How to Start and Stop Cloudera Cluster CD5 Using Command Line or Shell Script - shell

I have installed Cloudera Cluster on AWS EC2 instances.
Easily I can start or stop it using cloudera manager.
But now I want to make a shell script that can start or stop it.
What is the command line to start and stop the cluster and all its services?


Secondary Name Node not starting on hadoop

I have installed Hadoop via command line in GCP as well as all its components and my secondary name doesn't run when I execute JPS. All the other Daemons run fine. What could be the problem?

Run custom shell script on all slave nodes in EMR

AWS Step documentation says steps only execute on the master, does that mean even if I am logged in to any of the slave nodes and execute the add-steps command on it, the command would go and add the step on to the master node only? How can I then execute a custom shell script on all the slave nodes? Bootstrapping is not an option since the shell script requires the emrf-site.xml to be already created which does not happen until the EMR is completely up and running.
You can use "Custom JAR" step type to run "script-runner.jar" that will run any bash script on every cluster node:
aws emr create-cluster --name ... --steps Type=CUSTOM_JAR,Name=CustomJAR,ActionOnFailure=CONTINUE,Jar=s3://region.elasticmapreduce/libs/script-runner/script-runner.jar,Args=["s3://mybucket/script-path/"]
More info here:

Unable to start Mesos slave on single node cluster

From what I know I am able to set up Mesos master, slave, zookeeper, marathon on a single node.
But once I execute the command to start mesos-master and after that I am trying to start mesos-slave as well but I don't have any way to continue to execute other commands else where. I have to stop the running and run but the problem is mesos-master already stop running.
Don't execute the commands directly from your shell, you want to start all of those components (zookeeper, mesos-master, mesos-slave, and marathon) as services.
/etc/init.d/zookeeper start
start mesos-master
start mesos-slave
start marathon
I forget if zookeeper creates the init script as part of the install for you or not, you may have to find it in the Hadoop docs.
As for the other 3, they all use 'upstart' and you can find the configuration files in /etc/init/

how to create Amazon EMR cluster from the command line in Ubuntu?

how to create Amazon EMR cluster from the command line in Ubuntu? I have the private key,access key and the pem file?....Can anyone guide me as how to run the word count example from the command line
You can use AWS command line tools (CLI) for this.
Once these are installed, you have to configure the tool using 'aws configure' command and enter priate key, access key.
You will also need to enter the region where your EMR cluster (and other resources) will be launched.
To create cluster, the 'create-cluster' command need to be used.
You dont need the pem file for these steps.
Once the cluster is launched, you can run the word count demo as a 'step'. You can add word count demo as a 'step'
Starting a cluster and running a hadoop job (a script in this case):
Some examples of add-steps is in this section for an already running cluster:

hadoop cluster clarification

I am a newbie in hadoop and I am trying to run a hadoop jar on Amazon EC2. I have started my amazon ec2 instance through the console, uploaded my files to the dfs and then was able to successfully run the job jar and generate output on the instance.
But still I am confused on one part. I am not sure if the job was run on a single machine in amazon ec2 or was it ran on a cluster? How do I find the number of worker nodes involved for my jar run?
In some reference links I see we have to use launch-cluster command , for example "bin/hadoop-ec2 launch-cluster test-cluster 2" . What is the difference in starting the instance from the console and using this command like launch-cluster.
