running ssh process in background gets paused - shell

I have some scripts that I'm developing on a vm but sometimes needs to run on a production server to be properly tested.
I need the output from the scripts for debugging so I've tinkered together the following solution:
function test_remote() {
scp $1 Prod:/home/xxx/tmp/
cmd="ssh Prod \"/usr/bin/php /home/xxx/tmp/$f\" > /home/xxx/tests/$n-remote-test.html"
eval ${cmd}
ssh Prod "rm /home/xxx/tmp/$f"
echo "done"
which I have placed in my .zshrc file
I would like to run it in the background using
test_remote path_to_file/php_file.php &
but as I do I always get the following result
[1] + 12996 suspended (tty input) test_remote path_to_file/php_file.php
if I resume it with bg it just repeats the same message

When a background process attempts to read from standard input, it is sent a signal which suspends it. This is so the user can bring the process to the foreground again and provide the necessary input.
If no input needs to be provided, you can redirect the standard input from /dev/null, either when calling test_remote or in cmd.

SSH is reading from its standard input, which is the terminal. It does this even if the program on the remote side doesn't try to read from its standard input, because it has no way to know that the remote side won't try (and also because the user could press a key such as Ctrl+C which the server side would translate to sending a signal).
There can only sensibly be a single process reading from the terminal: if there were multiple processes, which one would receive each key press? (When that does happen, the effect is that each byte goes more or less randomly to a different process.) The terminal management framework in the kernel ensures that (under normal circumstances) only the foreground process receives terminal input. If a background process tries to read from the terminal, it receives a SIGTTIN signal and the default action for that signal is to suspend the process. “12996 suspended (tty input)” is the shell letting you know that process 12996 was suspended by a SIGTTIN.
A generic way to avoid that, with any background command that might try to read from its standard input, is to redirect its standard input from somewhere else, for example /dev/null.
mycommand </dev/null &
With the SSH client, you can use the -n option to achieve the same effect. You can also use the -f option to tell ssh to go to the background after reading a password; this is useful if you have to use a password, but you should use keys instead if at all possible. These options have the downside that the background process is not a shell job so you can't wait for its termination and get.
Why on earth are you using eval? Just write
ssh Prod "/usr/bin/php /home/xxx/tmp/$f" > /home/xxx/tests/$n-remote-test.html


Pass command from scheduled script to program running in xterm window

I have a game server running in an xterm window.
Once daily I'd like to send a warning message to any players followed after a delay by the stop command to the program inside the xterm window from a script running on a schedule. This causes the cleanup and save functions to run automatically.
Once the program shuts down I can bring it back up easily but I don't know how to send the warning and stop commands first.
Typed directly into xterm the commands are:
broadcast Reboot in 2 minutes
(followed by a 2 minute wait and then simply):
no / or other characters required.
Any help?
Do you also need to type something from the xterm itself (from time to time) or do you want your server to be fully driven from external commands?
Is your program line-oriented? You may first try something like:
mkfifo /tmp/f
tail -f /tmp/f | myprogram
and then try to send commands to your program (from another xterm) with
echo "mycommand" > /tmp/f
You may also consider using netcat for turning your program to a server:
Turn simple C program into server using netcat
Then you could write a shell script for sending the required commands to your "server".
If you know a little about C programming; I remember having once hacked the script program (which was very easy to do: code is short) in order to launch another program but to read commands from a FIFO file (then again a shell script would be easy to write for driving your program).
Something you might try is running your program inside a screen session.
You can then send commands to the session from cron that will be just
as if you typed them.
In your xterm, before launching the program do:
screen -S myscreen bash
(or you can even replace bash by your program). Then from your cron
screen -S myscreen -X stuff 'broadcast Reboot in 2 minutes\n'
sleep 120
screen -S myscreen -X stuff 'stop\n'
will enter that text. You can exit the session using screen -S myscreen -X quit
or by typing ctrl-a \.
screen is intended to be transparent. To easily see you are inside screen, you can
configure a permanent status bar at the bottom of your xterm:
echo 'hardstatus alwayslastline' >~/.screenrc
Now when you run screen you should see a reverse video bottom line. Depending
on your OS it may be empty.

