Why does that loop sometimes click randomly on screen? - random

I have made that loop my self and Iam trying to make it faster, better... but sometimes after it repeat searching for existing... it press random ( i think cuz its not similar to any img iam using in sikuli ) place on the screen. Maybe you will know why.
Part of this loop below
while surowiec_1:
if exists("1451060448708.png", 1) or exists("1451061746632.png", 1):
foo = [w_lewo, w_prawo, w_dol, w_gore]
randomListElement = foo[random.randint(0,len(foo)-1)]
if exists("1450930340868.png", 1 ):
hemp = exists("1450930340868.png", 1)
elif exists("1451086210167.png", 1):
tree = exists("1451086210167.png", 1)
elif exists("1451022614047.png", 1 ):
flower = exists("1451022614047.png", 1)
elif exists("1451021823366.png", 1 ):
fish = exists("1451021823366.png")
elif exists("1451022083851.png", 1 ):
bigfish = exists("1451022083851.png", 1)
foo = [w_lewo, w_prawo, w_dol, w_gore]
randomListElement = foo[random.randint(0,len(foo)-1)]
I wonder if this is just program problem with img recognitions or I have made a mistake.

You call twice the exist method indending to get the same match (the first one in your if statement, the second time to assign it to the value. You ask sikuli to evaluate the image twice, and it can have different results.
From the method's documentation
the best match can be accessed using Region.getLastMatch() afterwards.


Tool/Algorithm for text comparision after every key hit

I am struggling to find a text comparison tool or algorithm that can compare an expected text against the current state of the text being typed.
I will have an experimentee typewrite a text that he has in front of his eyes. My idea is to compare the current state of the text against the expected text whenever something is typed. That way I want to find out when and what the subject does wrong (I also want to find errors that are not in the resulting text but were in the intermediate text for some time).
Can someone point me in a direction?
Update #1
I have access to the typing data in a csv format:
This is example output data of me typing "foOBar". Every line has the form (timestamp, Key, Press/Release)
In Python
Given your input csv file (I called it keyboard_records.csv)
The following code does the following:
Read its content and store it in a list named steps
For each step in steps recognizes what happened and
If it was a shift press or release sets a flag (shift_on) accordingly
If it was an arrow pressed moves the cursor (index of current where we insert characters) – if it the cursor is at the start or at the end of the string it shouldn't move, that's why those min() and max()
If it was a letter/number/symbol it adds it in curret at cursor position and increments cursor
Here you have it
import csv
steps = [] # list of all actions performed by user
expected = "Hello"
with open("keyboard.csv") as csvfile:
for row in csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=','):
steps.append((float(row[0]), row[1], row[2]))
# Now we parse the information
current = [] # text written by the user
shift_on = False # is shift pressed
cursor = 0 # where is the cursor in the current text
for step in steps:
time, key, action = step
if key == 'LeftShift':
if action == 'P':
shift_on = True
shift_on = False
if key == 'LeftArrow' and action == 'P':
cursor = max(0, cursor-1)
if key == 'RightArrow' and action == 'P':
cursor = min(len(current), cursor+1)
if action == 'P':
if shift_on is True:
current.insert(cursor, key.upper())
current.insert(cursor, key.lower())
cursor += 1
# Now you can join current into a string
# and compare current with expected
print(''.join(current)) # printing current (just to see what's happening)
# What to do when a key is released?
# Depends on your needs...
To compare current and expected have a look here.
Note: by playing around with the code above and a few more flags you can make it recognize also symbols. This will depend on your keyboard. In mine Shift + 6 = &, AltGr + E = € and Ctrl + Shift + AltGr + è = {. I think this is a good point to start.
Comparing 2 texts isn't a difficult task and you can find tons of pages on the web about it.
Anyway I wanted to present you an object oriented approach to the problem, so I added the compare part that I previously omitted in the first solution.
This is still a rough code, without primary controls over the input. But, as you asked, this is pointing you in a direction.
class UserText:
# Initialize UserText:
# - empty text
# - cursor at beginning
# - shift off
def __init__(self, expected):
self.expected = expected
self.letters = []
self.cursor = 0
self.shift = False
# compares a and b and returns a
# list containing the indices of
# mismatches between a and b
def compare(a, b):
err = []
for i in range(min(len(a), len(b))):
if a[i] != b[i]:
return err
# Parse a command given in the
# form (time, key, action)
def parse(self, command):
time, key, action = command
output = ""
if action == 'P':
if key == 'LeftShift':
self.shift = True
elif key == 'LeftArrow':
self.cursor = max(0, self.cursor - 1)
elif key == 'RightArrow':
self.cursor = min(len(self.letters), self.cursor + 1)
# Else, a letter/number was pressed. Let's
# add it to self.letters in cursor position
if self.shift is True:
self.letters.insert(self.cursor, key.upper())
self.letters.insert(self.cursor, key.lower())
self.cursor += 1
########## COMPARE WITH EXPECTED ##########
output += "Expected: \t" + self.expected + "\n"
output += "Current: \t" + str(self) + "\n"
errors = UserText.compare(str(self), self.expected[:len(str(self))])
output += "\t\t"
i = 0
for e in errors:
while i != e:
output += " "
i += 1
output += "^"
i += 1
output += "\n[{} errors at time {}]".format(len(errors), time)
return output
if key == 'LeftShift':
self.shift = False
return output
def __str__(self):
return "".join(self.letters)
import csv
steps = [] # list of all actions performed by user
expected = "foobar"
with open("keyboard.csv") as csvfile:
for row in csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=','):
steps.append((float(row[0]), row[1], row[2]))
# Now we parse the information
ut = UserText(expected)
for step in steps:
The output for the csv file above was:
Expected: foobar
Current: f
[0 errors at time 17293398.576653]
Expected: foobar
Current: fo
[0 errors at time 17293401.313254]
Expected: foobar
Current: foO
[1 errors at time 17293402.073046]
Expected: foobar
Current: foOB
[2 errors at time 17293403.178612]
Expected: foobar
Current: foOBa
[2 errors at time 17293404.966193]
Expected: foobar
Current: foOBar
[2 errors at time 17293405.725405]
I found the solution to my own question around a year ago. Now i have time to share it with you:
In their 2003 paper 'Metrics for text entry research: An evaluation of MSD and KSPC, and a new unified error metric', R. William Soukoreff and I. Scott MacKenzie propose three major new metrics: 'total error rate', 'corrected error rate' and 'not corrected error rate'. These metrics have become well established since the publication of this paper. These are exaclty the metrics i was looking for.
If you are trying to do something similiar to what i did, e.g. compare the writing performance on different input devices this is the way to go.

