Define a region in using MaxValue[] function in Mathematica - max

The following two gives completely different output from Mathematica.
The online document does not seem to require a pair of curly braces.
Tau = 10;
Diff = 1/3;
phi[tau_] := 0.5 Sin[Pi tau/(Tau + 2 Diff)] + 0.5 Sin[Pi (tau + 2 Diff)/(Tau + 2 Diff)];
In[1]=MaxValue[phi[tau], {tau} \[Element] Interval[{0.0, 10.0}]]
In[2]=MaxValue[phi[tau], tau \[Element] Interval[{0.0, 10.0}]]
MaxValue::objfs: The objective function {0.5 Sin[(3 \[Pi] Subscript[tau, 1])/32]+0.5 Sin[3/32 \[Pi] (2/3+Subscript[tau, <<1>>])]} should be scalar-valued. >>
Out[2]=MaxValue[0.5 Sin[(3 \[Pi] tau)/32] + 0.5 Sin[3/32 \[Pi] (2/3 + tau)], tau \[Element] Interval[{-2.22507*10^-308, 10.}]]

The documentation does specify that you need curly braces when using the region specification method to define the constrains. In the Details and Options section fourth method of defining constraints with a region specification shows that the curly brackets are necessary.
Hope this helps.


Mathematica: Define a composite function in which the derivative of the argument appears

I am trying to write the following expression:
L[y[x]] = y'[x] - 1/h (a0 y[x - h] + a1 y[x] + a2 y[x + h])
I already saw an answer about something similar to this problem: f[y_]:=D[y,x]*2 and I understood the command of delayed definition. The problem is that in my case the argument x is important because I have to evaluate the function y in different points and this is giving me some issue.
How I can write the formula in a proper way?
Thanks in advance
I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to accomplish.
Is there any chance that this helps?
L[y_,x_] := (y'[z] - 1/h (a0 y[z - h] + a1 y[z] + a2 y[z + h]))/.z->x;
which returns
Cos[x] - (-(a0*Sin[h - x]) + a1*Sin[x] + a2*Sin[h + x])/h
Cos[2] - (a1*Sin[2] + a0*Sin[2 - h] + a2*Sin[2 + h])/h
That depends on z and perhaps x not previously having been assigned any values.
There are almost certainly other ways of doing that, like everything else in Mathematica.
Please test this VERY carefully before you even think of depending on this.

Mathematica: Leaving as constants

I was going to simplify an equation with three variables (s, a, b) using Mathematica as follows:
In[3]:= f[s_] := ((1/4)*(s + s^2 + s^3 + s^4)*[a*(s^3 - s) +
b*(s^3 - s^2)])/(s^3 - (1/4)*(s + s^2 + s^3 + s^4))
In[4]:= Simplify[f[s_]]
Out[4]:= s_ (1 + s_ + s_^2)
As you can see, in the simplified version does not have 'a' and 'b'. I am sure that they should not be removed during simplification process. I am wondering what I am missing...
Thank you in advance!!!
Square brackets have very precise meaning in Mathematica and can't be used in place of parens. Likewise underscores can only be used in very specific ways.
Try this
f[s_] := (1/4*(s+s^2+s^3+s^4)*(a*(s^3-s)+b*(s^3-s^2)))/(s^3-1/4*(s+s^2+s^3+s^4));
which gives you this
-((s*(a + a*s + b*s)*(1 + s + s^2 + s^3))/(-1 - 2*s + s^2))

How to replace implicit subexpressions in Mathematica?

