How to iterate and extract values out of a for loop in Rust - for-loop

I'm new to Rust and looking to understand concepts like borrowing. I'm trying to create a simple two dimensional array using standard input. The code:
use std::io;
fn main() {
let mut values = [["0"; 6]; 6]; // 6 * 6 array
// iterate 6 times for user input
for i in 0..6 {
let mut outputs = String::new();
io::stdin().read_line(&mut outputs).expect(
"failed to read line",
// read space separated list 6 numbers. Eg: 5 7 8 4 3 9
let values_itr = outputs.trim().split(' ');
let mut j = 0;
for (_, value) in values_itr.enumerate() {
values[i][j] = value;
j += 1;
This won't compile because the outputs variable lifetime is not long enough:
error[E0597]: `outputs` does not live long enough
--> src/
14 | let values_itr = outputs.trim().split(' ');
| ------- borrow occurs here
20 | }
| ^ `outputs` dropped here while still borrowed
21 | }
| - borrowed value needs to live until here
How can I get the iterated values out of the block into values array?

split() gives you substrings (string slices) borrowed from the original string, and the original string is outputs from line 6.
The string slices can't outlive the scope of outputs: when a loop iteration ends, outputs is deallocated.
Since values is longer lived, the slices can't be stored there.
We can't borrow slices of outputs across a modification of outputs. So even if the String outputs itself was defined before values, we couldn't easily put the string slices from .split() into values; modifying the string (reading into it) invalidates the slices.
A solution needs to either
Use a nested array of String, and when you assign an element from the split iterator, make a String from the &str using .to_string(). I would recommend this solution. (However an array of String is not at as easy to work with, maybe already this requires using Vec instead.) 1
Read all input before constructing a nested array of &str that borrows from the input String. This is good if the nested array is something that you only need temporarily.
1: You can use something like vec![vec![String::new(); 6]; 6] instead

This answer was moved from the question, where it solved the OPs needs.
use std::io;
fn main() {
let mut values = vec![vec![String::new(); 6]; 6];
for i in 0..6 {
let mut outputs = String::new();
io::stdin().read_line(&mut outputs)
.expect("failed to read line");
let values_itr = outputs.trim().split(' ');
let mut j = 0;
for (_, value) in values_itr.enumerate() {
values[i][j] = value.to_string();
j += 1;


Tuple assignment to mutable struct parameters [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Can I destructure a tuple without binding the result to a new variable in a let/match/for statement?
(3 answers)
How to swap two variables?
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I’m getting an error I’m not sure how to handle, related to a tuple assignment I’m trying. The incr function below gets a left-hand of expression not valid error. What am I misunderstanding?
struct Fib {
i: u64,
fa: u64,
fb: u64,
impl Fib {
fn incr(&mut self) {
self.i += 1;
(self.fa, self.fb) = (self.fa + self.fb, self.fa);
As the helpful error explanation says†, you try to assign to a non-place expression. A place expression represents a memory location, and thus it can be a variable, a dereference, an indexing expression or a field reference, but a tuple is not one of these.
If you would use a binding, such as:
let (x, y) = (1, 2);
that would be a whole different story because let statements have different rules than assignment: the left hand side of a let statement is a pattern, not an expression, and (x, y) is a legal pattern.
To solve your problem, you may want to do the following and introduce a temporary variable, and then update the values of the members:
(The following is also fixing your fibonacci sequence, i.e. correcting the values of the members since they are naturally ordered as 'a' and 'b')
impl Fib {
fn incr(&mut self) {
self.i += 1;
let fa = self.fa;
self.fa = self.fb;
self.fb += fa;
Note: Albeit it was not your question, I would strongly advise to implement Iterator for your Fib type, in which case you wouldn't have to keep track of the index (i) because that would be available through the enumerate method.
impl Iterator for Fib {
type Item = u64;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let fa = self.fa;
self.fa = self.fb;
self.fb += fa;
And then you could use it as:
for (i, x) in my_fib.enumerate() { ... }
† rustc --explain E0070

How do I pass an array of C.double's to a Cgo function?

