Optimize sum of series with genetic algorithm - algorithm

As I am new to optimization toolbox in MATLAB I am struggling with the right code on how to optimize my objective function. At the beginning I have the following data:
a = [3 3 1 1];
c = [2 5 5 10];
My objective function along with the equality and inequality constraints are:
F=∑(k=1..4){[0.2.*a(k)]+[0.16.*x_1(k)]+[b(k).*x_2 (k)]}
The objective function F is a sum of series from k = 1..4
Equality Constraints:
a(k)+x_1 (k)+x_2 (k)=c(k) AND d(k)=x_1 (k)+d(k-1)
Inequality Constraints
x_1 (k)≤d(k)≤10
The variables that optimize the above function are x1(k) and x2(k). Is there a method how can I do that?
Image of the equations:

Since your constraints are linear, you can use linear programming:
clear all;
n_k = 4; % number of k
n_v = 3; % number of variables
a = [3 3 1 1];
b = [0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19];
c = [2 5 5 10];
d0 = 0;
% Objective x1 x2 d
f = zeros(1, n_k * n_v);
f(1:n_v:end) = 0.16; % x1 coefficient
f(2:n_v:end) = b; % x2 coefficient (b(k))
% Equality 1
eq1 = [1 1 0]; % x1 + x2 + 0 * d = c(k) - a(k)
Aeq = zeros(2 * n_k, n_v * n_k);
for i = 1:1:n_k
Aeq(i, :) = cat(2, eq1, zeros(1, n_k * n_v - length(eq1)));
eq1 = cat(2, zeros(1, n_v), eq1);
eq2 = [1 1 0 -1]; % d(k-1) + x1(k) + 0 * x2(k) - d(k) = 0
Aeq(n_k + 1, :) = [1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
Aeq(n_k + 2, :) = [0 0 1 1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0];
Aeq(n_k + 3, :) = [0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 -1 0 0 0];
Aeq(n_k + 4, :) = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 -1];
beq = zeros(1, 8);
beq(1:n_k) = c - a;
beq(5) = -d0;
% Inequality
le1 = [1 0 -1];
A = zeros(n_k, n_v * n_k);
for i = 1:1:n_k
A(i, :) = cat(2, le1, zeros(1, n_k * n_v - length(le1)));
le1 = cat(2, zeros(1, n_v), le1);
b = zeros(1, 4);
ub = inf(1, n_k * n_v);
ub(3:n_v:end) = 10;
lb = -inf(1, n_k * n_v);
And to solve:
X = linprog(f, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub);
>> reshape(X, 3, 4)
ans =
5.8261 1.1680 -4.1562 7.1621
-6.8261 0.8320 8.1562 1.8379
5.8261 6.9941 2.8379 10.0000
You can check:
>> [X(1:3:end), X(2:3:end), transpose(a),
X(1:3:end) + X(2:3:end) + transpose(a), transpose(c)]
ans =
5.8261 -6.8261 3.0000 2.0000 2.0000
1.1680 0.8320 3.0000 5.0000 5.0000
-4.1562 8.1562 1.0000 5.0000 5.0000
7.1621 1.8379 1.0000 10.0000 10.0000
>> [X(3:3:end), X(1:3:end), X(3:3:end) - X(1:3:end), [0; X(3:3:11)]]
ans =
5.8261 5.8261 -0.0000 0
6.9941 1.1680 5.8261 5.8261
2.8379 -4.1562 6.9941 6.9941
10.0000 7.1621 2.8379 2.8379
>> [X(1:3:end), X(3:3:end)]
ans =
5.8261 5.8261
1.1680 6.9941
-4.1562 2.8379
7.1621 10.0000
Old answer (before comment)
% Objective a c d x1 x2
f = [.2 0 0 .16 .19];
f = repmat(f, 1, 4);
% Equality 1
eq1 = [1 -1 0 1 1]; % a c d x1 x1
eq2 = [1 0 0 0 0 -1 1 0]; % d(k-1) x1(k-1) x2(k-1) a(k) c(k) d(k) x1(k) x2(k)
Aeq = [cat(2, eq1, zeros(1, 15));
cat(2, zeros(1, 5), eq1, zeros(1, 10));
cat(2, zeros(1, 10), eq1, zeros(1, 5));
cat(2, zeros(1, 15), eq1);
cat(2, zeros(1, 2), eq2, zeros(1, 10));
cat(2, zeros(1, 7), eq2, zeros(1, 5));
cat(2, zeros(1, 12), eq2)];
beq = zeros(1, 7);
% Inequality
le1 = [0 0 -1 1 0];
A = [cat(2, le1, zeros(1, 15));
cat(2, zeros(1, 5), le1, zeros(1, 10));
cat(2, zeros(1, 10), le1, zeros(1, 5));
cat(2, zeros(1, 15), le1)];
b = zeros(1, 4);
ub = [inf inf 10 inf inf];
ub = repmat(ub, 1, 4);
lb = ones(1, 5) * (-inf);
lb = repmat(lb, 1, 4);
ub(3) = d0;
lb(3) = d0;
And to solve:
linprog(f, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub)
Note that there are probably some information missing in your original post since it looks like this problem is unbounded.


