COCOA: cursor not jumping to next control on tab press - xcode

Here is my form:
Cursor is jumping fine from First Name fo Phone but when I press TAB on phone it goes to First Name instead of Country
I have set the NextKeyView but still its not going to country when pressing TAB on Phone Feild

Hit ctrl+F7 and try again. You may not have keyboard navigation enabled (as a user), which may skip the pop up.

You need to change the following from System Preferences:
OSX lets the cursor stop only on text fields not on listbox or popup buttons. This is an expected behaviour and rarely someone tries to change it.
You can change this behaviour but that would be a bad UX since this change will affect all the applications in the system.


Prevent Sublime Text sidebar from taking keyboard focus

I recently upgraded to Sublime Text 4. One change is that whenever I click in the sidebar, it takes over keyboard focus. After that I have to click back in an editor pane to give it focus again.
As far as I can tell, Sublime Text 3 didn't do that and I don't recall every having to configure that. I don't find it useful for the sidebar to ever have keyboard focus. Is there a way to turn it off so that clicking the sidebar does not give it keyboard focus?
Please note that this behavior only occurs when you click on the currently focused file in the sidebar. Clicking on any other file, whether it's currently open or not, switches the focus to that file. There is no documented setting or API function controlling this.
If this does happen, you can resume focus of the tab group that was previously focused by hitting Ctrl + the number of the group (1-indexed) your file is in. So, for example, if you have 2 tab groups open and the file you were working on is in group 2, hit Ctrl2. If the window isn't split (so there's just one group), hit Ctrl1.

What determines which screen the account control popup will appear on?

I'm running a Windows 10 system with one touch screen, one normal screen and no mouse or keyboard. I need to run an application with administrator privileges.
I'm worried about which screen the Account Control popup will appear on - if it appears on the non-touch screen then users will have no way to allow the program to run.
I know that:
It runs on screen 2 on my development PC (with mouse and keyboard, no touch screen), regardless of whether screen 2 is on the left or right
It runs on the same screen regardless of whether the application was launched by a shortcut on the left or right screen.
I tried to google this, but the only things that came back were links on how to disable User Account Control, which we really don't want to do.
What is the logic that determines which screen the popup appears on?
[Edit for new things I have tried]
Unplugging screen 2, running the application, closing the application, plug screen 2 back in.
Dragging the UAC popup to screen 1, clicking details, changing UAC settings and returning them to the original state.
I figured it out (at least partially) but I can't mark it as answered for at least two days.
Basically, after unplugging and replugging screens the other way around, changing the primary display worked. This didn't work until after I did the plug/unplug, but there's no guarantee that was the thing that did it, since I'd tried a few other things.
So after physically unplugging and replugging monitors so that screen one became screen 2 and the reverse, switching which screen was the primary display works to control the popup now.
Changing the primary display didn't work before. But it does now. I have no idea why - there's no guarantee that it was to do with switching them around.
I would suspect it to pop up by default on the primary display, but remember its last position. This would appear to be confirmed by TechNet: UAC Prompt displays on 2nd monitor only RRS feed:
Regardless of what I try, UAC prompts display only on 2nd monitor, while everything else works fine on primary monitor.
drag the UAC Prompt to your Primary Monitor and click show more details on the prompt then click change when these notifications appear, another UAC window will open up with a vertical bar with 4 different settings, just drag the bar setting down and then back up to it's original setting position then click ok, this will re trigger UAC's screen position to your primary monitor.
So: upon deployment, make sure the touch screen is your primary display, and position the UAC popup there if it isn't.

