Issue : jqgrid double header issue - jqgrid

I tried to keep double header in my jqgrid. But I keep getting
Length of colNames < > colModel!
Code that I tried
var grid = $("#list"),
mydata = [
{name:'date',index:'date',key: true,width:100,sorttype:"text"},
{name:'time',index:'time',key: true,width:100,sorttype:"text"},
jQuery("#list").jqGrid('setGroupHeaders', {
// useColSpanStyle: true,
{startColumnName: 'date',numberOfColumns: 1, titleText: '<em>Price</em>'},
{startColumnName: 'time',numberOfColumns: 1, titleText: 'Shiping'}
I need Date in the first header time in the second header.
Any help ?

It looks like you need just create multiline column headers and not grouping of some column headers together. Thus the usage of setGroupHeaders is the wrong way.
What you need to use is wrapping of long column header text (see the answer) or just including <br/> inside of the text of the column header (see another answer). It's important to understand that colNames or label property of colModel contains HTML fragment which will be set in the column header. Thus one can use HTML markup. Depend on the version of jqGrid which you use you could use additional CSS rule
.ui-jqgrid .ui-jqgrid-htable th div { height: auto }


JqGrid setCell properties lost when sorting column

Just after editing a row (mode inline) I try to change some css properties of cells according the new value.
Typically : After editing of one row all cell of this row that contains the letter "D" I update the cell with a new css property : background-color: grey (using setCell method)
For that I use inline editing :
grid.jqGrid('navGrid',"#pager",{edit:false, add:false, del:false});
grid.jqGrid('inlineNav',"#pager",{edit:true, add:false, del:false, editParams: myEditParam});
For change the background after editing I use the method aftersavefunc
myEditParam :
aftersavefunc: function(rowId, dataFromServer)
var rowData = $("#list").jqGrid("getRowData", rowId);
for (var key in rowData)
if (rowData[key] == "D")
$("#list").jqGrid("setCell",rowId, key, "", {"background-color": "#ECECEC"} );
This code works but unfortunatly, when I sort one column of the grid the setCell method is not perserved ! (the cell lost it's background-color: grey)
Does it exist a better method for change the background after editing in function of the new value ?
Thx for your help ;)
I would suggest removing the Style from that event and rather move it to the more general function below. If the style isn't applied you can always trigger a refresh on the jqGrid as part of your after edit code.
The following function will examine each column cell value and if the TestValue is matching add the class to the row.
rowattr: function (rd) {
if (rd.ColumnName == TestValue) { return {"class": "RowBoldClass"}; }//if
and the matching class
RowBoldClass { font-weight:bold; .....
My answer from Making a row bold, changing background color - dwr
If you really need to change the format/color/style of the cell in the column which can the value "D" then you should use cellattr (see the answer or this one).
If you need to change the format/color/style of the row then you should use rowattr (see the answer).
One thing is important to understand: neither cellattr nor rowattr will be called at the end of row editing. So you will still have to use aftersavefunc callback.
The current code of aftersavefunc seems me a little strange. First of all I never had requirements to mark the value in any column of the grid based on the value ("D" in your case). Typically one need to test only specific column or columns for the value and then mark the cell or mark some other cell in the row.
In any way one need typically not just add the class in the value will be "D", but remove the class if the value is not "D".
I modified the demo from the answer to support inline editing (one should use double-click to start editing and press Enter to stop editing). The modified demo uses the following code of aftersavefunc additionally to cellattr used in the old demo:
aftersavefunc: function (rowId) {
var closed = $(this).jqGrid("getCell", rowId, "closed"), indexOfColumn;
if (closed === "Yes") {
// add CSS classes to the cell used to mark
$(this).jqGrid("setCell", rowId, "name", "",
"ui-state-error ui-state-error-text");
} else {
// remove CSS classes from the cell used to mark
indexOfColumn =, "name");
.removeClass("ui-state-error ui-state-error-text");

jqgrid group header not showing ampersand character in IE 7/8

I am using jqgrid to show dynamic data in it, my sql stored procedure returns some data as "T & E". I am displaying this data in group header, i can only see "T" in the group header the rest of the data is trimmed down in IE 7/8. The same thing when i run it in Firefox it show correctly as "T & E". Please tell me the solution for this problem, any help would be appreciated.
I have tried the autoencode property setting it to true, but it did not work,
I have kept the meta tag character encoding utf-8 in the aspx file.
I had similar issue while editing . This link helped me to attain what i wanted with some tweaks.
My system config.
Win 7 with IE8
While editing, the text after the '&' was lost. Eg: If we had text like 'a&a' only 'a' used to show up in the grid and get saved eventually.
The custom formatter how ever did the trick for me.
//In col Model
//Assuming description is one of your column in the jqGrid
//Note the formatter , this is the custom formatter which does the magic for us in this case.
{ name: 'Description', index: 'Description', align: "center", sorttype: 'text', sortable: true, resizable: false, editable: editGrids, formatter: formatTextDisplay,unformat:unformatTextDisplay}
//Formatter code
var formatTextDisplay = function (cellval, opts, action) {
if (cellval) {
return $.jgrid.htmlEncode(cellval);
return "";
//Un formatter code, in case you want to read through the text in its original state from the grid for processing in the javascript file.
var unformatTextDisplay = function (cellval, opts, action) {
if (cellval) {
return $.jgrid.htmlDecode(cellval);
return "";

