Return an error if input doesn't have exactly 1 line, otherwise pipe input to next step - bash

I have a series of commands chained together with pipes:
should_create_one_line | expects_one_line
The first command should_create_one_line should produce an output that only has one line, but under strange circumstances it is possible for the output to be multiline or empty.
I would like to add a step in between these two, validate_one_line:
should_create_one_line | validate_one_line | expects_one_line
If its input contains exactly 1 line then validate_one_line will simply output its input. If its input contains more than 1 line or is empty then validate_one_line should cause the whole sequence of steps to stop and return an error code.
What command can I use for validate_one_line?

Use read. Here's a shell function that meets your specs:
exactly_one_line() {
local line # Use to echo the line
read -r line || return # Guarantee at least one line is read
read && return 1 # Indicate failure if another line is successfully read
echo "$line"
"One line" assumes a single line followed by a newline. If your input could be like, a file with contents but no newlines, then this will fail.
Given a pipeline like a|b, a cannot prevent b from running. At a minimum, b needs to handle when a produces no output.
$ wc -l empty oneline twolines
0 empty
1 oneline
2 twolines
3 total
$ exactly_one_line < empty; echo $?
$ exactly_one_line < oneline; echo $?
$ exactly_one_line < twolines; echo $?

First off, you should seriously consider adding the validation code to expects_one_line. According to this post, each process starts in its own subshell, meaning that even if validate_one_line fails, you will get an error in expects_one_line because it will try to run with no input (or a blank line). That being said, here is a bash one-liner that you can insert into your pipe to validate: | ( var="$(cat)"; [ $(echo "$var" | wc -l) -ne 1 ] && exit 1 || echo "$var") |
The problem here is that when the validation subshell returns in the exit 1 case, will still get a single blank line. If this works for you, then great. If not, it would be better to just put the following into the beginning of
[ $(echo "$var" | wc -l) -ne 1 ] && exit 1
This would guarantee that fails properly when getting a single line without having to wonder about what the empty line that the validation outputs will do to the script.
You may find this post helpful: How to read mutliline input from stdin into variable and how to print one out in shell(sh,bash)?

You can use a bash script to check the incoming data and call the other command when the input is only 1 line
The following code starts cat when it is ONLY fet in 1 line
sh -c 'while read CMD; do [ ! -z "$LINE" ] && exit 1; LINE=$CMD; done; [ -z "$LINE" ] && exit 1; printf "%s\n" $LINE | "$0" "$#"' cat
How this works
Try reading a line, if failed go to step 5
If variable $LINE is NOT empty, goto step 6
Save line inside variable $LINE
Goto step 1
If $LINE is NOT empty, goto step 7
Exit the program with status code 1
Call our program and pass our $line to it using printf
Example usage:
Printing out only if grep found 1 match:
grep .... | sh -c 'while read CMD; do [ ! -z "$LINE" ] && exit 1; LINE=$CMD; done; [ -z "$LINE" ] && exit 1; printf "%s\n" $LINE | "$0" "$#"' cat
Example of the question poster:
should_create_one_line | sh -c 'while read CMD; do [ ! -z "$LINE" ] && exit 1; LINE=$CMD; done; [ -z "$LINE" ] && exit 1; printf "%s\n" $LINE | "$0" "$#"' expects_one_line


how to continue with the loop even though we use exit for a condition in shell script

