JMeter response time of each thread in InfluxDB - jmeter

How to get response time in Influxdb of each thread ran in jmeter? I am running a test 20 times, i want to see the response time in Influxdb for all the threads/all the times i am running the test.
As you can see i am not getting response time of all my threads, i am getting only the "Max" of the threads that have run in that second using the measurement "jmeter.all.a.max". Is there any way where i can see all the threads response time in Influxdb??


Jmeter HTTP Request: how it really works

I have executed couple of Jmeter tests so far. My test plan in very basic one. I'm using Jmeter 5.2 on mac environment.
Number of threads: 500
Ramp-up period: 1
Loop count 3
[x] Same user on each iteration
[ ] Delay thread creation until needed
[ ] Specify thread life time
Basically according to my configuration above, the test will have 500 different threads being spawned in my JVM while this load test is running.
In order to create 500 threads, Jmeter has time restriction of just 1 second only. So, it will create the one thread in each 0.002 seconds from the moment I start the test.
I'm just hitting to an deployed publicly available service with HTTP POST request with a valid payload.
Now my real question
It is possible that the very first request that Jmeter sends will get the response from the server in just 0.2 seconds(200ms). What happens to that thread from that moment? Will this thread being killed after that?
Ramp up period doesn't stop thread, setting Duration will stop(/kill) thread if reach duration time,
Each thread execute independently until it finishes his last loop,
So in your case each thread will end after ~0.6 seconds (0.2 second per request * 3 loops)
It is possible that the very first request that Jmeter sends will get the response from the server in just 0.2 seconds(200ms) - yes, it may be even less, the question is whether your application can respond in 200 ms or less
What happens to that thread from that moment? Will this thread being killed after that? - for particular your set up if there are no more Samplers to execute the thread will execute this HTTP Request sampler 2 more times and after that it will be asked to stop.
You can increase JMeter logging verbosity to whatever level of details you want and inspect jmeter.log file in order to get the idea regarding what's going on under the hood of JMeter. Basic details can be obtained without any configuration tweaks:

Jmeter response time confusion, In load testing what time do I need to consider as the response time

I am using Jmeter for performan testing, I believe elapsed time is the response time which I am considering(i.e.,85 milliseconds). When I hit the same request from postman It is taking very less time(i.e.,35 milliseconds) so I want to know where my JMETER giving correct results or not
Elapsed time consists of:
Connect time (it might include SSL handshake)
Application response time
Given you're running the same request (URL, body, headers) from the same machine you should have similar results.
Try running the request for more times, i.e. 10 or 100 using newman and JMeter (set number of iterations in Thread Group to 100). If you will still be seeing differences - consider comparing the requests using an external sniffer tool like Wireshark, it will give you more insights regarding what's going on under the hood.

Sudden increase of response time in Jmeter

I run some load tests using Jmeter.
and found out unexpected increase of response time at the end of each test plan.
Just before the end of the test plan(duration 20 minutes), the response time increased all of sudden.
It occurred again when I run same test plan with different duration(duration 30 minutes). and latency is almost the same as response times, that seems no problem on network.
I'm very curious why the response time increased even when the number of threads are decreasing. Could you guess what the reason is?
Thank you in advance.
From your screenshot, it is clearly visible that for both cases (20 min and 30 min) response time got increased after the test is complete (duration reached to its endpoint). That's because of threads insufficient ramp-down time.
If your JMeter test is stopped forcefully, all the active threads will be closed immediately. So the requests generated by those threads will get higher response time.
See I am gussing. This happened once for me also. have you checked request are sended properly using View Result Tree Listener. Please check request status once graph getting increasing.
Due to other traffic or Api is used by other users. This my be cause.

Did anyone have worked using Autostop listener in jmeter?

Did anyone have worked using Autostop listener in jmeter ?
I have added this listener to my thread group and set the 'average response time greater than' value that its actually smaller than the output response time of executed test .
For example executed test's average response time coming around 1000 ms and I have set 'average response time greater than' to 500 ms so that execution get automatically stopped as response time is more than the set one in autostop listener . But it does not automatically stopping execution of test when average response time go higher than 500 ms.
Could anyone please explain its actual working.
Thanks in advance

jmeter -How to set max value in Aggregate report

I have a test plan for Rest API with one thread group with 2 samplers within.
While running load test for
no of threads(users):80
Ramp up period: 1
I get "Response code: 504 Response message: GATEWAY_TIMEOUT" in jmeter.
I observed that when Max value in Aggregate graph reaches 60000ms all response gets timed out.
What need to be done to prevent time out issue.
Load test works fine when I use 50 users or less.
I think you are getting timeouts because at load of 80+ users, response time shoots up but your application or rest API's have less time out duration set. Because of heavy response times you are exceeding time out duration and getting those errors.
To resolve this issue simplest solution would be to increase time out values if possible.
Otherwise you need to improve response time of those Rest API's to a better value so that you won't get timeouts.
While doing this, monitor system utilization to be sure that changes are not hampering anywhere else.
From what you are saying it seems your application limit is ~60 users load with given configuration.
please check you ELB settings , or application server settings(glassfish/apache) , ELB has by default 59 seconds of time out , after that ELB would time expire your request .
But you can see the response for those requests in the DB which might have taken longer time to respond