Prevent the SIP/Soft Keyboard from popping up when a TextBox get focus

In my Windows Phone 7 Silverlight application I have my own custom keypad that I want to use instead of the standard soft keyboard. The problem that I have is that I have not found a way to completely disable or prevent the SIP/Soft Keyboard for my application or for the TextBox component.
Is it possible to disable the soft input keyboard in my application?
Is it possible to prevent the soft input keyboard from popping up when a TextBox get focus?
Can I extend or override any functions in TextBox to make it behave the way I want?
I’ve seen solutions how to hide the keyboard when a certain key is entered by moving focus off the TextBox but I want to prevent it from ever showing up.
My problem is very similar to what's stated on How do I prevent the software keyboard from popping up? and How to prevent keyboard to show in EditText onTouch? but for Windows Phone 7 instead.
I am fully aware that some may think it is stupid to use your own keypad instead of the standard input but I have my reasons for doing it this way and I just want to know if it is possible to achieve what's described.
If you don't want to use the SIP, you don't need a TextBox.
Use a TextBlock and bind it to the input generated by the custom buttons.
Have a look at this blog post
Peter, consider using THIS, with customizations. I'm working in a project where we use a custom keyboard. With some extra codes and customizations I've made a custom softkeyboard, as you can see in the screenshot bellow. Right now, my softkeyboard is working properly, but with some issues to be resolved yet.
My custom WP keyboard problems are:
There's no caret cursor;
The TextBox in my screen is a AutoCompleteBox, and when it opens the completions, my keyboard loses focus, and so I need an extra tap (this is my greates problem now)
WP native keyboard try to slide up when I choose an item within the completions
IsHitTestVisble =false solve your issue

Can I change the current cursor from an inactive application?

I’ve got a utility Mac application that runs in the background (LSUIElement enabled). Under some condition this application displays a menu window with several buttons. The problem is that when I hover over this window the mouse cursor still behaves according to the application beneath it – when there’s text under the menu, cursor changes to the insertion “I beam” shape.
Obviously I’d prefer a regular pointer arrow. I’ve dived into NSTrackingArea and friends after a bit of hacking I can detect the mouse-enter and mouse-exit events. But when I try to change the current cursor using NSCursor on mouse enter, nothing happens. Looks like the machine refuses to change cursor from an inactive application, because when I activate the application before the mouse-enter event, the cursor changes.
I don’t want to switch the active application just to change the cursor. Is there a way to fiddle with the cursor from an inactive application?
P.S. Same problem on cocoa-dev: one, two.
I'm affraid this is not possible due the OS X restrictions.

Detect that the onscreen keyboard has been displayed on Windows Phone 7

Simple question:
How do I detect that the onscreen keyboard has been displayed on windows mobile 7? Is there an event I can add a listener to?
It takes up about half the screen and I want to scroll the view up when it gets displayed...
A comment below indicates more clearly what I'm trying to do: I have a textbox input, and as the user types into it an autocomplete dropdown appears below it (like google suggest). By default, the active control (the textbox) scrolls into view when focussed, and the onscreen keyboard is directly below it. The onscreen keyboard appears in front of my autocomplete dropdown - what I want to do is make the screen scroll a little further up, so there's some room for my dropdown to be shown.
The windows phone UI design guidelines say: "When the keyboard is deployed, the application should scroll to ensure the active edit control and the caret are in view". This happens fine, it's just the non-active dropdown gets hidden behind the onscreen keyboard.
The guidelines also say that an application can choose to show the onscreen keyboard, and can also choose to close it.
At the moment i'm stuck, and I don't think (based on my research and the replies to this question) that it's possible to detect that the onscreen keyboard has been displayed. I'm moving my investigation to see if it's possible to determine the "visible area" of the page (width & height in pixels for example), and combine this with an onfocus for the textbox... not sure if this will prove fruitful though.
Detecting when the virtual keyboard is displayed won't be possible in 7.0, as confirmed by Microsoft's Peter Torr in the WP7 forum on MSDN.
Maybe, as a dirty workaround, you could detect when the position of your text box (or its parent scroll viewer's offset) has changed, as this would indicate that the virtual keyboard has appeared or disappeared.
You can listen to the TextBox.GotFocus and TextBox.LostFocus events to detect when a text box in your application acquires and looses focus.
If an editable element gets focus then the framework will automatically scroll the element into view. So you really shouldn't have to do anything.
