Hugo incremental builds . Is there an undocumented switch somewhere? - go

I am evaluating Hugo for generating my static site that will potentially generate about 20 posts a day. So in about a year, there will be 7000+ posts written in markdown, that will need to be build and deployed to my production server.
I initially started with Jekyll, but the builds even for small number of pages is terribly slow, and I can't, for the life of me, understand how a seemingly basic requirement like incremental builds - building and generating only content that has changed -- is still not supported in Jekyll... #SMH.
So I would like to know if Hugo has incremental builds?
I didn't see anything in the documentation over at,or in the hugo help commandline help.
But Hugo seems to have everything else I am looking for, and the builds on a small batch of posts is blazing fast, so I would really like to give it a chance.
Plus the language that it's written in, GO, was co-authored by 1 of my all-time favorite hackers -- Ken Thompson.

Hugo currently has no incremental builds. The upcoming Hugo 0.16 will be smarter about building in server watch mode (i.e. it will detect what you change and only read that, testing indicates a ~15% improvement in the common case), but the builds will still be everything.
It will eventually happen, but it is a hard problem to solve in a simple way... But Hugo is very, very fast at what it does.


How to speed up Jekyll/Octopress generation?

I'm using Octopress as my blog engine. It's perfect. But if there are many posts, for example 400+ posts, the speed of generation is soooo slow.
So, is there any way to speed up Jekyll/Octopress generation?
Obviously if you are just working on one post, there is no need to wait for the entire site to generate. What you are looking for is the rake isolate[partial_post_name] task.
Using rake isolate, you can “isolate” only that post you are working on and move all the others to the source/_stash folder. The partial_post_name parameter is just some words in the file name for the post. For example, if I want to isolate the post from the earlier example, I would use
rake isolate[plain-english]
This will move all the other posts to source/_stash and only keep the 2011-09-29-just-type-the-title-of-the-post-here-in-plain-english.markdown post in source/_posts. You can also do this while you are running rake preview. It will just detect a massive change and only regenerate that one post from then on.
by #Pavan Podila
More Info: Tips for Speeding Up Octopress Site Generation
2013.01.08 update:
Hexo--A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
Features:Incredibly fast - generate static files in a glance
2013.6.20 update:
gor -- A static websites and blog generator engine written in Go
gor has following awesome benefits: 1. Speed -- Less than 1 second when compiling all my near 200 blogs on 2. Simple -- Only one single executable file generated after compiling, no other dependence
Install Ruby GSL
gem install gsl
You should notice a speed increase.
hexo powered by Node.js. I am using it, much faster than Octopress. And it provides a simple way to migrate your articles to hexo very easily.
You can generate only one post while you are writing it using
rake isolate[your-post]
and then
rake integrate
to go back to normal.
To fully answer your question, you can't generate only one post. You can see Octopress' Issue #395 on that subject, which explains that this is due to a limitation on Jekyll's side.
Reached this post with the same problem, but then did not quite like the idea of rake isolate. Also the inbuilt task does not integrate with the _drafts workflow.
So what I ended up using is to create a custom config.yml with the _posts folder excluded (using exclude) and have only the drafts folder built. You can pass in a different config file as command line parameter to jekyll. I just used this when actively writing new posts and while publish use the same old approach (which still does take some time). This approach builds only the draft post and I am good with that.
jekyll build --watch --drafts --config _previewconfig.yml
For those interested in the complete worklow take a look here
If your blog has a lot of images (and other static assets that do not change between builds), it is worthwhile to exclude them from Jekyll's build process, and instead manually update them as needed.
For whatever reason, Jekyll build is not intelligent when it comes to handling such assets. It will delete everything in the public folder, and re-copy the contents in source every time you build. This is wasteful if the assets haven't changed. This can be avoided by using a tool such as Robocopy (Windows) or Rsync (Linux) that is able to update only what has changed.
To tell Jekyll to ignore a folder, add the following to _config.yml:
exclude: # exclude from build
- folderPath
keep-files: # do not delete/empty copy in `public`
- folderPath
Then elsewhere, use whatever tool you want to update the folder.
For more things you can try, see this post.

