ERROR ITMS-90022 Missing Required Icon File - xamarin

I was hoping someone could help me with an issue. I was attempting to upload my app to the App Store when suddenly I received an error message stating that I had a missing icon file. The error was:
ERROR ITMS-90022: "Missing required icon file. The bundle does not
contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120'
pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0."
I haven't modified any of my icons but I did notice that when I updated the info.plist file to change the Build Number I noticed that the file had additional settings for "Car Play" and a few other devices which I hadn't specified any images for.
My file references an Asset Catalog and I have icons for IOS 7-9 specified. Im not sure what Ive done wrong.
Ive built my icons using the website and Ive uploaded two previous versions of my app to the app store already without any issues. This is the first time this has happened.
Ive update XCode to v7.2, also updated the OS and applied all updates to Xamarin Studio.
Ive seen a few other people on the forums with this problem and they suggest changing the file to include the following:
This still doesn't work and the verification process fails. Furthermore, I don't think I should have to do this if my is referencing the asset catalog.
Has anyone got any ideas?
Thank you

As unsatisfying as it is, I was able to resolve the same issue with my default issue resolution steps I have.
Updating Xcode (to v7.2.1 in this case)
Launch Xcode to install extras
Updating Xamarin (Xamarin.iOS to v9.4.1.25 in this case; Xamarin Studio stayed at v5.10.2)
Restarting machine
Clean the project (obliterating the output first probably doesn't hurt)
Archiving again
I had this ITMS-90022 and two ITMS-90023 errors that both went away after that.


How to display images in Muti-Platform Xamarin.Forms Project on iOS

I've got a Xamarin.Forms Project containing an Android and an iOS Platform Project.
I've got my whole application working on Android and I am now struggling on the iOS part. I can't get my images to display on iOS.
I've followed the Microsoft guide on how to work with images on Xamarin.iOS, but it's simply not working.
I have created a minimum example from a new project and uploaded it to GitHub, it can be found here.
Output: On Android, the image is being displayed fine, on iOS, the screen stays empty. In addition to that, the logs I've added to AppDelegate.cs show, that the images cannot be found by using UIImage.FromBundle()
I've also checked the CSProject file of the iOS project, but it already contains the <ImageAsset> item groups.
I am on Visual Studio Professional 2022 (Windows) Version 17.4.1
Can someone please have a look into this? I am going crazy...
I have test your project with the Visual Studio 2022 for mac. And I had the same results in the Android platform and ios platform. The small car icon will show at the top of the screen.
But for the iphone 14 pro simulator, which has a notch screen. The car icon almost be covered. So you can try to run it on the ipad or a device without notch screen to check the car icon will show or not.
In addition, I have checked your Assets.xcassets folder and the official sample on the github. There is no a such xxx_vector folder in it.
Background information:
What's deprecated (but still works) is individual resource files (aaa.png, aaa#x2.png), with no xcasset.
An xcasset containing those files is not deprecated. Nor is it likely to become deprecated in the future.
If you still want to test with .pdf containing vectors:
What is problematic about your setup is that you have TWO representations of car_settings. One with .pngs, one with vector pdf.
What happens if you remove the xcasset with .pngs, and rename the one with pdf to match the filename in it? (car_settings xcasset, with car_settings.pdf).
Close VS, and delete all .bin and .obj folders after making this change, to ensure VS correctly rebuilds with the vector version.
If this still fails, then you likely have encountered a bug. Add as an issue at github xamarin forms issues. Be sure to mention the versions of VS and Xamarin.Forms that has the problem.

