Clearing Flash Message in CakePHP 3.1.1 - cakephp-3.x

I'm trying to clear a Flash Message in CakePHP 3.1.1
I have a function when a user logs in, if his customer data is not complete, he is redirected to a form to complete it. That looks like this:
public function index()
//Some code to check whether the customers profile is complete
//If it's not complete, then redirect to the "complete" action with a flash message
if($completion == 0){
$this->Flash->success(__('Please complete your customer profile data.'));
$this->setAction('complete', $custid);
//Otherwise go to their view
} elseif ($completion == 1){
$this->setAction('view', $custid);
This works fine, and user is redirected to the Complete action/Form with the Flash Message.
Then the Complete action looks like this:
public function complete($id = null)
//Get all the customer data input
if ($this->request->is(['patch', 'post', 'put'])) {
$customer = $this->Customers->patchEntity($customer, $this->request->data);
//Set the completion status to complete (1)
$customer->completion_status = 1;
if ($this->Customers->save($customer)) {
$completion = 1;
$this->set('completion', $completion);
//After the Save, redirect to the View action with a new Flash Message
$this->Flash->set(__('Your customer information is complete and has been saved!',['clear'=>'true']));
return $this->redirect(['action' => 'view',$custid]);
} else {
$this->Flash->error(__('The customer could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
$this->set('_serialize', ['customer']);
It work fine BUT: When the user is redirected to the View action with the Success Flash after saving their data, the Flash from the Index (telling them 'Please complete your customer profile data.') still shows up again.
If the user refreshes on the view, then both Flash messages go away as they should.
How can I clear that initial Flash message when redirecting? I've tried using the clear key but it seems to not be working.
Any advice is greatly appreciated!

You can add this in the beginning of your action
to delete more specific you can do e.g. to delete only the messages from AuthComponent
One more thing:
you can handle which flash-messages are displayed in the view like:
If you don't display a flash-message its kept in the session until you display it somewhere or remove it from session.

Flash message are stored in session, so just clear the relevant session key: $this->Session->delete('Flash.flash') or $this->Session->delete('Flash')

Check to make sure that you aren't always getting $completion == 0 (which could match FALSE as well).
I suspect this is why your flash message is always showing.
Cake will automatically delete a flash message after it displays it.

Apparently you are passing a string to clear instead of a boolean:
New in version 3.1: A new key clear was added. This key expects a bool and allows you to delete all messages in the current stack and start a new one.
Try setting true without the quotation marks:
$this->Flash->set(__('Your customer information is complete and has been saved!'),[
'clear'=> true

New in version 3.1: Flash messages now stack. Successive calls to set() or __call() with the same key will append the messages in the $_SESSION. If you want to keep the old behavior (one message even after consecutive calls), set the clear parameter to true when configuring the Component.
Use like this:
$this->loadComponent( 'Flash', ['clear' => true] );


Removing custom error from MessageBag Laravel

I am trying to display a custom error message when the user who is trying to log in isn't registered in my website. I have this code for that.
if (!(User::where('nickname',$request->input('nickname'))->exists())) {
// adding a custom error if user with such nickname doesn't exist
$errors = new MessageBag;
$errors->add('noExist', 'User with such nickname doesnt exist');
return view('login')->withErrors($errors)->with('title','Login');
The error prints, but i want to remove it from my MessageBag, so it won't be displayed after a refresh. How can I achieve this?
If you return a view() in a POST method, like the Controller function handling a login attempt, any subsequent refreshes will simply re-submit the form. For this reason, the ErrorBag won't refresh as you'd expect (return to default state). To get around this, use a proper redirect() to handle re-rendering the view():
// return view('login')->withErrors($errors)->with('title','Login');
return redirect("/login")->withErrors($errors);
$errors will be passed from the POST request back to the GET request handling the display of the login view, and on refresh, will be cleared.

remember me for laravel5.2

Hello guys I want to make the remember me checkbox and I want to save the user info into cookies so next time when try to login he find the user name and password in their fields I try to use :
$rememberMe = false;
if(isset($req->remember_me)) {
$rememberMe = true;
if(Sentinel::authenticate($req->all(), $rememberMe)) {
$slug = Sentinel::getUser()->roles()->first()->slug();
The cookies was set, I see it in the chrome settings but it does not do as I expect
I'm using laravel 5.2
You can use Cookies
cookie, is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while the user is browsing that website. Every time the user loads the website, the browser sends the cookie back to the server to notify the website of the user's previous activity
To create:
$response->withCookie(Cookie::make('name', 'value', $minutes));
To retrieve
$value = Cookie::get('name');
Your question is not to remember the user login.. The question is how to fill the inputs based on saved auth information. You can do that if you print the authentication values in the input value attribute while loading the page.
larval Cookies Docs
Also Laravel has it's own implementation of "Remember Me"
if (Auth::attempt(array('email' => $email, 'password' => $password), true))
// The user is being remembered...
if (Auth::viaRemember())
More information about
There is two main thing need to taken care:
1) You must pass a bool value as second parameter to the method, make sure you cast it before passing it to the method. - In your code, it's perfect
$credentials = $req->only('LOGINNAME', 'PASSNAME')
if(Sentinel::authenticate($credentials , $req->has('remember_me'))){
//Other stuff
2) you can verify it works by ensuring a cookie is set with the key cartalyst_sentinel?
So first change as per 1) option and then check the 2) option, may be this is your answer.