jqGrid Custom Formatter Set Cell wont work with options.rowId

Ive been through all the posts, finally got setCell to work with hardcoded values, but not using the options.rowId.
function StatusFormatter(cellvalue, options, rowObject) {
if (cellvalue == 'C'){
jQuery("#list").setCell(options.rowId , 'SOORDLINE', '', { color: 'red' });
jQuery("#list").setCell("[2.000]", 'SOORDLINE', '', { color: 'red' });
jQuery("#list").setCell('[2.000]', 'SOREQDATE', '', { color: 'red' });
jQuery("#list").setCell(options.rowId, 'SOPRICE', '', { color: 'red' });
return cellvalue;
The FIRST and LAST lines dont work, but the 2 with the hardcoded rowId DO work. I inspected what comes back in the option.rowId and they are the same as the hardcoded values, (just different depending on the row of course. What am I missing? Please help. I dont see any difference between the lines, or values.
I tried the answer, and it seems to be what I need. I tried the following
{ name: 'SOORDLINE', index: 'SOORDLINE', width: 25, search: false ,celattr: function () { return ' style="color: red"'; }
To aleast make them all red before I dove into the logic, and it didnt do anything for me.
Sorry, but you use custom formatter in absolute wrong way. The goal of the custom formatter to to provide HTML fragment to fill the content of the cells in the corresponding column. So the StatusFormatter will be called before the row with the id equal to options.rowId will be created. Moreover for performance purpose one use typically gridview: true. in the case the whole content of the grid (the whole body of the grid) will be constructed first as string and only after that will be placed in the grid body in one operation. It improve the performance because after placing of any element web browser have to recalculate position of all other elements on the page.
If you want to set text color on the SOORDLINE cell you should cellattr instead:
celattr: function () { return ' style="color: red"'; }
The celattr can be used also in the form celattr: function (rowId, cellValue, rawObject) {...} and you can test the property of rawObject which represent of the values for any column and return the cell style based on the cell value.
Alternatively you can enumerate the rows inside of loadComplete and set the style on <tr> element instead of setting the same styles for every row. See the answer as an example.

How to customize Ext JS tree nodes properly?

Ext JS 4. I have a tree.Panel where I want to display custom HTML in each node, generated from that node’s model data. I can do this by setting the node’s text when loading the store, but it is not the model’s job to do markup. So I created a custom Column that renders my HTML.
My problem is: unless I derive from Ext.tree.Column, it doesn’t show up properly (no outline, plus/minus icons etc.). If I do, everything is fine, but Ext.tree.Column is marked as private to Ext JS.
Is there some officially supported API to do what I want?
I have written a blog post about how to customize ExtJS 4 tree panel, I hope it will help:
The idea is to use renderer combined with A LOT OF css magic:
columns : [{
xtype : 'treecolumn',
dataIndex : 'name',
renderer : function(value, record){
return Ext.String.format('<div class="tree-font">{0}</div>', value);
Thanks for your answer above. Here is another example showing a few more options for formatting:
columns: [{
xtype: 'treecolumn',
dataIndex: 'text',
flex: 1,
renderer: function (value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store, view) {
// see!/api/Ext.tree.Column-cfg-renderer
var tooltipString = "Hello";
metaData.tdAttr = 'data-qtip="' + tooltipString + '"';
return Ext.String.format('{0} <span style="color:red;">{1}</span>', value,;
You might also want to add
hideHeaders : true,
to your tree panel config to remove the "grid" header that appears as a result of using a treecolumn.

while the select editoption posts the value (or id) of the selected list item, autocomplete posts the label - i need id posted