How to improve running time of my binary search code in peripherical parts?

I am studying for this great Coursera course https://www.coursera.org/learn/algorithmic-toolbox . On the fourth week, we have an assignment related to binary trees.
I think I did a good job. I created a binary search code that solves this problem using recursion in Python3. That's my code:
data_in_sequence = list(map(int,(input().split())))
data_in_keys = list(map(int,(input()).split()))
original_array = data_in_sequence[1:]
data_in_sequence = data_in_sequence[1:]
data_in_keys = data_in_keys[1:]
def binary_search(data_in_sequence,target):
answer = 0
sub_array = data_in_sequence
if not sub_array:
# print("sub_array",sub_array)
answer = -1
return answer
mid_point_index = (len(sub_array)//2)
#print("mid_point", sub_array[mid_point_index])
beg_point_index = 0
end_point_index = len(sub_array)-1
if sub_array[mid_point_index]==target:
#print ("final midpoint, ", sub_array[mid_point_index])
#print ("original_array",original_array)
#print ("answer",answer)
answer = original_array.index(sub_array[mid_point_index])
return answer
elif target>sub_array[mid_point_index]:
#print("target num higher than current midpoint")
beg_point_index = mid_point_index+1
end_point_index = len(sub_array)-1
return binary_search(sub_array,target)
elif target<sub_array[mid_point_index]:
#print("target num smaller than current midpoint")
sub_array = sub_array[:mid_point_index]
return binary_search(sub_array,target)
return None
def bin_search_over_seq(data_in_sequence,data_in_keys):
final_output = ""
for key in data_in_keys:
final_output = final_output + " " + str(binary_search(data_in_sequence,key))
return final_output
print (bin_search_over_seq(data_in_sequence,data_in_keys))
I usually get the correct output. For instance, if I input:
5 1 5 8 12 13
5 8 1 23 1 11
I get the correct indexes of the sequences or (-1) if the term is not in sequence (first line):
2 0 -1 0 -1
However, my code does not pass on the expected running time.
Failed case #4/22: time limit exceeded (Time used: 13.47/10.00, memory used: 36696064/536870912.)
I think this happens not due to the implementation of my binary search (I think it is right). Actually, I think this happens due to some inneficieny in a peripheral part of the code. Like the way I am managing to output the final answer. However, the way I am presenting the final answer does not seem to be really "heavy"... I am lost.
Am I not seeing something? Is there another inefficiency I am not seeing? How can I solve this? Just trying to present the final result in a faster way?