Mathematica more input is needed

I'm not much familiar with this programming language and I just need to run one function to compute some coeficients.
f[x] = x^2 - 2 x + 2
g[x] = x^3 - 2 x^2 - 2 x - 2
f1 = Root[f[x], 1];
f2 = Root[f[x], 2];
g1 = Root[g[x], 1];
g2 = Root[g[x], 2];
g3 = Root[g[x], 3];
foo[rootList, alpha, beta] :=
res = {};
For[i = 1, i <= Length[rootList], i++, alphaI = rootList[[i]];
For[j = 1, j <= Length[rootList], j++, betaJ = rootList[[j]];
If[betaJ != beta,
kor = Simplify [(alphaI - alpha) / (beta - betaJ)];
res = Append[res, N[kor, 5]];
roots = [f1, f2, g1, g2, g3];
cs = foo[roots, f1, g1]
this piece of code gives me this error:
Syntax::tsntxi: "For[i=1,i<=Length[rootList],i++,alphaI=rootList[[i]];" is incomplete; more input is needed.
And don't see what is wrong. I'm using mathematica 10.4
Fixing the syntax errors.
f[x_] := x^2 - 2 x + 2
g[x_] := x^3 - 2 x^2 - 2 x - 2
f1 = Root[f[x], 1];
f2 = Root[f[x], 2];
g1 = Root[g[x], 1];
g2 = Root[g[x], 2];
g3 = Root[g[x], 3];
foo[rootList_, alpha_, beta_] :=
res = {};
For[i = 1, i <= Length[rootList], i++, alphaI = rootList[[i]];
For[j = 1, j <= Length[rootList], j++, betaJ = rootList[[j]];
If[betaJ != beta,
kor = Simplify[(alphaI - alpha)/(beta - betaJ)];
res = Append[res, N[kor, 5]];
roots = {f1, f2, g1, g2, g3};
cs = foo[roots, f1, g1]

zero padding zoom fourier

I'm trying to implement a zero padding zoom using fourier.
I'm using octave and I can't add zeros around my matrix.
The result (after inverse fourier transformation) is very dark.
My goal:
My code:
I = I/255;
%%scaling factor
facteur = 4;
[m,n,r] = size(I);
H = fftshift(H);
%%the new image
B = zeros(facteur*m,facteur*n,3);
%%try to add zeros around my matrix
%% r : rgb channels
for r=1:3
for i=1:m
for j=1:n
B(i+((facteur*m)/4),j+((facteur*n)/4),r) = H(i,j,r);
%% show the image
B= ifftshift(B);
final = ifft2(B);
Any suggestions ?
Don't use for-loops to copy matrices. I would try something like:
I = im2double (imread ('IMG_2793.JPG'));
facteur = 4; %%scaling factor
[m, n, r] = size (I);
H = fftshift (fft2 (I));
B = zeros(facteur*m, facteur*n, 3);
ms = round (m * (facteur/2 - 0.5));
ns = round (n * (facteur/2 - 0.5));
B(ms:(m+ms-1), ns:(n+ns-1), :) = H;
final = abs (ifft2 (ifftshift (B)));
imshow(final * facteur^2);
Btw, there is also the function padarray which does what you want:
octave:1> padarray (magic(3), [1, 1])
ans =
0 0 0 0 0
0 8 1 6 0
0 3 5 7 0
0 4 9 2 0
0 0 0 0 0

