GO: Return map from SQL query - go

I am querying a mysql database in a GO function and want to return key value pairs in a map but can't quite figure out how to accomplish this. So far I have this function:
func GetData(callIds []string) map[string]Records {
//db insert
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", mySql)
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
//db query
var foo string
err = db.QueryRow("select foo from bardata where callId = %v", 1).Scan(&foo)
if err != nil {
return nil
I want to return a map with the key being callId and value being foo for each row returned from the query.

First, you need to build up your query. As it is, you're not even using your function input. Since we have a variable number of arguments, we need to do a little work to construct the right number of placeholders:
query := `select callid, foo from bardata where callid in (` +
strings.Repeat(`?,`, len(callIds) - 1) + `?)`
then, execute with the values passed in:
rows, err := db.Query(query, callIds...)
if err != nil {
// handle it
defer rows.Close()
then collect the results:
ret := map[string]string{}
for rows.Next() {
var callid, foo string
err = rows.Scan(&callid, &foo)
if err != nil {
// handle it
ret[callid] = foo
return ret
This will cause a placeholder mismatch error if callIds is an empty slice. If that's possible, then you need to detect it and handle it separately (maybe by returning an error or an empty map — querying the DB shouldn't be necessary).
This returns a map[string]string where the values are whatever "foo" is. In your question you have the function returning a map[string]Records but there's no information about what a Records might be or how to fetch one.
You might want to handle sql.ErrNoRows differently from other errors.

package main
import (
func main(){
conn,err :=goSqlHelper.MysqlOpen("user:password#tcp(")
row,err := conn.QueryRow("select * from table where col1 = ? and col2 = ?","123","abc")
if *row==nil {
fmt.Println("no found row")
func checkErr(err error){
if err!=nil {
&map[col1:abc col2:123]


How to list all the items in a table with pagination

I'm trying to list all the items in a DynamoDB table with pagination, and here below is my attempt:
const tableName = "RecordingTable"
type Recording struct {
ID string `dynamodbav:"id"`
CreatedAt string `dynamodbav:"createdAt"`
UpdatedAt string `dynamodbav:"updatedAt"`
Duration int `dynamodbav:"duration"`
type RecordingRepository struct {
ctx context.Context
svc *dynamodb.Client
func NewRecordingRepository(ctx context.Context) (*RecordingRepository, error) {
cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &RecordingRepository{ctx, dynamodb.NewFromConfig(cfg)}, nil
func (r *RecordingRepository) List(page int, size int) ([]Recording, error) {
size32 := int32(size)
queryInput := &dynamodb.QueryInput{
TableName: aws.String(tableName),
Limit: &size32,
recordings := []Recording{}
queryPaginator := dynamodb.NewQueryPaginator(r.svc, queryInput)
for i := 0; queryPaginator.HasMorePages(); i++ {
result, err := queryPaginator.NextPage(r.ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if i == page {
if result.Count > 0 {
for _, v := range result.Items {
recording := Recording{}
if err := attributevalue.UnmarshalMap(v, &recording); err != nil {
return nil, err
recordings = append(recordings, recording)
return recordings, nil
When I run the code above, I get the following error message:
api error ValidationException: Either the KeyConditions or KeyConditionExpression parameter must be specified in the request.
But why should I specify a KeyConditionExpression when I want to get all the items? Is there another way to go or a workaround this?
Query does need your keys. It is meant to find specific items in your DynamoDB. To get all items in your DynamoDB, you need to use the Scan operation.
This should be easily fixed in your code.
Instead of QueryInput use ScanInput and instead of NewQueryPaginator use NewScanPaginator.
Just replaced QueryInput with ScanInput and QueryPaginator with ScanPaginator.

Is there something like sql.NullJson akin to sql.NullString in golang?