While both autocomplete and select in jqgrid editform place the selected label into the cell, select will place the value (id) in the postdata array where autocomplete will place the label into the postdata array.
is there a way to get the editoption's autocomplete to post the item value (id) instead of the label?
here is the jqgrid code segment i'm using autocomplete in...
colNames:['Workorder', 'wo.CUID',.....],
{name:'wo.CUID', index:'cu.LastName', width:120, fixed:true, align:'center', sortable:true, editable:true, edittype:'text',
editoptions:{dataInit:function(el){$(el).autocomplete({ source: 'php/customer-ac-script.php'
, minLength: 1
formoptions:{rowpos: 1, label:'Customer', elmprefix:'* '},
$('#tab3-grid').jqGrid('navGrid', '#tab3-pager',
{view:true, closeOnEscape:true, cloneToTop:true}, // general parameters that apply to all navigation options below.
{jqModal:true, navkeys:[true,38,40], savekey:[true,13]}, // edit options.
{jqModal:true, navkeys:[true,38,40], savekey:[true,13], reloadAfterSubmit:false, afterSubmit: addRecordID}, // add options.
{jqModal:true, afterSubmit: serverMessage}, // del options.
{jqModal:true}, // search options.
{jqModal:true, navkeys:[true,38,40]} // view options.
The php code segment:
// construct autocomplete select.
$i = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$output[$i][$crudConfig['id']] = $row['CUID'];
$output[$i][$crudConfig['value']] = $row['LastName'];
logMsg(__LINE__,'I','cu.CUID: '.$row['CUID'].', cu.LastName: '.$row['LastName']);
// encode to json format and send output back to jqGrid table.
echo json_encode($output);
logMsg(__LINE__,'I','Send json output back to jqGrid table: '.json_encode($output));
Would it be as simple as calling a function under the autocomplete select event or the grid before or after editform submit?
Also, i noticed this note in the jqgrid doc's for datainit: that says...
Note: Some plugins require the position of the element in the DOM and
since this event is raised before inserting the element into the DOM
you can use a setTimeout function to accomplish the desired action.
Would the lack of including the settimeout function be causing the problem?
The server code which provide the JSON response on the autocomplete request has id and value properties. On the other side the standard behavior of jQuery UI Autocomplete is to use label and value properties (see "Datamodel" in the documentation). The value of label property (if any exist) will be used to display in the contextmenu. The value of value property will be placed in the <input> field after the user choose the item from the contextmenu. The value of label property can has HTML markup, but the value of value property must be the text.
So I see the problem as pure problem of the usage of jQuery UI Autocomplete independent on jqGrid. If I understand correct your question you can solve your problem by modification your server side code.
Oleg's answer clarifying the data model for jquery UI's autocomplete, has allowed me to move forward and understand that autocomplete has nothing to do with constructing and sending the postdata array to the server, jqgrid's editform handles it. With that knowledge, i was able to answer my original question and successfully integrate autocomplete into jqgrid. So, in the interest of sharing, i'd like to show you all my motivation and solution.
By default, selecting a label from the autocomplete list put's the value of the selected label/value pair into the text box. All the editform cares about when you submit is what's in the edit fields. So when you submit the editform, the cell's postdata element value will again contain the value of the autocomplete text box. But what if while wanting to post the value of the label/value pair, you want the label of the label/value pair displayed in the text box? You have a problem! How do you get the value of the label/value pair posted to the server?
Well, after spending a few days on it, it turns out to be quite simply. While i'm sure there is more than one solution, here is mine:
add a hidden id column in the grid
define the select: and focus: events in the autocomplete function
in the select: function; insert the selected label into the text box (optional), disable the default behavior of autocomplete, then set the cell of the hidden column to the value of the selected label/value pair
in the focus: function; insert the selected label into the text box(optional), disable the default behavior of autocomplete
add an "onclickSubmit:" event to the navgrid edit options with function name something like "fixpostdata"
in the "fixpostdata" function; get the cell value of the hidden column and insert it into the postdata element associated with the cell.
The following are the grid and javascript code segments i used…
grid segments
{name:'wo_CUID', index:'wo_CUID', width: 70, hidden: true},
{name:'wo.CUID', index:'cu.LastName', width:120, sortable:true, editable:true, edittype:'text',
dataInit:function(el){ // el contains the id of the edit form input text box.
source: 'php/customer-ac-script.php',
minLength: 1,
select: function(event, ui){event.preventDefault();
var rowid = $('#tab3-grid').getGridParam('selrow');
// set the hidden wo_CUID cell with selected value of the selected label.
$('#tab3-grid').jqGrid('setCell', rowid,'wo_CUID',ui.item.value);},
focus: function(event, ui) {event.preventDefault();
formoptions:{rowpos: 1, label:'Customer', elmprefix:'* '},
$('#tab3-grid').jqGrid('navGrid', '#tab3-pager',
{view:true, closeOnEscape:true, cloneToTop:true},
{jqModal:true, navkeys:[false,38,40], onclickSubmit: fixpostdata}, // edit options.
javascript function
// define handler function for 'onclickSubmit' event.
var fixpostdata = function(params, postdata){
var rowid = $('#tab3-grid').getGridParam('selrow');
var value = $('#tab3-grid').jqGrid('getCell', rowid,'wo_CUID');
postdata['wo.CUID'] = value;
The fixpostdata function fires when you submit the editform but befor the postdata array is sent to the server. At this point you replace the cell's postdata element value with whatever you want. In this case, the value of the label/value pair stored in the hidden column cell. When the function returns, the modified postdata array is sent to the server.
