I have upgraded my project to VS2010 from VC++.NET 2003. I am getting Debug Error: String Resource 7176 was not found. I could see string table contains string for String Resource 7176 but still error is displaying when I call Custom_MessageBox() which works well in other modules in same project.
In TestResource.rh
In TestResource.rc
#include "DevControl.rh"
In TestResource.cpp
BOOL TestFunc(hParentWnd)
LPCTSTR myString = "Hello"
Custom_MessageBox( hParentWnd,
If I pass myString in place of MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDS_TEST ) then it works perfectly.
Please find the definition of Custom_MessageBox(). If I see value of pszText, it shows bad pointer. MAKEINTRESOURCE is not able to evaluate IDS_SHOWWARNING_TEST. I don't know the reason.
const int CUS_RETURN_ERROR = (int)0xFFFF;
int cdecl Custom_MessageBox( HWND hwndOwner, LPCTSTR pszText, UINT uStyle, ... )
// handle variable parms
va_list sVarArgs;
va_start(sVarArgs, uStyle);
if (!pszText)
CMDMsgDialog Dlg;
int nReturn = Dlg.MessageDialog(hwndOwner, pszText, uStyle, sVarArgs);
return nReturn;
You have defined IDS_SHOWWARNING_TEST in your TestResource.rh:
However, in your TestResource.rc you include different header file:
#include "DevControl.rh"
The macro IDS_SHOWWARNING_TEST is probably also defined in that file, with a different value.
I am trying to use NtOpenProcess() I have not find any example in town.
I am getting an error any help is much appreciated.
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE prevInstance, PSTR szCmdLine, int showCmd)
HANDLE handle;
HWND myWindow =FindWindow(NULL, L"Notepad");
GetWindowThreadProcessId(myWindow, (LPDWORD)&PID);
return 0;
The errors are
1>c:\users\asus\source\repos\windowsproject2\windowsproject2\windowsproject2.cpp(14): error C2065: 'PCLIENT_ID': undeclared identifier
1>c:\users\asus\source\repos\windowsproject2\windowsproject2\windowsproject2.cpp(14): error C2146: syntax error: missing ')' before identifier 'PID'
1>c:\users\asus\source\repos\windowsproject2\windowsproject2\windowsproject2.cpp(14): error C3861: 'NtOpenProcess': identifier not found
1>c:\users\asus\source\repos\windowsproject2\windowsproject2\windowsproject2.cpp(14): error C2146: syntax error: missing ';' before identifier 'PID'
1>c:\users\asus\source\repos\windowsproject2\windowsproject2\windowsproject2.cpp(14): error C2059: syntax error: ')'
This are my include files.
#include <Windows.h>
#include <ntddk.h>
#include <Ntifs.h>
#include "stdafx.h"
at first look at code:
FindWindow(NULL, L"Notepad");
faster of all you want
FindWindow(L"Notepad", 0);
because L"Notepad" is class name (not window name) and class name first parameter.
GetWindowThreadProcessId(myWindow, (LPDWORD)&PID);
the GetWindowThreadProcessId wait pointer to DWORD memory, where it store process id. but you pass to it uninitialized pointer, to random memory. need use this:
CLIENT_ID pid = { };
if (GetWindowThreadProcessId(myWindow, (PDWORD)&pid.UniqueProcess))
finally ObjectAttributes in call NtOpenProcess is mandatory parameter and can not be 0.
about undeclared identifiers - all this declared in ntifs.h and it sub-headers (ntifs.h include ntddk.k - so you not need include it direct). problem that windows.h and ntifs.h is conflict - many common declarations. if you include both - you got a lot of errors. but solution exist - include ntifs.h in some namespace. but even after this you got some errors. but this also can be fixed, if deep understand source of errors. also you will be need include own code to this namespace too, for have easy access to ntifs declarations. and finally you need use ntdll.lib or ntdllp.lib (will be conflict with CRT libs if you use it) as linker input.