Multiple process from one bash script [duplicate]

I'm trying to use a shell script to start a command. I don't care if/when/how/why it finishes. I want the process to start and run, but I want to be able to get back to my shell immediately...
You can just run the script in the background:
$ myscript &
Note that this is different from putting the & inside your script, which probably won't do what you want.
Everyone just forgot disown. So here is a summary:
& puts the job in the background.
Makes it block on attempting to read input, and
Makes the shell not wait for its completion.
disown removes the process from the shell's job control, but it still leaves it connected to the terminal.
One of the results is that the shell won't send it a SIGHUP(If the shell receives a SIGHUP, it also sends a SIGHUP to the process, which normally causes the process to terminate).
And obviously, it can only be applied to background jobs(because you cannot enter it when a foreground job is running).
nohup disconnects the process from the terminal, redirects its output to nohup.out and shields it from SIGHUP.
The process won't receive any sent SIGHUP.
Its completely independent from job control and could in principle be used also for foreground jobs(although that's not very useful).
Usually used with &(as a background job).
nohup cmd
doesn't hangup when you close the terminal. output by default goes to nohup.out
You can combine this with backgrounding,
nohup cmd &
and get rid of the output,
nohup cmd > /dev/null 2>&1 &
you can also disown a command. type cmd, Ctrl-Z, bg, disown
Alternatively, after you got the program running, you can hit Ctrl-Z which stops your program and then type
which puts your last stopped program in the background. (Useful if your started something without '&' and still want it in the backgroung without restarting it)
screen -m -d $command$ starts the command in a detached session. You can use screen -r to attach to the started session. It is a wonderful tool, extremely useful also for remote sessions. Read more at man screen.

Buffered pipe in bash

I'm running a Bukkit (Minecraft) server on a Linux machine and I want to have the server gracefully shut down using the server's stop command and the computer suspend at a certain time using pm-suspend from the command line. Here's what I've got:
me#comp~/dir$ perl -e 'sleep [time]; print "stop\\n";' | ./server && sudo pm-suspend
(I've edited by /etc/sudoers so I don't have to enter my password when I suspend.)
The thing is, while the perl -e is sleeping, the server is expecting a constant stream of bytes, (That's my guess. I could be misunderstanding something.) so it prints out all of the nothings it receives, taking up precious resources:
me#comp~/dir$ ...
Is there any such thing as a buffered pipe? If not, are there any ways to send delayed input to a script?
You may want to have a look at Bukkit's wiki, which recommends an init script for permanently running servers.
This init script uses rather unconventional approach to communicate with running server. The server is started in screen session, then all commands are send to the server console via screen, e.g.
screen -p 0 -S $SCREEN -X eval 'stuff \"stop\"\015'
This approach suggest that bukkit may be expecting standard input to be attached to a terminal, thus requiring screen wrapper (which is itself terminal emulator) for unattended runs.

