Spring Data repo not returning updated #version from save method - spring

In a Spring Boot 1.3.0 application, I am using Spring Data JPA with Hibernate.
I have this service method:
#Transactional(readOnly = false)
public BookDto updateBook(BookDto bookDto) {
BookId id = new BookId(bookDto.getId());
if (!exists(id)) {
throw new EntityNotFoundException("Unable to find a book with id " + bookDto.getId());
return convertToDto(bookRepository.save(bookDto.convertToBook()));
In my entity, I have a #Version field:
private long version;
(with getter and setter) and I also have this in my DTO (without the #Version annotation on my DTO).
The 'Book' entity coming back from the bookRepository.save() call still has version = 0, instead of 1 as expected. When I do a findAll on the repository afterwards, the version is updated fine. What could be reason for this?

As it is a transaction, commit is happening after return statement. Changes are persisted in database while committing the transaction in this case. As you are not flushing explicitly, changes reflect in database only after commit. And before commit operation you are mapping the current state of entity to DTO.
Solution 1
If your spring repository is extending JpaRepository then you can do the following.
#Transactional(readOnly = false)
public BookDto updateBook(BookDto bookDto) {
BookId id = new BookId(bookDto.getId());
if (!exists(id)) {
throw new EntityNotFoundException("Unable to find a book with id " + bookDto.getId());
return convertToDto(bookRepository.saveAndFlush(bookDto.convertToBook()));
Solution 2
Another solution without explicit flushing: move the conversion of entity to dto outside the updateBook() method. Use some other helper function to map entity to dto. Reason is because entities are in sync with database after commit operation if there is no explicit flush. But you are mapping them to DTO before the transaction is committed. So move the entity to DTO mapping to some mapper class or do it in the service layer.
#Transactional(readOnly = false)
public BookEntity updateBook(BookDto bookDto) {
BookId id = new BookId(bookDto.getId());
if (!exists(id)) {
throw new EntityNotFoundException("Unable to find a book with id " + bookDto.getId());
return bookRepository.save(bookDto.convertToBook());
// call this method to map book entity to dto
public BookDTO mapToDTO(BookEntity){
return bookDTO;


Spring JPA CrudRepository save(Entity) is returning 0 in id field

I am adding spring JPA/Hibernate 5 to an old project. I am running CrudRepository .save(Entity) method against a Mainframe/DB2 table. The row is inserted just fine, but returnedEntity.getIdColumn() has 0 in it. I really need the ID for further processing. Could somebody please help? Thank you very much!
public class myClass {
private Long idColumn;
Identity is the only strategy type that worked.
Here is the Service class:
public Entiry insertEntity(Entity originalEntity) {
return MyRepository.save(originalEntity);
Runner class:
Entity originalEntity = createEntity();
Entity returnedEntity = ServiceClass.insertEntity(originalEntity);
My guess is that you're trying to get an ID before your transaction was flushed to DB. Thus JPA doesn't know what id will be assigned and returns 0.
I'd recommend to have something like this:
public Entity save( .....) {
//some code
//some code
return entity;
Transaction will be flushed at the end of this method and entity which will be returned from it should have a real id.
Turned out my table had an id sequence generator already defined in the DB. So, after I changed it to generationType.SEQUENCE it worked nicely.
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "MY_TABLE_SEQ")
Recently, I've faced with similar issue.
In my case, the new entity has been passed from UI and ID was 0 instead of NULL (since the type of ID was primitive on Java side). Therefore Hibernate didn't use right save strategy.
Eventually, I changed the type from long to Long and it helped:
private long id;
private Long id;
Also update method was changed from:
public T update(#PathVariable ID id, #Valid #RequestBody T entity) {
return entity;
public T update(#PathVariable ID id, #Valid #RequestBody T entity) {
return this.getService().update(entity);
P.S.: When entity ID was 0, Hibernate was using merge strategy, however, it should persist strategy for new Entities instead (link for implementation of save method).

How to write a RestController to update a JPA entity from an XML request, the Spring Data JPA way?