I have this expression in Mathematica:
(a^2 (alpha + beta)^2)/(b^2 + c^2) + (a (alpha + beta))/(b^2 + c^2) + 1
As you can see, the expression has a couple of subexpressions that repeat throughout it.
I want to be able to replace a/(b^2+c^2) with d and alpha+beta with gamma.
The final expression should then be:
I have much more complicated expressions where being able to do this would greatly simplify my work.
I have tried Googling this question, and I only find answers that use FactorTerms and ReplaceRepeated, but do not work consistently and for a more complicated expression like this one. I am hoping that someone here has the answer.
The hard part for the case at hand is the rule for d. Perhaps, there are simpler ways to do it, but one way is to expand the powers to products, to make it work. Let's say this is your expression:
expr = (a^2 (alpha + beta)^2)/(b^2 + c^2) + (a (alpha + beta))/(b^2 + c^2) + 1
and these are the rules one would naively write:
rules = {a/(b^2 + c^2) -> d, alpha + beta -> gamma}
What we would like to do now is to expand powers to products, in both expr and rules. The problem is that even if we do, they will auto-evaluate back to powers. To prevent that, we'll need to wrap them into, for example, Hold. Here is a function which will help us:
withExpandedPowers[expr_, f_: Hold] :=
Hold[expr] /. x_^(n_Integer?Positive) :>
With[{eval = times ## Table[x, {n}]}, eval /; True] /.
times -> Times //.
HoldPattern[Times[left___, Times[middle__], right___]] :>
Times[left, middle, right]]];
For example:
In[39]:= withExpandedPowers[expr]
Out[39]= Hold[1+(a (alpha+beta))/(b b+c c)+((alpha+beta) (alpha+beta) a a)/(b b+c c)]
The following will then do the job:
withExpandedPowers[expr] //.
withExpandedPowers[Map[MapAt[HoldPattern, #, 1] &, rules], Identity]]
Out[40]= 1 + d gamma + a d gamma^2
We had to additionally wrap the l.h.s. of rules in HoldPattern, to prevent products from collapsing back to powers there.
This is just one case where we had to fight the auto-simplification mechanism of Mathematica, but for this sort of problems this will be the main obstacle. I can't assess how robust this will be for larger and more complex expressions.
Using ReplaceRepeated:
(a^2 (alpha + beta)^2)/(b^2 + c^2) + (a (alpha + beta))/(b^2 + c^2) +
1 //. {a/(b^2 + c^2) -> d, alpha + beta -> gamma}
Or using TransformationFunctions:
FullSimplify[(a^2 (alpha + beta)^2)/(b^2 +
c^2) + (a (alpha + beta))/(b^2 + c^2) + 1,
TransformationFunctions -> {Automatic, # /.
a/(b^2 + c^2) -> d &, # /. alpha + beta -> gamma &}]
Both give:
1 + gamma (d + (a^2 gamma)/(b^2 + c^2))
I modestly --- I am not a computer scientist --- think this is simpler than all other proposed solutions
1+a(alpha+beta)/(b^2 + c^2) +a^2(alpha+beta)^2/(b^2 + c^2) \\.
{a^2-> a z, a/(b^2 + c^2)-> d,alpha+\beta -> gamma,z-> a}

about plotting process -- a further question about "A problem in Mathematica 8 with function declaration"