I have a following list.txt file with the content
cat list.txt
I have a shell script ( like below,
for i in $(cat list.txt)
if [ $i != zero ]; then
echo "the number is $i"
exit 1
it gives output like below,
the number is one
the number is two
I want to have script which continue with the rest of the items in the list.txt, but it should not process zero and continue with the rest of item.
the number is one
the number is two
the number is three
the number is four
I tried using "return" but it did not work, gave error.
./ line 6: return: can only `return' from a function or sourced script
About exit (and return)
The command exit will quit running script. There is no way to continue.
As well, return command will quit function. There in no more way to continue.
About reading input file
For processing line based input file, you'd better to use while read instead of for i in $(cat...:
Simply try:
while read -r i;do
if [ "$i" != "zero" ] ;then
echo number $i
done <list.txt
Alternatively, you could drop unwanted entries before loop:
while read -r i;do
echo number $i
done < <( grep -v ^zero$ <list.txt)
Note: In this specific case, ^zero$ don't need to be quoted. Consider quoting if your string do contain special characters or spaces.
If you have more than one entries to drop, you could use
while read -r i;do echo number $i ;done < <(grep -v '^\(zero\|null\)$' <list.txt)
Alternatively, once input file filtered, use xargs:
If your process is only one single command, you could avoid bash loop by using xargs:
xargs -n 1 echo number < <(grep -v '^\(zero\|null\)$' <list.txt)
How to use continue in bash script
Maybe you are thinking about something like:
while read -r i;do
if [ "$i" = "zero" ] ;then
echo number $i
done <list.txt
Argument of continue is a number representing number of loop to shortcut.
Try this:
for i in {1..5};do
for l in {a..d};do
if [ "$i" -eq 3 ] && [ "$l" = "b" ] ;then
continue 2
echo $i.$l
(This print 3.a and stop 3 serie at 3.b, breaking 2 loop level)
Then compare with
for i in {1..5};do
for l in {a..d};do
if [ "$i" -eq 3 ] && [ "$l" = "b" ] ;then
continue 1
echo $i.$l
(This print 3.a , 3.c and 3.d. Only 3.b are skipped, breaking only 1 loop level)

Can I make a shell function in as a pipeline conditionally "disappear", without using cat?

I have a bash script that produces some text from a pipe of commands. Based on a command line option I want to do some validation on the output. For a contrived example...
if [[ "$CHECK_OUTPUT" != "--check" ]]; then
# Don't check the output. Passthrough and return.
return 0
# Check each line exists in the fs root
while read line; do
if [[ ! -e "/$line" ]]; then
echo "Error: /$line does not exist"
return 1
echo "$line"
return 0
ls /usr | grep '^b' | check_output
[EDIT] better example:
This is really useful, particularly if I have multiple functions that can becomes passthroughs. Yes, I could move the CHECK_OUTPUT conditional and create a pipe with or without check_output but I'd need to write lines for each combination for more functions. If there are better ways to dynamically build a pipe I'd like to know.
The problem is the "useless use of cat". Can this be avoided and make check_output like it wasn't in the pipe at all?
Yes, you can do this -- by making your function a wrapper that conditionally injects a pipeline element, instead of being an unconditional pipeline element itself. For example:
maybe_checked() {
if [[ $CHECK_OUTPUT != "--check" ]]; then
"$#" # just run our arguments as a command, as if we weren't here
# run our arguments in a process substitution, reading from stdout of same.
# ...some changes from the original code:
# IFS= stops leading or trailing whitespace from being stripped
# read -r prevents backslashes from being processed
local line # avoid modifying $line outside our function
while IFS= read -r line; do
[[ -e "/$line" ]] || { echo "Error: /$line does not exist" >&2; return 1; }
printf '%s\n' "$line" # see
done < <("$#")
ls /usr | maybe_checked grep '^b'
Caveat of the above code: if the pipefail option is set, you'll want to check the exit status of the process substitution to have complete parity with the behavior that would otherwise be the case. In bash version 4.3 or later (IIRC), $? is modified by process substitutions to have the relevant PID, which can be waited for to retrieve exit status.
That said, this is also a use case wherein using cat is acceptable, and I'm saying this as a card-carying member of the UUOC crowd. :)
Adopting the examples from John Kugelman's answers on the linked question:
maybe_sort() {
if (( sort )); then
"$#" | sort
maybe_limit() {
if [[ -n $limit ]]; then
"$#" | head -n "$limit"
printf '%s\n' "${haikus[#]}" | maybe_limit maybe_sort sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'