I am querying from postgres using golang, one of the field contains json that can sometimes be NULL
Like this
row := db.QueryRow(
"select my_string, my_json from my_table where my_string = $1",
var my_string sql.NullString
var myjson MyJsonStruct
err := row.Scan(&my_string2, &myjson)
But I am getting
sql: Scan error on column index 2, name "my_json": unsupported Scan, storing driver.Value type <nil> into type *main.MyJsonStruct
I checked https://godoc.org/database/sql but didn't find sql.NullJson What is a go way of dealing with this situation?
No, there is no sql.json. I think the best way to dealing with json column in db is to implement valuer and scanner. so something like this :
// Scan implements database/sql.Scanner interface
func (m *MyJsonStruct) Scan(src interface{}) error {
if src == nil {
return nil
data, ok := src.([]byte)
if !ok {
return errors.New("type assertion to []byte failed")
var myJsonStruct MyJsonStruct
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &myJsonStruct); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unmarshal myJsonStruct: %w", err)
*m = myJsonStruct
return nil
// Value implements database/sql/driver.Valuer interface
func (m MyJsonStruct) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
data, err := json.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("marshal myJsonStruct: %w", err)
return data, nil

golang reflect into []interface{}

i wanna create a mini framework which takes a simple struct and creates a full crud out of it. i already started and the "findOne, update,create,delete" is working. not i have a problem to create a findAll method. to be more clear, i dont know how to use reflect to address my ptr to an array of struct.
Here a small example for the findOne function.
type company struct {
Id int
Name string
comp.InitModel(newDbConnection(), &comp)
In InitModel i can fill the pointer to the company with the following:
//m.caller = pointer to the ptr to comp (struct)
callerV := reflect.ValueOf(m.caller)
CallerField := callerV.Elem()
var values []interface{}
for _, e := range m.columns {
values = append(values, CallerField.FieldByName(e.name).Addr().Interface())
err := r.Scan(values...)
if err != nil {
return err
Now i wanna create a findAll method which would be called like this
var companies []company
comp.InitModel(newDbConnection(), &comp)
comp.FindAll(&companies) //in this is the db query and scan
fmt.Println(companies) //here should be the result
But i have a problem to get the reflect with a []interface working.
func (m *Model) FindAll(test []interface{}, c *Condition) error {
//get the sql statement from the struct
stmt := PrepairStmt(m, c)
rows, err := m.db.Query(stmt.selectParse(), c.arguments...)
if err != nil {
return err
defer rows.Close()
callerV := reflect.ValueOf(m.caller)
CallerField := callerV.Elem()
for rows.Next() {
var values []interface{}
for _, e := range m.columns {
values = append(values, CallerField.FieldByName(e.name).Addr().Interface())
err = rows.Scan(values...)
if err != nil {
return err
valuePtr := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(test).Elem())
test = reflect.Append(test,reflect.ValueOf(values))
return nil
Thats were my latest tries.
maybe someone can help me with this.
i would be really thankful
Use interface{} instead of []interface{} as the argument type:
func (m *Model) FindAll(result interface{}, c *Condition) error {
stmt := PrepairStmt(m, c)
rows, err := m.db.Query(stmt.selectParse(), c.arguments...)
if err != nil {
return err
defer rows.Close()
// resultv is the result slice
resultv := reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem()
// rowt is the struct type
rowt := resultv.Type().Elem()
// allocate a value for the row
rowv := reflect.New(rowt).Elem()
// collect values for scan
var values []interface{}
for _, e := range m.columns {
values = append(values, rowv.FieldByName(e.name).Addr().Interface())
for rows.Next() {
err = rows.Scan(values...)
if err != nil {
return err
// Append struct to result slice. Because the struct
// is copied in append, we can reuse the struct in
// this loop.
resultv.Set(reflect.Append(resultv, rowv))
return nil
Use it like this:
var companies []company
comp.InitModel(newDbConnection(), &comp)
comp.FindAll(&companies) //in this is the db query and scan