so if you want use native api in own code, without add custom headers, where you copy-paste some nt definitions and call it without resolve api in runtime, but use static linking - this is possible, but require deep knowledge and understanding what you doing. example
#define _XX_BEGIN namespace XX {
#define _XX_END }
struct _CONTEXT;
#define _INC_MMSYSTEM /* Prevent inclusion of mmsystem.h in windows.h */
#include <windows.h>
#pragma warning(disable : 4005)
#define RtlCompareMemory ::RtlCompareMemory
#include <ntifs.h>
#undef _INC_MMSYSTEM /* Prevent inclusion of mmsystem.h in windows.h */
#include <MMSystem.h>
void demo()
if (HWND myWindow = FindWindow(L"Notepad", 0))
CLIENT_ID pid = { };
if (GetWindowThreadProcessId(myWindow, (PDWORD)&pid.UniqueProcess))
HANDLE handle;
static OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES zoa = { sizeof(zoa) };
if (0 <= NtOpenProcess(&handle,
&zoa, &pid))
I've been trying to setup SEH on x64 windows using gcc by calling the RtlAddFunctionTable. Unfortunately, the API call returns success but my handler doesn't seem to ever be called. And I can't find out what's wrong. My small example is:
, void* arg1 __attribute__((unused))
, struct _CONTEXT* ctxt __attribute__((unused))
, void* arg2 __attribute__((unused))
printf("Exception will be handled!\n");
return ExceptionContinueSearch;
HMODULE GetCurrentModule()
{ // NB: XP+ solution!
return hModule;
typedef struct {
UINT8 Version : 3;
UINT8 Flags : 5;
UINT8 SizeOfProlog;
UINT8 CountOfUnwindCodes;
UINT8 FrameRegister : 4;
UINT8 FrameRegisterOffset : 4;
ULONG ExceptionHandler;
/* Hack, for bug in ld. Will be removed soon. */
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#define __ImageBase __MINGW_LSYMBOL(_image_base__)
/* Get the end of the text section. */
extern char etext[] asm("etext");
/* Get the base of the module. */
/* This symbol is defined by ld. */
extern IMAGE_DOS_HEADER __ImageBase;
static UNWIND_INFO info[1];
static RUNTIME_FUNCTION handlers[1];
#define base (ULONG)((HINSTANCE)&__ImageBase)
int main()
HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
HMODULE hModule = GetCurrentModule();
GetModuleInformation(hProcess, hModule, &mi, sizeof(mi));
printf( "Module: 0x%.8X (0x%.8X) 0x%.8X |0x%.8X| [0x%.8X] {0x%.8X}\n\n"
, mi.lpBaseOfDll
, base
, (char*)etext
, mi.SizeOfImage
, &catchDivZero
, (ULONG)(&catchDivZero - base)
printf("Building UNWIND_INFO..\n");
info[0].Version = 1;
info[0].Flags = UNW_FLAG_EHANDLER;
info[0].SizeOfProlog = 0;
info[0].CountOfUnwindCodes = 0;
info[0].FrameRegister = 0;
info[0].FrameRegisterOffset = 0;
info[0].ExceptionHandler = (ULONG)(&catchDivZero - base);
printf("Created UNWIND_INFO at {0x%.8X}\n", info[0].ExceptionHandler);
printf("Building SEH handlers...\n");
handlers[0].BeginAddress = 0;
handlers[0].EndAddress = (ULONG)(etext - base);
handlers[0].UnwindData = (ULONG)((char*)info - base);
printf("Adding SEH handlers to .pdata..\n");
printf("Handler Unwind: 0x%.8X\n", &info);
printf( "Handler Info:: s: 0x%.8X, e: 0x%.8X, u: 0x%.8X\n"
, handlers[0].BeginAddress
, handlers[0].EndAddress
, handlers[0].UnwindData
if (RtlAddFunctionTable(handlers, 1, (DWORD64)base))
printf("Hook succeeded.\nTesting..\n");
printf("Things to do: %i\n", 12 / 0);
printf("Hook failed\n");
DWORD result = GetLastError();
printf("Error code: 0x%.8X\n", result);
However when called the output I get is:
> .\a.exe
Module: 0x00400000 (0x00400000) 0x00402FF0 |0x00022000| [0x00401530] {0x00001530}
Building UNWIND_INFO..