Unexpected end of file bash script

This is just a simple problem but I don't understand why I got an error here. This is just a for loop inside an if statement.
This is my code:
if (!( -f $argv[1])) then
echo "Argv must be text file";
else if ($#argv != 1) then
echo "Max argument is 1";
else if (-f $argv[1]) then
for i in `cut -d ',' -f2 $argv[1]`
ping -c 3 $i;
echo "finish pinging host $i"
Error is in line 16, which is the line after fi, that is a blank line .....
Can someone please explain why i have this error ????
many, many errors.
If I try to stay close to your example code:
if [ ! -f "${1}" ]
echo "Argv must be text file";
else if [ "${#}" -ne 1 ]
echo "Max argument is 1";
else if [ -f "${1}" ]
for i in $(cat "${1}" | cut -d',' -f2 )
ping -c 3 "${i}";
echo "finish pinging host ${i}"
another way, exiting each time the condition is not met :
[ "${#}" -ne 1 ] && { echo "There should be 1 (and only 1) argument" ; exit 1 ; }
[ ! -f "${1}" ] && { echo "Argv must be a file." ; exit 1 ; }
[ -f "${1}" ] && {
for i in $(cat "${1}" | cut -d',' -f2 )
ping -c 3 "${i}";
echo "finish pinging host ${i}"
#!/usr/local/bin/bash -x
if [ ! -f "${1}" ]
echo "Argument must be a text file."
while-loop-script "${1}"
I have broken this up, because I personally consider it extremely bad form to nest one function inside another; or truthfully to even have more than one function in the same file. I don't care about file size, either; I've got several scripts which are 300-500 bytes long. I'm learning FORTH; fractalism in that sense is a virtue.
# while-loop-script
while read line
ping -c 3 "${line}"
IFS=" "
done < "${1}"
Don't use cat in order to feed individual file lines to a script; it will always fail, and bash will try and execute the output as a literal command. I thought that sed printing would work, and it often does, but for some reason it very often substitutes spaces for newlines, which is extremely annoying as well.
The only absolutely bulletproof method of feeding a line to a script that I know of, which will preserve all space and formatting, is to use while-read loops, rather than substituted for cat or for sed loops, as mentioned.
Something else which you will need to do, in order to be sure about preserving whitespace, is to set the internal field seperator (IFS) to something that you know your file will not contain, and then resetting it back to whitespace at the end of the loop.
For every opening if, you must have a corresponding closing fi. This is also true for else if. Better use elif instead
if test ! -f "$1"; then
echo "Argv must be text file";
elif test $# != 1; then
echo "Max argument is 1";
elif test -f "$1"; then
for i in `cut -d ',' -f2 "$1"`
ping -c 3 $i;
echo "finish pinging host $i"
There's also no argv variable. If you want to access the command line arguments, you must use $1, $2, ...
Next point is $#argv, this evaluates to $# (number of command line args) and argv. This looks a lot like perl.
Furthermore, testing is done with either test ... or [ ... ], not ( ... )
And finally, you should enclose at least your command line arguments in double quotes "$1". If you don't and there is no command line argument, you have for example
test ! -f
instead of
test ! -f ""
This lets the test fail and go on to the second if, instead of echoing the proper message.