Best practice passing data to view model

I have a login view which lives in its own shell. Also I have adjusted the HttpClient to automatically redirect to the login shell if any http request returns an unauthorized state.
Additionally I'd like to show some textual info to the user on the login page, after he has been "forcefully" logged out. How can I pass the information (logoutReason in the code below) from MyHttpClient to the login shell/view model?
Here's some conceptual code:
// ...
export class Login {
username = '';
password = '';
error = '';
// ...
login() {
// ... login code ...
this.aurelia.setRoot('app'); // Switch to main app shell after login succeeded...
// ...
// ...
export default class {
// ...
configure() {
this.httpClient.configure(httpConfig => {
response(res) {
if (401 === res.status) {
let logoutReason = res.serversLogoutReason;
// How should i pass the logoutReason to the login shell/view model?
return res;
// ...
I've chosen to take the "event" path as suggested in bluevoodoo1's comment with some adjustments:
MyHttpClient fires/publishes a new HttpUnauthorized event which holds the needed information (description text, etc.)
MyHttpClient doesn't change the shell anymore since the concrete handling of the 401 shouldn't be his concern
login.js subscribes to the HttpUnauthorized event, changes the shell & shows the desciption text...
I'm still open to any suggestions/improvement ideas to this solution since I'm not quite sure if this is the best way to go...
You could set a localStorage or sessionStorage value and then clear it after you have displayed it. What you are asking for is known as a flash message where it displays and then expires.
Within your response interceptor add something like the following:
sessionStorage.setItem('message-logoutReason', 'Session expired, please login again');
And then in the attached method inside of your login viewmodel, check for the value and clear it, like this:
attached() {
this.error = sessionStorage.getItem('message-logoutReason');
Then in your view you can display it:
As Bluevoodoo1 points out, you could also use an event, but I personally try and avoid using events as much as possible, harder to test and debug when things go wrong.

How to forward argument for redirect::route->with when hitting an auth filter using Laravel?

I have the following problem:
After a user is created and the user has confirmed her email.
I would like the user to login,
I use the following code to do that:
Redirect::route('login-forward')->with('alert_message', ...)
the alert messages simply states that everything went well, and I would like her to login.
login-forward is protected with an before filter, that runs the actual login form,
When the user then logs in sucesfully, she is brought back to login-forward, whic then puts the user at her personal landing page.
the code for the route 'login-forward is:
Route::get('my-login', array(
'as' => 'login-forward',
'before' => 'auth',
function ()
$user = Auth::user();
switch ($user->role)
case 'Administrator':
return Redirect::route('admin_dashboard');
case 'FreeUser':
return Redirect::route('cs-dashboard');
return Redirect::route('/');
the problem is, the ->with('alert_message',...) is not seen by the real login route called by the before filter.
How do I solve this?
The best approach is to let the user logs in automatically when the email is confirmed, if the user confirms the account creation then when you find that user is valid then you may log in that user using something like:
// $user = Get the user object
Also you may use:
Session::put('alert_message', ...);
Then when the user logs in for the first time, just get the message from Session using:
// Get and show the alert_message
// from session and forget it
#if (Session::has('alert_message'))
{{ Session::pull('alert_message') }}
So, when you pull the message from the Session to show it, the message will no longer be available in the Session or you may use Session::reflash() to flash the flashed session data for another subsequent request until you get in the page where you want to show the message.
The best choice is - you can make forward to login form without redirect from method of controller for url of personal page.
return Route::dispatch(Request::create('login'))->getOriginalContent();

CakePHP validation error messages - how to pass them around?

Please note: I'm not trying to do this anymore, because I found an alternative, but it may be useful in the future to know the answer.
I have a form that is in a view (index.ctp) associated with the index() action on a controller. That form should post data to another action, contact(), in the same controller. This second action doesn't have a view, it's just to process the information and redirect the user according to the outcome. This action is doing the validation and redirecting the user to the referer (index in this case) in case of an error, and then the error should be displayed in index. Note that the model doesn't use a database table, but it's used only to define validation rules.
The validation is taking place correctly and reporting the expected errors. In order to retrieve the errors after the redirect, it writes the $this->ModelName->invalidFields() array to a session variable that is retrieved on the index() action after the redirection.
This array is passed on to the $errors variable to the view. Now comes the problem. The errors, although being passed correctly between redirects, aren't getting attached to the respective forms. How can I accomplish this? The form has all the conventional names, so it should be automatic, but it isn't.
Here's part of the relevant code:
Index view:
echo $this->Form->create('Contact', array('url' => '/contacts/contact'));
echo (rest of form) ...
echo $this->Form->end(__('send message', true));
Contacts controller:
function index() {
if ($this->Session->check('Contact.errors')) {
$this->set('errors', $this->Session->read('Contact.errors'));
function contact() {
if (!empty($this->data)) {
if ($this->Contact->validates()) {
(send the email)
else {
$this->Session->write('Contact.errors', $this->Contact->invalidFields());
I don't think it's a good idea to write the validation errors in a session variable. I'm no CakePHP expert, but I don't think that's the way you are supposed to do it. All your forms should point to the same url you are on, so the data that the user has entered will not be lost.
Could you add some code to your question?
