Kubernetes on AWS cloud provider - amazon-ec2

I installed CentOS Atomic Host as operating system for kubernetes on AWS.
Everything works fine, but it seems I missed something.
I did not configure cloud provider and can not find any documentation on that.
In this question I want to know:
1. What features cloud provider gives to kubernetes?
2. How to configure AWS cloud provider?
UPD 1: external load balancer does not work; I have not tested awsElasticBlockStore yet, but I also suspect it does not work.
UPD 2:
Service details:
$ kubectl get svc nginx-service-aws-lb -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
creationTimestamp: 2016-01-02T09:51:40Z
name: nginx-service-aws-lb
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "74153"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/services/nginx-service-aws-lb
uid: 6c28b718-b136-11e5-9bda-06c2feb29b0d
- name: http-proxy-protocol
nodePort: 31385
port: 8080
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 8080
- name: https-proxy-protocol
nodePort: 31370
port: 8443
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 8443
app: nginx
sessionAffinity: None
type: LoadBalancer
loadBalancer: {}

I can't speak to the ProjectAtomic bits, nor to the KUBERNETES_PROVIDER env-var, since my experience has been with the CoreOS provisioner. I will talk about my experiences and see if that helps you dig a little more into your setup.
Foremost, it is absolutely essential that the controller EC2 and the worker EC2 machines have the correct IAM role that will enable the machines to make AWS calls on behalf of your account. This includes things like provisioning ELBs and working with EBS Volumes (or attaching an EBS Volume to themselves, in the case of the worker). Without that, your cloud-config experience will go nowhere. I'm pretty sure the IAM payloads are defined somewhere other than those .go files, which are hard to read, but that's the quickest link I had handy to show what's needed.
Fortunately, the answer to that question, and the one I'm about to talk about, are both centered around the apiserver and the controller-manager. The configuration of them and the logs they output.
Both the apiserver and the controller-manager have an argument that points to an on-disk cloud configuration file that regrettably isn't documented anywhere except for the source. That Zone field is, in my experience, optional (just like they say in the comments). However, it was seeing the KubernetesClusterTag that led me to follow that field around in the code to see what it does.
If your experience is anything like mine, you'll see in the docker logs of the controller-manager a bunch of error messages about how it created the ELB but could not find any subnets to attach to it; (that "docker logs" bit is presuming, of course, that ProjectAtomic also uses docker to run the Kubernetes daemons).
Once I attached a Tag named KubernetesCluster and set every instance of the Tag to the same string (it can be anything, AFAIK), then the aws_loadbalancer was able to find the subnet in the VPC and it attached the Nodes to the ELB and everything was cool -- except for the part about it can only create Internet facing ELBs, right now. :-(
Just for clarity: the aws.cfg contains a field named KubernetesClusterTag that allows you to redefine the Tag that Kubernetes will look for; without any value in that file, Kuberenetes will use the Tag name KubernetesCluster.
I hope this helps you and I hope it helps others, because once Kubernetes is up, it's absolutely amazing.

What features cloud provider gives to kubernetes?
Some features that I know: the external loadbalancer, the persistent volumes.
How to configure AWS cloud provider?
There is a environment var called KUBERNETES_PROVIDER, but it seems the env var only matters when people start a k8s cluster. Since you said "everything works fine", I guess you don't need any further configuration to use the features I mentioned above.


