PoDoFo installation in Ubuntu(Linux) - podofo

I compile and installed PoDoFo in Ubuntu. But /usr/include and /usr/lib doesn't have any entry. I need it to work with my programs. Could you please let me know by default where the header file and lib files are installed? And how I can installed them in /usr/include and /usr/lib?


cmake installation, not founded library after installation

I know there are sevareal answers about this topic, but certainly, I do not understand them.
[Linux | ubuntu 20.04 | cmake 3.23]
The problem is that while building a shared library with cmake, when I link this library to an executable, the library is founded [tested with ldd command]. But when i install the project my executable in /bin folder, cant find my library in lib directory.
The error is:
./my_executable.exe: error while loading shared libraries: libCOOK.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Program directory
Install directory
My own answer:
Just add the install_directory/lib to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Where is libzmq header file?

I compiled and installed libzmq on my Raspberry pi but I can't find the C-binding header file, czmq.h.
I searched the entire file system and only find the libary files in /usr/local/lib.
You have to install czmq also, it's a separate library and it is not included with libzmq: http://czmq.zeromq.org

Tell pkg-config where to find packages on windows

I want to use the Haskell ffmpeg library under windows so I tried to install it via cabal.
After downloading and extracting ffmpeg shared (64bit) version to C:\FFmpeg cabal complained that pkg-config was not installed.
I downloaded it and moved it to the bin folder of MinGw. Now cabal complains that it can not find the pkg-config package libavutil.
First part of the question:
What is a pkg-config package? Is it just the dll that comes with the shared version of ffmpeg?
Second part:
I know pkg-config uses .pc files to describe where to look for packages and it uses the PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable to find .pc files. So how would a .pc file look when the libavutil dll is located in C:\FFmpeg\bin?
PS: The dll in FFmpeg\bin is named avutil-55.dll

Octave configure cannot find Qt library on OS X

I have installed QT 4.8 library on my OS X through direct install with .dmg file downloaded from qt-project.org. It seems a framework version. And so far, a lot of tools recognises it well. But when I am building octave on this computer, it gives a warning of "Qt libraries not found". I wonder why. And what can I do to make it recognise the qt lib on my machine.
The command I used for configure is
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-shared F77=gfortran-4.2 LDFLAGS='-L/usr/local/lib'
(further information)
I did tried to find the installation of QT with
find find /Library/ -name QtGui
Returning result being
Along with the fact that ipython notebook --matplotlib=qt is working well on my system, I assume my Qt Library is successfully installed.
But when performing the check with pkg-config, both pkg-config --cflag QtGui and pkg-config --libs QtGui return no positive result.
Make sure your Qt installation is working. I'll assume it was correctly installed and is visible to the operating system you're using.
The configure command you have pasted accepts two environment variables, QT_CFLAGS and QT_LIBS. Use the pkg-config tool to determine their appropriate values:
pkg-config --cflags QtGui
pkg-config --libs QtGui
and add this information to the command line:
./configure QT_CFLAGS='foo' QT_LIBS='bar' # other stuff...
I think I know the answer now. qt-4.8 installed through .dmg file is a framework version. There is no Qt*.pc file, thus is not able to be found by pkg-config. So, in order to use pkg-config to find qt installed in the system, you need to build qt from source(source downloadable from qt-project.org), specifying that a -no-framework version is to be built:
./configure -no-framework --foo --bar
sudo make install
After building and installing, qt would be located in(by default)
Thus adding a line to ~/.bashrc
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.8.6/lib/pkgconfig/:${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}"
would help pkg-config locating the qt in your system.
If you have installed QT by .run file, you might find pkgconfig folder. For me, I have installed QT to "/opt/qt5.15.x/" and I find this path "/opt/qt5.15.x/5.15.2/gcc_64/lib/pkgconfig". Referencing pkg-config-path-environment-variable, I add it to PKG_CONFIG_PATH by
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/opt/qt5.15.x/5.15.2/gcc_64/lib/pkgconfig/
And then, Octave configure find QT. And it's better to check the .pc file in your pkgconfig folder. "prefix" in the .pc files might be wrong.

cannot find the flags to link with Boost thread

I'm trying to compile a library requiring boost. I was able to make it work on ubuntu but I don't understand why the ./configure can't find boost_thread on Mac OS X. Boost .hpp are located in /usr/local/include/boost and .dylib and .a are located in /usr/local/lib
Here's the log file of configure : http://pastebin.com/KKqareyT
Do you have any idea ?