App store connect operation error asset validation failed

Hi I got this error while uploading archive with xCode.
Does anybody had this error before ? Thanks
I exported IPA from Organizer and used Transporter app which finally helped me to see the issues.
Install the "Transporter" app from the MacOS app store.
From Xcode's organizer, select your archive and press "Distribute App"
Instead of "Upload", select "Export" and proceed as usual.
Drop the exported .ipa into the transporter and press "Deliver".
In case your current app version is already in approved but not released status, you cannot use the same version number. You must go higher version.
In my case, it was the version number. Once App is published on App Store, to push update use a higher version number e.g 1.0.1 (if in production we have App version 1.0.0).
Ways to fix this:
Check if the new version is greater than the previous version.
In the issue navigator, you just need to apply the changes recommended by Xcode. Start clicking the issue to see the recommendations, it will prompt automatically.
Download Transporter, to see the details of the error.
You need to export appName.ipa from Xcode
Upload the appName.ipa in the Transporter
I had the same problem. Even though validation continued to fail, I eventually just tried clicking on the "Distribute App" button in Organizer. That also failed, but gave me a much more helpful error message. Turned out that the issue had nothing to do with Assets. I added a redirect uri scheme that contained an invalid character. I fixed that, and the validation succeeded.
I was getting the same error but when i tried to upload the app, it gives me the detailed info, i was using the same version for the latest build which apple doesn't accept. I just changed the version number for that build and able to upload the app successfully.
There is something wrong in your assets. Either the app icons are not correct/missing OR you need to check your images.
I am also encountering this error with an Ionic project. Even though my build failed Xcode validation, I tried to distribute it to the App Store anyway, and received the following error, which provided more detail:
Missing Info.plist value. A value for the Info.plist key 'CFBundleIconName' is missing in the bundle 'xx.xxxxx.xxxxxxxx'. Apps built with iOS 11 or later SDK must supply app icons in an asset catalog and must also provide a value for this Info.plist key. For more information see With error code STATE_ERROR.VALIDATION_ERROR.90713 for id 97fb5968-9248-4336-a622-e015181dd333
In Xcode I examined the app/app/assets and under AppIcon the 1024x1024px icon was missing. I added a file, generated a new build, and subsequently was able to Archive, validate and deploy.
This error message occurs by different situactions, to address your problem you can distribute your app directly to get more detail error message.
I got same message because I overrite my ios folder with a older one,
issue fixed by replacing a ios folder with a new one.( you can run "flutter create newProject" to get it)
The XGA-sized icon for the App Store cannot have an Alpha channel (and only that one - all other assets are OK with Alpha channels... go figure). It's one of the many, many unnecessary quirks Xcode / AppStore Connect have that drive me nuts.
In my case, the app was approved for release with the same version number. So I have to cancel the release to validate and distribute the app with the same build number. Or you can change the build number.
You can cancel the release in AppStore connect. It's a blue button on the top of the page.
Found that the problem was with the assets like it's said in the error. Don't know if it's a new requirement by apple or if it's an old one but you cannot have an alpha channel in your assets. So I just edited all my assets and deleted the alpha channels and then it worked ! Hope it help ;)
I just changed the iOS build version 3.6.3(92) to 3.6.4(92) from runner and it works fine. So, try changing your build version properly.
In my case two mistakes, I did
The first one is the store version and Xcode build versions are not matching
The second one is something wrong with our assets. (Either the app icons are not created/missing or other images)
If you have already deployed (to the app store) the same version of the app you are attempting to validate for TestFlight, you will see this error message. The new TestFlight release must have a succeeding version number in comparison to the latest version of the app, if it is already on the app store.
Remove alpha channel only for the icon "App Store iOS 1024pt" (Assets.xcassets) and you will fix the issue "App Store Connect Operation Error - Asset validation failed"
In my case there were some errors with the icons in Runner/Assets.
I just deleted those images was shown in the image bellow and everything works fine.
If your app has "Approved" state, but it is not released yet - you can not use same version number.
You have two options:
increase version number (not just version code);
cancel release (nothing will be deleted, just your approval will be cancelled), validate and distribute app, submit for approval.
i have found a solution to this problem,
you need to double check that, you have check the iphone or Ipad checkbox on xcode , but you have to upload the Iphone icons or ipad icons, one of them is missing.
I got the same error message when I tried to validate my app, so I tried to distribute the app and I got a full error message, in my case was:
Invalid Provisioning Profile Signature. The provisioning profile included in the bundle '' (Payload/ cannot be used to submit apps to the iOS App Store until it has a valid signature from Apple. (Expired profile signing certificate.) For more information, visit the iOS Developer Portal. With error code STATE_ERROR.VALIDATION_ERROR.90165 for id b493faef-bcf5-4732-995d-f7c6609a0354
My problem was a expired signing certificated. So here's the tip, check out the complete error message and see the source of the problem.
I got the same error too. I contacted Apple and received the following reply:
Thank you for contacting Apple Developer Program Support.
We are sorry to hear that an error message is displayed in Xcode and that you are unable to distribute the app.
We have checked our available resources and found that none of them correspond to the error you have inquired about.
We have identified a guide that may be related to the error you are experiencing and are sending it to you below.
Validate an archive of your app
If you need more information, please consider visiting the Apple Developer Forums, where you can discuss development issues with Apple engineers and other developers.
Developer Forums
For feedback on Xcode or to report a bug, please use the Feedback Assistant.
Developer Feedback Assistant
We apologize for not being able to help you with your inquiry, but we hope the above resources will be of assistance.
I found same issue, but i dont see error reporting anywhere. I build my app with Flutter and i try edit version in pubsbec.yaml. and i edit too version app in xcode. then my app success validate and distribute
In my case I was messing some AppIcon resolution images for iPad. Also I made sure that the version and the build are set correctly.
1- Go to the icons folder
2- Open the photo
3- Click File, then choose Export
4- Deselect from Alpha and replace the image
This should be applied to all icons
I got the error when the WatchApp uses the healthkit api but not adds description into info.plist.
I use the Transporter App to upload, it shows the error summery.
For Flutter Developer, Change the version number. From Example in pub.yaml, 1.0.0+4 to 1.0.1+5.
If this is a new project and you are uploading to the App Store for the first time, you must have app icons set in the Assets folder.
This is why it could say "Asset validation failed".
The only one solution helps me is transfer app to other AppStore account.
Before uploading the app to the app store first we need to validate the app to check whether the app has any errors or not.
Another advantage of validating app is it’ll provide detailed error.
I found 3 scenarios on which this error will occur:
=> if we are not updating the version name
=> Alpha channel in all the images of Assets.xcassets/ should be removed (you can download alpha channel remover for that)
=> if we have selected Ipad in general settings Portrait, landscape right , landscape left should be enable if we have given just portrait mode we will face the same error.
Happy coding :)