Related A problem in Mathematica 8 with function declaration
model = 4/Sqrt[3] - a1/(x + b1) - a2/(x + b2)^2 - a3/(x + b3)^4;
fit = {a1 -> 0.27, a2 -> 0.335, a3 -> -0.347, b1 -> 4.29, b2 -> 0.435,
b3 -> 0.712};
functionB1[x_] = model /. fit;
functionB2[x_] := model /. fit;
The evaluation difference between functionB1 and functionB2 can be revealed by Trace command in mma, as below:
functionB1[Sqrt[0.2]] // Trace
functionB2[Sqrt[0.2]] // Trace
I have no question about functionB1. what puzzles me is that because functionB2[Sqrt[0.2]] doesn't even gives a numeric result but gives a function of x 4/Sqrt[3] - 0.335/(0.435 + x)^2 + 0.347/(0.712 + x)^4 - 0.27/(
4.29 + x), and then how its plot Plot[functionB2[Sqrt[x]], {x, 0, 1}] is possible?
I mean when you run Plot[functionB2[Sqrt[x]], {x, 0, 1}], what happens inside mma is:
x takes a number, say, 0.2, then 0.2 is finally passed to functionB2, but functionB2 gives a function, not a number. Then how is the following figure generated?
And its trace result ( Plot[functionB2[Sqrt[x]], {x, 0, 1}] // Trace ) seems very unreadable. I wonder the clear plotting process of functionB2. Can anybody show it?
thanks~ :)
SetDelayed acts as a scoping construction. Arguments are localized if necessary. Any variables that explicitly match the arguments are bound within this scope, others are not.
In[78]:= a[x_] := x^2 + b
b = x^4;
(* the first x^2 is explicitly present and bound to the argument.
The x in x^4 present via b is not bound *)
In[80]:= a[x]
Out[80]= x^2 + x^4 (* this is what you would expect *)
In[81]:= a[y]
Out[81]= x^4 + y^2 (* surprise *)
In[82]:= a[1]
Out[82]= 1 + x^4 (* surprise *)
So, what you could do is one of two things:
Use Evaluate: functionB2[x_] := Evaluate[model /. fit];
Make dependence of model on x explicit:
In[68]:= model2[x_] =
4/Sqrt[3] - a1/(x + b1) - a2/(x + b2)^2 - a3/(x + b3)^4;
In[69]:= functionB3[x_] := model2[x] /. fit;
In[85]:= functionB3[Sqrt[0.2]]
Out[85]= 2.01415
Edit because of question update
Because of your definition of functionB2 any argument value yields the same result, as explained above:
In[93]:= functionB2[1]
Out[93]= 4/Sqrt[3] - 0.335/(0.435 + x)^2 + 0.347/(0.712 +
x)^4 - 0.27/(4.29 + x)
In[94]:= functionB2["Even a string yields the same ouput"]
Out[94]= 4/Sqrt[3] - 0.335/(0.435 + x)^2 + 0.347/(0.712 +
x)^4 - 0.27/(4.29 + x)
However, this expression contains x's and therefore it can get a numerical value if we provide a numerical value for x:
In[95]:= functionB2["Even a string yields the same ouput"] /. x -> 1
Out[95]= 2.13607
Well, this basically what Plot does too. This is why you still get a plot.
The definition:
functionB2[x_] := model /. fit
is an instruction to Mathematica to replace all future occurrences of an expression that looks like functionB2[x_] with the result of substituting the value of the argument for every occurrence of x in the expression model /. fit. But there are no occurrences of x in model /. fit: the only symbols in that expression are model and fit (and, technically, ReplaceAll). Therefore, the definition returns a fixed result, model /. fit, irrespective of the argument. Indeed, the definition could just simply be:
functionB2a[] := model /. fit
If you plot functionB2a[], you will get the same result as if you plotted functionB2[anything]. Why? Because Plot will evaluate that expression while varying the symbol x over the plot range. It so happens that model /. fit evaluates to an expression involving that symbol, so you get the exhibited plot.
Now consider functionB1:
functionB1[x_] = model /. fit
It too says to replace all occurrences of x on the right-hand side -- but this time the right-hand side is evaluated before the definition is established. The result of evaluating model /. fit is an expression that does contain the symbol x, so now the definition is sensitive to the passed argument value. The net result is as if the function were defined thus:
functionB1a[x_] := 4/Sqrt[3]-0.335/(0.435+x)^2+0.347/(0.712+x)^4-0.27/(4.29+x)
So, if you plot functionB1[Sqrt[x]], the Plot command will see the expression:
4/Sqrt[3]-0.335/(0.435 +Sqrt[x])^2+0.347/(0.712 +Sqrt[x])^4-0.27/(4.29 +Sqrt[x])
Formal Symbols
When establishing definitions using SetDelayed, the name of the formal argument (x in this case) is independent of any occurrences of the same symbol outside of the definition. Such definitions can use any other symbol, and still generate the same result. On the other hand, definitions established using Set (such as functionB1) rely on the result of evaluating the right-hand side containing the same symbol as the formal argument. This can be a source of subtle bugs as one must take care not use symbols that accidentally have pre-existing down-values. The use of formal symbols (described in Letters and Letter-like Forms) for argument names can help manage this problem.
You can understand what is going on by trying:
{4/Sqrt[3] - 0.335/(0.435+ x)^2 + 0.347/(0.712+ x)^4 - 0.27/(4.29+ x)}
What is getting replaced is the x inside the definition of functionB2, not a formal argument.
The plot you are getting is not what you want. The Sqrt[x] is disregarded in functionB2[...] and the implicit x is replaced, as you can see here:

mathematica, Simplify trig function

if say i have a function given :
singlepattern = Cosh[theta] + Cosh[3theta]
How do i get a rational expression in terms of x of the function if i want to substitute Cosh[theta] by
"Cosh[theta] = ( x )/ 2 "
I retagged the question as a homework. You should look into ChebyshevT polynomials. It has the property that ChebyshevT[3, Cos[th] ]==Cos[3*th]. So for your problem the answer is
In[236]:= x/2 + ChebyshevT[3, x/2]
Out[236]= -x + x^3/2
Alternatively, you could use TrigExpand:
In[237]:= Cos[th] + Cos[3*th] // TrigExpand
Out[237]= Cos[th] + Cos[th]^3 - 3 Cos[th] Sin[th]^2
In[238]:= % /. Sin[th]^2 -> 1 - Cos[th]^2 // Expand
Out[238]= -2 Cos[th] + 4 Cos[th]^3
In[239]:= % /. Cos[th] -> x/2
Out[239]= -x + x^3/2
EDIT The reason the above has to do with the explicit question, is that Cosh[theta] == Cos[I*u] for some u. And since u or theta are formal, results will hold true.
Use Solve to solve for theta, then substitute, Expand, and Simplify:
In[16]:= TrigExpand[Cosh[3 theta] + Cosh[theta]] /.
Solve[Cosh[theta] == (x)/2, theta] // FullSimplify
During evaluation of In[16]:= Solve::ifun: Inverse functions are being used by Solve,
so some solutions may not be found; use Reduce for complete solution information. >>
Out[16]= {1/2 x (-2 + x^2), 1/2 x (-2 + x^2)}
This might interest you:*x%29