I'm just getting started with CGo and I'm trying to send data to a C library that performs statistical computations on arrays of floats/doubles. What I'm trying to figure out right now is how to send an array of floats, or C.double's, to a CGo function that has a signature like this:
double pop_mean(int numPoints, double a[])
I've figured out how to get in the in there, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to send in an array of doubles.
I haven't yet seen any blog posts or SO Questions about this exact thing, so I thought I'd ask.
The following is my best effort so far.
// Get a basic function to work, while passing in an ARRAY arr := make([]C.double, 0)
arr = append(arr, C.double(10.0))
arr = append(arr, C.double(20.0))
arr = append(arr, C.double(30.0))
var fixedArray [3]C.double = arr[:]
// ptr := C.CBytes(arr)
// defer
coolMean := C.pop_mean(3, &fixedArray)
fmt.Println("pop_mean (10, 20, 30): ", coolMean)
And this is the error I'm getting:
./main.go:64:6: cannot use arr[:] (type []_Ctype_double) as type [3]_Ctype_double in assignment
./main.go:69:35: cannot use &fixedArray (type *[3]_Ctype_double) as type *_Ctype_double in argument to _Cfunc_pop_mean
How should I be passing an array of C.double to the code?
When an array name is passed to a function, what is passed is the
location of the initial element. Within the called function, this
argument is a local variable, and so an array name parameter is a
pointer, that is, a variable containing an address.
C Programming Language, 2nd Edition
Slice types
A slice is a descriptor for a contiguous segment of an underlying
array and provides access to a numbered sequence of elements from that
Like arrays, slices are indexable and have a length. The length of a
slice s can be discovered by the built-in function len; unlike with
arrays it may change during execution. The elements can be addressed
by integer indices 0 through len(s)-1. The slice index of a given
element may be less than the index of the same element in the
underlying array.
A slice, once initialized, is always associated with an underlying
array that holds its elements.
The Go Programming Language Specification
Reference: Go Command cgo
For a slice a, the arguments to the pop_mean(int numPoints, double a[]) C function are len(a), the length of the slice underlying array, and &a[0], the address of the first element of the slice underlying array.
In Go, we often hide details in a function. For example, a popMean function,
package main
import (
double pop_mean(int numPoints, double a[]) {
if (a == NULL || numPoints == 0) {
return 0;
double mean = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
return mean / numPoints;
import "C"
func popMean(a []float64) float64 {
// This is the general case, which includes the special cases
// of zero-value (a == nil and len(a) == 0)
// and zero-length (len(a) == 0) slices.
if len(a) == 0 {
return 0
return float64(C.pop_mean(, (*C.double)(&a[0])))
func main() {
a := make([]float64, 10)
for i := range a {
a[i] = float64(i + 1)
// slice
fmt.Println(len(a), a)
pm := popMean(a)
// subslice
b := a[1:4]
fmt.Println(len(b), b)
pm = popMean(b)
// zero length
c := a[:0]
fmt.Println(len(c), c)
pm = popMean(c)
// zero value (nil)
var z []float64
fmt.Println(len(z), z, z == nil)
pm = popMean(z)
10 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
3 [2 3 4]
0 []
0 [] true
I figured out that you have to send a pointer to the first value in the array, rather than sending a pointer to the first element of the slice, or to the slice itself.
AND I also ran into the problem where I had created a new variable that was assigned the value of the first item in the slice and later created a pointer to that variable (which was no longer a part of the original array), instead of creating a pointer to the first item in the array (like I wanted).
Below is the working code, with comments to help avoid the problem in the paragraph above.
// Get a basic function to work, while passing in an ARRAY
// Create a dummy array of (10,20,30), the mean of which is 20.
arr := make([]C.double, 0)
arr = append(arr, C.double(10.0))
arr = append(arr, C.double(20.0))
arr = append(arr, C.double(30.0))
firstValue := &(arr[0]) // this notation seems to be pretty important... Re-use this!
// if you don't make it a pointer right away, then you make a whole new object in a different location, so the contiguous-ness of the array is jeopardized.
// Because we have IMMEDIATELY made a pointer to the original value,the first value in the array, we have preserved the contiguous-ness of the array.
fmt.Println("array length: ", len(arr))
var arrayLength
arrayLength =
// arrayLength =
fmt.Println("array length we are using: ", arrayLength)
arrayMean := C.pop_mean(arrayLength, firstValue)
fmt.Println("pop_mean (10, 20, 30): ", arrayMean)
This produces the following result:
array length: 3
array length we are using: 3
pop_mean (10, 20, 30): 20
Or if we uncomment the line that changes the arrayLength to be 2, we get this result:
array length: 3
array length we are using: 2
pop_mean (10, 20, 30): 15

One-liner to generate Powerball picks in Swift?

