Reversibly shuffle a set of a million numbers - algorithm

I need to issue a series {1, 2, 3, 4 …} of tickets that are (at least seemingly) random numbers {10,934, 3,453,867, 122, 4,386,564 …}. When presented back, I must be able to compute their original index (e.g. 122 → 3.)
In other words, I need a seemingly random permutation p on the interval [1 … N] that has an inverse permutation p-1. N is about 107.
The reasons for that are:
It is a cipher: When receiving a ticket, it should not be easy to
guess the tickets that where issued before.
The tickets should be short alphanumeric strings that can be noted down.
I want to avoid recording every ticket issued.

I would use some well-known cipher (e.g., DES) in counter mode.
DES is generally considered fairly broken for normal purposes, but it seems to fit your needs reasonably well, and has a smaller block size than most newer algorithms. For you, that means it produces a smaller result (64 bits, if memory serves). Once you've converted that to readable characters (e.g,. base 64) you end up with something like 10 characters or so.
To retrieve the original number, you simply decrypt with your secret key.
Results look quite random--essentially the only known way to sort them back into order would be to break DES, which can be done (has been done) but the resources to do so are quite non-trivial.
If you really do need a lot better security than that, you can use something like AES instead of DES (at the expense of producing a longer "key" value).

1 to generate a pseudo random shuffle, you could use Fisher-Yates algo:
What distribution do you get from this broken random shuffle?
for (int i = tickets.Length - 1; i > 0; i--)
int n = random(i + 1);
Swap(tickets[i], tickets[n]);
beware of not using the "wrong" algorithm (he has bias).
You will get the permutation, then the inverse permutation.
2 Problem comes with the randomness of the shuffle.
As there is 10000000 ! permutations, you should have a very big size of seed
Then problem is in the random generator. standard ones are about 32 bits, perhaps a little more, but far from 10000000!
you should see at something like fortuna :

You can generate such sequence using a Linear congruential generator.
X0 is the seed (or the index of the permutation if you wish). m should be equal to N+1. Select c and a to assure full period length (as described in the section 'period length' in the link above). This will give you a one-to-one mapping with size N.
To restore the index, you can crack the LCG using a small number of consecutive pseudo-random numbers from the series, which is not too hard. Of course you can keep m, a and c and save the trouble.
For more secure methods look at David Eisenstat's comment. You'll need only the secret key to restore the index. On the downside, if you'll use a standard FPE, N would have to be 2^x-1 (e.g. 2^128-1).


Random number generator with freely chosen period

I want a simple (non-cryptographic) random number generation algorithm where I can freely choose the period.
One candidate would be a special instance of LCG:
X(n+1) = (aX(n)+c) mod m (m,c relatively prime; (a-1) divisible by all prime factors of m and also divisible by 4 if m is).
This has period m and does not restrict possible values of m.
I intend to use this RNG to create a permutation of an array by generating indices into it. I tried the LCG and it might be OK. However, it may not be "random enough" in that distances between adjacent outputs have very few possible values (i.e, plotting x(n) vs n gives a wrapped line). The arrays I want to index into have some structure that has to do with this distance and I want to avoid potential issues with this.
Of course, I could use any good PRNG to shuffle (using e.g. Fisher–Yates) an array [1,..., m]. But I don't want to have to store this array of indices. Is there some way to capture the permuted indices directly in an algorithm?
I don't really mind the method ending up biased w.r.t choice of RNG seed. Only the period matters and the permuted sequence (for a given seed) being reasonably random.
Encryption is a one-to-one operation. If you encrypt a range of numbers, you will get the same count of apparently random numbers back. In this case the period will be the size of the chosen range. So for a period of 20, encrypt the numbers 0..19.
If you want the output numbers to be in a specific range, then pick a block cipher with an appropriately sized block and use Format Preserving Encryption if needed, as #David Eisenstat suggests.
It is not difficult to set up a cipher with almost any reasonable block size, so long as it is an even number of bits, using the Feistel structure. If you don't require cryptographic security then four or six Feistel rounds should give you enough randomness.
Changing the encryption key will give you a different ordering of the numbers.

