Jenkins autobuild goes into a loop when github commit triggers the build - maven

I created a webhook in jenkins and connected it to github webhook & services.
I came upon the following issue When the build is completed, the pom.xml is updated with the version and tag . This triggers build job again and its goes into a loop until, I manually stop it .
I have set the build trigger to "Build when a change is pushed to GitHub"
I would like to find out how to stop the build trigger when the pom.xml is updated only as part of the build?

In the source code management job configuration section add Additional Behaviors and select Polling ignores commits from certain users and provide the user name your Jenkins job uses to checkin pom.xml. You can also use Polling ignores commits in certain paths and provide path to pom.xml.

I'd suggest not committing the version update to the master branch but create a separate tag every time. Something like this:
v1 v2 v3
/ / /
--A----B----C (master)
I got this approach from Real-World Strategies for Continuous Delivery with Maven and Jenkins video (corresponding slides) - it contains other tips on setting up build pipelines with Maven as well.


Does the TeamCity build feature "Pull request" automatically run a merge build?

Does the TeamCity build feature Pull request automatically build a pull request against master? I'm not talking about merging automatically into master just building against it.
I can't seem to find any documentation. Previously in TC I could see two kinds of branches 33/merge and pull/33, with the build feature enabled I can only see pull/xx being triggered. In the build summary it does state Submitted into refs/heads/master, from xxxx-pull-request by xxxxxx
So I can only assume it is running the pull request against master based on the text above, however I can't seem to find any documentation to indicate this.
It is not automatic, it depends how vcs root is set
To build PR revision merge with current master set VCS root +:refs/pull/(*/merge)

Marking a commit/build for deploy

So we are currently just deploying master but are running into issues where we want to deploy the commit/build in which all our testing was ran on. This is normally a snapshop of master at 4:30pm. We run our build configuation for all tests automatically at 4:30pm (lets call this build config ALLTESTS), so we can control how this commit/build is marked in the ALLTESTS config.
We separate testing and deploy, so when a deploy is executed (either manually or automatically) it should only pick a branch/tag/commit/build that has been marked. Adding the tests to our deploy build config is not a viable solution.
Originally I had planned on using Git tags. A tag called deploy would be deleted and added to certain commits and then when the deployment is triggered that commit would be deployed.
The issue I ran into here is that there isnt an easy way to manually add git tags in a build step. Should I just write command-line build step that uses git commands remove the tag deploy from whatever commit has it and to add it to commit that is running?
Is there a better teamcity way to do this? I have successfully got teamcity tags to work via REST API but I am not sure if those fit the need either.
I suppose I could write powershell to parse the rest API to get the build id that was last successful in ALLTESTS and then feed that into the deploy somehow. How would I go about getting a build number and using that as the basis of deploy?
Should I just write command-line build step that uses git commands remove the tag deploy from whatever commit has it and to add it to commit that is running?
Quick answer is no. You can actually use something like this:
git tag -f deploy <commit-sha>
And have your tag updated to the given commit.