With the U.S.'s large $1.5 Billion lottery this week, I wrote a function in Ruby to make Powerball picks. In Powerball, you choose 5 numbers from the range 1..69 (with no duplicates) and 1 number from the range 1..26.
This is what I came up with:
def pball
Array(1..69).shuffle[0..4].sort + [rand(1..26)]
It works by creating an array of integers from 1 to 69, shuffling that array, choosing the first 5 numbers, sorting those, and finally adding on a number from 1 to 26.
To do this in Swift takes a bit more work since Swift doesn't have the built-in shuffle method on Array.
This was my attempt:
func pball() -> [Int] {
let arr = Array(1...69).map{($0, drand48())}.sort{$0.1 < $1.1}.map{$0.0}[0...4].sort()
return arr + [Int(arc4random_uniform(26) + 1)]
Since there is no shuffle method, it works by creating an [Int] with values in the range 1...69. It then uses map to create [(Int, Double)], an array of tuple pairs that contain the numbers and a random Double in the range 0.0 ..< 1.0. It then sorts this array using the Double values and uses a second map to return to [Int] and then uses the slice [0...4] to extract the first 5 numbers and sort() to sort them.
In the second line, it appends a number in the range 1...26. I tried adding this to the first line, but Swift gave the error:
Expression was too complex to be solved in reasonable time; consider
breaking up the expression into distinct sub-expressions.
Can anyone suggest how to turn this into a 1-line function? Perhaps there is a better way to choose the 5 numbers from 1...69.
Xcode 8.3 • Swift 3.1
import GameKit
var powerballNumbers: [Int] {
return (GKRandomSource.sharedRandom().arrayByShufflingObjects(in: Array(1...69)) as! [Int])[0..<5].sorted() + [Int(arc4random_uniform(26) + 1)]
powerballNumbers // [5, 9, 62, 65, 69, 2]
Swift 2.x
import GameKit
var powerballNumbers: [Int] {
return (GKRandomSource.sharedRandom().arrayByShufflingObjectsInArray(Array(1...69)) as! [Int])[0...4].sort() + [Int(arc4random_uniform(26).successor())]
powerballNumbers // [21, 37, 39, 42, 65, 23]
I don't find the "one-liner" concept very compelling. Some languages lend themselves to it; others don't. I would suggest giving Swift a shuffle method to start with:
extension Array {
mutating func shuffle () {
for var i = self.count - 1; i != 0; i-- {
let ix1 = i
let ix2 = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(i+1)))
(self[ix1], self[ix2]) = (self[ix2], self[ix1])
But since I made this mutating, we still need more than one line to express the entire operation because we have to have a var reference to our starting array:
var arr = Array(1...69)
(1...4).forEach {_ in arr.shuffle()}
let result = Array(arr[0..<5]) + [Int(arc4random_uniform(26)) + 1]
If you really insist on the one-liner, and you don't count the code needed to implement shuffle, then you can do it, though less efficiently, by defining shuffle more like this:
extension Array {
func shuffle () -> [Element] {
var arr = self
for var i = arr.count - 1; i != 0; i-- {
let ix1 = i
let ix2 = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(i+1)))
(arr[ix1], arr[ix2]) = (arr[ix2], arr[ix1])
return arr
And here's your one-liner:
let result = Array(1...69).shuffle().shuffle().shuffle().shuffle()[0..<5] + [Int(arc4random_uniform(26)) + 1]
But oops, I omitted your sort. I don't see how to do that without getting the "too complex" error; to work around that, I had to split it into two lines:
var result = Array(1...69).shuffle().shuffle().shuffle().shuffle()[0..<5].sort(<)
result.append(Int(arc4random_uniform(26)) + 1)
How about this:
let winningDraw = (1...69).sort{ _ in arc4random_uniform(2) > 0}[0...4].sort() + [Int(arc4random_uniform(26)+1)]
[edit] above formula wasn't random. but this one will be
(1...69).map({Int(rand()%1000*70+$0)}).sort().map({$0%70})[0...4].sort() + [Int(rand()%26+1)]
For the fun of it, a non-GameplayKit (long) one-liner for Swift 3, using the global sequence(state:next:) function to generate random elements from the mutable state array rather than shuffling the array (although mutating the value array 5 times, so some extra copy operations here...)
let powerballNumbers = Array(sequence(state: Array(1...69), next: {
(s: inout [Int]) -> Int? in s.remove(at: Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(s.count))))})
.prefix(5).sorted()) + [Int(arc4random_uniform(26) + 1)]
... broken down for readability.
(Possible in future Swift version)
If the type inference weren't broken inout closure parameters (as arguments to closures), we could reduce the above to:
let powerballNumbers = Array(sequence(state: Array(1...69), next: {
$0.remove(at: Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32($0.count)))) })
.prefix(5).sorted()) + [Int(arc4random_uniform(26) + 1)]
If we'd also allow the following extension
extension Int {
var rand: Int { return Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(exactly: self) ?? 0)) }
Then, we could go on to reduce the one-line to:
let powerballNumbers = Array(sequence(state: Array(1...69), next: { $0.remove(at: $0.count.rand) }).prefix(5).sorted()) + [26.rand + 1]
Xcode 10 • Swift 4.2
Swift now has added shuffled() to ClosedRange and random(in:) to Int which now makes this easily accomplished in one line:
func pball() -> [Int] {
return (1...69).shuffled().prefix(5).sorted() + [Int.random(in: 1...26)]
Further trimmings:
Because of the return type of pball(), the Int can be inferred in the random method call. Also, .prefix(5) can be replaced with [...4]. Finally, return can be omitted from the one-line function:
func pball() -> [Int] {
(1...69).shuffled()[...4].sorted() + [.random(in: 1...26)]