Shuffle sequential numbers without a buffer

I am looking for a shuffle algorithm to shuffle a set of sequential numbers without buffering. Another way to state this is that I’m looking for a random sequence of unique numbers that have a given period.
Your typical Fisher–Yates shuffle needs to have each element all of the elements it is going to shuffle, so that isn’t going to work.
A Linear-Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) does what I want, but only works for periods that are powers-of-two less two. Here is an example of using a 4-bit LFSR to shuffle the numbers 1-14:
The first two is the input, and the second row the output. What’s nice is that the state is very small—just the current index. You can start of any index and get a difference set of numbers (starting at 1 yields: 8, 12, 14; starting at 9: 6, 3, 2), although the sequence is always the same (5 is always followed by 11). If I want a different sequence, I can pick a different generator polynomial.
The limitations to the LFSR are that the periods are always power-of-two less two (the min and max are always the same, thus unshuffled) and there not enough enough generator polynomials to allow every possible random sequence.
A block cipher algorithm would work. Every key produces a uniquely shuffled set of numbers. However all block ciphers (that I know about) have power-of-two block sizes, and usually a fixed or limited number of block sizes. A block cipher with a arbitrary non-binary block size would be perfect if such a thing exists.
There are a couple of projects I have that could benefit from such an algorithm. One is for small embedded micros that need to produce a shuffled sequence of numbers with a period larger than the memory they have available (think Arduino Uno needing to shuffle 1 to 100,000).
Does such an algorithm exist? If not, what things might I search for to help me develop such an algorithm? Or is this simply not possible?
Edit 2022-01-30
I have received a lot of good feedback and I need to better explain what I am searching for.
In addition to the Arduino example, where memory is an issue, there is also the shuffle of a large number of records (billions to trillions). The desire is to have a shuffle applied to these records without needing a buffer to hold the shuffle order array, or the time needed to build that array.
I do not need an algorithm that could produce every possible permutation, but a large number of permutations. Something like a typical block cipher in counter mode where each key produces a unique sequence of values.
A Linear Congruential Generator using coefficients to produce the desired sequence period will only produce a single sequence. This is the same problem for a Linear Feedback Shift Register.
Format-Preserving Encryption (FPE), such as AES FFX, shows promise and is where I am currently focusing my attention. Additional feedback welcome.
It is certainly not possible to produce an algorithm which could potentially generate every possible sequence of length N with less than N (log2N - 1.45) bits of state, because there are N! possible sequence and each state can generate exactly one sequence. If your hypothetical Arduino application could produce every possible sequence of 100,000 numbers, it would require at least 1,516,705 bits of state, a bit more than 185Kib, which is probably more memory than you want to devote to the problem [Note 1].
That's also a lot more memory than you would need for the shuffle buffer; that's because the PRNG driving the shuffle algorithm also doesn't have enough state to come close to being able to generate every possible sequence. It can't generate more different sequences than the number of different possible states that it has.
So you have to make some compromise :-)
One simple algorithm is to start with some parametrisable generator which can produce non-repeating sequences for a large variety of block sizes. Then you just choose a block size which is as least as large as your target range but not "too much larger"; say, less than twice as large. Then you just select a subrange of the block size and start generating numbers. If the generated number is inside the subrange, you return its offset; if not, you throw it away and generate another number. If the generator's range is less than twice the desired range, then you will throw away less than half of the generated values and producing the next element in the sequence will be amortised O(1). In theory, it might take a long time to generate an individual value, but that's not very likely, and if you use a not-very-good PRNG like a linear congruential generator, you can make it very unlikely indeed by restricting the possible generator parameters.
For LCGs you have a couple of possibilities. You could use a power-of-two modulus, with an odd offset and a multiplier which is 5 mod 8 (and not too far from the square root of the block size), or you could use a prime modulus with almost arbitrary offset and multiplier. Using a prime modulus is computationally more expensive but the deficiencies of LCG are less apparent. Since you don't need to handle arbitrary primes, you can preselect a geometrically-spaced sample and compute the efficient division-by-multiplication algorithm for each one.
Since you're free to use any subrange of the generator's range, you have an additional potential parameter: the offset of the start of the subrange. (Or even offsets, since the subrange doesn't need to be contiguous.) You can also increase the apparent randomness by doing any bijective transformation (XOR/rotates are good, if you're using a power-of-two block size.)
Depending on your application, there are known algorithms to produce block ciphers for subword bit lengths [Note 2], which gives you another possible way to increase randomness and/or add some more bits to the generator state.
The approximation for the minimum number of states comes directly from Stirling's approximation for N!, but I computed the number of bits by using the commonly available lgamma function.
With about 30 seconds of googling, I found this paper on; I'm far from knowledgable enough in crypto to offer an opinion, but it looks credible; also, there are references to other algorithms in its footnotes.