Dojo browser performance, in terms of loading module files

Is Dojo's load-as-you-need it structure actually a performance improvement? For me, at least?
My company's website is going to switch to IBM Websphere, which primarily uses Dojo. My company's very concerned with page performance, mostly in terms of "seconds to page load". As a result of that, the directive we've been given is "minimize hits to the server", so with our current website we aggregate all our .js files before the promotion to production.
But that directive is basically becoming Law, now, so if I were to argue against it, I would need a very good rationale for it. I've been unable to find anything in favor of the load-as-you-go method except "it's a good idea" and "loads only when you need it" (the latter is really only based on the former, as far as I can tell).
And then, if I were to flatten everything out into a single file, I wouldn't be able to use dojo.require() statements at all, would I? (the idea being, if I could have the development side split by module to make the organization more rational, but then have the production version a single file, but then dojo.require() would no longer make sense there, and then I have an increasingly complex situation where I would need the build to do some invasive things to the javascript to package for production.)
Please resist the "it depends" answer. The best practices docs I've seen (Yahoo, Google, etc) pretty much just say "reduce page loads" and don't have much "it depends" about it. But Dojo's framework seems so definitive about its approach, I'm wondering if there's a more persuasive argument for it.
Dojo actually combines the two approaches. In development mode, you have many files that use define (dojo.require is obsolete) to load other modules dynamically. This is very good for abstraction and development.
Then there is "production mode", where you compile all those small files into one or more (aka. layers) minified Javascript files with the dojo build system. This reduces hits to the server while still maintaining all the modularity. With the layer approach, application data that is needed later will automatically be loaded from a separate file.

Maven: Can I speed up mvn site?

Is there a quicker way to generate a site for maven for preview?
I'm using mvn site to generate a website which includes documentation for our project. I'm using the the apt format, which is simple, and very few mistakes are actually made, but I do want feedback after adding large amount of content so I don't have to spend too much time searching for syntax errors.
The problem is the site takes about 2 minutes to generate each time, and I would like quicker feedback then this for how the site looks and if I made any mistakes while typing up the docs. This isn't a huge issue but, the situation could certainly be improved.
Also, in order to help me out I'm using vim with syntax highlighting and if I need to get a quick preview on something there was a nice plug-in for eclipse that allows me to preview whether or not my apt is working correctly (of course, it's not the same as what is generated by maven, but it's close enough).
I'm open to any other suggestions, but generating a quick preview with maven would be the best option for productivity.
Configure the 'reporting' section to turn off what you don't want. Dependency analysis, for example, takes a long time. Look at the doc for the project-info-reports-plugin.

Xcode: Can't Build Downloaded Project because Compiler Cannot Find a Framework

I'm new to this so please make allowances.
I'm trying to build Audioslicer which seems to need a framework called IntervalSlider. The IntervalSlider build fails with:
framework not found InterfaceBuilderKit.
However, the framework seems to be present under the Frameworks group with the necessary headers.
Can anyone suggest what I'm doing wrong?
Well, this looked interesting so I downloaded the source. I built it and got an entire slew of build errors.
It looks like
According to source forge, this project hasn't been update since 2006-12-04 and the default SDK is still set to 10.4.
This project uses a bunch of uncompiled libraries/frameworks which need to be compiled to work. Some of them may no longer compile now nearly 4 years later and on new hardware/OS.
This is a complex project which mixes, Objective-C, vanilla C and C++, so it's not the kind of project a novice can reasonably expect to get working. (I'm not even sure I could get it updated.)
In short, this looked like a good idea in its day but the project has gone silent, stale and out of date. You'll need to find an alternative unless you want to spend weeks or months (1) learning how to build such a complex project and (2) tracking down all the updated versions of libraries (assuming they exist.)
I advise looking for another solution. Too bad because this looked like a really neat idea. Such is the fate of a most FOSS. It takes too much drudgery coding to keep something like this up to date. All the fun in coding comes from the creation. Maintenance coding is about as fun as washing the dishes. Few are will to undertake such a chore year-in-year-out without pay.
In the future, always check the last project update date. If its more than a year or the before the last major OS rev, expect problems.

The best way to start a project [closed]

