How to mock a 3rd-party library [duplicate] - ruby

an important part of my project is to log in into remote server with ssh and do something with files on it:
Net::SSH.start(#host, #username, :password => #password) do |ssh|
How to test it?
I think I can have local ssh server on and check file names on it (maybe it could be in my test/spec directory).
Or maybe someone could point me better solution?

I think it's enough to test that you're sending the correct commands to the ssh server. You're application presumably doesn't implement the server - so you have to trust that the server is correctly working and tested.
If you do implement the server then you'd need to test that, but as far as the SSH stuff goes, i'd do some mocking like this (RSpec 2 syntax):
describe "SSH Access" do
let (:ssh_connection) { mock("SSH Connection") }
before (:each) do
Net::SSH.stub(:start) { ssh_connection }
it "should send rename commands to the connection" do
ssh_connection.should_receive(:exec!).ordered.with("expected command")
ssh_connection.should_receive(:exec!).ordered.with("next expected command")

Your suggested solution is similar to how I've done it before:
Log into the local machine. For convenience you could use 'localhost' or '', but for a better simulation of network activity you might want to use the full hostname. On Mac OS and Linux you can grab the host easily by using:
require 'socket'
hostname = Socket.gethostname
which should be universal.
From there create or touch a file on the local machine after logging in, so you can test for the change with your test code.


How can I tell if my machine is an EC2 instance or not?

I need a Ruby function that will tell me whether or not this machine is an EC2 instance, 100% of the time, even when DNS is broken on our EC2 instances.
The function that we were using was:
def is_ec2?
require 'socket'
Except that when the DNS broke, every EC2 machine thought that it WASN'T an EC2 machine, and bad things happened, like the production machine deleting its own SSL certs and replacing them with the local develepment box's certs..
In Python, we're using:
def is_ec2():
# This is a 99% check to avoid the need to wait for the timeout.
# Our VM's have this file. Our dev VM's don't.
if not os.path.isfile('/sys/hypervisor/uuid'):
return False
result = boto.utils.get_instance_metadata()
if result == {}:
return False
return True
except Exception:
return False
Except for using wget -q -O - instead of boto.utils.get_instance_metadata(), would that work?
Just put that in your hosts file and you won't have to worry about DNS.
But really, doesn't it make more sense to use an ENV var?

Why can't I see SNMP Traps coming in?

I'm attempting to use Ruby SNMP to capture SNMP traps from various devices. In order to test them I'm attempting to send them from my laptop using the 'snmptrap' command. I can see that the traps are being sent and arriving at my server (the server is the manager) in packet captures, as well as in the 'snmptrapd' utility when I run it. I'm using the following example code exactly as it is, in the demo from the documentation to set up a TrapListener.
require 'snmp'
require 'logger'
log =
m = do |manager|
manager.on_trap_default do |trap| trap.inspect
I'm sending an SNMPv2c trap, and nothing ever appears on the screen...
Here is the command I'm using to send a test SMTP trap, in the even that it's useful:
snmptrap -v 2c -c public hostname_goes_here SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB::snmpNotifyType SNMPv2-MIB::sysLocation
Any suggestions appreciated! Thanks!
I was stuck on this for a long time as well. It turns out that by default, Traplistener only opens ports on To make it listen on ALL interfaces on the port you specified (or default port 162), specify a :Host option. '0' makes it listen on ALL interfaces, or you can provide an IP address.
log =
m = => 0) do |manager|
manager.on_trap_default do |trap| trap.inspect

Calling scp from net:ssh

Here's the setup:
I have server A, which is running my ruby scripts and servers B & C. I need to be able to transfer files from B to C.
I've experimented with using Net:SCP, but I haven't found a way to set up a transfer between the two remote servers. The best I've been able to do was go from B to A and then from A to C.
Based on some example code I've seen elsewhere, I'm trying to ssh onto B and call scp from that server:
Net::SSH.start(host, user, :password => pword) do |ssh|
ssh.exec! "scp /filename user#serverC:/filename" do |channel, stream, data|
channel.send_data "#{pword}\n"
This is not working for me. Is this even possible?

Unable to connect remote host through net/ssh

This is pretty weird. I have my public key added at host machine. I can simply run
ssh -p <port> -l <username>
which simply opens the remote shell. I can even run my capistrano scripts for the deployments on the same machine. But when i was trying connect with this following simple ruby script
require 'rubygems'
require 'net/ssh'
:port => <port>,
:username => <username>
) do |session|
puts session.pwd
it refuses immediately with the following exception:
`initialize': Connection refused - connect(2) (Errno::ECONNREFUSED)
Is there anything I'm missing here?
Appreciate your help.
Okay, now after a few days when I look back to the problem, I got a quick success with the following tweak:
Net::SSH.start("<host>", "<user>", :port => "<port>") { |ssh|
puts "logged in"
puts ssh.exec!("ls -l")
} rescue puts "failed to connect."
So the difference with the previous one is the username, which in this case is passed as the second argument rather than like an option key.
you probably need to provide the location of your SSH key, or a password to use with the username you provide in the SSH.start parameters. for the keys, you need to pass the map value as an array :keys => ["path_to_key"]. I'm not sure why the api is set up that way, but it is.

Testing ssh connection

an important part of my project is to log in into remote server with ssh and do something with files on it:
Net::SSH.start(#host, #username, :password => #password) do |ssh|
How to test it?
I think I can have local ssh server on and check file names on it (maybe it could be in my test/spec directory).
Or maybe someone could point me better solution?
I think it's enough to test that you're sending the correct commands to the ssh server. You're application presumably doesn't implement the server - so you have to trust that the server is correctly working and tested.
If you do implement the server then you'd need to test that, but as far as the SSH stuff goes, i'd do some mocking like this (RSpec 2 syntax):
describe "SSH Access" do
let (:ssh_connection) { mock("SSH Connection") }
before (:each) do
Net::SSH.stub(:start) { ssh_connection }
it "should send rename commands to the connection" do
ssh_connection.should_receive(:exec!).ordered.with("expected command")
ssh_connection.should_receive(:exec!).ordered.with("next expected command")
Your suggested solution is similar to how I've done it before:
Log into the local machine. For convenience you could use 'localhost' or '', but for a better simulation of network activity you might want to use the full hostname. On Mac OS and Linux you can grab the host easily by using:
require 'socket'
hostname = Socket.gethostname
which should be universal.
From there create or touch a file on the local machine after logging in, so you can test for the change with your test code.