Repeated DNA sequence

The problem is to find out all the sequences of length k in a given DNA sequence which occur more than once. I found a approach of using a rolling hash function, where for each sequence of length k, hash is computed and is stored in a map. To check if the current sequence is a repetition, we compute it's hash and check if the hash already exist in the hash map. If yes, then we include this sequence in our result, otherwise add it to the hash map.
Rolling hash here means, when moving on to the next sequence by sliding the window by one, we use the hash of previous sequence in a way that we remove the contribution of the first character of previous sequence and add the contribution of the newly added char i.e. the last character of the new sequence.
and k=10
This algorithm looks perfect, but I can't go about making a perfect hash function so that collisions are avoided. It would be a great help if somebody can explain how to make a perfect hash under any circumstance and most importantly in this case.
This is actually a research problem.
Let's come to terms with some facts
Input = N, Input length = |N|
You have to move a size k, here k=10, sliding window over the input. Therefore you must live with O(|N|) or more.
Your rolling hash is a form of locality sensitive deterministic hashing, the downside of deterministic hashing is the benefit of hashing is greatly diminished as the more often you encounter similar strings the harder it will be to hash
The longer your input the less effective hashing will be
Given these facts "rolling hashes" will soon fail. You cannot design a rolling hash that will even work for 1/10th of a chromosome.
SO what alternatives do you have?
Bloom Filters. They are much more robust than simple hashing. The downside is sometimes they have a false positives. But this can be mitigated by using several filters.
Cuckoo Hashes similar to bloom filters, but use less memory and have locality sensitive "hashing" and worst case constant lookup time
Just stick every suffix in a suffix trie. Once this is done, just output every string at depth 10 that also has atleast 2 children with one of the children being a leaf.
Improve on the suffix trie with a suffix tree. Lookup is not as straightforward but memory consumption is less.
My favorite the FM-Index. In my opinion the cleanest solution uses the Burrows Wheeler Transform. This technique is also used in industryu tools like Bowtie and BWA
Heads-up: This is not a general solution, but a good trick that you can use when k is not large.
The trick is to encrypt the sequence into an integer by bit manipulation.
If your input k is relatively small, let's say around 10. Then you can encrypt your DNA sequence in an int via bit manipulation. Since for each character in the sequence, there are only 4 possibilities, A, C, G, T. You can simply make your own mapping which uses 2 bits to represent a letter.
For example: 00 -> A, 01 -> C, 10 -> G, 11 -> T.
In this way, if k is 10, you won't need a string with 10 characters as hash key. Instead, you can only use 20 bits in an integer to represent the previous key string.
Then when you do your rolling hash, you left shift the integer that stores your previous sequence for 2 bits, then use any bit operations like |= to set the last two bits with your new character. And remember to clear the 2 left most bits that you just shifted, meaning you are removing them from your sliding window.
By doing this, a string could be stored in an integer, and using that integer as hash key might be nicer and cheaper in terms of the complexity of the hash function computation. If your input length k is slightly longer than 16, you may be able to use a long value. Otherwise, you might be able to use a bitset or a bitarray. But to hash them becomes another issue.
Therefore, I'd say this solution is a nice attempt for this problem when the sequence length is relatively small, i.e. can be stored in a single integer or long integer.
You can build the suffix array and the LCP array. Iterate through the LCP array, every time you see a value greater or equal to k, report the string referred to by that position (using the suffix array to determine where the substring comes from).
After you report a substring because the LCP was greater or equal to k, ignore all following values until reaching one that is less than k (this avoids reporting repeated values).
The construction of both, the suffix array and the LCP, can be done in linear time. So overall the solution is linear with respect to the size of the input plus output.
What you could do is use Chinese Remainder Theorem and pick several large prime moduli. If you recall, CRT means that a system of congruences with coprime moduli has a unique solution mod the product of all your moduli. So if you have three moduli 10^6+3, 10^6+33, and 10^6+37, then in effect you have a modulus of size 10^18 more or less. With a sufficiently large modulus, you can more or less disregard the idea of a collision happening at all---as my instructor so beautifully put it, it's more likely that your computer will spontaneously catch fire than a collision to happen, since you can drive that collision probability to be as arbitrarily small as you like.