Infinite Integral inconsistency? (adaptIntegrate)

I used
adaptIntegrate(doubleintegral, lowerLimit = c(-2.5, -2), upperLimit = c(0, 2), x=x,r=r,m=m,n=n)$integral
to integrate the following function:
doubleintegral <- function(y,x,r,n,m){
exp(-x[4]*y[2] - (r[v]-y[2]-x[5]*x[3]+0.5*x[6]^2*x[3])^2/(2*x[6]^2*x[3])),0)}
I used this Example Parameters
x <- numeric()
x[1] = 42
x[2] = 21
x[3] = 1
x[4] = 72.9
x[5] = 0.0332
x[6] = 0.0311
x[7] = 16.8
r <- numeric()
r = 0.0006
v = 1
r[v] = -0.036
w = 1
n = 2
i = 1
m = 2
I don't understand how the following output is possible:
> adaptIntegrate(doubleintegral, lowerLimit = c(-130, -4), upperLimit = c(0, 4), x=x,r=r,m=m,n=n)$integral
[1] 1.12184e-07
> adaptIntegrate(doubleintegral, lowerLimit = c(-2.5, -2), upperLimit = c(0, 2), x=x,r=r,m=m,n=n)$integral
[1] 2.516489e-07
By widening the limits i get a smaller value. I faced the same problem with the function "integrate" which i applied to another function. How is this possible?
Does someone has another idea for this doubleintegral?
thanks for your help!

Create matrix and fill it in wolfram

i want to translate my C++ code to wolfram, to improve my calcs.
C++ code
for(int i = 0; i < N - 1; ++i){
matrix[i][i] += L / 3 * uCoef - duCoef / 2 - (double)du2Coef/L;
matrix[i][i+1] += L / 6 * uCoef + duCoef / 2 + (double)du2Coef/L;
matrix[i+1][i] += L / 6 * uCoef - duCoef / 2 + (double)du2Coef/L;
matrix[i+1][i+1] += L / 3 * uCoef + duCoef / 2- (double)du2Coef/L;
all this coef are const, N - size of my matrix.
In[1]:= n = 4; uCoef = 2; duCoef = 3; du2Coef = 7; L = 11.;
matrix = Table[0, {n}, {n}];
For[i = 1, i < n, ++i,
matrix[[i, i]] += L/3*uCoef - duCoef/2 - du2Coef/L;
matrix[[i, i+1]] += L/6*uCoef - duCoef/2 - du2Coef/L;
matrix[[i+1, i]] += L/6*uCoef + duCoef/2 + du2Coef/L;
matrix[[i+1, i+1]] += L/3*uCoef - duCoef/2 + du2Coef/L];
Out[4]= {
{5.19697, 1.5303, 0, 0},
{5.80303, 11.6667, 1.5303, 0},
{0, 5.80303, 11.6667, 1.5303},
{0, 0, 5.80303, 6.4697}}
Each character that has been changed from your original is hinting there is a fundamental difference between C++ and Mathematica
You should use SparseArray for such banded arrays in mathematica:
n = 5; uCoef = 2; duCoef = 3; du2Coef = 7; L = 11.;
matrix = SparseArray[
{{1, 1} -> L/3*uCoef - duCoef/2 - du2Coef/L,
{i_ /; 1 < i < n, i_} -> -duCoef + 2 L uCoef/3 ,
{n, n} -> ( L/3 uCoef - duCoef/2 + du2Coef/L ),
Band[{1, 2}] -> L/6 uCoef - duCoef/2 - du2Coef/L,
Band[{2, 1}] -> L/6 uCoef + duCoef/2 + du2Coef/L}, {n, n}];
Even if you insist on the For loop, initialize the matrix as :
matrix = SparseArray[{{_, _} -> 0}, {n, n}];