Sorting Dictionaries containing more complex values in Swift

The key-sorting according to values of a dictionary with simple Doubles or Ints works perfectly fine according to the example provided here....
But what about more complex dictionary-structures ?
I have a dictionary with dictionary-values that each consist of an array of Double-Tuples. (pretty complex, I know....).
And I would like to sort the dictionary-values according to the sum of the Second-Tuple-Array. (i.e. all second-tuple elements form an array and this array is summed-up; then sort the array-sums according to the smallest value). But all that still without loosing information on the dictionary-key. The result of the asked method shall return an array of keys according to the sorted result of "second-tuple-summed-up-array-results).
Here my "poor" trial for this problem :
I tried to sort the keys according to the values of the first-Tuple of the array-of-Tuples with the following Playground example (see below). But it does not perform yet....
This works for basic types:
extension Dictionary {
func keysSortedByValue(isOrderedBefore:(Value, Value) -> Bool) -> [Key] {
return sorted(self) {
let (lk, lv) = $0
let (rk, rv) = $1
return isOrderedBefore(lv, rv)
}.map { (k,v) in k }
let dict = ["a":2, "c":1, "b":3]
dict.keysSortedByValue(<) // result array of keys: ["c", "a", "b"]
dict.keysSortedByValue(>) // result array of keys: ["b", "a", "c"]
But in my more complex case, it doesn't work:
var criteria_array1 = [(Double, Double)]()
var criteria_array2 = [Double]()
var criteria_dict1 = [String:[(Double, Double)]]()
var criteria_dict2 = [String:[Double]]()
// Random creation of two dictionaries with a complex value-structure...
// Dictionary1: keys = Strings, values = array of Double-Tuples
// Dictionary2: keys = Strings, values = array of Doubles
for n in 1...5 {
let currentTopoString: String = "topo_\(n)"
for t in 0...14 {
let a: Double = Double(arc4random_uniform(1000))
let b: Double = Double(Double(arc4random_uniform(1000))/1000)
criteria_array1 += [(a, b)]
criteria_array2 += [b]
criteria_dict1[currentTopoString] = criteria_array1
criteria_dict2[currentTopoString] = criteria_array2
// the two following instruction generate compiler errors....
// why ???????????
// How could a complex dictionary-value-structure be applied to a sortingMethod ??
This is a question of implementing the isOrderedBefore function appropriately. Just passing in > is not going to cut it (even assuming there was an implementation of > for arrays of tuples, it almost certainly wouldn't do the comparison-of-summation you are looking for).
If I understand your goal correctly, you want to sort the keys based on the value of the sum of one of the tuple entries in an array of tuples?
So something like this:
criteria_dict1.keysSortedByValue { lhs, rhs in
// if you actually want to sort by sum of first element in tuple,
// change next.1 to next.0
let left_sum = reduce(lhs, 0) { total, next in total + next.1 }
let right_sum = reduce(rhs, 0) { total, next in total + next.1 }
return left_sum > right_sum
This is quite inefficient, since you're summing the array for every comparison – in practice you may want to memoize it, or maybe rethink the problem in terms of a different data structure if you do this a lot.