jmoiron/sqlx, ...interface{}, and abstracting some boilerplate

I thought I'd try to be a little bit "clever" and abstract some of my boilerplate SQL code (using sqlx -- https://github.com/jmoiron/sqlx). The idea is to feed a code a function pointer to process the result, along with the sql string and args that produce the rows. As it happens, the code works fine provided I strip out the "sqlArgs interface" stuff, but in the "cleverer" format errors with the statement
sql: converting Exec argument $1 type: unsupported type []interface {}, a slice of interface
Here are two versions, the first one that errors, the second that works but without parameterization:
//GetRows (doesn't work)
func GetRows(parseRows func(*sqlx.Rows), sql string, sqlArgs ...interface{}) {
db := sqlx.MustConnect("mysql", ConnString)
defer db.Close()
rows, err := db.Queryx(sql, sqlArgs)
defer rows.Close()
if err != nil {
//GetRows ... (works, but doesn't allow parameterization)
func GetRows(fp func(*sqlx.Rows), sql string) {
db := sqlx.MustConnect("mysql", ConnString)
defer db.Close()
rows, err := db.Queryx(sql)
defer rows.Close()
if err != nil {
The idea is to call the code something like this:
func getUser(userID string) User {
var users []*User
parseRows := func(rows *sqlx.Rows) {
for rows.Next() {
var u User
err := rows.StructScan(&u)
if err != nil {
users = append(users, u)
sql := "SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = ?;"
sqlutils.GetRows(parseRows, sql, userID)
if len(users) == 1{
return users[0]
return User{}
I guess my code doesn't actually pass through the userID from call to call, but instead it passes an []interface{}, which the sql package can't handle. I'm not sure about that, however. In any case, is there any way to accomplish this idea? Thanks.

golang Couchbase n1ql query pass params to?

I'm trying to find a way to pass parameters to query, but not quite sure how. The API on the web site looks a little bit outdated?
myQuery := gocb.NewN1qlQuery("SELECT * FROM default")
rows, err := myBucket.ExecuteN1qlQuery(myQuery)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("N1QL query error: %s\n", err)
var row interface{}
for rows.Next(&row) {
fmt.Printf("Row: %+v\n", row)
if err := rows.Close(); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("N1QL query error: %s\n", err)
Because, actually ExecuteN1qlQuery takes two params:
func (b *Bucket) ExecuteN1qlQuery(q *N1qlQuery, params interface{}) (ViewResults, error)
I am not sure just how to use it... Like I would like to create a query with placeholders, and pass values to ExecuteN1qlQuery via params. Like with SQL (prepare -> execute). For example something like that:
myQuery := gocb.NewN1qlQuery("SELECT * FROM default where a=? and b=?")
rows, err := myBucket.ExecuteN1qlQuery(myQuery,[]string{"b","c"})
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("N1QL query error: %s\n", err)
var row interface{}
for rows.Next(&row) {
fmt.Printf("Row: %+v\n", row)
if err := rows.Close(); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("N1QL query error: %s\n", err)
The example you posted for how to do do this is from our developer guide repo on github:
Basically, you're using $ which references an interface and a corresponding positional parameter beginning with 1.
For your example it would look something like:
// Setup a new query with a placeholder
myQuery := gocb.NewN1qlQuery("SELECT * FROM default where a=$1 and b=$2")
// Setup an array for parameters
var myParams []interface{}
myParams = append(myParams,"foo")
myParams = append(myParams,"bar")
// Execute Query
rows, err := bucket.ExecuteN1qlQuery(myQuery, myParams)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("ERROR EXECUTING N1QL QUERY:", err)
// Iterate through rows and print output
var row interface{}
for rows.Next(&row) {
fmt.Printf("Results: %+v\n", row)
Just found example
myQuery := gocb.NewN1qlQuery("SELECT airportname, city, country FROM `travel-sample` " +
"WHERE type='airport' AND city=$1 ")
// Setup an array for parameters
var myParams []interface{}
myParams = append(myParams, "Reno")
// Execute Query
rows, err := bucket.ExecuteN1qlQuery(myQuery, myParams)