For-loop in lua with löve2D, deleting variable

i'm a bit beginner about coding, and my english isn't great, i hope i'll be able to make my question clear:
So I have a for-loop in my code, and 2 if in it, in each if, I see if something is true or false, if it's true, I delete a portion of the loop. like that:
for n=#Test,1, -1 do
if Test[n].delete == true then
table.remove(Test, n )
if Test[n].y > 0 then
table.remove(Test, n )
kind of like that, and my problem is, if the first if make Test[n] being deleted, then the game crash at the next if because Test[n] Doesn't exist anymore. I solved the problem by making 2 for-loop, one for each if.
But I saw someone who did it without 2 for-loop, and it's not crashing, I tried to figure what was wrong but I can't find it.
If someone could find what is wrong with what I wrote, I would be thankful!
So here is the moment that makes problem in my code, on line 9, if the condition are met, i table.remove(ListeTirs, n ), then on line 17, when code try to find it again for test it, it bug :
for n=#ListeTirs,1, -1 do
if ListeTirs[n].Type == "Gentils"
then local nAliens
for nAliens=#ListeAliens,1,-1 do
Collide(ListeTirs[n], ListeAliens[nAliens]) == true
ListeTirs[n].Supprime = true
table.remove(ListeTirs, n )
ListeAliens[nAliens].Supprime = true
table.remove(ListeAliens, nAliens)
ListeTirs[n].y < 0 - ListeTirs[n].HauteurMoitie or ListeTirs[n].y > Hauteur + ListeTirs[n].HauteurMoitie or ListeTirs[n].x > Largeur + ListeTirs[n].LargeurMoitie or ListeTirs[n].x < 0 - ListeTirs[n].LargeurMoitie
ListeTirs[n].Supprime = true
table.remove(ListeTirs, n)
I hope it's clear, I could post the whole code but I don't feel it's necessary, if it is, I will add it.
Thank you :)
for n=#Test,1, -1 do
local should_be_removed
-- just mark for deletion
if Test[n].delete = true then
should_be_removed = true
-- just mark for deletion
if Test[n].y > 0 then
should_be_removed = true
-- actually delete (at the very end of the loop body)
if should_be_removed then
table.remove(Test, n )

Time of execution in Python 3.3

I read this topic because I forget a method I found in the net few month ago, and I don't know why I can't find it today, it was very simple and works good but...
So I tried one method but I think it doesn't work good or maybe my computer which is 5 years old is better than today's computer...
import time
def t(n):
if n==0 or n==1:
return 1
while n != 1:
if n % 2==0:
n = n+b
return [b,b+1]+aaa, len(aaa)+2
For n=10.000.000 i can count in my head approx 5 secondes and computer always return 3.956927685067058e-06 ... can someone explain me ?
And the method I found, used this from time import perf_counter as pc
And I had to return print(pc()-t)
If someone can enlighten me because i really don't remember the method.
Thank you in advance
Look at the timeit module, https://docs.python.org/3.0/library/timeit.html.
you would set yours something like...
time = Timer( "t(100000)", "from __main__ import t")
print("time: ", timer.timeit(number=1000))
You are measuring the time it takes to define the function.
This will measure the execution of the function:
import time
def t(n):
if n==0 or n==1:
return 1
while n != 1:
if n % 2==0:
n = n+b
return [b,b+1]+aaa, len(aaa)+2
start = time.time()
value = t(100000)
end = time.time()
duration = end - start
print(value, duration)

how to generate endless random objects in corona SDK?

so I am very new to coding in general and I am trying to make a vertically-scrolling endless runner which basically involves jumping onto platforms to stay alive.I want to generate the same platform in three different locations endlessly. I basically copied some code from an article on the internet and then changed it around to try to make it suit my needs. However, when I run my code in the simulator, one platform is generated in the same location and no others appear. Also, when I look at the console, random numbers do appear. here is the code I am using
local blocks = display.newGroup ()
local groundMin = 200
local groundMax = 100
local groundLevel = groundMin
local function blockgenerate( event )
for a = 1, 1, -1 do
isDone = false
numGen = math.random(3)
local newBlock
print (numGen)
if (numGen == 1 and isDone == false) then
newBlock = display.newImage ("platform.jpg")
if (numGen == 2 and isDone == false) then
newBlock = display.newImage ("platform.jpg")
if (numGen == 3 and isDone == false) then
newBlock = display.newImage ("platform.jpg")
newBlock.name = ("block" .. a)
newBlock.id = a
newBlock.x = (a * 100) - 100
newBlock.y = groundLevel
blocks : insert(newBlock)
timer.performWithDelay (1000, blockgenerate, -1)
thank you very much in advance and sorry my description was so long
Your "a" variable is always going to be 1. Perhaps you meant to use:
a = a + 1
