Pentaho Chart option - pentaho-cde

I am working with a Pentaho dashboard designer and in a stacked chart particular product is having more quantity and it is occupying more space when compared with the rest three products. Is there any way to make to display the chart color evenly for all the four products


Sort images in grid based on user input

I have a few hundred images that I would like to have a user manually sort along two axes. Each row represents a users perceived nominal label, eg red, orange, yellow, green, ... The images in a row are ordered according to some feature perceived by the user (eg brightness). So given an image the person sorting should be able to determine which row it belongs to and which two images it should be between in the row and insert it there.
Initially I tried using Google sheets and loading the images into cells in the spreadsheet. The problem I encountered are the images are really low resolution and Google sheets applies some blending to the pixels (eg linear?, bicubic?) which made understanding the images too difficult for my user. If I could load an image and have it resize using the nearest pixel color I think it would be fine.
I have looked at some photo organizing software, the closest feature I can find is organizing photos based on geo-coordinates onto a 2D map, which isn't intuitive for my user.
I suppose I could create a webapp that the user could assign a row and column too, but it seems like there should be an easier way.
The intent is to apply machine learning on the provided labels so that we can automatically sort larger datasets, so it would be great if the solution could be used with machine provided metadata, which could then be visually inspected for accuracy.

Is there any possibility in ssrs to show matrix below the chart(no gap between chart and matrix) when execution occures?

We have developed a ssrs report based on client requirement,in which we used 6 charts and 16 matrices.
we placed one chart on another chart in same one below the charts is allocated to matrices.
But for matrices, in designing, we placed one matrix below another matrix(The gap between matrices are 1pt and it is the minimum gap between two matrices to identify.if gap is 0pt, then over lapping of matrices occured.)
Reports having multiple parameters like interval(yearly,monthly,halfyearly,quarterly),filtertypes,reporttypes,types .
Based on selection of values in above paramters,only one chart and one matrix will show data.
I have attached design image(showing no gap between charts and matrices,matrix to matrix) and image after report execution.
But, in report exuction, there is much more gap existing between chart and matrix for some selection of paramter values (my opinion is,some time the last matrix executed to display the data)
But when executing report, client don't want gap between chart and matrix for any filter selections.
already we applied expressions on charts visibility condition and matrices visibility condition to display them based on required paramter conditions .
We are using visual studio 2015 and sql server 2016
Is there any possibility in ssrs to show matrix below the chart(no gap between chart and matrix) when execution occures?
enter image description here
enter image description here
Have you tried setting the report property ConsumeContainerwhitespace to true?
Other option is to put them both in a rectangle and test. SSRS is very fiddly when it comes to such layout

understanding dc interaction with crossfilter objects

Though I can write dc.js applications, I still don't understand how dc uses crossfilter objects, ie the dimensions and groups in various charts. When we click on an graph element, for instance, a pie chart slice, I believe dc is applying filters on the dimension, but does it manipulate the crossfilter object as well? Anyone knows of any document/article explaining how dc interacts with crossfilter objects? I know of
which is really good for beginners, but it does not go deep dive on this specific subject.
For instance, I have this dc chart:
Basically the dataset has object names (4 of them, P, Q, S, T) and its size for various dates. The two piecharts show the size for dates and objects respectively. There is a line chart which shows the data growth over a period of time. Now, when I click on the second graph, ie object names, both line chart and the first pie chart auto adjusts, but when I click on the first pie chart, the line chart does not change.
Your particular question is covered by the crossfilter documentation and the dc.js FAQ: a dimension does not observe its own filters, but only the filters on other dimensions.
To get the charts to respond to each other, create a duplicate of the dimension (construct another one with the same arguments) and put the charts on separate dimensions. (There is also work underway to reflect the brushing/filter state between charts that share the same dimension.)
As to your larger question, no, there is no documentation on the interaction between dc.js and crossfilter that I know of. As the principle maintainer (but not the original author) of dc.js, I hope to write such documentation in the next year.
There actually isn't much magic to it: charts just update the dimension filters and then trigger redraws on the charts in their group. The d3 transitions within each chart are what make it look fancier than that.

NVD3.js: Stacked and grouped bar chart with two y-axis

I am using NVD3.js and want to create following chart:
As you can see - bars are stacked, two axis and grouped by x-axis
Using multiChart I got :
It is stacked, two axis, but not grouped by x-axis.
Maybe I need to use different chart type - not multiChart, but I didn't find bar charts where are two y-axis.
1) How can I achieve this using NVD3.js?
2) If it can not be done in NVD3.js, then which solution I can properly integrate?
The NVD3 Javascript library is, to quote their website, "an attempt to build re-usable charts and chart components". It's creators have made a couple key decisions in order to emphasize the reusability of the charts:
They have focused on implementing standard chart designs (line graphs, bar graphs, scatterplots), but implemented in flexible, interactive ways.
They have used the same data structure requirement for all the graphs:
The main data array contains multiple data series, each of which represents a logical grouping of the data;
Each series is an array of individual data objects containing two or more variables.
All the graphs have a similar style and reuse important pieces of code.
The NVD3 library allows you to create a grouped bar chart or a stacked bar chart, and even a chart that interactively animates between the two.
Adapting that chart to create a stacked and grouped bar chart is not a simple task, in part because the data structure would be different. You would need a three-level data structure (series > sub-series > datapoints, representing groups > stacks > bars) instead of the two-level (series > datapoints) structure used by NVD3.
All is not lost, however. NVD3 is built on the d3 Javascript library. D3 is much more flexible and open-ended; it doesn't define specific chart types, it defines a way of manipulating a webpage to make it match your data. You can use it to create any type of chart that can be drawn with HTML or SVG. But of course, that means that it is much more work, since you have to explicitly create all the parts of the graph, and make all the design decisions yourself!
I strongly recommend, if you want to use d3, start with the basics in the tutorials list or one of the introductory books. However, you'll also want to check out the gallery of examples, and from there you'll find the following charts that will be of particular interest:
Mike Bostock's Stacked Bar Chart
Bostock's Grouped Bar Chart of the same data
Ali Gencay's adaptation of those examples to create a stacked, grouped bar chart
Once you have become familiar with building charts in d3, you may want to open up the NVD3 source code to see if you can borrow some of their reusable code components (being sure to respect their licence terms, of course). However, I would not recommend doing so as a beginner -- it is a lot of code, and uses a lot of complex techniques to put all the pieces together.

Transition a chart dependent on another chart

I am new to d3.js but have managed to make two individual charts as in introduction.
I have a map chart, which has dots representing monitoring stations.
I also have a line chart which has multiple timeseries (data from json) from one monitoring station.
What I would like to do. Have the two charts on one page. When you mouseover or click on a station on the map the data is loaded and displayed on the line chart. When a new station is selected on the map, the data transitions on the line chart
The question I have is one of style. With the two separate charts what is the best way to combine them?
With the transition, I have searched but have not found any simple examples that has two charting elements where interacting with one effects the other. Should I combine all the timeseries data into one json file (say 4 timeseries times 50 stations) or have 50 json files?
Unless your timeseries data is very large, I would just put everything in one JSON file to make things simpler and so that changing stations can take place entirely client side.