I have a database with one table named person:
id | first_name | last_name | date_of_birth
1 | Tin | Tin | 2000-10-10
There's a JPA entity named Person that maps to this table:
#XmlRootElement(name = "person")
public class Person {
private Long id;
#XmlAttribute(name = "id")
private Long externalId;
#XmlAttribute(name = "first-name")
private String firstName;
#XmlAttribute(name = "last-name")
private String lastName;
#XmlAttribute(name = "dob")
private String dateOfBirth;
// setters and getters
The entity is also annotated with JAXB annotations to allow XML payload in
HTTP requests to be mapped to instances of the entity.
I want to implement an endpoint for retrieving and updating an entity with a given id.
According to this answer to a similar question,
all I need to do is to implement the handler method as follows:
path = "/persons",
public class PersonController {
private final PersonRepository personRepository;
public PersonController(final PersonRepository personRepository) {
this.personRepository = personRepository;
#PutMapping(value = "/{person}")
public Person savePerson(#ModelAttribute Person person) {
return personRepository.save(person);
However this is not working as expected as can be verified by the following failing test case:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = RANDOM_PORT)
public class PersonControllerTest {
private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;
private HttpHeaders headers;
public void before() {
headers = new HttpHeaders();
// Test fails
public void testSavePerson() {
final HttpEntity<Object> request = new HttpEntity<>("<person first-name=\"Tin Tin\" last-name=\"Herge\" dob=\"1907-05-22\"></person>", headers);
final ResponseEntity<Person> response = restTemplate.exchange("/persons/1", PUT, request, Person.class, "1");
assertThat(response.getStatusCode(), equalTo(OK));
final Person body = response.getBody();
assertThat(body.getFirstName(), equalTo("Tin Tin")); // Fails
assertThat(body.getLastName(), equalTo("Herge"));
assertThat(body.getDateOfBirth(), equalTo("1907-05-22"));
The first assertion fails with:
Expected: "Tin Tin"
but: was "Tin"
Expected :Tin Tin
Actual :Tin
In other words:
No server-side exceptions occur (status code is 200)
Spring successfully loads the Person instance with id=1
But its properties do not get updated
Any ideas what am I missing here?
Note 1
The solution provided here is not working.
Note 2
Full working code that demonstrates the problem is provided
More Details
Expected behavior:
Load the Person instance with id=1
Populate the properties of the loaded person entity with the XML payload using Jaxb2RootElementHttpMessageConverter or MappingJackson2XmlHttpMessageConverter
Hand it to the controller's action handler as its person argument
Actual behavior:
The Person instance with id=1 is loaded
The instance's properties are not updated to match the XML in the request payload
Properties of the person instance handed to the controller's action handler method are not updated
this '#PutMapping(value = "/{person}")' brings some magic, because {person} in your case is just '1', but it happens to load it from database and put to ModelAttribute in controller. Whatever you change in test ( it can be even empty) spring will load person from database ( effectively ignoring your input ), you can stop with debugger at the very first line of controller to verify it.
You can work with it this way:
#PutMapping(value = "/{id}")
public Person savePerson(#RequestBody Person person, #PathVariable("id") Long id ) {
Person found = personRepository.findOne(id);
//merge 'found' from database with send person, or just send it with id
//Person merged..
return personRepository.save(merged);
wrong mapping in controller
to update entity you need to get it in persisted (managed) state first, then copy desired state on it.
consider introducing DTO for your bussiness objects, as, later, responding with persisted state entities could cause troubles (e.g. undesired lazy collections fetching or entities relations serialization to XML, JSON could cause stackoverflow due to infinite method calls)
Below is simple case of fixing your test:
#PutMapping(value = "/{id}")
public Person savePerson(#PathVariable Long id, #RequestBody Person person) {
Person persisted = personRepository.findOne(id);
if (persisted != null) {
return persisted;
} else {
return personRepository.save(person);
#PutMapping(value = "/{person}")
public Person savePerson(#ModelAttribute Person person, #RequestBody Person req) {
return person;
The issue is that when you call personRepository.save(person) your person entity does not have the primary key field(id) and so the database ends up having two records with the new records primary key being generated by the db. The fix will be to create a setter for your id field and use it to set the entity's id before saving it:
#PutMapping(value = "/{id}")
public Person savePerson(#RequestBody Person person, #PathVariable("id") Long id) {
return personRepository.save(person);
Also, like has been suggested by #freakman you should use #RequestBody to capture the raw json/xml and transform it to a domain model. Also, if you don't want to create a setter for your primary key field, another option may be to support an update operation based on any other unique field (like externalId) and call that instead.
For updating any entity the load and save must be in same Transaction,else it will create new one on save() call,or will throw duplicate primary key constraint violation Exception.
To update any we need to put entity ,load()/find() and save() in same transaction, or write JPQL UPDATE query in #Repository class,and annotate that method with #Modifying .
#Modifying annotation will not fire additional select query to load entity object to update it,rather presumes that there must be a record in DB with input pk,which needs to update.

JPA Hibernate Spring Repository ensures transaction completes on save?