Jenkins Multi-Pipeline Build Not Detecting Changes in Repository

We have a Subversion repository setup in this manor:
I've setup a Jenkins Multi-Pipeline build for the entire toast project including all sub-projects -- each sub-project is a jarfile. What I want is for Jenkins to fire off a new build each time any file is changed in one of the toast projects. That project should rebuild. This way, if we create a new sub-project in toast or a new branch in one of the toast sub-projects, Jenkins will automatically create a new build for that.
Here's my Jenkins Multi-Branch setup:
Branch Sources
Project Repository Base:
Credentials: builder/*****
Include Branches: */trunk, */branches/*
Exclude Branches: */private
Property Strategy: All branches get the same properties
Build Configuration
Mode: By Jenkinsfile
Build Triggers (None selected)
Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts) Help for feature: Trigger * builds remotely (e.g., from scripts)
Build periodically Help for feature: Build periodically
Build when another project is promoted
Maven Dependency Update Trigger Help for feature: Maven Dependency Update Trigger
Periodically if not otherwise run
Note that the list of Build Triggers list does not include Poll SCM. Changes in the repository does not trigger any build. Jenkinsfiles are located at the root of each sub-project. If I force a reindex, all changed sub-projects get built and all new branches are found. I did originally checked Periodically and reindexed every minute to pick up a change, but that's klutzy and it seems to cause Jenkins to consume memory.
Triggering a build on an SCM change should be pretty basic, but I don't see a configuration parameter for this like I do with standard jobs. I also can't seem to go into sub-projects and set those to trigger builds either.
There must be something really, really simple that I am missing.
Jenkins 2.19
Pipeline 2.3
Pipeline API: 2.3
Pipeline Groovy: 2.17
Pipeline Job: 2.6
Pipeline REST API Plugin: 2.0
Pipeline Shared Groovy Libraries: 2.3
Pipeline: Stage View Plugin: 1.7
Pipeline: Supporting APIs 2.2
SCM API Plugin: 1.2
I finally found the answer. I found a entry in the Jenkins' Jira Database that mentioned this exact issue. The issue is called SCM polling is not being performed in multibranch pipeline with Mercurial SCM. Other users chimed in too.
The answer was that Jenkins Multi-branch projects don't need to poll the SCM because indexing the branches does that for you:
Branch projects (the children) do not poll in isolation. Rather, the multibranch project (the parent folder) subsumes that function as part of branch indexing. If there are new heads on existing branches, new branch project builds will be triggered. You need merely check the box Periodically if not otherwise run in the folder configuration.
So, I need to setup reindexing of the branches. I'm not happy with this solution because it seems rather clumsy. I can add post-commit and post-push hooks in SVN and Git to trigger builds when a change takes place, and then reindex on a periodic basis (say once per hour). The problem means configuring these hooks and then keeping them up to date. Each project needs its own POST action which means updating the repository server every time a project changes. With polling, I didn't have to worry about hook maintenance.
You never mentioned setting up a webhook for your repository, so this may be the problem (or part of it).
Jenkins by itself can't just know when changes to a repository have been made. The repository needs to be configured to broadcast when changes are made. A webhook defines a URL that the repository can POST various bits of information to. Point it to a URL that Jenkins can read, and that allows Jenkins to respond to specific types of information it receives.
For example, if you were using github, you could have Jenkins listen on a url such as Github could be configured to send a POST as soon as a PR is opened, or a merge is performed. This POST not only symbolizes that the action was performed, but will also contain information about the action, such as a SHA, branch name, user performing the action... etc.
Both Jenkins and SVN should be capable of defining the URL they each respectively POST and listen on.
My knowledge lies more specifically with git. But this may be a good place to start for SVN webhooks:
Maybe you need something under version control in the base directory. Try putting a test file here That may make the poll SCM option show up.

How can I configure the Bluemix Pipeline to either tag builds or create a work item (defect) according to the state of the build?

I have a Build & Deploy Pipeline in Bluemix, I would like to create a condition where, if the build fails, it will automatically assign a defect (i.e., work item in the "Track & Plan" page) to whoever delivered the very latest change (or just assign to the main owner of the App/Project), also, if the build is completed successfully, I would like to tag it.
Tagging is ok, that's general GIT knowledge, I just wanted to solve 2 Problems with that plan:
How do we trigger a specific subsequent Stage in the pipeline if the current build fails/passes?
How do I create a work item from the pipeline? Do I need to create a separate GIT repo and build some sort of API package that allows me to invoke a mechanism that creates the ticket?
I guess I'm going too maverick with this Pipeline, please share your thoughts.
As of right now you can not create a work item from the pipeline. That is a great feature improvement and I can take it back to the team.
For your question about triggering a stage if something passes or fails... The way it works now only the next stage will be triggered if the previous is successful. The pipeline is based on Jenkins and Jenkins doesn't allow you to trigger a specific job if a job passes or fails. You would want to detect the pass or fail in your stage and do your logic based on that.

How can I setup a trigger in Bamboo if there is a specific tag been pushed to my bitbucket repository

I am trying to use bamboo to manage my release procedure and just wondering if this is feasible:
The developer finished the integration test at local environment
The developer create a specific tag, e.g. "UAT_1.0.0" and pushed the tag to bitbucket
Bamboo sensed that there is an new tag "UAT_1.0.0" has been created on bitbucket and then start the building process; after that it will deploy the war file to the UAT server
Tester signed off the UAT and created a tag "REL_1.0.0" and pushed the tag to bitbucket
Bamboo sensed the new tag "REL_1.0.0" and start the building process. After build finished, it deploy the war file to the PROD server
It looks like the "Repository triggers the build when changes are committed" is to best way to implement the process. But I can't find out the way to move any further. Any idea?
Yes you can do this (Only if you can deploy custom plugins to it).
You need to build custom triggers as plugins for bamboo.
Get/Install the SDK
Create a plugin. See here.
If you have access to bamboo's source code I suggest you look into classes DependencyTriggerReason, InitialbuildTriggerReason, ScheduledTriggerReason. You need to create a class implementing TriggerReason. You should start with this tutorial if you are new to developing bamboo plugins.
Deploy it to bamboo.
A bit late but... I found a solution. You need to put a "negative" regular expression in the "Exclude changesets" section in the repository configuration, that include the word that you want.
The regular expression is like :
like that: repository configuration
with this, bamboo will only build commits with this word in the message.
Now, if your commit is like "commit for test", bamboo will build it
