Alipay post URL when click on order submit - alipay

Which parameters are needed to build a Alipay post URL ?
Currently using as a test URL and service is service=create_forex_trade

I think you need to add following parameters
openapi is used for testing purpose while is used for actual transaction purpose


using POST instead of PUT in laravel

I'm using Laravel to build and api based admin control application and I'm using
Route:resource instead of regular GET and POST methods.
Just realized my hosting provider DOESN'T ALLOW PUT and DELETE now I need to so now I have to use POST and GET methods.
this is what i have
Route::resource('contacts', 'Admin\\ContactInfoController',['only' => ['create', 'store', 'update']]);
Route::get('claims/statuses', 'Admin\\ClaimsController#statusCodes');
Route::get('claims/costcenters', 'Admin\\ClaimsDetailsController#getCostCentres');
Route::get('claims/{id}/details', 'Admin\\ClaimsController#details');
Route::get('claims/{id}/messages', 'Admin\\ClaimsController#messages');
Route::resource('claims', 'Admin\\ClaimsController',['only' => ['index','store','update','destroy','edit']]);
Route::resource('claims/details', 'Admin\\ClaimsDetailsController',['only' => ['store','update','destroy']]);
What approach might be best in converting my routes from PUT and DELETE to POST and GET?
I don't think it's possible that your hosting provider doesn't allow to put or delete request. If you created API it could be the case but in other cases (you created normal page) you send forms using POST method with hidden field _method set to HTTP verb, so if only your provider supports POST method it will work without a problem. You can read Form method spoofing section about this.
Contact your hosting provided to allow put or delete request, it's part of web development and this is quite limiting.

Web API get route values

Is there any way to statically get route values from a service method (outside of a controller) that is running in a Web API context? For example, I can do the following in ASP.NET MVC:
var mvcHandler = HttpContext.Current.Handler as MvcHandler;
var routeValues = mvcHandler.RequestContext.RouteData.Values;
I'd like to find the equivalent version of this code for Web API.
When I try to debug a sample Web API request and look at HttpContext.Current.Handler it is of type HttpControllerHandler, but this type doesn't have any properties to access route data.
To try to help provide some more information. The code I am trying to read the value from is inside of a factory class I have that builds a custom object for my application.
You can use GetRouteData() extension on HttpRequestMessage. You would need to include System.Net.Http namespace to get this.
System.Web.Http.Routing.IHttpRouteData routeData = Request.GetRouteData();
I was able to find a solution that would get the route values for either an MVC request or a Web API request.


I use JOSSO 1.8.6. I configure all in the Tomcat lib directory file related to JOSSO, and I'm also doing all configuration in web application[spring] WEB-INF file. I got the below URL.
But my question is:
My parent web application is --TestLogin means this application login page is main to display all the other web application [child web application].
I have 3 child application
All are spring application.
I hit in browser mean URL is http://localhost:8080/TestLoginDemo
So the below URL I see
But after the successful login I find the TestLogin flow means not transfer to the TestLoginDemo.
So what is the way if I have to carry on flow for TestLoginDemo?
And; after success this URL:
login page I got below URL in success:
instead of the below correct URL:
Could anybody guide me on how to achieve this?
Why josso_cmd=login_optional, did you set it up like this ? By default this is unecessary to specify the josso_cmd argument.
In order to get back to the original application, you have to use josso_partnerapp_ctx argument (don't forget to encode URL), this will be passed to the security check page that will lead you to this page if the security check is sucessfull
Usually, URL looks like this:

Grails Ajax Login

I want to take use of the ajax login feature of the spring security plugin.
I am completely stuck getting a JSON success response from the loginController into my GWT client.
As I understood from the documentation I need to post my params to the url /j_spring_security_check and spring security is redirecting me to the right action.
If I look into my LoginController I see nothing of the actual login logic and its a bit magic for me where all the login/db stuff is done. Further spring security always redirects to action auth instead of using AjaxAuth even if I add the header "X-Requested-With" to post. If I do my post to the url /login/ajaxAuth I am getting a 401 which is OK because its written down in the controller(even if i dont know why we need to return a 401 here). Maybe I am doing something completely wrong :-)
My basic questions are:
Where can I find the login logic?
What parameter do I have to provide?
Which URL do I have to use?
What do I have to do if I dont want to use the username but instead and email field?
Thanks for all your help!
Looks like you're correctly implemented it, maybe there some small bug, like a typo.
It's implemented at filter, that process your request before actual controllers. At your case it will be UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter (or RequestHolderAuthenticationFilter). Controller is used there only to render an additional data. As for ajax auth, it uses /login/ajaxSuccess, that renders a JSON response
By default it uses j_username & j_password. And you can use ajax=true parameter, instead of X-Request-With header
/j_spring_security_check by default
You can implement your own GrailsUserDetailsService (or extend GormUserDetailsService), and setup it as a spring bean, with name userDetailsService, at resources.xml
You can also turn on logging for Spring Security by:
log4j {
debug 'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.springsecurity',
maybe it will be helpful
I am using Grails 2.1.1 and ran into this same issue. Tried all the above things but still couldnt get my AJAX login to call the ajaxSuccess method.
However when it failed it was calling authFail?ajax=true.
After digging in more, here is what I did:
Added grails.plugins.springsecurity.successHandler.targetUrlParameter = 'ajaxUrl' in my Config.groovy
Added <input type="hidden" name="ajaxUrl" value="/login/ajaxSuccess" /> in my AJAX login form
Not sure why it fixed, but it seemed to work for me.
Just posting this solution for users who get stuck and come to this ticket for solution.

URL localization in Lenya

I am trying to localize Lenya publication URLs.
I store URL translation in the Document metadata and rewrite urls with URLRewriter transformator.
e.g. I build
But I can't find a simple way to force Lenya to tranlate incoming request URI back to the original path: /lenya/default/authoring/index.html
Really I want to process the request via pipelines using the original URL, not translated.
Is it possible at all? I had tried to add a servlet filter and use dispatcher, but filter can't access documents metadata because Environment object isn't in the processing stack yet at this stage...
(At this moment I see only one way - to update CocoonServlet and Cocoon classes)
I was able to do this via a RequestListener.
In the public void onRequestStart(Environment environment) method I create RequestWrapper with a new real URL and put it into objectModel. Also I change Environment context with a real URL: env.setContext("", realUrl, env.getContext())
This works fine!