I am creating a simple spring application which is supposed to book seats in a seminar. Lets say Booking class looks like this
#Table(name = "bookings")
public class Booking{
private Long seminarId;
private String seatNo;
// .. other fields like perticipant info
// .. getter setters
of course the BookingId class:
public class BookingId implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Long seminarId;
private String seatNo;
// .. constructors, getters, setters
And I have a repository
public interface BookingsRepository extends JpaRepository<Booking, BookingId>{
in the controller when a booking request arrives I first check if a booking with same seminer id and seat number already exists, if it doesn't exist I create one
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<BaseCrudResponse> createNewBooking(#Valid #RequestBody NewBookingDao newBookingDao, BindingResult bindingResult){
logger.debug("Request for a new booking");
// .. some other stuffs
Booking newBooking = new Booking();
// .. set other fields
Booking existing = bookingsRepository.findOne(new BookingId(newBooking.getSeminarId(), newBooking.getSeatNumber());
if (existing == null)
return new ResponseEntity<>(new BaseCrudResponse(0), HttpStatus.CREATED);
return new ResponseEntity<>(response, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
Now what will happen if the save method of the repository didn't finish commiting transaction and another request already gets past the existence check ? There might be incorrect booking (the last commit will override the previous). Is this scenario likely to happen ? Will the repository ensures that it completes the transaction before another save call ?
Also is there any way to tell Jpa to throw some exception (for IntegrityConstraintException if the composite key (in this case seminerId and seatNumber) already exists ? Now in the present setting its just updating the row.
You can use javax.persistence.LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE so other transactions except the one that got the lock cannot update the entity.
If you use spring-data > 1.6 you can annotate the repository method with #Lock :
interface BookingsRepository extends Repository<Booking, Long> {
Booking findOne(Long id);
For sure you need to handle the locking exception that may be thron in the controller.

How to handle DataIntegrityVilolationException while saving a list in Spring Data JPA?

I am using Spring Data JPA in a Spring Boot Application, with MYSQL. There I am saving a list of entities with unique constraint over a field. Out of the list of entities, there is one entity that will throw DataIntegrityViolationException due to the unique constraint. I noticed that none of the entities get persisted in that case, even those that does not violate the unique constraint.
What should be the ideal approach in this case so that those entities which do not violate the unique get persisted ?
Of course I can iterate the list and save them one by one. In fact that is what SimpleJpaRepository is doing underneath.
public <S extends T> List<S> save(Iterable<S> entities) {
List<S> result = new ArrayList<S>();
if (entities == null) {
return result;
for (S entity : entities) {
return result;
My code - Entity :
#Table(uniqueConstraints = #UniqueConstraint(columnNames = { "name" }, name = "uq_name"))
public class SampleContent {
private Long id;
private String name;
//getter setters
Repository :
public interface SampleContentRepository extends JpaRepository<SampleContent, Serializable>{
JUnit test :
public void testCreate(){
List<SampleContent> sampleContentList = new ArrayList<>();
SampleContent sampleContent1 = new SampleContent();
SampleContent sampleContent2 = new SampleContent();
SampleContent sampleContent3 = new SampleContent();
}catch(DataIntegrityViolationException e){
System.err.println("constraint violation!");
There is an entity with name "Roy" already present in the table. So, the entire transaction fails and #Transactional rolls back.
I think you can use next steps:
Load existing entities from DB into Set
Override equals and hashCode methods based on name
call Set::addAll you antities (or just add them one by one)
save that Set to DB
Maybe it's suboptimal because forces you to make select * query. But I think it's much more effective then saving entities one by one to DB.
Accotding to this article you can use name as your business key, which has lots of benefits.

How to explictly state that an Entity is new (transient) in JPA?

I am using a Spring Data JpaRepository, with Hibernate as JPA provider.
Normally when working directly with Hibernate, the decision between EntityManager#persist() and EntityManager#save() is up to the programmer. With Spring Data repositories, there is only save(). I do not want to discuss the pros and cons here. Let us consider the following, simple base class:
public abstract class PersistableObject {
private String id;
public PersistableObject(){
this.id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// hashCode() and equals() are implemented based on equality of 'id'
Using this base class, the Spring Data repository cannot tell which Entities are "new" (have not been saved to DB yet), as the regular check for id == null clearly does not work in this case, because the UUIDs are eagerly assigned to ensure the correctness of equals() and hashCode(). So what the repository seems to do is to always invoke EntityManager#merge() - which is clearly inefficient for transient entities.
The question is: how do I tell JPA (or Spring Data) that an Entity is new, such that it uses EntityManager#persist() instead of #merge() if possible?
I was thinking about something along these lines (using JPA lifecycle callbacks):
public abstract class PersistableObject {
private boolean isNew = true; // by default, treat entity as new
private void loaded(){
// a loaded entity is never new
this.isNew = false;
private void saved(){
// a saved entity is not new anymore
this.isNew = false;
// how do I get JPA (or Spring Data) to use this method?
public boolean isNew(){
return this.isNew;
// all other properties, constructor, hashCode() and equals same as above
I'd like to add one more remark here. Even though it only works for Spring Data and not for general JPA, I think it's worth mentioning that Spring provides the Persistable<T> interface which has two methods:
T getId();
boolean isNew();
By implementing this interface (e.g. as in the opening question post), the Spring Data JpaRepositories will ask the entity itself if it is new or not, which can be pretty handy in certain cases.
Maybe you should add #Version column:
private Long version
in the case of new entity it will be null