Created UNWIND_INFO at {0x00001530}
Building SEH handlers...
Adding SEH handlers to .pdata..
Handler Unwind: 0x00407030
Handler Info:: s: 0x00000000, e: 0x00002FF0, u: 0x00007030
Hook succeeded.
The message in my handler is never printed.
Any help/pointers would be greatly appreciated.
RtlAddFunctionTable() adds a dynamic function table; if there already is a static function table (.pdata section) for the base address, the RtlAddFunctionTable() calls succeeds, but the static function table still takes precedence.
You need to allocate memory outside the image range, e.g. using VirtualAlloc(), and have your code and runtime table and unwind info there. The address of allocated memory is the base address for all the RVAs in the tables, and needs to be passed to RtlAddFunctionTable().
You can experiment with RtlLookupFunctionEntry() to see if the function table entry is found for a given address.
Sample code showing RtlAddFunctionTable() in action is at https://pmeerw.net/blog/programming/RtlAddFunctionTable.html.
Didn't you forget to register your handler with call to SetUnhandledExceptionFilter (if you use SEH as stated in your post) or AddVectoredExceptionHandler (if you decide to switch to VEH)? In your code you add information about the handler but do not register it.
I have tested your sample with the change of the handler itself:
printf("Exception will be handled!\n");
return ExceptionContinueSearch;
and adding the code:
if (::AddVectoredExceptionHandler(TRUE, catchDivZero))
printf("Set exception handler.\nContinuing..\n");
printf("Setting exception handler failed\n");
DWORD result = GetLastError();
printf("Error code: 0x%.8X\n", result);
return 1;
just before the call to RtlAddFunctionTable.
Now the message from the handler is printed.
To remove the handler use:
Hope it helps.
Note: as an alternative you may use SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(catchDivZero)). Keep in mind that it's not that useful for debugging:
After calling this function, if an exception occurs in a process that
is not being debugged, and the exception makes it to the unhandled
exception filter, that filter will call the exception filter function
specified by the lpTopLevelExceptionFilter parameter.
With VEH way we can debug the handler function right in IDE, with SEH we can not (there is probably a solution to this but I do not know about it) so I've proposed VEH as the main solution.
I'm working on a port from some old Delphi code to VC++ 2013, and I'm encountering an error that I feel should be an easy fix but cannot for the life of me figure out...
The problem is this: I have a number of common utility functions in a local file Utils.h that I am deploying as part of a windows form. Most (90%) of the functions in this header work as normal. GetMsg(...), however, throws a C3861 Identifier not found error...
Utils.h (snippet): GetMsg declared at bottom
#pragma once
using namespace std;
Typedefs, Structs, Enums:
typedef union
unsigned long ui32;
unsigned char ui8[4];
} UI32_UI8;
typedef union
unsigned short ui16;
unsigned char ui8[2];
} UI16_UI8;
typedef union
float f;
unsigned char ui8[4];
} F_UI8;
typedef struct
string sName;
string sVersion;
string sCompany;
string sCopyright;
unsigned short SwapShort(unsigned short aShort);
float SwapFloat(float aFloat);
unsigned long SwapLong(unsigned long aLong);
unsigned int ReadLine(unsigned char *msgBuf, SerialPort^ Hdl, bool ReturnLF);
void __stdcall FillTheBuffer(char *buf, String sss, int length);
string __stdcall FillTheString(string sss, int length);
unsigned int __stdcall GetMsg(SerialPort^ Hdl, unsigned char *msgBuf);
GetMsg Definition in Utils.cpp:
unsigned int __stdcall GetMsg(SerialPort^ Hdl, unsigned char *msgBuf)
And, finally, GetMsg usage in form file:
#include "Utils.h"
void MainForm::UploadButton_Click
(System::Object^ object, System::EventArgs^ e)
SwapShort(1); //Works fine, also declared in Utils.h
GetMsg(spCom, inBuf); //C3861 ERROR
Where spCom is a (SerialPort^) contained, configured, and opened within the windows form. inBuf is a simple array of characters (char*) to buffer the input. I've tried renaming the function, thinking that there may have been an unintentional conflict / overload in other files, to no avail.