Need a low collision hash function. Inputs are all a permutation of the same 72 bits

For an associative array I'm hashing 72 bits down to 26 bits and need an extremely low rate of collisions. Speed is also a major factor. I started with That is fast enough, but in testing I got collisions within the first 100 inputs!
for(=0; k<9; k++)
hash ^= randombits[byteptr[k]];
hash &= (1<<HASHBITS)-1
The problem is that all my inputs derive from each other - there is an initial 72 bits, and subsequent inputs are derived from the preceding one by swapping 2 bit pairs (aligned on even bit boundaries) with each other. The simple XOR loop above fails miserably. An obvious approach would be to use the byte index, "k", to somehow modify the hash in each iteration. In addition to code suggestions, I'm looking for theoretical foundation - I want to have a good idea what the collision rate will be. Reading papers I'm finding nothing regarding hash-effectiveness on permutations. I'm sure the crypto hashes will do well, but they look slow. Suggestions and pointers for my research are welcomed, and thanks. FWIW I use ARC4 to generate the "randombits", an array of 256 u_int32_t.
EDIT for clarity: bit-transpositions in the input look like this: for even numbered N and X less than 72, bits(N:N+1) get swapped with bits(X:X+1), for random X and N. All such swaps actually change the state - identical bits never get swapped.
Here's the solution which has resolved my problem: in the loop I posted, between each XOR I rotate the hash by k bits, where k is the loop index. In my testing collisions are now as uncommon with input permutations as they are with single bit-flips. It seems the "birthday paradox" is whatis keeping me from reducing the collision rate further, but 26 bits is all I can afford - the hash table is already huge.
Appliyng birthday paradox you can see, that statistically you will get collision probability over 0.5 after hashing (2**13 = 8000) inputs.
Bast try is to use crypto hashing or some hash function based on good and fast PRNG, (Xorshift comes to my mind). You can try with
MurmurHash3 (author claims it passes some statistical tests and is pretty fast)

