How to integrate Spring Boot and Resteay - spring-boot

Although there are a lot of code example on the internet of integrating Spring Boot/Spring and Resteasy, but most of them are out of data or even don't work.
I am look at the latest Resteasy document, try to create a instance of SpringBeanProcessorServletAware in my config bean.
public ServletListenerRegistrationBean<ResteasyBootstrap> resteasyBootstrapRegistratio() {
ServletListenerRegistrationBean<ResteasyBootstrap> registration = new ServletListenerRegistrationBean<>();
registration.setListener(new ResteasyBootstrap());
return registration;
public ServletRegistrationBean resteasyServletRegistratio() {
ServletRegistrationBean registration = new ServletRegistrationBean();
registration.setServlet(new HttpServletDispatcher());
return registration;
public SpringBeanProcessorServletAware springBeanProcessorServletAware() {
SpringBeanProcessorServletAware springBeanProcessor = new SpringBeanProcessorServletAware();
return springBeanProcessor;
But it will throw Nullpoint exception. It seems like the servletContext is required to make SpringBeanProcessorServletAware work.
Then I try to inject servletContext. But the bean SpringBeanProcessorServletAware is being created before ServletContextInitializer finished.
How to make some bean created after ServletContextInitializer is finished?
Am I wrong in do the integration between Spring Boot and Resteasy.


ServletRegistrationBean in Spring cloud

I have recently migrated the application to Spring Cloud Gateway from zuul filter for routing to multiple microservices. I have a filter which is written in
native code (HTTPServlet). In Spring application initialization, I am registering that Servlet as below
public ServletRegistrationBean oAuthCodeReceiverServletBean() {
ServletRegistrationBean oauthCodeReceiverServletBean = new ServletRegistrationBean(
new OAuthCodeRecieverServlet(), "/login/oauth/codereceiver");
return oauthCodeReceiverServletBean;
public FilterRegistrationBean<OAuthFilter> securityRegistrationBean() {
FilterRegistrationBean<OAuthFilter> registrationBean = new FilterRegistrationBean<>(oAuthFilter);
return registrationBean;
But the Filter is not at all called. The filters that implements GlobalFilter are called. Is there a solution handle ?
Please note I dont have option to update the native code OauthFilter.

ServletRegistrationBean not working with Spring

I'm trying to register servlets using ServletRegistrationBean in Spring (not Spring Boot) using following code:
public class MyConfiguration {
public ServletRegistrationBean<HttpServlet> customServlet() {
ServletRegistrationBean<HttpServlet> bean = new ServletRegistrationBean<>(new CustomServlet(), "/custom");
return bean;
I have confirmed the bean is being created, and the servlet CustomServlet is not registered. BTW, the web.xml registers some other servlets and they are fully functional.
What could be the cause of this?
ServletRegistrationBean can only work with Spring Boot?
ServletRegistrationBean cannot mix with web.xml?
I missed something?
I googled this but couldn't find any related question.

Spring boot MessageDispatcherServlet overriding DispatcherServlet. how to skip overriding and register both DispatcherServlet?

in a single application, I m trying to use soap as well as rest web service. and each servlet is given different URI, below is the code of config class.
The question is: only soap service URL is working fine but for the rest on getting 405 error.
public class WebServiceConfig {
public ServletRegistrationBean RsRegistrationBean(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
DispatcherServlet servlet = new DispatcherServlet();
return new ServletRegistrationBean(servlet,"/rest/*");
public ServletRegistrationBean<MessageDispatcherServlet> messageDispatcherServlet(
ApplicationContext context) {
MessageDispatcherServlet messageDispatcherServlet = new MessageDispatcherServlet();
return new ServletRegistrationBean<>(messageDispatcherServlet,"/");
Remove your WebServiceConfig class, as both are auto-configured by Spring Boot already (as of Spring Boot 1.4). Add the following to your
Now you leverage the Spring Boot proivded infrastructure instead of fighting with it.

Problems adding spring webflow to a spring boot and joinfaces application

I am trying to add webflow to a spring boot app using joinfaces library.
I am using primefaces-spring-boot-starter and jetty-spring-boot-starter to configure jetty server.
Added necessary webflow dependencies to pom and configured necessary flowregistry, flowbuilderservices, flowexecutor and flowhandlermapping, ...
The application start correctly, reads the flows definitions from xmls and if enter to a flow via url the decision states are running correctly, reads the corresponding view state .xhtml file, calls the managed bean methods, and all are working apparently well.
But... once finished executing bean methods, when I hope to html be rendered in browser, the application is redirected to app root folder without any error in the log.
I have this behavior with all the flows of the application. Bean methods are executed correctly and when I hope to see the html... redirected to root.
Anyone tried to add webflow to a joinfaces jsf application successfully? I am missing to override some default configuration of joinfaces?
public class MvcConfiguration implements WebMvcConfigurer {
private WebFlowConfiguration webFlowConfiguration;
public FlowHandlerMapping flowHandlerMapping() {
FlowHandlerMapping handlerMapping = new FlowHandlerMapping();
return handlerMapping;
public FlowHandlerAdapter flowHandlerAdapter() {
JsfFlowHandlerAdapter adapter = new JsfFlowHandlerAdapter();
return adapter;
public ViewResolver faceletsViewResolver() {
UrlBasedViewResolver resolver = new UrlBasedViewResolver();
return resolver;
public class WebFlowConfiguration extends AbstractFacesFlowConfiguration {
public FlowDefinitionRegistry flowRegistry() {
return getFlowDefinitionRegistryBuilder()
public FlowBuilderServices flowBuilderServices() {
return getFlowBuilderServicesBuilder()
.setViewFactoryCreator(new JsfViewFactoryCreator())
public FlowExecutor flowExecutor() {
return getFlowExecutorBuilder(flowRegistry())
.addFlowExecutionListener(new FlowFacesContextLifecycleListener())
.addFlowExecutionListener(new SecurityFlowExecutionListener())

not able to initialize the init methof of servlet from spring boot

i have a custom servlet initialized in my spring boot app.
public ServletRegistrationBean<CustomServlet> servletRegistrationBean()
{"going to initialise the servlet");
return new ServletRegistrationBean<>(new CustomServlet(), “/path1/*");
This is inside a configuration classes annotated with #Configuration, whatever i do spring does not call the init method inside the CustomServlet, although the above log is printed
This code was copied from another sample app, where exact same thing is done, but there, the servlet methods init is initialised, Any thoughts ?
spring boot starter parent version:
Try this;
public ServletRegistrationBean exampleServletBean() {
ServletRegistrationBean bean = new ServletRegistrationBean(new CustomServlet(), "/exampleServlet/*");
return bean;
and check this out, it may help :