how to send ssh job to background

I logged in to a remote server via ssh and started a php script. Appereantly, it will take 17 hours to complete, is there a way to break the connection but the keep the script executing? I didn't make any output redirection, so I am seeing all the output.
Can you stop the process right now? If so, launch screen, start the process and detach screen using ctrl-a then ctrl-d. Use screen -r to retrieve the session later.
This should be available in most distros, failing that, a package will definitely be available for you.
ctrl + z
will pause it. Than type
to send it to background. Write down the PID of the process for later usage ;)
EDIT: I forgot, you have to execute
disown -$PID
where $PID is the pid of your process
after that, and the process will not be killed after you close the terminal.
you described it's important to protect script continuation. Unfortunately I don't know, you make any interaction with script and script is made by you.
continuation protects 'screen' command. your connection will break, but screen protect pseudo terminal, you can reconnect to this later, see man.
if you don't need operators interaction with script, you simply can put script to background at the start, and log complete output into log file. Simply use command:
nohup /where/is/your.script.php >output.log 2&>1 &
>output.log will redirect output into log file, 2&>1 will append error stream into output, effectively into log file. last & will put command into background. Notice, nohup command will detach process from terminal group.
At now you can safely exit from ssh shell. Because your script is out of terminal group, then it won't be killed. It will be rejoined from your shell process, into system INIT process. It is unix like system behavior. Complete output you can monitor using command
tail -f output.log #allways breakable by ^C, it is only watching
Using this method you do not need use ^Z , bg etc shell tricks for putting command to the background.
Notice, using redirection to nohup command is preferred. Otherwise nohup will auto redirect all outputs for you to nohup.out file in the current directory.
You can use screen.

Why do unix background processes sometimes die when I exit my shell?

I wanted to know why i am seeing a different behaviour in the background process in Bash shell
Case 1: Logged in to Unix server using Putty(SSH)
By default it uses csh shell
I changed to bash shell
typed sleep 2000 &
press enter
It gave me the job number. Now i killed my session by clicking the x in the putty window
Now open another session and tried to lookup the process..the process died.
Case 2:Case 1: Logged in to Unix server using Putty(SSH)
By default it uses csh shell
I changed to bash shell
sleep 2000 & Saved
Diff here is..instead of executing the sleep command directly i am storing the sleep command in a file and executing the file.
Now i killed my session by clicking the x in the putty window
Now open another session and tried to lookup the process..the process is still there
Not sure why this is happening. I thought i need to do disown in bash to run the process even after logging out.
One diff i see in the parent process id..In the second case..the parent process id for the sleep 2000 becomes 1. Looks like as soon as process for died the kernel assigned the parent process to 1.
The difference here is indeed the intervening process.
When you close the terminal window, a HUP signal (related to "nohup" as an0nymo0usc0ward mentioned) is sent to the processes running in it. The default action on receiving HUP is to die - from the signal(3) manpage,
No Name Default Action Description
1 SIGHUP terminate process terminal line hangup
In your first example, the sleep process directly receives this HUP signal and dies because it isn't set to do anything else. (Some processes catch HUP and use it to perform some action, e.g. reread some configuration files)
In the second example, the shell process running your shell script has already died, so the sleep process never gets the signal. In UNIX, every process must have a parent process due to the internals of how the wait(2) family of calls works and indeed processes in general. So when the parent process dies, the kernel gives it to init (pid 1, as you note) as a foster child.
Orphan process (on wikipedia) has some more information available about it, also see Zombie process for some additional technical details.
Already running process?
disown %<jobid>
New process/script (on local machine's console)?
nohup &
New process/script (on remote machine's console)?
Depending on your need,
there are two options [ there will be more ;-) ]
ssh remotehost 'nohup /path/to/ </dev/null > nohup.out 2>&1 &'
use 'screen'
Try "nohup cmd args..."
Steven's answer is correct, but I'd like to highlight the tricky part here again:
=> Using a bash script that just executes sleep in the background
The effect of this is that the "script" exits almost immediately (since it's done all its commands). However, it did create a child process (sleep) during its lifetime. The effect of this is that:
The "script" cannot be the parent anymore, and sleep is orphaned to init (which shows nicely in a pstree)
The bash shell where you started the script from has no underlying jobs anymore
Note that this stuff all happens when you executed the script, and has nothing to do with any ssh logout/putty closing.
When you then finally close your putty session, bash receives a "SIGHUP", but doesn't forward it to any other process (since there are no jobs left)
In the other case, bash did still have a job left, which it then sent the SIGHUP to, causing it to end (as you noticed)
Hope this helps