How many hash functions are required in a minhash algorithm

I am keen to try and implement minhashing to find near duplicate content. has a nice write up, but there the question of just how many hashing algorithms you need to run across the shingles in a document to get reasonable results.
The blog post above mentioned something like 200 hashing algorithms. lists 100 as a default.
Obviously there is an increase in the accuracy as the number of hashes increases, but how many hash functions is reasonable?
To quote from the blog
It is tough to get the error bar on our similarity estimate much
smaller than [7%] because of the way error bars on statistically
sampled values scale — to cut the error bar in half we would need four
times as many samples.
Does this mean that mean that decreasing the number of hashes to something like 12 (200 / 4 / 4) would result in an error rate of 28% (7 * 2 * 2)?
One way to generate 200 hash values is to generate one hash value using a good hash algorithm and generate 199 values cheaply by XORing the good hash value with 199 sets of random-looking bits having the same length as the good hash value (i.e. if your good hash is 32 bits, build a list of 199 32-bit pseudo random integers and XOR each good hash with each of the 199 random integers).
Do not simply rotate bits to generate hash values cheaply if you are using unsigned integers (signed integers are fine) -- that will often pick the same shingle over and over. Rotating the bits down by one is the same as dividing by 2 and copying the old low bit into the new high bit location. Roughly 50% of the good hash values will have a 1 in the low bit, so they will have huge hash values with no prayer of being the minimum hash when that low bit rotates into the high bit location. The other 50% of the good hash values will simply equal their original values divided by 2 when you shift by one bit. Dividing by 2 does not change which value is smallest. So, if the shingle that gave the minimum hash with the good hash function happens to have a 0 in the low bit (50% chance of that) it will again give the minimum hash value when you shift by one bit. As an extreme example, if the shingle with the smallest hash value from the good hash function happens to have a hash value of 0, it will always have the minimum hash value no matter how much you rotate the bits. This problem does not occur with signed integers because minimum hash values have extreme negative values, so they tend to have a 1 at the highest bit followed by zeros (100...). So, only hash values with a 1 in the lowest bit will have a chance at being the new lowest hash value after rotating down by one bit. If the shingle with minimum hash value has a 1 in the lowest bit, after rotating down one bit it will look like 1100..., so it will almost certainly be beat out by a different shingle that has a value like 10... after the rotation, and the problem of the same shingle being picked twice in a row with 50% probability is avoided.
Pretty much.. but 28% would be the "error estimate", meaning reported measurements would frequently be inaccurate by +/- 28%.
That means that a reported measurement of 78% could easily come from only 50% similarity..
Or that 50% similarity could easily be reported as 22%. Doesn't sound accurate enough for business expectations, to me.
Mathematically, if you're reporting two digits the second should be meaningful.
Why do you want to reduce the number of hash functions to 12? What "200 hash functions" really means is, calculate a decent-quality hashcode for each shingle/string once -- then apply 200 cheap & fast transformations, to emphasise certain factors/ bring certain bits to the front.
I recommend combining bitwise rotations (or shuffling) and an XOR operation. Each hash function can combined rotation by some number of bits, then XORing by a randomly generated integer.
This both "spreads" the selectivity of the min() function around the bits, and as to what value min() ends up selecting for.
The rationale for rotation, is that "min(Int)" will, 255 times out of 256, select only within the 8 most-significant bits. Only if all top bits are the same, do lower bits have any effect in the comparison.. so spreading can be useful to avoid undue emphasis on just one or two characters in the shingle.
The rationale for XOR is that, on it's own, bitwise rotation (ROTR) can 50% of the time (when 0 bits are shifted in from the left) converge towards zero, and that would cause "separate" hash functions to display an undesirable tendency to coincide towards zero together -- thus an excessive tendency for them to end up selecting the same shingle, not independent shingles.
There's a very interesting "bitwise" quirk of signed integers, where the MSB is negative but all following bits are positive, that renders the tendency of rotations to converge much less visible for signed integers -- where it would be obvious for unsigned. XOR must still be used in these circumstances, anyway.
Java has 32-bit hashcodes builtin. And if you use Google Guava libraries, there are 64-bit hashcodes available.
Thanks to #BillDimm for his input & persistence in pointing out that XOR was necessary.
What you want can be be easily obtained from universal hashing. Popular textbooks like Corman et al as very readable information in section 11.3.3 pp 265-268. In short, you can generate family of hash functions using following simple equation:
h(x,a,b) = ((ax+b) mod p) mod m
x is key you want to hash
a is any odd number you can choose between 1 to p-1 inclusive.
b is any number you can choose between 0 to p-1 inclusive.
p is a prime number that is greater than max possible value of x
m is a max possible value you want for hash code + 1
By selecting different values of a and b you can generate many hash codes that are independent of each other.
An optimized version of this formula can be implemented as follows in C/C++/C#/Java:
(unsigned) (a*x+b) >> (w-M)
- w is size of machine word (typically 32)
- M is size of hash code you want in bits
- a is any odd integer that fits in to machine word
- b is any integer less than 2^(w-M)
Above works for hashing a number. To hash a string, get the hash code that you can get using built-in functions like GetHashCode and then use that value in above formula.
For example, let's say you need 200 16-bit hash code for string s, then following code can be written as implementation:
public int[] GetHashCodes(string s, int count, int seed = 0)
var hashCodes = new int[count];
var machineWordSize = sizeof(int);
var hashCodeSize = machineWordSize / 2;
var hashCodeSizeDiff = machineWordSize - hashCodeSize;
var hstart = s.GetHashCode();
var bmax = 1 << hashCodeSizeDiff;
var rnd = new Random(seed);
for(var i=0; i < count; i++)
hashCodes[i] = ((hstart * (i*2 + 1)) + rnd.Next(0, bmax)) >> hashCodeSizeDiff;
I'm using hash code word size as half of machine word size which in most cases would be 16-bit. This is not ideal and has far more chance of collision. This can be used by upgrading all arithmetic to 64-bit.
Normally you want to select a and b both randomly within above said ranges.
Just use 1 hash function! (and save the 1/(f ε^2) smallest values.)
Check out this article for the state of the art practical and theoretical bounds. It has this nice graph (below), explaining why you probably want to use just one 2-independent hash function and save the k smallest values.
When estimating set sizes the paper shows that you can get a relative error of approximately ε = 1/sqrt(f k) where f is the jaccard similarity and k is the number of values kept. So if you want error ε, you need k=1/(fε^2) or if your sets have similarity around 1/3 and you want a 10% relative error, you should keep the 300 smallest values.
It seems like another way to get N number of good hashed values would be to salt the same hash with N different salt values.
In practice, if applying the salt second, it seems you could hash the data, then "clone" the internal state of your hasher, add the first salt and get your first value. You'd reset this clone to the clean cloned state, add the second salt, and get your second value. Rinse and repeat for all N items.
Likely not as cheap as XOR against N values, but seems like there's possibility for better quality results, at a minimal extra cost, especially if the data being hashed is much larger than the salt value.
