I want to Delete document by logstash,but it throws a exception - elasticsearch

Now,I meet a question. My logstash configuration file as follows:
input {
redis {
host => ""
port => 6379
db => 10
data_type => "list"
key => "local_tag_del"
filter {
output {
elasticsearch {
action => "delete"
hosts => [""]
codec => "json"
index => "mbd-data"
document_type => "localtag"
document_id => "%{album_id}"
file {
path => "/data/elasticsearch/result.json"
stdout {}
I want to read id from redis, by logstash, notify es to delete document.
Excuse me,My English is poor,I hope that someone will help me .

I can't help you particularly, because your problem is spelled out in your error message - logstash couldn't connect to your elasticsearch instance.
That usually means one of:
elasticsearch isn't running
elasticsearch isn't bound to localhost
That's nothing to do with your logstash config. Using logstash to delete documents is a bit unusual though, so I'm not entirely sure this isn't an XY problem


Logstash with elasticsearch output: how to write to different indices?

I hope to find here an answer to my question that I am struggling with since yesterday:
I'm configuring Logstash 1.5.6 with a rabbitMQ input and an elasticsearch output.
Messages are published in rabbitMQ in bulk format, my logstash consumes them and write them all to elasticsearch default index logstash-YYY.MM.DD with this configuration:
input {
rabbitmq {
host => 'xxx'
user => 'xxx'
password => 'xxx'
queue => 'xxx'
exchange => "xxx"
key => 'xxx'
durable => true
output {
elasticsearch {
host => "xxx"
cluster => "elasticsearch"
flush_size =>10
bind_port => 9300
codec => "json"
protocol => "http"
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
Now what I'm trying to do is send the messages to different elasticsearch indices.
The messages coming from the amqp input already have the index and type parameters (bulk format).
So after reading the documentation:
I try doing that
input {
rabbitmq {
host => 'xxx'
user => 'xxx'
password => 'xxx'
queue => 'xxx'
exchange => "xxx"
key => 'xxx'
durable => true
output {
elasticsearch {
host => "xxx"
cluster => "elasticsearch"
flush_size =>10
bind_port => 9300
codec => "json"
protocol => "http"
index => "%{[index][_index]}"
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
But what logstash is doing is create the index %{[index][_index]} and putting there all the docs instead of reading the _index parameter and sending there the docs !
I also tried the following:
index => %{index}
index => '%{index}'
index => "%{index}"
But none seems to work.
Any help ?
To resume, the main question here is: If the rabbitMQ messages have this format:
How to tell to logstash to send the output in the index named "indexA" with type "typeX" ??
If your messages in RabbitMQ are already in bulk format then you don't need to use the elasticsearch output but a simple http output hitting the _bulk endpoint would do the trick:
output {
http {
http_method => "post"
url => "http://localhost:9200/_bulk"
format => "message"
message => "%{message}"
So everyone, with the help of Val, the solution was:
As he said since the RabbitMQ messages were already in bulk format, no need to use elasticsearch output, the http output to _bulk API will make it (silly me)
So I replaced the output with this:
output {
http {
http_method => "post"
url => ""
format => "message"
message => "%{message}"
stdout { codec => json_lines }
But it still wasn't working. I was using Logstash 1.5.6 and after upgrading to Logstash 2.0.0 (https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/2.4/_upgrading_using_package_managers.html) it worked with the same configuration.
There it is :)
If you store JSON message in Rabbitmq, then this problem can be solved.
Use index and type as field in JSON message and assign those values to Elasticsearch output plugin.
index =>
        //INDEX from JSON body received from Kafka Producer document_type => "%{type}" }               //TYPE from JSON body
With this approach , each message can have their own index and type.