docker desktop kubernetes - how to map ports with ClusterFirstWithHostNet

I'm using kubernetes from docker for windows and I encountered problem. I use statefulset with following part of config:
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 300
hostNetwork: true
dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet
In classic kubernetes this spec exposes all ports from pod on node ip, so all of them can be accessed through it. I'm trying to develop it on kubernetes from docker for windows, but it seems that I cannot access node by it's ip (like in minikube or microk8s), but docker for windows maps localhost to the cluster. So here is a problem: this config exposes all ports on node ip, which is for example, but i cannot access it from windows - I can only access cluster via localhost, but it only exposes protocol related port, for example 443. So when my service runs on port i.e. 10433, there is no access from localhost:10433 but also there is no access in general through node ip. Is there any way to configure it to work as classic kubernetes, where all ports are exposed? I know that single port can be exposed through NodePort, but it's important for me to expose all ports from the pod to imitate real kubernetes behaviour
In general, Docker host networking doesn't work on non-Linux platforms. It's accepted as a valid Docker option, but the "host" network isn't actually the physical system's network. This probably applies to the Kubernetes setup embedded in Docker Desktop as well.
It should be pretty rare to need host networking, and even more unusual in Kubernetes. Host networking disables the normal inter-container communication mechanisms. Kubernetes in particular has a complex network environment and there is usually more than one node; opting out of the network setup like this can make it all but impossible to reach your service, either from inside the cluster or outside.
Instead of host networking, you should use the normal Kubernetes networking setup. Pretty much every Deployment you create will need a matching Service, and if you set that Service to have type: nodePort then it will be accessible from outside the cluster (try both the assigned nodePort: number and the service's cluster-internal port:; it's not clear which port Docker Desktop actually uses).
For some purposes, the easiest approach is to set up a local port-forward to the service
kubectl port-forward deployment/some-deployment 8888:3000
will set up a port-forward from port 8888 on the local system to port 3000 on some pod managed by the named deployment. This forwards to a single pod (if you have multiple replicas, it targets only one of them), it's slower than a direct connection, and the port-forward will fail occasionally, but this is good enough for maintenance tasks like database migrations.
imitate real kubernetes behaviour
In the environment I work on normally, each cluster has dozens to hundreds of nodes. The nodes can't be directly accessed from outside the cluster. It's also reasonably common to configure a PodSecurityPolicy to disallow host networking since it can be viewed as a security concern.

easiest way to expose an elastic load balancer to the internet

I've deployed grafana to to an AWS EKS cluster and I want to be able to access it from a web browser, if I create a Kubernetes service type of LoadBalancer, based on the very limited AWS networking knowledge I have, I know that this maps to an elastic load balancer, I can get the name of this, go to network and security -> network interfaces and get all the interfaces associated with this, one for each EC2 instance. Presuming its the public ip address associated with each ELB network interface I need to arrange access in order to access my grafana service, and again my AWS networking knowledge is very lacking, what is the fastest and easiest way for me to make the grafana Kubernetes service accessible via my web browser.
The Easiest way to expose any app running on kubernetes is to create a ServiceType as LoadBalancer.
I myself use the same for some of the services to get the things quickly up and running.
To get the loadbalancer name I do
kubectl get svc
which will give me the loadbalancer FQDN. I then map it to a DNS.
The other way which I use is to deploy the nginx-ingress-controller.
This creates a ServiceType as LoadBalancer.
I then create the Ingress which will be mapped to the ingress controller elb.
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: minimal-ingress
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /
- http:
- path: /testpath
pathType: Prefix
name: test
number: 80
I use this for all my apps running with one loadbalancer mapping it to one elb using the nginx-ingress-controller.
In my specific scenario, the solution was to open up the port for the LoadBalancer service via a port.

Creating a ManagedCertificate results in "Status: FailedNotVisible"