What is the exact definition of the for loop in Rust?

I'm coming from a C (and to a lesser extent, C++) background. I wrote the following code snippet:
fn main() {
let my_array = [1, 2, 3];
let print_me = |j| println!("= {}", j);
for k in my_array.iter() {
This compiled and ran as expected, but then I specified the type of the argument passed to the closure print_me thus:
fn main() {
let my_array = [1, 2, 3];
let print_me = |j: i32| println!("= {}", j);
for k in my_array.iter() {
I got a compilation error:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
6 | print_me(k);
| ^
| |
| expected i32, found &{integer}
| help: consider dereferencing the borrow: `*k`
= note: expected type `i32`
found type `&{integer}`
Now this confused me until I changed k to &k in the for statement, which worked fine:
fn main() {
let my_array = [1, 2, 3];
let print_me = |j: i32| println!("= {}", j);
for &k in my_array.iter() {
It seems that I misunderstood the for syntax itself -- or maybe the exact workings of an iterator -- or maybe the usage syntax of a reference vis-a-vis a pointer [which are related but distinct in C++].
In the construct for A in B { C1; C2; ... Cn }, what exactly are A and B supposed to be?
First of all, here's a link to the definition of for in the reference.
To summarise, B is any expression which evaluates to something that can be converted into a value that implements the Iterator<T> trait, whilst A is a irrefutable pattern that binds values of type T.
In your specific case, slice::iter returns an Iter<i32>, which implements Iterator<Item = &i32>. That is, it doesn't yield i32s, it yields &i32s.
Thus, in both the first and second examples, k is actually binding to &i32s, not i32s. When you specified the type of the closure, you were actually specifying the wrong type. The reason the final example works is because A is a pattern, not a variable name. What &k is actually doing is "de-structuring" the &i32, binding the i32 part to a variable named k.
The "irrefutable" part simply means that the pattern must always work. For example, you can't do for Some(x) in thingy where thingy implements Iterator<Option<_>>; Some(x) would not necessarily be valid for every element in the iterator; thus, it's a refutable pattern.
Many iterators actually return a reference rather than a value. To be sure, you have to check the return type of .iter(), which should be of the form Iterator<Item = X>: X will be the type of the variable returned.
So here:
fn main() {
let my_array = [1, 2, 3];
let print_me = |j: i32| println!("= {}", j);
for k in my_array.iter() {
This X is &i32 (a reference to i32), and therefore k has type &i32.
This is why, when calling print_me, there is an error: &i32 is passed where i32 is expected.
There are multiple possible fixes here:
specify a different type to print_me:
let print_me = |j: &i32| println!("= {}", j);
dereference the value of k:
change the type of k by destructuring in the loop:
for &k in my_array.iter() { ... }
The destructuring occurs because for .. in accepts an irrefutable pattern, so you can pattern match like you would do in a match expression, except that the variable's type has to match (otherwise you get a compiler time error).
To better illustrate it, we can use a slightly more complicated example:
fn main() {
let my_array = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)];
let print_me = |a: i32, b: i32| println!("= {} {}", a, b);
for &(j, k) in my_array.iter() {
print_me(j, k)
The type of my_array is [(i32, i32)]: an array of tuples of 2 i32. The result of .iter() is therefore of type Iterator<Item = &(i32, i32)>: an iterator to a reference to a tuple of 2 i32 aka &(i32, i32).
When we use the irrefutable pattern &(j, k) what happens is that we destructure the tuple so that:
the first element binds to j (inferred to be of type i32, only works because i32 is Copy)
the second element binds to k ((inferred to be of type i32)
j and k thus become temporary copies of the i32 inside this element.
