Magento website offline after removing base_url (cloudflare) - magento

I'm running my Magento shop with Cloudflare. Everything was working fine, until I was stupid enough to remove the unsecure and secure base_url in the admin config section. After this, I get a cloudflare 520 error: "web server is returning an unknown error".
Thinks I checked or did
- error log of my webserver is empty. So I presume there are no errors
- In phpmyadmin I changed the records base_url in core_config_data
- removed magento cache
There are no Magento error logs (exception.log and system.log) so I presume I haven't turned error logging on. Is there any posibility I can turn on error logging in phpmyadmin, since I cannot access the admin panel.
Besides the error logging, is there anyone who knows what could be wrong?
Many thanks in advance!

Find errors/local.xml.sample file in Magento root directory and rename it to local.xml.


Magento /admin panel doesn't work

After I copied my magento installation on a new domain. The admin panel doesn't work. I checked the .htaccess, baseurls and tried a lot of other things, still the 404 error page.
The version of my installion is 1.9.
Please follow the following step.
delete cache folder from var
if you domain name changed then open your database and select core_config_data and set secure and insecure web url to your domain specific url
if you have still further problem for css and js and you have to make merge css and js flag to 0 which is also found in core_config_data
I hope sagar helped you to get rid of the problem.
to my opinion this issue happens due to improper setup of the core stores in magento.
what I did to resolve the issue to check the core_store tables. Check if store admin is active.
Make it active and your 404 problem will go away.
Thanks me later !!!

Unable to login into magento admin

I am not able to Open admin page and I am not even able to see any sort of errors on then page.
"Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime
or capacity problems. Please try again later."
if i give any url of my magento site I am getting the above output. How do I resolve this? Please Help
You probably have a file named maintenance.flag at the root folder of your Magento. This file is there to provide people to access a given magento when you are doing maintenance on it.
Try removing this file from your magento root folder.

Error empty response when logging in magento admin

I really stuck on this issue, everytime i log in into magento admin, it's give me an ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE on google chrome and Connection reset on Mozilla.
The shop is still accessable, but it's load very slowly. It's working fine before, and suddenly become like this.
I can't find a similiar issue like this, mostly are the shop that return an empty response and they still can access the admin page and it's caused of enabling flat category/products set up.
I'm not sure if client enabling the flat category/products. If it so, what table should i edit using phpmyadmin?
since i can't access the admin page, or there are another thing that cause this? some error code, some files missing in admin directory or htaccess thing, actually i'm not doing changes on htaccess before. Really need your help.
Restarting apache and mysql worked for me
service httpd restart
service mysqld restart
Hope this helps.

Magento Admin 404 after sessions expire

We have just moved our joomla/magento site to a new server. We are now getting some intermittant 404 errors for the magento admin panel
We are able to use the Magento Admin periodically. After a couple of hours we will start getting a 404 after logging in. Once we manually clear the magento cache it starts to work again.
When we start getting the 404 the issue appears to be related to the URL.
Our setup is:
Joomla is in the root directory.
Magento ( is in a sub-directory /magento
When the Admin panel ( is working the url after login is
When the 404 starts occuring the url drops the 'magento' out of the url and becomes
After manually cleaning the magneto cache the issue is resolved. After a few hours it starts to occur again.
Any help would be appreciated.
Well I found the solution to the problem that we have been having.
Some where along the line the permissions of the magento/var/cache directory where incorrect. Apparently if magento can't write to this directory it starts writing to the global /tmp directory.
This post on the magento forum has the info and solution:
Hope it helps someone.

Internal Server Error 500 in only one Storeview of Magento

I'm running Magento multistore and a few times a day I get the famous "Internal Server Error 500" in my browser.
When navigating to Magento backend or a different Magento Storeview, the backend and the Storeview are still available and show no Internal Server Error.
Visiting the homepage or any category page, product page or cms page doesn't make a difference.
After flushing /var/sessions, the frontend is available again.
So, what I've done already:
I think it's not related to permissions, as these are set properly. I ran Magento-Cleanup.php a few times, and that's not changing or helping.
I checked settings in htaccess. These seem to be good.
SID is off. With or without SID doesn't make a difference
Logs show no issues that could cause this.
Can you change your PHP setting to use Apache rather than fastCGI? I've seen this error before with FastCGI on some servers