Using Kubernetes 1.12.6-gke.7 or higher it is possible to create a ManagedCertificate which is then referenced from an Ingress Resource exposing a Service to the Internet.
Running kubectl describe managedcertificate certificate-name first indicates the certificate is in a Provisioning state but eventually goes to FailedNotVisible.
Despite using a Static IP and DNS that resolves fine to the http version of said service all ManagedCertificate's end up in a "Status: FailedNotVisible" state.
Outline of what I am doing:
Generating a reserved (static) external IP Address
Configuring DNS A record in CloudDNS to subdomain.domain.com to generated IP address from step 1.
Creating a ManagedCertificate named "subdomain-domain-certificate" with kubectl apply -f with spec:domains containing a single domain corresponding to subdomain.domain.com DNS record in step 2.
Creating a simple deployment and service exposing it
Creating Ingress resource referring to default backend of service in step 4 as well as annotations for static ip created in step 1 and managed certificate generated in step 3.
Confirm that Ingress is created and is assigned static IP
Visiting http://subdomain.domain.com serves the output from pod created in deployment in step 4
After a little while
kubectl describe managedcertificate subdomain-domain-certificate
results in "Status: FailedNotVisible".
Name: subdomain-domain-certificate
Namespace: default
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
API Version: networking.gke.io/v1beta1
Kind: ManagedCertificate
Creation Timestamp: 2019-04-15T17:35:22Z
Generation: 1
Resource Version: 52637
Self Link: /apis/networking.gke.io/v1beta1/namespaces/default/managedcertificates/subdomain-domain-certificate
UID: d8e5a0a4-5fa4-11e9-984e-42010a84001c
Certificate Name: mcrt-ac63730e-c271-4826-9154-c198d654f9f8
Certificate Status: Provisioning
Domain Status:
Domain: subdomain.domain.com
Status: FailedNotVisible
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Create 56m managed-certificate-controller Create SslCertificate mcrt-ac63730e-c271-4826-9154-c198d654f9f8
From what I understand if the Load Balancer is configured correctly (done under the hood in the ManagedCertificate resource) and the DNS (which resolves fine to the non https endpoint) checks out the certificate should go in to a Status: Active state?
The issue underlying my problem ended up being a DNSSEC misconfiguration. After running the DNS through https://dnssec-analyzer.verisignlabs.com/ I was able to identify and fix the issue.
DNSSEC was indeed not enabled for my domain but after configuring that, the ManagedCertificate configuration was still not going through and I had no clue what was going on. Deleting and re-applying the ManagedCertificate and Ingress manifests did not do the trick. But issuing the command gcloud beta compute ssl-certificates list showed several unused managed certificates hanging around and deleting them with cloud compute ssl-certificates delete NAME ..., and then restarting the configuration process did the trick in my case.
You need to make sure the domain name resolves to the IP address of your GKE Ingress, following the directions for "creating an Ingress with a managed certificate" exactly.
For more details, see the Google Cloud Load Balancing documentation. From https://cloud.google.com/load-balancing/docs/ssl-certificates#domain-status:
"The status FAILED_NOT_VISIBLE indicates that certificate provisioning failed for a domain because of a problem with DNS or the load balancing configuration. Make sure that DNS is configured so that the certificate's domain resolves to the IP address of the load balancer."
I just ran into this problem when I was setting up a new service and my allowance of 8 external IPs was used up.
Following the trouble shooting guide, I checked whether there was a forwarding rule for port 443 to my ingress.
There wasn't.
When I tried to set it up manually, I got an error telling me I used up my 8 magic addresses.
I deleted forwarding rules I didn't need et voila!
Now, why the forwarding rule for port 80 was successfully set up for the same ingress is beyond me.
I ran across this same error and found that I had created the managedCertificate in the wrong Kubernetes namespace. Once the managedCertificate was placed in the correct namespace everything worked.
After reading the trouble shooting guide, I still wasn't able to resolve my issue. When I checked the GCP ingress events, it showed that the ingress could not locate the SSL policy. Check if you missed something when creating the ingress.
and this is another reference useful to verify your k8s manifests to set up the managed certificate and ingress. Hope it helps someone.

How can I debug why a Kubernetes load balancer service isn't responding on a port?