Any advice? Thanks, in advance
Solved the problem -- As it turns out I needed to be more explicit in my function definitions. Changing the declaration to read
GetMsg(System::IO::Ports::SerialPort^ Hdl, unsigned char *msgBuf)
eliminated the C3861 error. It would seem that the lack of a specific namespace on the declaration passed Intellisense but confused the compiler, rendering it unable to determine which prototype to use with the function call.
There's obviously something wrong with my build, but I can't figure it out. I narrowed this down to one of my projects: first build after clean fails, all following builds succeed.
I get linking errors which say that some symbols are already defined:
>------ Build started: Project: Problem, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
> Blah blah blah...
23> Creating library D:\SVN.DRA.WorkingCopy\Debug\Problem.lib and object D:\SVN.DRA.WorkingCopy\Debug\Problem.exp
23>ProblemDependency1.lib(PD1.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: unsigned short __thiscall PD2Class::getFoo(void)const " (?getFoo#PD2Class##QBEGXZ) already defined in ProblemDependecy2.lib(ProblemDependency2.dll)
23>ProblemDependency1.lib(PD1.obj) : error LNK2005: "public: void __thiscall PD2Class2::`default constructor closure'(void)" (??_FPD2Class2#Image#DRA##QAEXXZ) already defined in ProblemDependency2.lib(ProblemDependency2.dll)
23>D:\SVN.DRA.WorkingCopy\Debug\Problem.dll : fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found
Problem is a C++/CLI project, built with the /clr switch, which references the unmanaged C++ projects ProblemDependency1, a static lib, and ProblemDependency2, a dll.
ProblemDependency1 references ProblemDependency2.
getFoo() is declared as inline and defined outside of the class declaration, in the .h
PD2Class2 doesn't have an explicitly defined default constructor, but it has a constructor which has all default arguments, so you could say it includes the default constructor as a special case
The .h's where these are defined have #pragma once as their first line.
Any hint on troubleshooting this? I can post more info if needed
Update: I solved the first error thanks to Anders Abel's suggestion, but I still can't solve the second one (the one about the default constructor)
Update: If I compile using MSBuild outside Visual Studio, it fails always, with the same error
Edit: Here's some code. First, a bit of PD2Class2's declaration. PD2Class2's real name is CImage (feeling lazy to anonymize), CImage.h:
#pragma once
#pragma warning( disable: 4251 ) //TODO: Disable and solve
#include "ImageProperties.h"
#include "../CommonCppLibrary/CriticalSection.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
class CSharedMemory;
class EmptyImageException;
struct IShape;
struct SImageStatics {
unsigned short low3Percentile;
unsigned short high97Percentile;
unsigned short medianPixelValue;
unsigned short meanPixelValue;
unsigned short minPixelValue;
unsigned short maxPixelValue;
namespace DRA{
namespace Image{
class __declspec(dllexport) CImage {
friend class CImageLock;
int m_iPitch;
mutable CImageProperties m_cProperties;
CSharedMemory * m_pSharedMemmory;
mutable DRA::CommonCpp::CCriticalSection m_csData;
static const float PIXEL_FREQUENCY_COVERAGE;
static const float PIXEL_CUTOFF_PERCENTAGE;
static const int MINIMUM_PIXEL_FREQUENCY; //Pixels with a frequency lower than this are ignored
static const int MINIMUM_WINDOW_WIDTH_FOR_16_BITS;
//Some private methods
CImage( DWORD dwWidth = 0, DWORD dwHeight = 0, ULONG uBytesPerPixel = 0,
bool isSigned = false, EPhotometricInterpretation ePI = PI_UNKNOWN,
UINT bitsStored = 0, float pw = -1.0f, float ph = -1.0f, BYTE * pData = NULL );
CImage( const CImageProperties& cProperties, int iPitch = 0 );
CImage( const CImage& rImage );
virtual ~CImage();
virtual CImage& operator=( const CImage& );
bool operator==( const CImage& rImage );
//Alter State
//More methods
//Query State
//More methods
Next, the constructor's definition, from CImage.cpp:
CImage::CImage( DWORD dwWidth, DWORD dwHeight, ULONG uBytesPerPixel, bool isSigned,
EPhotometricInterpretation ePI, UINT bitsStored, float pw, float ph,
BYTE * pData ) :
m_iPitch( dwWidth * uBytesPerPixel ),
m_cProperties( dwWidth, dwHeight, uBytesPerPixel, bitsStored, ePI, isSigned, pw, ph ),
m_pSharedMemmory( NULL ),
m_pSharedMemmory = new CSharedMemory( pData ? pData : new BYTE[getSize()] );
Is getFoo() marked as __declspec(dllexport)? If it is an inline function, it is instantiated/used from wherever it is called through the included header. It shouldn't be part of the functions that the dll exports and it should not have a dllexport directive.
