Kony - Failed to publish Application for 'Services' - temenos-quantum

Trying to publish an app to Kony cloud and i am seeing the below error on logs. Please help to overcome the below error.
[01-10-2016 11:04:24]{
"status_long_message": "Request conflict.",
"status_short_message": "Conflict",
"message": "Application or service with name 'Services' already exists",
"status": "error",
"status_code": 409

Rename your application id to some else than services and also rename your application name, Build the app again and try publishing it to cloud, that should work.


Chatbot is not working once created the Web App bot in Azure bot service

I created a Web app bot in Azure portal. LUIS, App service, Insights got created automatically. This is a Basic bot using SDK-V4. It got created successfully. But after it when i tried to test the bot using "Test in Web Chat" it gave the "Failed to send activity: bot returned an error". I didn't even deployed any code for the bot.
PFB the screenshot of the issue below.
I just downloaded the bot source code and did some changes. It is working fine in Emulator by getting connected to LUIS. But in "Test using web chat" it is not working even with or without deployment of code.
I checked the following already:
Message Endpoints.
MS App ID and MS App Password in App service.
Actual getting results:
In App Insights:
Message : POST to SAP_Bot-DEV failed: POST to the bot's endpoint failed with
HTTP status 500 POST to the bot's endpoint failed with HTTP status
Failed Message: Microsoft.Bot.ChannelConnector.BotAPI.ThrowOnFailedStatusCode
Call Stack:
at Microsoft.Bot.ChannelConnector.BotAPI+<PostActivityToBotAsync>d__31.MoveNext (Microsoft.Bot.Base.ChannelConnector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)
Inner exception System.Exception handled at Microsoft.Bot.ChannelConnector.BotAPI+<PostActivityToBotAsync>d__31.MoveNext:
at Microsoft.Bot.ChannelConnector.BotAPI.ThrowOnFailedStatusCode (Microsoft.Bot.Base.ChannelConnector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)
at Microsoft.Bot.ChannelConnector.BotAPI+<PostActivityToBotAsync>d__31.MoveNext (Microsoft.Bot.Base.ChannelConnector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)
In Browser:
{error: {code: "BotError", message: "Failed to send activity: bot returned an error"},…}
error: {code: "BotError", message: "Failed to send activity: bot returned an error"}
httpStatusCode: 500[In Browser][1]
[App Insights Screenshot][2]
Try publishing your bot and check if the messaging endpoint url is not set to localhost but to your published url in azure and in registration portalset your messaging endpoint as the redirect url
The issue got resolved. Initially we created the MS application ID and password manually by creating an application in azure portal. There was some issue with the manually created ID, then we tried with automatic app ID creation (after getting required authorization in azure portal) and it works. Thank you all for your support.

Drive v3 API files method gives "invalid parameter" error when used with corpora=domain

I need to access all files of an organisation in TeamDrives via a server-to-server app. All users that have access to the files have emails username#organisation-domain.
I created a service account and see it listed in the Google Console (Oganisation -> Project -> IAM Admin -> IAM) together with the currently logged user (username#organisation-domain) that has the admin role and the full access to the files in TeamDrives.
Via this service account I make request "/drive/v3/files?corpora=domain" which returns:
"domain": "global",
"reason": "invalid",
"message": "Invalid Value",
"locationType": "parameter",
"location": "q"
though there's no "q"-parameter.
If I remove "corpora=domain" part, I get all files that belong the service account.
I tried to add any q-parameter just to try, e.g. "q=name+contains+'text'". Without corpora everything is ok - I get the filtered files (belonging the service account of course). If I add corpora=domain, I get the same error about invalid parameter.
I tried corpus=domain, corpora=DOMAIN etc. from other answers, no result. corpus=domain and corpus=DOMAIN give the same error. corpora=DOMAIN and corpora=default give "Invalid Value" error (without location).
No matter what I try I just keep getting this strange error - invalid value in the q even if there's no q-parameter.
I tried also
corpora: "teamDrive",
includeTeamDriveItems: true,
supportsTeamDrives: true,
teamDriveId: 'XXX',
The service account (via email name#id.iam.gserviceaccount.com) has been added to the members of the TeamDrive ID in the request, but I get:
"domain": "global",
"reason": "teamDriveMembershipRequired",
"message": "The attempted action requires Team Drive membership."
Any ideas what do I do wrong?

"400: Unsupported service specified, INVALID_ARGUMENT" from Google Cloud Logging API

I am trying to manually write a log entry using Google Cloud Logging API.
Before doing this via code, I am first trying to do it using the Google APIs Explorer. Here is a screen shot of the request I've built using this tool:
In projectsId I have the Google Project Id that I've copied from the
Google Developer Console.
Likewise for metadata.projectId.
In metadata.userId I have the Client Id of the same Service account that I'm using to authenticate (OAuth2) against the Google Logging API.
Google Logging API is enabled for the project.
The Service account belong to the project and has the "Can edit" permission.
I'm 99% sure that I've setup OAuth2 correctly for the request.
When I execute this request, I get the following response:
"code": 400,
"message": "Unsupported service specified",
Why? and how can I fix this?
The error message was actually telling me exactly which argument was invalid - The serviceName I supplied was bogus ("test").
As soon as I set the serviceName to be "compute.googleapis.com", the problem went away and I received a 200 status code indicating success.

How to use Google Apps Marketplace LicenseNotification API

I'm trying to use LicenseNotification API from the test page here for a test app I have built, published and already installed in one of our test domains.
App status on the CWS is published (published, GAM: published) and the app works fine.
I am logged in using the app project owner and I enabled OAuth 2.0 Authorization switch. Set the applicationId (which one is right, the one from Developers Console Marketplace SDK configuration or the one from CWS aka element id? I tried both..), clicked on Execute and I get the following response
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "forbidden",
"message": "Not authorized to access the application ID"
"code": 403,
"message": "Not authorized to access the application ID"
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: My app is published but visibility is set to "private" for my test domain only.

Google API returning error accessNotConfigured

I recieve This a google error when using the url directly along with a newly created project (with no other projects listed) I continously get the below error....
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "usageLimits",
"reason": "accessNotConfigured",
"message": "Access Not Configured. Please use Google Developers Console to activate the API for your project."
"code": 403,
"message": "Access Not Configured. Please use Google Developers Console to activate the API for your project."
I know there have seen a few posts on this subject. and I have followed the instructions listed. I even created new project...
turned on fusion table in console (tried with both only fusion api on and nothering else & standard api
generated public key with the referers *
Consent screen filled out
fusion table Download allowed checked
shared with permission for "anyone with link" is selected
url = https://www.googleapis.com/fusiontables/v1/tables/105Otxh5ltQsKBr-ABqYJ8vBuB6E9Ped2MfXj3AZy/templates?&key=AIzaSyCr_wIc0aEHUG6Pl08kHDYLqWRB_PqZsE0
docid = 105Otxh5ltQsKBr-ABqYJ8vBuB6E9Ped2MfXj3AZy
key = AIzaSyCr_wIc0aEHUG6Pl08kHDYLqWRB_PqZsE0
Just what am I missing. I have the google php api client to use a service account.. but if I cant pull up the tables, query or anything via the base api url then i can move forward... untill then Im stuck. Thank in advance anyone!