I have set up a simple Kubernetes load balancer service in front of a Node.js container, which should be exposing port 80, but I can't get a response out of it. How can I debug how the load balancer is handling requests to port 80? Are there logs I can inspect?
I have set up a load balancer service and a replication controller as described in the Kubernetes guestbook example.
The service/load balancer spec is similar to this:
"ports": [
"type": "LoadBalancer"
As for my hosting platform, I'm using AWS and the OS is CoreOS alpha (976.0.0). Kubectl is at version 1.1.2.
Kubernetes Info
$ ~/.local/bin/kubectl --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/kube.conf get pods
busybox-sleep 1/1 Running 0 18m
web-s0s5w 1/1 Running 0 12h
$ ~/.local/bin/kubectl --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/kube.conf get services
kubernetes <none> 443/TCP <none> 1d
Here is the primary debugging document for Services:
LoadBalancer creates an external resource. What exactly that resource is depends on your Cloud Provider - some of them don't support it at all (in this case, you might want to try NodePort instead).
Both Google and Amazon support external load balancers.
Overall, when asking these questions it's extremely helpful to know if you are running on Google Container Engine, Google Compute Engine, Amazon Web Services, Digital Ocean, Vagrant, or whatever, because the answer depends on that. Showing all your configs and all your existing Kubnernetes resources (kubectl get pods, kubectl get services) along with your Dockerfiles or which images you are using will also help.
For Google (GKE or GCE), you would verify the load balancer exists:
gcloud compute forwarding-rules list
The external load balancer will map port 80 to an arbitrary Node, but then the Kubernetes proxy will map that to an ephemeral port on the correct node that actually has a Pod with that label, then it will map to the container port. So you have to figure out which step along the way isn't working. Unfortunately all those kube-proxy and iptables jumps are quite difficult to follow, so usually I would first double check all my Pods exist and have labels that match the selector of the Service. I would double check that my container is exposing the right port, I am using the right name for the port, etc. You might want to create some other Pods that just make calls to the Service (using the environment variables or KubeDNS, see the Kubernetes service documentation if you don't know what I'm referring to) and verify it's accessible internally before debugging the load balancer.
Some other good debugging steps:
Verify that your Kubernetes Service exists:
kubectl get services
kubectl get pods
Check your logs of your pod
kubectl logs <pod name>
Check that your service is created internally by printing the environment variable for it
kubectl exec <pod name> -- printenv GUESTBOOK_SERVICE_HOST
try creating a new pod and see if the service can be reached internally through GUESTBOOK_SERVICE_HOST and GUESTBOOK_SERVICE_PORT.
kubectl describe pod <pod name>
will give the instance id of the pod, you can SSH to it and run Docker and verify your container is running, attach to it, etc. If you really want to get into the IP tables debugging, try
sudo iptables-save
The target port of the LoadBalancer needs to be the port ​INSIDE​ the container. So in my case I need to set the targetPort to 3000 instead of 80, on the LoadBalancer.
Even though on the pod itself I have already mapped port 80 to 3000.
This is very counter intuitive to me, and not mentioned in all the LoadBalancer docs.

Elasticsearch-logging rc and svc are getting automatically deleted

The cluster is getting automatically deleted by using these configs to create the cluster.
From https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/11435 the solution is to remove
kubernetes.io/cluster-service: "true"
Though without these the elasticsearch is not available through the kubernetes master.
Should i create a pull request to remove the line from the files in the repo so people dont get confused?
Firstly, I'd recommend reformatting future questions so they adhere to the stack overflow guidelines: https://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask.
I'd recommend making Elasticsearch a normal Kubernetes Service. You can expose in one of the following ways:
1. Set service.Type = NodePort and access it via any public ip of node:nodePort
2. Set service.Type = LoadBalancer, this will only work on cloud providers that have loadbalancers
3. Expose the RC directly through a host port (not recommended)
Those are just the common options for accessing a Service, please see the following thread for a more detailed discussion: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/kubernetes-sig-network/B-A_RuqpFWk
It's generally not a good idead to send all external traffic meant for a Kubernetes service through the apiserver. However if you must do so, you can via an endpoint such as:
Where default is the namespace, nginx is the name of your service and 80 is the service port (needed to disambiguate multiport services).
