Office365 Outlook REST API's for approval/rejection of messages by moderator - outlook

In a recent post (How to retrieve ItemAttachment contents from Office 365 REST API?) API mentioned to retrieve attachments from within an attached EML is in plans. Is such API already available?
In case of mail flow rule to send a message to a moderator. Approval mail is sent to an approver with the original mail attached as eml. Is there an API to approve/reject the message, similarly to the web buttons approve/reject?
Thank you very much.

We were also looking for an answer to (2), but even now, apparently this is not possible via the REST API. There's one SO link that has a powershell script that claims to do this - see Approve email message via exchange EWS API, however, I don't see a clean solution yet.


Can Microsoft Outlook Policy Tips be used in conjunction with add-ins REST/EWS send API?

I have a scenario where a "compose mode" add-in for Outlook makes a subject line update to the draft email, then sends the email. The send action is currently carried out using either the EWS or REST APIs.
The issue occurs when a "override" policy tip is configured by the Exchange admin. The policy tip in question requires the user to choose override, in certain cases, to send an email (e.g external communication).
During message composition, if the appropriate trigger for the policy tip occurs, the policy tip appears and offers the user the option to override (as expected). When the add-in action is called, via ribbon button, the email appears to be sent. However, moments later an automated message from the Exchange indicates that the email has not been sent due to not adhering to the policy rule.
I believe this occurs because the send API, for both EWS and REST, does not call a local function in the Outlook client. Rather these API actually perform the send event on an email item syncedto and stored on the server. The Exchange server has no knowledge of the user's selection to override the policy tip at the client, so the issue occurs.
This happens in both Outlook on Desktop and Outlook Web Access.
I have searched through the EWS and REST APIs and cannot find any way to share/indicate the policy tip override when using these API.
I have searched the add-ins developer documentation and can find no mention of policy tips at all.
I have searched the Exchange admin policy tips documentation and can find no mention of add-ins compatibility or add-in related behavior.
So, can Microsoft Outlook Policy Tips be used in conjunction with add-ins REST/EWS send API?

Monitor sender's attachment (names only) with Gmail API or Mail Audit API (or with other APIs)?

I'm trying to create an app to monitor employee's file attachments using Google's APIs.
I know that I could download all the emails from the audited user list using Mail Audit API and run scripts on the mails but would there be a better way to get sender's email address with attached file names?
Unfortunately, the only options available are the ones you have already suggested.
However, what you can do is to file a feature request on Google's Issue Tracker here and provide all the necessary details about your use-case and what is it that you want to achieve.

Google Meet integration api (like Hangouts app for Slack)

I want to utilise Google Meet api, which is used in Hangouts integration for Slack, description follows
Links such as can be generated, so a modal is shown which can ask user's confirmation and then some request is sent from user's browser (where the Google Meet page is opened) to some endpoint (probably it is determined from gid which seems to be google application id). Is there a way to configure my application to have a webhook, so I can generate these custom links?
There's Google+ Hangouts app for Slack. Here's how it works (after you add the app in your workspace):
you send /hangout command in any Slack channel
slackbot sends an "Only visible to you" message in this channel with a link to start a new hangout. it looks smth like this (I changed data in the link):
when you visit the link, a new meeting is started instantly, and the page shows modal with text "To bring others into this video call, post a link it to your Slack channel" with buttons 'Cancel' and 'Post'.
when you click 'Post', a new message is sent to the Slack channel, where the command was sent. Text is "#Suren Khorenyan has started a Google+ Hangout and would like you to join. Join Hangout." and contains a link to the meet, which was created previously
How can I utilise this integration for another app, like Mattermost (or anything else like Telegram chats via bots)?
As I see, data in the url slightly changes. Probably it's payload for Google Meet to trigger Slack to send a message with link to the channel.
gid seems to be something like google app id
gd seems to be something like google data. If I url-decode it, it becomes THTJ30X6W|U01113BD13M|D01113BDB5Z|suren||1846381238693|1|B01QFGG5GJF|E1MDm4DWcuVa0RbN5ZT9o5KF. This is some kind of payload, separated by pipes (obviously), but I don't know what any part of this means (suren is my username in the Slack workspace, probably this is used for creating an invitation message).
When I click Post, this happens:
a new POST request to is sent with form-data
hangout_id: 1812381238693
a new message is posted to the Slack channel
Google meet somehow knows where to post back! Is this configured at the Google application (application id is provided via gid)? How can I configure my application for such behaviour? Where can I setup webhook url?
If we breakdown the request, we can see that url contains some parts of the gd payload:
THTJ27X6W - this is the first part of the gd payload
B01ABCD5GJF - last but one
E1MDm4DWcuVa0RbK5ZT9o5KD - the last part of the gd payload
and form-data contains:
hangout_id - this is in the gd payload after my name
hangout_url - obviously, this is the url for the new created meeting
How can I change it for my needs?
I created a new application at Google APIs dashboard (here, but can't find any docs for this integration. There's Google+ Hangouts API in API Library, but it says Apps will continue to function until April 25, 2017..
I tried to approach it from another side:
In the API Library there's Google Calendar. I found mattermost-hangout app on GitHub (had to update it a bit, so it works with updated api). Here's how it works:
oauth2 for authorising at google (single account)
it handles POST request, which is meant to be received from Mattermost (triggered by a slash command),
creates a new calendar event using Google Calendar API (with conference),
takes hangouts url from the response and sends a new message in the Mattermost channel with invitation to join the meeting.
But it has some downsides:
you have to use one account to authorise all event creation events (yeah, it can be upgraded to authorise any number of users, but it'll be inconvenient. why to force anyone to provide access to their Google Account, when Google Meet authorisation just happens in browser, we don't need to create events)
account, used for auth, now has events in his calendar. of course, events can be deleted, but it's not the way.
Is there any documentation on utilising gid and gd params?
Generally, I want to find a way to configure a webhook in my app, so when Google Meet finds my application's ID in the gid query param, it looks at the app's config and sends a request to my app (previously configured endpoint (I assume it works this way)).
Of course there's a chance that it's some kind of internal API and it cannot be used by everyone, but I could not find any information on this.

Email thread detection in an Outlook add-in?

I'm designing an Outlook add-in and need to determine whether a selected message is part of a thread. Ideally, I'd also like to find related messages in said thread as well. Reading over the documentation, the conversationId property looks promising, though there doesn't seem to be a way to "get messages by conversationId."
Under the current version (1.4, non-preview) of the Outlook Add-in API, is it possible to detect that a message is part of a thread using the JavaScript API? Is it possible to then find other messages in the same thread?
ConversationId is part of the javascript API. This means that you can know the ConversationId for the Office.context.mailbox.item whose your add-in is focusing on. See documentation here
To my knowledge, there is no way to retrieve all mails for a given ConversationId using vanilla javascript and Office.js.
However, you may be interested in my answer here.
When something is not available with Office.js api for an Outlook
Add-in you can try to use the Exchange Web Services (EWS) or REST APIs to perform the action
You have basically two ways to request EWS from a mail add-in.
You can request directly the EWS with a SOAP request from your client
app. See method makeEwsRequestAsync in Office.context.mailbox(
You can get an access token, send it to your server and make the request from
For the specific case of retrieving conversations using the Outlook REST API, this answer may also be helpful.

Trouble while sending large amounts of mail via Outlook REST API

I'm using Outlook REST API to send mail.
When I try to send 7000 emails via Outlook api, there are 78 mails cannot be sent and moved to draft folder. I wonder if it is default action of outlook api or it is an error ?
Thank you !
You may be running into message send limits as documented here: If you believe you are within the documented limits, let me know and we can investigate further.
