FTP via shellscript - bash

I want to upload a file using a shellscript. I know scp is the better way to solve such a task, but I need to use FTP. This is what I got:
DIR = '/Public'
ftp -n -v $HOST << EOT
mput cam.jpg
The directory Public is accessible with the anonymous user. I'll get this response:
Connected to myServer.
220 Some text
331 Anonymous login ok, send your
complete email address as your password
There is still a prompt for a username. I don't get this and I don't see the error... Thank You for any advice

Anonymous login requires a password, but you're trying to send an empty password. Change it to:

Well, at least this should work but I think there is a much better solution to your issue.
This should "work" and solve your problem.

Suggestions: Make sure you can interactively log in with 'anonymous' id and it works
Another thing I noticed, you should remove the space before and after the equal sign. Otherwise bash will say 'line 5: DIR: command not found'
DIR = '/Public'
Also, it is not clear that $MYDIRECTORY is already defined the environment. It is not in the script.


script for accessing remote server, get error log and rename it automatically.

Hi, my name is Evan, newbie on UNIX :)
i want to ask about scripting on unix. here is the case :
i have 4 unix server (with freeBSD OS), let call them "Gorrila's"
And one gateway server (also, with unix FreeBSD OS), Let call this one "Monkey's"
if i want access and login to Gorillas server, i have to using putty to access Monkey and then, from monkey doing ssh connection to enter Gorillas server.
The case is, my boss asking to me, to get an apache error log, everday, in fourth of gorrila's server.
All this time, i am doing manually. putty to monkeys - ssh to gorrilas - copy error log into monkey server using scp command and then, get error log with winscp from monkeys server.
the problem is :
how to make script with this case ?
how to rename automatically the error_log because, error log name in every server has a same name. which is "01_error.log". i had to rename it manually so they can't replace each other.
i hope, somebody can help me with this.
All, Thank you for your help and time. and sorry for the bad english language. :)
The easiest way to accomplish this would be to setup an automated job on Gorilla4.
Your first problem, is that you'll need to setup password-less SSH access between Gorilla4 and Monkey so you don't need a person to physically type in the password.
While you can do this with the 'root' user I would STRONGLY recommend against it.
Instead create a maintenance user on BOTH hosts:
$ useradd -m maintuser
Then switch to the new user and create SSH key on Gorilla4:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
Accept the defaults when prompted. Then copy the id_rsa.pub file to the ~/.ssh directory of the maintuser on Monkey.
Now, when you are the "maintuser" on Gorilla4, you can SSH to Monkey without a password.
Then you can create a script called "copy_log.sh":
# copy_log.sh
echo "copying ${log_name} to ${target_host}..."
# note: $(hostname) below will add "Gorilla4" to the name of the file
scp ${log_path}/${log_name} maintuser#${target_host}:/path/to/dest/$(hostname)_${log_name} || {
echo "Failed to scp file"
exit 2
echo "completed successfully"
Make it executable:
$ chmod +x copy_log.sh
Add it to the maintuser's crontab on Gorilla4 to run at whatever time you would nomrally do it yourself, say 8am everyday:
00 08 * * * /path/to/copy_log.sh >> /some/log/dir/copy_log.out 2>&1
Hope this helps; if nothing else, it will give you plenty to Google :)

shell script to check ftp and sftp communication

First I have to say you that I'm a newbie, but I wanna learn!
I need a script which suppose to check the ftp and sftp communication. This is for 26 ftp and sftp.
Script has to execute just 1 times and script suppose to login to ftp and sftp servers using username with password, easy from an extern list.
If ftp works also it has to send an mail and even if it is fail also it suppose to send the mail. Or just a print on screen with status : alive or not alive should be ok.
I am starting with the below script:
I found something like :
"You can use your script with a regular user, creating the file .netrc in the user's homedir (~/.netrc), with the following contents:
login usename
password user-passwd"
ftp -v -n <<EOF > ${LOG_FTP} 2>&1
I need now to understand how I can send the email to my email adres or just print on screen the results.
Please can you suggest me the right way or help me write the script.
It would be great help for me.
Thanks in advance for all your help!
you can use sendmail for sending emails to your email id. IF you're working on bash, then pre-pend this line to your script:
Then do this on terminal:
chmod +x <scriptname> #setting executable permission for script
./<scriptname> #executing the script

pass password to sftp in a bash script

I would like to automate a bash script, that connects to server using sftp and does a file transfer. I have the password for this, and initially I tried for this
sftp $acc#$host << EOF
cd $dir
get $file
but it still prompted for password, and I had to enter it manually at the prompt.
After searching SO, I found this post which had a solution with expect, which I tried and I got the following error:
sftp -b cmdfile.txt $acc#$host
expect "Password:"
send "<passwd>\n";
Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).
cd $dir
get $file
Please let me know, How to connect using the password in a bash script?
Please try the below steps
lftp -u $user,$pass sftp://$host << --EOF--
cd $directory
put $srcfile
With scp/sftp you should use key-based authentication. Public key from the user you want to authenticate copy into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the server, into home directory of user on which you want log on. Storing password in clear text on client side is not a good practice, you know :) That way you "workaround" problem of reading password from the prompt too.
Yes key-based auth is the way to go.
Check here for some direction.

SSH connection with Ruby without username using `authorized_keys`

I have authenticated a server using authorized_keys push so I could run command ssh from my system and could connect via server.
Now, I tried with library , It didn't worked for me
Net::SSH.start("",username) do |ssh| #output=ssh.exec!("ls -l") end
as, This required username field. I want without username.
So , I tried this
system('ssh "ls -l"')
It run the command for me. But I want the output in a variable like #output in first example. Is there any command any gem or any way by which I could get the solution ?
Any ssh connection requires a username. The default is either your system account name or whatever's specified in .ssh/config for that host you're connecting to.
Your current username should be set as ENV['USER'] if you need to access that.
If you're curious what username is being used for that connection, try finding out with ssh -v which is the verbose mode that explains what's going on.
you can pass parameters into %x[] as follows:
1. dom = ‘www.ruby-rails.in‘
2. #whois = %x[whois #\{dom\}]
Backquotes works very similar to "system" function but with important difference. Shell command enclosed between the backquotes is executed with standard output as result.
So, following statement should execute ssh "ls -l" and puts directory files listing into #output variable:
#output = `ssh "ls -l"`

How do you connect to FTP server via a shell-script

I am writing my first shell-script ever and I am trying to connect to an FTP server. However, I am utterly at a loss for how to do this. I tried a google search, but I am still stumped.
I am trying to connect with a username and password (not a ssh id).
Thanks for your help. Again this is my first shell-script ever.
The command man ftp should give you the necessary pointers.
This being said, this page might help you build a complete shell script
Here how you connect to FTP server via a shell-script :
nano MyConnectFTPScript.sh
quote USER $USER
put $FILEtoPut
get $FILEtoGet
delete $FILEtoDelete
exit 0
chmod +x MyConnectFTPScript.sh
and execute :
I hope these will be helpful.