Shell script to validate logger date format in log file

I need to validate my log files:
-All new log lines shall start with date.
-This date will respect the ISO 8601 standard. Example:
2011-02-03 12:51:45,220Z -
Using shell script, I can validate it looping on each line and verifying the date pattern.
The code is below:
# get all args
result=`echo $line | egrep "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [012][0-9]:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2},[0-9]{3}Z" -a -c`
if [ "$result" == "0" ]; then
echo "The log is not with correct date format: "
echo $line
exit 1
# Make sure we get file name as command line argument
if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
echo "You must enter a logfile"
exit 0
# make sure file exist and readable
if [ ! -f $file ]; then
echo "$file : does not exists"
exit 1
elif [ ! -r $file ]; then
echo "$file: can not read"
exit 2
# Set loop separator to end of line
IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")
exec 3<&0
exec 0<"$file"
while read -r line
# use $line variable to process line in processLine() function
processLine $line
exec 0<&3
# restore $IFS which was used to determine what the field separators are
But, there is a problem. Some logs contains stacktraces or something that uses more than one line, in other words, stacktrace is an example, it can be anything. Stacktrace example:
2011-02-03 12:51:45,220Z [ERROR] - File not found fred.txt
at ExTest.readMyFile(
at ExTest.main(
will not pass with my script, but is valid!
Then, if I run my script passing a log file with stacktraces for example, my script will failed, because it loops line by line.
I have the correct pattern and I need to validade the logger date format, but I don't have wrong date format pattern to skip lines.
I don't know how I can solve this problem. Does somebody can help me?
You need to anchor your search for the date to the start of the line (otherwise the date could appear anywhere in the line - not just at the beginning).
The following snippet will loop over all lines that do not begin with a valid date. You still have to determine if the lines constitute errors or not.
DATEFMT='^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [012][0-9]:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2},[0-9]{3}Z'
egrep -v ${DATEFMT} /path/to/log | while read LINE; do
echo ${LINE} # did not begin with date.
So just (silently) discard a single stack trace. In somewhat verbose bash:
while read -r line; do
case $STATE in
if [[ $line =~ ^java\..*Exception ]]; then
processLine "$line"
if ! [[ $line =~ ^' '*'at ' ]]; then
processLine "$line"
echo "Urk! internal error [$STATE]" >&2
exit 1
done <logfile
This relies on processLine not continuing on error, else you will need to track a tad more state to avoid two consecutive stack traces.
This makes 2 assumptions.
lines that begin with whitespace are continuations of previous lines. we're matching a leading space, or a leading tab.
lines that have non-whitespace characters starting at ^ are new log lines.
If a line matching #2 doesn't match the date format, we have an error, so print the error, and include the line number.
processLine() {
count=$(( count + 1 ))
result=$( echo $line | egrep '^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [012][0-9]:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2},[0-9]{3}Z' -a -c )
if (( $result == 0 )); then
# if result = 0, then my line did not start with the proper date.
# if the line starts with whitespace, then it may be a continuation
# of a multi-line log entry (like a java stacktrace)
continues=$( echo $line | egrep "^ |^ " -a -c )
if (( $continues == 0 )); then
# if we got here, then the line did not start with a proper date,
# AND the line did not start with white space. This is a bad line.
echo "The line is not with correct date format: "
echo "$count: $line"
exit 1
Create a condition to check if the line starts with a date. If not, skip that line as it is part of a multi-line log.
# get all args
result=`echo $line | egrep "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [012][0-9]:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2},[0-9]{3}Z" -a -c`
if [ "$result" == "0" ]; then
echo "Log entry is multi-lined - continuing."

bash: append newline when redirecting file

Here is how I read a file row by row:
while read ROW
done < file
I don't use the other syntax
cat file | while read ROW
because the pipe creates a subshell and makes me lose the environment variables.
The problem arises if the file doesn't end with a newline: last line is not read. It is easy to solve this in the latter syntax, by echoing just a newline:
(cat file; echo) | while read ROW
How do I do the same in the former syntax, without opening a subshell nor creating a temporary file (the list is quite big)?
A way that works in all shells is the following:
while [ $willexit == 0 ] ; do
read ROW || willexit=1
done < file
A direct while read will exit as soon as read encounters the EOF, so the last line will not be processed. By checking the return value outside the while, we can process the last line. An additional test for the emptiness of $ROW should be added after the read though, since otherwise a file whose last line ends with a newline will generate a spurious execution with an empty line, so make it
while [ $willexit == 0 ] ; do
read ROW || willexit=1
if [ -n "$ROW"] ; then
done < file
while read ROW
done < <(cat file ; echo)
The POSIX way to do this is via a named pipe.
[ -p mypipe ] || mkfifo mypipe
(cat num7; echo) > mypipe &
while read line; do
echo "-->$line<--"
export CNT=$((cnt+1))
done < mypipe
rm mypipe
echo "CNT is '$cnt'"
$ cat infile
$ (cat infile;echo) > mypipe & while read line; do echo "-->$line<--"; export CNT=$((cnt+1)); done < mypipe; echo "CNT is '$cnt'"
[1] 22260
CNT is '5'
[1]+ Done ( cat num7; echo ) > mypipe
From an answer to a similar question:
while IFS= read -r LINE || [ -n "${LINE}" ]; do
done <file
The IFS= part prevents read from stripping leading and trailing whitespace (see this answer).
If you need to react differently depending on whether the file has a trailing newline or not (e.g., warn the user) you'll have to make some changes to the while condition.