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When you are starting a personal programming project, what is your first step? I'm trying to start a project thats just an idea at the moment. I get lots of these and I dive right into the code and after a while just completely lose interest and or just forget about the project.
When you are starting, what is your first step? do you plan out the project? make a diagram? write some code on paper? How do you start a project in a manner that you know you will succeed?
The only thing that works for me: Create the smallest possible implementation of it that's somehow usable and then use it.
From 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Habit 2: Begin with the End In Mind.
With any project you need a clear goal, a point where you can say "I'm finished". A clear outcome will give you direction. Once you have that, you can start planning how to get there. The size and complexity of the project will determine how much detail your plan needs, but in general you'll want to feel your making progress against your plan quite regularly.
My next step is to sketch out a design of the modules that will be needed and the APIs between each module. If the APIs are clean then the modules are probably right. Then I start implementing the modules, testing as I go.
I spend a lot of time thinking about the various aspects of the project before I even touch a keyboard.
I go through what I've learnt from previous projects and write it down in various categories ('technical', 'promotion', etc)
Personal project or not, I always set up source code control. Git, Mercurial of Bazaar are examples of source code control tools that are not intrusive because you do not need to set up a master server. Just type a simple command to create the project, check your files in, commit. In the future, when you mess up one of your files, you will be able to 'undo'
I also set up a lightweight ticket system to keep track of 1.issues and 2.ideas
By "lightweight" I mean that if maintaining two text documents with these lists works for you, that's good enough.
Hope this helps.
I agree with the already given advice of:
Planning a minimal implementation that does something useful as a first complete release.
Have concrete goals about what you want to achieve to have something to compare your progress with.
I would also recommend beginning with a lightweight design of you overall architecture so you can have a roadmap of how to build your product.
I find it difficult to start building something when I don't have a clear idea about how it should look at least at a first level of decomposition. Think about what do you need besides functionality: high performance?, extensibility scenarios?, which ones?, usability goals?, high scalability?, ease of deployment and installability?, etc. Ask yourself: What components I will have to build in order to achieve those architectural qualities?.
And don't get me wrong, I'm a strong proponent of agile software development. You don't need to spend a lot of times designing your architecture (because it surely will have to evolve as you build and get feedback about what works and what doesn't), but having a blueprint of how to build your product based on its architecture should be useful in for planning your progress and setting realistic goals.
Define the goal for the project. Sounds like you are looking almost exclusively at the solution rather than the problem.
A program isn't useful to you or anyone else unless it addresses some problem. Writing code to get moving is great, but you appear to lose interest and focus after you start -- because you're looking at the code, not the problem.
Spend some time considering what led you to write this code. Ponder how other people might discover the same need, what path might take them to the same frustration you worked to solve.
Then, find some of those people and offer your (partial) solution, and you'll generate interest and suggestions among them all.
THAT will keep you going on your project. The fellow interest, the sharing, even the disagreements -- it's people who need software! Don't create solutions (software) looking for a problem (people). You started with YOU, with your need or desire, but focused on the code, and lost the impetus for the project.
Programming's a lot more fun when you're problem-solving. But you need to keep the problem in front of you. Sharing the problem builds community. That's what this is really all about, isn't it?
For my own personal projects I just dive right in. Of course, none of these have yet been sufficiently large as to require any sort of pre-planning. If this is going to be a serious project or a relatively large scale, it is always a good idea to flush out at least what each part of the program needs to do and a high level view of how they will do it.
Like the others, my personal projects always have:
A Final Goal
A Task List
Small usable units
Source control
As an additional motivator, I try to use a technology that I have never used before. Learning something new generally becomes the largest motivator for me.
Easy - don't start at all projects you're likely to lose interest in. Spend more time to make sure you want to commit yourself to an idea before beginning any work.
It depends on the project - how big is it?
If I'm writing the next Notepad clone I might just dive in, if I wanted to roll my own operating system it'd take a lot more non-coding work.
I like to do a lot of diagrams, the tool I use for most development is clean A4 paper and a pencil. Draw out the UI, workflow, basic classes, and how you're going to store any data - then the coding is just a computer readable way of writing what you drew already.
Source control le.g. SVN is a couple of keystrokes/clicks, so the overhead is low and the benefit is high, its handy to try stuff and just revert to an earlier state if they don't work.
Then just make the most basic protoype that will work - once something is actually going it is much easier to get enthused and add more. If it is overwhelming I'll find I think the problem is solved in my head, and thats enough.
First plan out the basic outline of the final application. Most important features, basic GUI, program flow, etc. Then refine that so that you don't take on too much at first, remove unnecessary features, and add what else you want in the first version. Then use that outline to start a task list to create the smallest possible working version of your application. Then it's much easier to add extra features and make it fully functioning.
I like Maximillian's answer.. to expand a little, my person projects are developed to solve something I'm working on already. So when I get tired of repeat work I'll prototype a solution. and then use it. If Its similar enough to one of my earlier projects I'll borrow as much code as I can and try to improve the level of my work, make it more professional.
Fusion's use of Source Control is important too. Takes 2 minutes to install SVN.
If you want to turn it into a public open source project, Producing Open Source Software is supposed to be a good read (available both online and in print).
If your personal project is similar to an existing open source project, you should consider contributing to that project instead. A couple of small contributions (bug fixes etc.) are
more valuable than a half finished project.
All of the above, but start to cement the plan in place.....
Go for some tools
SmartSheet - even if you are working on your own you should set out some stages and dates
yEd - and Graphity from