Logstash agent not indexing anymore

I have a Logstash instance running as a service that reads from Redis and outputs to Elasticsearch. I just noticed there was nothing new in Elasticsearch for the last few days, but the Redis lists were increasing.
Logstash log was filled with 2 errors repeated for thousands of lines:
:message=>"Got error to send bulk of actions"
:message=>"Failed to flush outgoing items"
The reason being:
{"error":"IllegalArgumentException[Malformed action/metadata line [107], expected a simple value for field [_type] but found [START_ARRAY]]","status":500},
Additionally, trying to stop the service failed repeatedly, I had to kill it. Restarting it emptied the Redis lists and imported everything to Elasticsearch. It seems to work ok now.
But I have no idea how to prevent that from happening again. The mentioned type field is set as a string for each input directive, so I don't understand how it could have become an array.
What am I missing?
I'm using Elasticsearch 1.7.1 and Logstash 1.5.3. The logstash.conf file looks like this:
input {
redis {
host => ""
port => 6381
data_type => "list"
key => "b2c-web"
type => "b2c-web"
codec => "json"
redis {
host => ""
port => 6381
data_type => "list"
key => "b2c-web-staging"
type => "b2c-web-staging"
codec => "json"
/* other redis inputs, only key/type variations */
filter {
grok {
match => ["msg", "Cache hit %{WORD:query} in %{NUMBER:hit_total:int}ms. Network: %{NUMBER:hit_network:int} ms. Deserialization %{NUMBER:hit_deserial:int}"]
add_tag => ["cache_hit"]
tag_on_failure => []
/* other groks, not related to type field */
output {
elasticsearch {
host => "[IP]"
port => "9200"
protocol=> "http"
cluster => "logstash-prod-2"
According to your log message:
{"error":"IllegalArgumentException[Malformed action/metadata line [107], expected a simple value for field [_type] but found [START_ARRAY]]","status":500},
It seems you're trying to index a document with a type field that's an array instead of a string.
I can't help you without more of the logstash.conf file.
But check followings to make sure:
When you use add_field for changing the type you actually turn type into an array with multiple values, which is what Elasticsearch is complaining about.
You can use mutate join to convert arrays to strings: api link
filter {
mutate {
join => { "fieldname" => "," }

How to move data from one Elasticsearch index to another using the Bulk API

I am new to Elasticsearch. How to move data from one Elasticsearch index to another using the Bulk API?
I'd suggest using Logstash for this, i.e. you use one elasticsearch input plugin to retrieve the data from your index and another elasticsearch output plugin to push the data to your other index.
The config logstash config file would look like this:
input {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "localhost:9200"
index => "source_index" <--- the name of your source index
filter {
mutate {
remove_field => [ "#version", "#timestamp" ]
output {
elasticsearch {
host => "localhost"
port => 9200
protocol => "http"
manage_template => false
index => "target_index" <---- the name of your target index
document_type => "your_doc_type" <---- make sure to set the appropriate type
document_id => "%{id}"
workers => 5
After installing Logstash, you can run it like this:
bin/logstash -f logstash.conf

separate indexes on logstash

Currently I have logstash configuration that pushing data to redis, and elastic server that pulling the data using the default index 'logstash'.
I've added another shipper and I've successfully managed to move the data using the default index as well. My goal is to move and restore that data on a separate index, what is the best way to achieve it?
This is my current configuration using the default index:
shipper output:
output {
redis {
host => "my-host"
data_type => "list"
key => "logstash"
codec => json
elk input:
input {
redis {
host => "my-host"
data_type => "list"
key => "logstash"
codec => json
Try to give the index filed in output. Give the name you want and then run that. so a seperate index will be created for that.
input {
redis {
host => "my-host"
data_type => "list"
key => "logstash"
codec => json
output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
elasticsearch {
index => "redis-logs"
cluster => "cluster name"

Copy ElasticSearch-Index with Logstash

I have an ready-build Apache-Index on one machine, that I would like to clone to another machine using logstash. Fairly easy i thought
input {
elasticsearch {
host => "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"
index => "logs"
filter {
output {
elasticsearch {
cluster => "Loa"
host => ""
protocol => http
index => "logs"
index_type => "apache_access"
that pulls over the docs, but doesn't stop as it uses the default query "*" (the original index has ~50.000 docs and I killed the former script, when the new index was over 600.000 docs and rising)
Next I tried to make sure the docs would get updated instead of duplicated, but this commit hasn't made it yet, so i don't have a primary..
Then I remembered sincedb but don't seem to be able to use that in the query (or is that possible)
Any advice? Maybe a complete different approach? Thanks a lot!
Assuming that the elasticsearch input creates a logstash event with the document id ( I assume it will be _id or something similar), try setting the elastic search output the following way:
output {
elasticsearch {
cluster => "Loa"
host => ""
protocol => http
index => "logs"
index_type => "apache_access"
document_id => "%{_id}"
That way, even if the elasticsearch input, for whatever reason, continues to push the same documents indefinitely, elasticsearch will merely updated the existing documents, instead of creating new documents with new ids.
Once you reach 50,000, you can stop.
