I seem to have a problem with removing parts programatically, which contain a toolbar.
I create the parts with the following commands:
final MPart newPart = partService.createPart("rcpcan.partdescriptor.signalmapping");
partService.activate(newPart, true);
The Partdescriptor looks like this:
The Problem occurs when I remove those parts created with the partdescriptor.
Heres the code for removing those parts:
final MPart inactivePart = (MPart) name, application);
final MElementContainer<MUIElement> parent = inactivePart.getParent();
partService.hidePart(inactivePart, true);
As soon as I remove one part, all other Parts get one more HandledToolItem added. That's for each Part that is created by the PartDescriptor. To show you what I mean I have some screenshots.
Before removal:
After Removal:
Maybe you guys have some idea why this occurs.
Thanks in advance!
I have a scenario where I need to drag an item from one listbox to another. When I tried with dataTransfer, I could see the item is removed from the listbox1 but it is not dropping it in listbox2. I could also see it has identified the place to drop the item too. but it is not able to drop it over there. Any suggestions? I am using cypress version 4.1.2. I tried the following steps:
const dataTransfer = new DataTransfer();
cy.get('#draggable:nth-child(1)').trigger("dragstart", {dataTransfer});(This works)
cy.get('#droppable:nth-child(1)').trigger("dragover"); (This works)
cy.get('#droppable:nth-child(1)').trigger("drop", {dataTransfer});(This doesn't work!)
You have an extra : in the last selector, is that a typo or does it resolve your problem?
cy.get('#draggable:nth-child(1)').trigger("dragstart", {dataTransfer});
cy.get('#droppable:nth-child(1)').trigger("drop", {dataTransfer});
After a long long time, I added another button to my apps dialog. I had localized strings implemented. So I found a similar one like
/* Class = "NSButtonCell"; title = "Keep number"; ObjectID = "2yE-rM-5Sn"; */
"2yE-rM-5Sn.title" = "Nicht umnumerieren";
in file "Main.strings (German)". Unfortunately I forget, how I got there. I did the entire translation in one step in one night. Now I only need to get one new translation for the newly added button.
Any hint how to do this?
Select your project name (1.), in my case Timebooking. Maybe the application is selected instead in Targets and you have more options but not localization. Then select Use Base Localization (2.). It should create the English Main.strings file when you add English. There you can add the proper translation. HTH.
Just to be clear, in the subject line, it says "words/images". The "words" part is not about clearing the words in the form, but rather the word "required". As for images, these are validation images, like the green checkmark.
I just realized that I had no clue how to clear words/images upon form completion in AngularJS. Basically, the checkmark stays, and the word "required" appears after submitting the validated form. It does so, because now the form is empty. I tried using the $setPristine in the script page,
knowing that it would probably not work. I looked for a workaround, so I checked out this impressive thread (but realized this was more for the validation itself and not added words/images).
Reset form to pristine state (AngularJS 1.0.x)
Then I tried using this code which I had used prior to today for the pre-validation. Or if you will, for the live validation, before submitting the form. I thought I could recycle this, but no.
$scope.checkUrl = 'images/validation/y_square_trans.png';
$scope.loadUrl = 'images/validation/loading.gif';
$scope.crossUrl = 'images/validation/loading_wrong.gif';
$scope.imgHolderComments = '';
$scope.comments = "";
$scope.timeout = null;
$scope.imgHolderComments = ($scope.reviewForm.comments.$invalid) ? $scope.crossUrl : $scope.crossUrl;
That looked so dirty, but thought it could work after pushing the data in. But the image stayed there (as you can see, I tried replacing the checkmark with a cross instead, as I did not want to create a blank pic).
I also googled it, but everything I could find had to do with two things: clearing the form AND removing the coloured frame (red/green). of course, my form already does that. So, I'm still trying to find a way to remove the word "required" and the gif image in my form upon successful validation.
In any case, I created a plunker. You'll have to click on the word "Reviews" to show the form.
Have a look at the directives ng-show and ng-hide.
You can set $scope.allGood = true; somewhere in your controller (after validation) and use this directive: <span ng-hide="allGood">Required</span>
You might also want to look at the ng-class directive. Example:
<span ng-class="{green: allGood == 1}">Name:</span> and obviously style the class green to your needs.
I have a pivot page, with one fixed pivotitem, and depending on data, a dynamic number of additional pivotitems. The fixed pivotitem keeps a hyperlink list of the new pivotitems created, and the idea is to click any of the links and navigate to that pivotitem.
It would look something like this:
FixedItem | DynamicItem1 | DynamicItem2
link: DynamicItem1
link: DynamicItem2
The problem I am facing is with the hyperlink click, it doesn't take me to the respective pivotitem, but instead takes me to the pivot page with no dynamic pivotitems. I am using the following code for navigation:
hyperlink.NavigateUri = new Uri("/MainPage.xaml?name=" + p.name, UriKind.Relative);
where p.name is the name of the pivotitem. I am not sure if this is the right syntax, but what's confusing is that all the created pivotitems get lost, leaving only the fixeditem - as if it was opening a new instance of the pivot page.
Then, in the OnNavigatedTo I tried the following:
if (NavigationContext.QueryString.ContainsKey("name"))
// URI is '/page?name=PivotItemToSelect'.
string selectedPivotItem = e.Uri.Query.Split('=').Last();
// Match PivotItemToSelect with the PivotItem's Name.
PivotItem pivotItemToShow = pivot.Items.Cast<PivotItem>().Single(i => i.Name == selectedPivotItem);
pivot.SelectedItem = pivotItemToShow;
On the first line, I get an exception that this operation cannot be done on a "relative" URI. Any other way I could that information?
If I change the pivotitem name to a number, say i, and pass that i as the index, I got the following code to work as the _click method of the hyperlinkbutton - but in real usage the name will most likely be a text string:
pivot.SelectedIndex = int.Parse(i);
I am not sure how totally off the track I am, and would appreciate any pointers in the right direction.
The correct way to access the QueryString in your OnNavigatedTo event is like this:
string selectedPivotItem = this.NavigationContext.QueryString["name"];
Using a Pivot control for your navigation like this seems very strange, but since I know nothing about the context of your app, I'll assume you have chosen it for a reason.
If you are designing an app with a dynamic list of items to navigate to, it would be better to have a single page for your link list and a single detail page that can use the query string to bind to the specific object you are wanting. This will perform better and make more sense to your users. But again, I don't know the context of your app or your reasoning, so that's up to you! :)
We're working on creating a modeling tool based on the GMF framework and tools. We have a requirement to allow users to add views (figures) at runtime and use them in their diagrams. We will be using SVG files to represent figures.
What's the correct structure of EditParts and other GEF related classes in such a case? We were thinking of implementing a single GEF EditPart class, that would create the appropriate figure based on a parameter (path to SVG file) present in the model. So far it doesn't seem to be working.
There HAS to be someone who's already done something like this before. Googling and the Eclipse forums have not been helpful so far...
Well we found a (partial) solution. We have one element, and depending on a parameter we create a child figure inside it, which uses an SVG file (based on the parameter).
The following test code is called in the constructor of the Figure:
ScalableImageFigure svg; URL url;
if (type == 1) { url =
"icons" + IPath.SEPARATOR + "shadow-box.svg"); } else { url =
"icons" + IPath.SEPARATOR + "star.svg"); } svg = new
true, true, true);
Now we need to figure out how to have multiple elements in the Palette.
The correct way is to have one to one mapping between figure and editpart . Also painting task should be left to the figure . How the image should be painted , the logic must be inside the figure not in the editpart.