500 up email send at a time in laravel 5 - laravel

I am in a project where i have to send email to group where each group has 300/400/500 email address. I have to send email at a time to group. I have already done this by normal process (fetching email address and send email by loop). It is working fine when a group has 10-20 email address but when a group has 100 up or more email it execute for long time and after a while it gives error. Any technical issues do i have to take in laravel 5 or other?
I am using gmail smtp server.

use queue system on laravel.
Laravel queue
Mail::queue('email.send_email', $somedata, function($m){


email format and DNS verification in laravel, lumen php frameworks

Emails samples as below
Email format and DNS verification in Laravel, lumen for emails campaign to decrease email bounce and increase the Reputation of the Sender
Solution #1
I got it my solution over GitHub Library https://github.com/egulias/EmailValidator
RFCValidation: Standard RFC-like email validation.
NoRFCWarningsValidation: RFC-like validation that will fail when warnings* are found.
DNSCheckValidation: Will check if there are DNS records that signal that the server accepts emails. This does not entail that the
email exists.
Solution #2
This email validation checks if the email address domain exists or is configured to receive emails. It gets all MX, A and AAAA DNS records for the host, and then it will count email address as valid if MX records exist and its target is not empty or if A and/or AAAA DNS records exist.

Swift_TransportException(503) - Expected response code 354 but got code "503", with message "503 5.5.1 Bad sequence of commands - Laravel

I am using Office 365 setting for sending my project's promotional email marketing. My mail sender email address is registered with office365 and I used SMPT settings with office365. When I send email with fewer recipient's email addresses there are no error. But when I try to send email to all my customer more than 3000 recipients, I got this error.
Error screen
I think you are hitting the rate limit of Exchange Limit which is 30 message per minute. For more information please see this: Exchange Sending limits
By the way office 365, Gmail or other services like this are not suitable for bulk operations. Try using other services like AWS SES, Mailgun and etc.

How can I send emails with laravel from my development environment, and what do users receive?

I have got my application to send an email but the person does not receive it.
I know you send them because I am using mailtrap.io

Laravel sends password reset emails with huge delay

When I submit request for sending password reset email on my website, the email comes to my gmail inbox after almost an hour. I asked from my mail service provider and they said nothing's wrong with their services.
Is there any default delay on sending emails in Laravel?

Laravel 4 and AmazonSES Emails not delivered

I had success setting up Laravel 4 mailer with AmazonSES smtp endpoints to send out emails using the Laravel default mailer and smtp.
This seems to work fine ( with most cases ).
We have a process that sends out approx 10k emails. But a few emails address are skipped and emails dont seem to get delivered to particular email addresses. I tried sending emails to 3 different email addresses of the same domain , which results in the mail never getting delivered to 2 email addresses. But the other one seems to work fine.
Same as for gmail addresses emails don't seem to get delivered to one particular email address. Apart from Geography there is no other common factor amoung the email accounts that don't receive the emails.
Any idea ? I am quite lost.
Updating the config/mail.php with the below worked
host => 'aws_end_point' // ie. email-smtp.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
username => 'your_aws_key'
password => 'your_aws_secret'
