I am facing the issue with renaming the Sharepoint list in Sharepoint 2010. I have tried the option of renaming the list from the Sharepoint site collection using the title , it actually changes the list name in quick link bar but the URL/ URI of the Sharepoint list does not change.
Also have tried the option of renaming the Sharepoint list from the sharepoint designer 2010 but that also does not change the Sharepoint list URL.
Have tried all the option posted in the SO Blog with the article
[SO Link][1]
(Change SharePoint Library URL)
But it still does not change the actual web address of the list, the change in name of the list happens without any error message so I expect that the web address URL should change without any issue.
You can change a list or library URL, as long as it has not passed the list view threshold (5000 by default), after which such operations are throttled.
Either open the list/library in Windows Explorer and rename the folder that represents the list or library, or you can open the site in SharePoint Designer, open the All Files navigation node (generally the bottom-most node), find your list/library and right-click it to rename it.
I usually just use Explorer View because it's quick.
You can use PowerShell.
In my environment I created a list called BadName
I ran the following commands in PowerShell and successfully renamed it to GoodName:
$spWeb = Get-SPWeb "<MySiteUrl>";
$spList = $spWeb.Lists["BadName"];
This moved the list to the new name. It also renamed the List to match the name.
SharePoint Uses an internal name for the List, in addition to the Display Name (Title), when you create the list. If you create the list using the UI/Browser, then the Internal Name will be a variation of the Title (IE: have special characters for spaces in title, for example). You can also create a list using the API and control what the list Internal Name is on List Creation.
Unfortunately, once a list has been created you cannot change the Internal Name.
The URL path to the list and list contents will use the Internal name used upon list creation.
I you want a different URL, consider a redirect solution, or look into SharePoint Alternate Access Mappings, or re-create the list with the new name.
I believe that David Drever's suggestion is just dependent on creating a different separate list. The short answer to your question is that you can't change the Internal Name to your SharePoint List once it's been created.
Added a private VS extension gallery as described in
using an atom feed as described in
And got this error message:
"A connection to the server could not be established because the following error(s) occurred:
Could not determine the protocol used for this gallery. The URL must point to an Atom Feed or SharePoint List configured for hosting Visual Studio Extensions.
Please click here to retry the request."
This guy had the same problem but didn't bother to post his solution (and apparently you can't reply once it's "solved"), so here it goes:
Open up the atom.xml file with Notepad++ then check "Encode in UTF-8" under "Encoding".
In the two places where there's an id after the name of the extension and 2 dots replace that id with the one from your project's Guids class. It's the first GUID in there. Alternatively you could open up the vsix file with WinRar / 7Zip and open up the extension.vsixmanifest file there (the GUID is found on top of this file).
Edit: the 2nd id tag should just include the ID and not the name of the project and the two dots - otherwise updating the extension won't work
Remove all those hyphens - in the atom.xml file in the case that you copied that from the example in https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh266717.aspx
The first GUID on top of the atom.xml file (the one after uuid) can be any GUID you'd like to have (create one under Visual Studio's Tools->Create GUID).
For a build process template, we can add/remove/edit the argument list of it and use it as variables within the build/work-flow steps. I reading the nice guide here
I'm cloning the template DefaultTemplate.11.1.xaml to sayHello-DefaultTemplate.11.1.xaml and edit it via Visual Studio 2012. I first added one argument, called TestMessage. I check in my changeset to the Source Control.
Then I create a build definition sayHelloBuild based on this template. And when I go to the Process tab, I can see TestMessage in the Misc section. I save the build definition. Trying to queue it and it gets succeeded.
Here comes the issue. I added another argument for the template named ABBCCC and checkin the source code. But when I edit the build definition sayHelloBuild, I cannot see ABBCCC in the Process tab as MyArugment01 does.
How can I get the argument list refreshed?
Within the arugments there is a property called "Metadata" as shown in the picture below. Click on the button at the right end and a window should pop up as shown in the second picture. Enter the name of the new variable in the Parameter Name and enter the other details (Display name etc). Save and check-in the build definition and you should be good to go.
Use the below script to delete the registed build process template in Database:
use Tfs_YourTeamCollectionName;
delete from tbl_BuildProcessTemplate where ProcessTemplateID = 'Your ProcessTemplateID';
Create new build definition again.