__declspec(dllexport) might be handled through a macro that is expanded to dllexport or dllimport depending on if it is the dll or code using the dll that is compiled. If there is any macro in the function declaration you might have to dig into it to find if there is an export directive.
I think that if the header file is used both when the dll is built and when the dll is used, it is incorrect to have __declspec(dllexport) in the header file. Instead use a macro system:
#define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
class DLLEXPORT CImage
Then define the PROBLEMDEPENDENCY2 preprocessor symbol when building the dll, but not when using it. The problem with hardcoding __declspec(dllexport) in the header file is that the compiler will try to export the class both from ProblemDependency2 (which is correct) and from ProblemDependency1 (which is incorrect).
Just something I've run into recently to check:
Are you building on a network volume? I had been having problems with not being able to debug my applications because the .pdb file was not "there" after the build and before the debug launch due to latency in the SAN that I was working on as a build directory.
Once I moved the project build to a local volume, everything was fine.
Don't know if that's what's happening to you or not, but something I'd look into.
I dont' have much c++ experience, but problems like this in other .NET languages, often result from having a DLL reference to another project in the same solution (to the DLL in the "obj" or "bin" folder of the other project, instead of a project reference. This stops Visual Studio from being able to figure out the build order, and, hence, the first time after a "clean", you will not have the DLL you are depending on. On the second build, this DLL will already have been built, and the build will succeed.
I am working on a project where I need to change the behaviour of the XOpenDisplay function defined in X11/Xlib.h.
I have found an example, which should do exactly what I am looking for, but when I compile it, I get the following error messages:
XOpenDisplay_interpose.c:14: Error: conflicting types for »XOpenDisplay«
/usr/include/X11/Xlib.h:1507: Error: previous declaration of »XOpenDisplay« was here
Can anyone help me with that problem? What am I missing?
My program code so far - based on the example mentioned above:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
Display *XOpenDisplay(char *display_name)
static Display *(*func)(char *);
Display *ret;
void* handle=NULL;
handle = dlopen ("XOpenDisplay_interpose.so", RTLD_LAZY);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR dlopen\n");
func = (Display *(*)(char *))dlsym(handle,"XOpenDisplay");
printf("XOpenDisplay() is called with display_name=%s\n", display_name);
printf("XOpenDisplay() is called with display_name=NULL\n");
ret = func(display_name);
printf(" calling XOpenDisplay(NULL)\n");
ret = func(0);
printf("XOpenDisplay() returned %p\n", ret);
int XCloseDisplay(Display *display_name)
static int (*func)(Display *);
int ret;
void* handle=NULL;
handle = dlopen ("XOpenDisplay_interpose.so", RTLD_LAZY);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR dlopen\n");
func = (int (*)(Display *))dlsym(handle,"XCloseDisplay");
ret = (int)func(display_name);
printf("called XCloseDisplay(%p)\n", display_name);
int main()
The declaration reads like this:
Display *XOpenDisplay(_Xconst char *display_name)
So just adding a 'const' should suffice.