Strassen's Subcubic Matrix Multiplication Algorithm with recursion

I am having an difficult time conceptualizing how to implement Strassen's version of this algorithm.
For background, I have the following pseudocode for the iterative version:
def Matrix(a,b):
result = []
for i in range(0,len(a)):
new_array = []
for j in range(0,len(b[0])):
ssum = 0
for k in range(0,len(a[0])):
ssum += a[i][k] * b[k][j]
result[i][j] = ssum
return result
I also have the following pseudocode for the initial divide and conquer version:
def recMatrix(x,y):
if(len(x) == 1):
return x[0] * y[0]
z = []
z[0] = recMatrix(x[0], y[0]) + recMatrix(x[1], y[2])
z[1] = recMatrix(x[0], y[1]) + recMatrix(x[1], y[3])
z[2] = recMatrix(x[2], y[0]) + recMatrix(x[3], y[2])
z[3] = recMatrix(x[2], y[1]) + recMatrix(x[3], y[3])
return z
So my question is, is my understanding of the divide and conquer method even correct, and if so, how can I modify to allow for Strassen's method? (This is not homework.)
(Specifically where I am having a hard time conceptualizing it is in the math on the entity itself prior (or after) the recursion. I.e. where P1 = A(F-H). If the recursion is actively multiplying the base elements, how is the strassen recursion taking care of the arithmetic (add and subtract) on the matrices? I have the following pseudocode to show where my brain is at:
def recMatrix(x,y):
if(len(x) == 1):
return x[0] * y[0]
z = []
p1 = recMatrix2(x[0], (y[1] - y[3]));
p2 = recMatrix2(y[3], (x[0] + x[1]));
p3 = recMatrix2(y[0], (x[2] + x[3]));
p4 = recMatrix2(x[3], (y[2] - y[0]));
p5 = recMatrix2((x[0] + x[3]), (y[0] + y[3]));
p6 = recMatrix2((x[1] - x[3]), (y[2] + y[3]));
p7 = recMatrix2((x[0] - x[3]), (y[0] + y[3]));
z[0] = p5 + p4 - p2 + p6;
z[1] = p1 + p2;
z[2] = p3 + p4;
z[3] = p1 + p5 - p3 - p7;
return z
The problem with the last piece of code is that it doesn't take the right submatrix. For example in p1 you want to take the upper left submatrix of x but you are using x[0] which is just the first row of x. You need some code that splits a matrix in 4 smaller ones. Or you can use a math library like numpy:
In [14]: from numpy import *
In [15]: x=range(16)
In [16]: x=reshape(x,(4,4))
In [17]: x
array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3],
[ 4, 5, 6, 7],
[ 8, 9, 10, 11],
[12, 13, 14, 15]])
In [18]: x[0:2,0:2]
array([[0, 1],
[4, 5]])
In [19]: x[2:4,2:4]
array([[10, 11],
[14, 15]])
Found an implementation that does what I'm looking for... namely, it specifically shows how/when to recurse: https://github.com/MartinThoma/matrix-multiplication/blob/master/Python/strassen-algorithm.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from optparse import OptionParser
from math import ceil, log
def read(filename):
lines = open(filename, 'r').read().splitlines()
A = []
B = []
matrix = A
for line in lines:
if line != "":
matrix.append(map(int, line.split("\t")))
matrix = B
return A, B
def printMatrix(matrix):
for line in matrix:
print "\t".join(map(str,line))
def add(A, B):
n = len(A)
C = [[0 for j in xrange(0, n)] for i in xrange(0, n)]
for i in xrange(0, n):
for j in xrange(0, n):
C[i][j] = A[i][j] + B[i][j]
return C
def subtract(A, B):
n = len(A)
C = [[0 for j in xrange(0, n)] for i in xrange(0, n)]
for i in xrange(0, n):
for j in xrange(0, n):
C[i][j] = A[i][j] - B[i][j]
return C
def strassenR(A, B):
""" Implementation of the strassen algorithm, similar to
n = len(A)
# Trivial Case: 1x1 Matrices
if n == 1:
return [[A[0][0]*B[0][0]]]
# initializing the new sub-matrices
newSize = n/2
a11 = [[0 for j in xrange(0, newSize)] for i in xrange(0, newSize)]
a12 = [[0 for j in xrange(0, newSize)] for i in xrange(0, newSize)]
a21 = [[0 for j in xrange(0, newSize)] for i in xrange(0, newSize)]
a22 = [[0 for j in xrange(0, newSize)] for i in xrange(0, newSize)]
b11 = [[0 for j in xrange(0, newSize)] for i in xrange(0, newSize)]
b12 = [[0 for j in xrange(0, newSize)] for i in xrange(0, newSize)]
b21 = [[0 for j in xrange(0, newSize)] for i in xrange(0, newSize)]
b22 = [[0 for j in xrange(0, newSize)] for i in xrange(0, newSize)]
aResult = [[0 for j in xrange(0, newSize)] for i in xrange(0, newSize)]
bResult = [[0 for j in xrange(0, newSize)] for i in xrange(0, newSize)]
# dividing the matrices in 4 sub-matrices:
for i in xrange(0, newSize):
for j in xrange(0, newSize):
a11[i][j] = A[i][j]; # top left
a12[i][j] = A[i][j + newSize]; # top right
a21[i][j] = A[i + newSize][j]; # bottom left
a22[i][j] = A[i + newSize][j + newSize]; # bottom right
b11[i][j] = B[i][j]; # top left
b12[i][j] = B[i][j + newSize]; # top right
b21[i][j] = B[i + newSize][j]; # bottom left
b22[i][j] = B[i + newSize][j + newSize]; # bottom right
# Calculating p1 to p7:
aResult = add(a11, a22)
bResult = add(b11, b22)
p1 = strassen(aResult, bResult) # p1 = (a11+a22) * (b11+b22)
aResult = add(a21, a22) # a21 + a22
p2 = strassen(aResult, b11) # p2 = (a21+a22) * (b11)
bResult = subtract(b12, b22) # b12 - b22
p3 = strassen(a11, bResult) # p3 = (a11) * (b12 - b22)
bResult = subtract(b21, b11) # b21 - b11
p4 =strassen(a22, bResult) # p4 = (a22) * (b21 - b11)
aResult = add(a11, a12) # a11 + a12
p5 = strassen(aResult, b22) # p5 = (a11+a12) * (b22)
aResult = subtract(a21, a11) # a21 - a11
bResult = add(b11, b12) # b11 + b12
p6 = strassen(aResult, bResult) # p6 = (a21-a11) * (b11+b12)
aResult = subtract(a12, a22) # a12 - a22
bResult = add(b21, b22) # b21 + b22
p7 = strassen(aResult, bResult) # p7 = (a12-a22) * (b21+b22)
# calculating c21, c21, c11 e c22:
c12 = add(p3, p5) # c12 = p3 + p5
c21 = add(p2, p4) # c21 = p2 + p4
aResult = add(p1, p4) # p1 + p4
bResult = add(aResult, p7) # p1 + p4 + p7
c11 = subtract(bResult, p5) # c11 = p1 + p4 - p5 + p7
aResult = add(p1, p3) # p1 + p3
bResult = add(aResult, p6) # p1 + p3 + p6
c22 = subtract(bResult, p2) # c22 = p1 + p3 - p2 + p6
# Grouping the results obtained in a single matrix:
C = [[0 for j in xrange(0, n)] for i in xrange(0, n)]
for i in xrange(0, newSize):
for j in xrange(0, newSize):
C[i][j] = c11[i][j]
C[i][j + newSize] = c12[i][j]
C[i + newSize][j] = c21[i][j]
C[i + newSize][j + newSize] = c22[i][j]
return C
def strassen(A, B):
assert type(A) == list and type(B) == list
assert len(A) == len(A[0]) == len(B) == len(B[0])
nextPowerOfTwo = lambda n: 2**int(ceil(log(n,2)))
n = len(A)
m = nextPowerOfTwo(n)
APrep = [[0 for i in xrange(m)] for j in xrange(m)]
BPrep = [[0 for i in xrange(m)] for j in xrange(m)]
for i in xrange(n):
for j in xrange(n):
APrep[i][j] = A[i][j]
BPrep[i][j] = B[i][j]
CPrep = strassenR(APrep, BPrep)
C = [[0 for i in xrange(n)] for j in xrange(n)]
for i in xrange(n):
for j in xrange(n):
C[i][j] = CPrep[i][j]
return C
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-i", dest="filename", default="2000.in",
help="input file with two matrices", metavar="FILE")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
A, B = read(options.filename)
C = strassen(A, B)