The database name is your TFS team collection name e.g. Tfs_YourTeamCollection in the backend SQL Server of your TFS server. I'm using TFS 2012.
Hope it helps!
I have previously asked a question regarding renaming favorites, here: Tridion Favorites - ability to rename favorite links
Now based on some research from this question Can the list of favorites be extended using a Data Extender?
I am extending the favorites by using dataextender. So the idea is whenever favorite list is retrieved, I would replace it with renamed values of the favorites (the renamed values which are stored as a seperate appdata). But for some reason my dataextender doesnt seem to be working/included in the tridion.
My first question is:
Can I listen to favorites reader by looking for command GetList?
Second Question:
Also in the config, do I just mention it in the ext:DataExtender element or do i need mention other elements like ext:list
Final Question:
Is there a way I can debug my dataextender from visual studio like we can debug event system by attaching to dllhst3g.exe...
To extend List Favorites, you should listen to GetListUserFavorites command.
No, just ext:dataextender
And yes, as Nuno mentioned, to debug DataExtenders you should attach to w3wp.exe process.
When automating excel using the Excel Interop API, I can easily do a range search using the method Range.Find. I am passing through the LookIn, LookAt, SearchOrder, SearchDirection, and MatchCase options for the Find. This as noted by the MSDN documentation, persists the values passed into this method into the user settings, so the next time that the user opens the find form, the options will be selected which I used in the Range.Find method.
I need to persist the values of the find options before and after I do the programmatic find. So I want to capture the current find options, then do the Range.Find, and then set the find options back to the options that were set before my search. However, I do not see that the find options are publicly accessible. Any ideas on how to get these?
I'm basically looking to retrieve current find option values for LookIn, LookAt, SearchOrder, SearchDirection, and MatchCase.
The most interesting thing I could find so far is that you can access the Excel Application dialogs - Dialogs Interface. So here, I can get access to the FormulaFind dialog, which is slightly different than the Find and Replace dialog, though may lead to some of the properties I'm looking for. I haven't had any luck, but perhaps there's a way to access the properties through this form using reflection. I'll keep trying something with this.
// xlDialogFormulaFind, xlDialogFormulaReplace
Excel.Dialog dialog = this.Application.Dialogs.Item[Excel.XlBuiltInDialog.xlDialogFormulaFind];
Well, I am not sure if you'd consider this approach, but I'll give a shot here in case it might be helpful.
What I would do is, I'd create a registry key holding the values you wanted to persist. I could then call RegistryKey.GetValue(valuename) to retrieve values, provided that there's no exceptions thrown.
As long as that registry key stays there, unchanged, and you have enough privilege to access registry key, you should be able to always get the same values.
Wish we could really use application settings here, which would make it easier, but, well, as you might have known, vsto add-in doesn't like it, according to this article.
You cannot use application settings in an unmanaged application that
hosts the .NET Framework. Settings will not work in such environments
as Visual Studio add-ins, C++ for Microsoft Office, control hosting in
Internet Explorer, or Microsoft Outlook add-ins and projects.
Hope this helps.
I am working on an outlook addin in which I need to get a handle to the "CC", "FROM" and "TO" windows in the reading pane.
The approach that was taken in the addin is to use FindWindowEx WIN API and pass in the name as a parameter. But the problem is that the name must be in the UI language that outlook is using.
I am trying to figure a way to get these handles without using the name, but so far no luck. I see that "TO", "FROM" and "CC" are all of the same Class ("Static").
Is there some API which will give me access to these windows without me having to use the name? Or do these windows have some ID which is independent of the language that Oultook is running in.
One constraint is that the addin must work Outlook 2003 and above.
The addin adds a button in the reading pane for each email. When clicked the current email (displayed in the reading pane) is checked and based on its contents somethings are done.
Basically, what you do is NOT use the name, use the hierarchical class name structure.
I.e. the first RichEdit20WPT inside the inspector's rctrl_renwnd32\AfxWndW\AfxWndW#32770 is always the TO: field in. OL2003 and OL2010 have slightly different structures, use any decent windows spying tool to figure it out.