "W32Time", "WinHttpAutoProxySvc", "WinRM"
#get all services
$W32Services = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service
#filter wanted services
$IssueServices = $W32Services | Where-Object {$NamesOfIssueServices -contains $}
#display wanted services
$IssueServices | Sort-Object name | ft Name, DisplayName, State, StartMode, StartName
If you're using PowerShell v2.0 you can easily do that by using the Set-Service cmdlet:
foreach ($service in $issueServices) {
$startMode = $service.StartMode
if ($service.StartMode -eq "Auto") {
$startMode = "Automatic"
Set-Service -ComputerName TheRemoteMachine -Name $service.Name -StartupType $startMode
The conditional statement is due to an incompatibility between the value "Auto" obtained from the StartMode property and the argument "Automatic" expected by the -StartupType parameter.
Does anyone have a Powershell script to change the credentials used by a Windows service?
Bit easier - use WMI.
$service = gwmi win32_service -computer [computername] -filter "name='whatever'"
Change the service name appropriately in the filter; set the remote computer name appropriately.
I wrote a function for PowerShell that changes the username, password, and restarts a service on a remote computer (you can use localhost if you want to change the local server). I've used this for monthly service account password resets on hundreds of servers.
You can find a copy of the original at
It also waits until the service is fully stopped to try to start it again, unlike one of the other answers.
Function Set-ServiceAcctCreds([string]$strCompName,[string]$strServiceName,[string]$newAcct,[string]$newPass){
$filter = 'Name=' + "'" + $strServiceName + "'" + ''
$service = Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $strCompName -namespace "root\cimv2" -class Win32_Service -Filter $filter
while ($service.Started){
sleep 2
$service = Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $strCompName -namespace "root\cimv2" -class Win32_Service -Filter $filter
The PowerShell 6 version of Set-Service now has the -Credential parameter.
Here is an example:
$creds = Get-Credential
Set-Service -DisplayName "Remote Registry" -Credential $creds
At this point, it is only available via download via GitHub.
I created a text file "changeserviceaccount.ps1" containing the following script:
$svc=gwmi win32_service -filter $service
I used this as part of by post-build command line during the development of a windows service:
Visual Studio: Project properties\Build Events
Pre-build event command line:
"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\installutil.exe" myservice.exe /u
Post-build event command line:
"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\installutil.exe" myservice.exe
powershell -command - < c:\psscripts\changeserviceaccount.ps1
A slight variation on the other scripts here, is below. This one will set credentials for any/all services running under a given login account. It will only attempt to restart the service if it was already running, so that we don't accidentally start a service that was stopped for a reason. The script has to be run from and elevated shell (if the script starts telling you about ReturnValue = 2, you're probably running it un-elevated). Some usage examples are:
all services running as the currently logged in user, on the local host:
.\set-servicecredentials.ps1 -password p#ssw0rd
all services running as user: somedomain\someuser on host somehost.somedomain:
.\set-servicecredentials.ps1 somehost.somedomain somedomain\someuser p#ssw0rd
param (
[alias('computer', 'c')]
[string] $computerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
[alias('username', 'u')]
[string] $serviceUsername = "$env:USERDOMAIN\$env:USERNAME",
[alias('password', 'p')]
[string] $servicePassword
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computerName -Script {
[string] $computerName,
[string] $serviceUsername,
[string] $servicePassword
Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $computerName -Namespace root\cimv2 -Class Win32_Service | Where-Object { $_.StartName -eq $serviceUsername } | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host ("Setting credentials for service: {0} (username: {1}), on host: {2}." -f $_.Name, $serviceUsername, $computerName)
$change = $_.Change($null, $null, $null, $null, $null, $null, $serviceUsername, $servicePassword).ReturnValue
if ($change -eq 0) {
Write-Host ("Service Change() request accepted.")
if ($_.Started) {
$serviceName = $_.Name
Write-Host ("Restarting service: {0}, on host: {1}, to implement credential change." -f $serviceName, $computerName)
$stop = ($_.StopService()).ReturnValue
if ($stop -eq 0) {
Write-Host -NoNewline ("StopService() request accepted. Awaiting 'stopped' status.")
while ((Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $computerName -Namespace root\cimv2 -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='$serviceName'").Started) {
Start-Sleep -s 2
Write-Host -NoNewline "."
Write-Host "."
$start = $_.StartService().ReturnValue
if ($start -eq 0) {
Write-Host ("StartService() request accepted.")
} else {
Write-Host ("Failed to start service. ReturnValue was '{0}'. See:" -f $start) -ForegroundColor "red"
} else {
Write-Host ("Failed to stop service. ReturnValue was '{0}'. See:" -f $stop) -ForegroundColor "red"
} else {
Write-Host ("Failed to change service credentials. ReturnValue was '{0}'. See:" -f $change) -ForegroundColor "red"
} -Credential "$env:USERDOMAIN\$env:USERNAME" -ArgumentList $computerName, $serviceUsername, $servicePassword
Considering that whithin this class:
there's a method named setserviceaccount(), may be this script will do what you want:
# Copyright Buck Woody, 2007
# All scripts provided AS-IS. No functionality is guaranteed in any way.
# Change Service Account name and password using PowerShell and WMI
$class = Get-WmiObject -computername "SQLVM03-QF59YPW" -namespace
root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement -class SqlService
#This remmed out part shows the services - I'll just go after number 6 (SQL
#Server Agent in my case):
# foreach ($classname in $class) {write-host $classname.DisplayName}
# $class[6].DisplayName
stop-service -displayName $class[6].DisplayName
# Note: I recommend you make these parameters, so that you don't store
# passwords. At your own risk here!
$class[6].SetServiceAccount("account", "password")
start-service -displayName $class[6].DisplayName
Just making #alastairs's comment more visible: the 6th parameter must be $false instead of $null when you use domain accounts:
$service = Get-WMIObject -class Win32_Service -filter "name='serviceName'"
$service.change($null, $null, $null, $null, $null, $false, "DOMAIN\account", "mypassword")
Without that it was working for 4/5 of the services I tried to change, but some refused to be changed (error 21).
$svc = Get-WmiObject win32_service -filter "name='serviceName'"
the position of username and password can change so try this line to find the right place$svc.GetMethodParameters("change")
What I cannot find in the default PS stack, I find it implemented in Carbon: (Carbon 2.0 only)
The given answers do the job.
Although, there is another important detail; in order to change the credentials and run the service successfully, you first have to grant that user account permissions to 'Log on as a Service'.
To grant that privilege to a user, use the Powershell script provided here by just providing the username of the account and then run the other commands to update the credentials for a service as mentioned in the other answers, i.e.,
$svc=gwmi win32_service -filter 'Service Name'
Sc config example. First allowing modify access to a certain target folder, then using the locked down "local service" account. I would use set-service -credential, if I had PS 6 or above everywhere.
icacls c:\users\myuser\appdata\roaming\fahclient /grant "local service:(OI)(CI)(M)"
sc config "FAHClient" obj="NT AUTHORITY\LocalService"