Magento 1.9 Installation Error - magento

I am trying to install magento 1.9 on my web hosting server .
I ftp-ed the files into my hosted website but experience the following error when i try to access my URL.
Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Core_Controller_Request_Http' not found in /home/bf/public_html/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/App.php on line 1238
I tried a google search but i am unable to find anything relevant .

Just download the Fresh copy from Magento community again. Also make sure that your server has all the prerequisite for Magento as mentioned in below link.

Please make sure that below files exist in this directory

1.Make sure you have enabled curl on your server and with have right file permission.
2.Make sure file should exist on following path:
3.Make sure compilation mode is disabled.
Every thing inside should be commented.
4.If it does not work, you have to debug this.
Open index.php in root and add these line of code,
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
It will show you why error is coming.Once you will find the root cause, you can get the solution on google or any forum.


I am getting 404 error for css and js files after I installed magento

I installed magento 2.4.2 on bluehost vps hosting, but I am getting the website as shown in figure 1 I tried every solution I found online but non of them worked for me.
Solutions I tried:
1- changing the permission for pub/static dir.
2- In app/etc/di.xml, find the virtualType name=”developerMaterialization” section and its item called name=”view_preprocessed”. I changed Symlink with Copy in Magento\Framework\App\View\Asset\MaterializationStrategy\Symlink.
3- php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f command
4- RewriteEngine On, in /pub/static/.htaccess file
5- set sign static files to No (dev/static/sign to 0)
I wish someone can help
Hi #Silverwolf96 and welcome on StackOverflow.
There are few things you can try/check.
1.) Check in the page source if the URLs to your files are correct. If not set correctly, set them manually as described in step 2.
2.) Go to Store > Configuration > General > Web and set under Base URLs & Base URLs (Secure) your URLs for static files - you can set this URL manually and it needs to be set as
3.) You can try to remove pub/static/frontend on the server
4.) Check what happens if you select Magento Luma as the default theme

Joomla File not found error

I have clone the website from to
everything works fine but I am stuck and getting 404 file not found error only on below link
all links working in main site i just copy the files and database and change in configuration file as required. Please share you knowledge*
Links are not error And no problem!

Site inaccessible after upgrading from 3.8.3 to 3.8.7

The site auto update got to 100% but there was an error at the end.
Now I cannot access the backend or the frondend and only get this error.
Fatal error: Class 'Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin' not found in /home/.sites/92/site2697155/web/plugins/system/sessiongc/sessiongc.php on line 23
Can someone help me to restore my site?
Try to change session_handle in configuration.ftp to "none"
public $session_handler = 'none';
To do this, you can use FTP and modify configuration.php directly
But i guess your issue caused by 3rd plugin
Try to use FTP and rename folder
And try to check your site.

Could not find Maintenance.flag file in root folder magento

I was trying to install an extension in my magento site which was failed in the middle later i could not get access to my admin neither to my site as it shows this error.
this error should be removed maintenance.flag file but this file is not available in my root folder. Please assist me if there is any other way possible?
two possible ways are
1 . you can delete manually both session and cache directory from var directory.
2. or you can delete all files of that extension and reinstall again.
The maintenance.flag file must still be in your root directory, otherwise Magento would not be displaying the 503 error. The way that this is displayed is a result of the index.php file, around line 66:
$maintenanceFile = 'maintenance.flag';
if (file_exists($maintenanceFile)) {
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/errors/503.php';
This page cannot even be cached. Re-connect to your FTP server and check for the file in your html directory on the webserver. Alternately, speak with your web hosts & have them remove the file.
As a precaution, you can try deleting your var/cache directory and see if that makes a difference.

no file uploaded error in magento

I have upgraded my Magento version from to
Now I tried to upload a theme package using upload package file in Magento Connect Manager. It shows an error 'No file was uploaded'.
Please get me a solution.
Try using the Version 2.0 from the dropdown on the extensionpage on magento-connect, that should work.
The No file was uploaded error is return when:
The form key is invalid
$_FILES doesn't exist
$_FILES['file'] is empty
I had the same issue and managed to fix it by commenting out the rewrite instructions in my main .htaccess file in Magento's root folder. Don't forget to add those instructions back after you finished installing your module.
I suggest you keep a .htaccess.magento-connect file for when you want to use Magento Connect along with your regular .htaccess file, and switch between the two.