"ERROR ITMS-90029" Storyboard file LaunchScreen~ipad.storyboardc was not found

I have a Xamarin Forms project which debugs fine, builds fine on both iOS and Android. However when building the IPA for iOS, I try to use the Application Loader to submit the IPA and it reveals the error below:
I am getting the error "ERROR ITMS-90029" Storyboard file 'LaunchScreen~ipad.storyboardc' was not found. Please ensure the specified file is included in the bundle with any required device modifiers appended to the filename.
I have configured the LaunchScreen.storyboard file to "Builds for" iOS 8.0 and later.
As it's a Xamarin Forms project, I only have one storyboard file, LaunchScreen.storyboard . In my Info.plist, my Deployment Info is:
Deployment Target: 7.0
Devices: Universal
Main Screen: LaunchScreen
Device Orientations: Portrait, Upside Down
Hide Status bar: no
Requires full screen: no
Launch Images:
Launch Screen: LaunchScreen
This is such an absolute nightmare. I have tried every combination of settings, rebuilding, cleaning, you name it. They all produce IPA successfully, and they all error out with the same error. I cannot figure it out.
It looks like this breaks on EVERY build. The solution is, after EVERY build, to manually edit the Info.plist with a text editor and add the following key/value combos. They either disappear with each build, or they add back in spurious values:
I solved a similar issue by re-selecting the Storyboard from the dropdowns in info.plist options. Make sure to re-select the option from BOTH Deployment Info > Main Interface and Launch Images > Launch Screen.
NOTE: I fixed this in Visual Studio Mac. I haven't tried the same in VS Windows.

iTunesConnect Update app strange error

I am just trying to update the old version with the new one. I am using the latest version of Xcode (version 6.4) and I validate my app bundle before submitting the app.I submit it from Xcode to iTunes Connect.
After all the setup, when I clicked on the Submit for Review button I got error like below.
The app's Info.plist can't contain values for the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key that would prevent this app from opening on any iOS device.
I check in my project .plist file there is appear like following screenshot.
But I don't know why this error occurred during the submission of the app.
As some of the comments above state, you have two options here.
Option 1:
You delete the key from the plist entirely. Wouldn't recommend that as you want it to run only on devices with armv7
Option 2:
You can add the normal architecture of 64 to the plist. This will allow it to run on more devices, thus also getting it successfully submitted.
Lastly, you could try to use Application Loader. There's a small chance this will actually make a change, but it doesnt cot anything and is worth a try. If nothing works out, you can contact iTunes Connect at:
Hope that helps, Julian
I did fixed this issue by I removed the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities from Project Plist and then create IPA and upload it to iTunesConnect.
Then that will be submit without this error.
Maybe you must check your Build Settings. I have your same .plist and I don't have any trouble to upload to App Store.
Check this values:

Xcode 4 Error: Error Starting Executable

I ran into problem with testing my app on iOS and Xcode when I am uploading it to my actual devices (iphone and iPad), and I'm wondering if someone knows the issue and can help me out:
Normally when I build my app on my devices, the app is installed and launched on my devices. But as I am preparing for submitting my first app I was testing around and changing the Bundle Identifier, App ID, and Development Provisions (so the issue may have something to do with it), and now, when I try to build my app on my devices, although it's installed on my devices fine, Xcode will not launch the app anymore. Instead, I got this error message:
Error Starting Executable.
Error launching remote program: No such file
or directory.
Does anyone know what the issue is? And What is this derived data folder about?
Much thanks!
I have also faced that problem. I have closed, restarted Xcode; deleted the application from device and reinstalled it again, then the problem has gone.
Running App from a Clean Slate
For me the problem did not resolve until I did the following in this order:
Delete the app from the device (Do this before trying to debug again)
Quit XCode (Don't just close the project)
Delete the app build folder (example path: /Users/myusername/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-fhkaamuyvqhubaezinqbmxbnaufd/)
Restart XCode
Finally -- Try debugging again on the iOS device
The app build folder of step 3 refers to your app's build folder that is a child of "DerivedData". To find this you can reveal your app in finder, then backtrack until you get to "DerivedData" folder and delete the folder above that like "MyApp-crazylongweirdletters". Without this step (3), I could not debug, so this is a critical step and you must quit XCode before you do this step.
For some it appears simply restarting XCode does the trick, but not for me.
I only post this answer because the earlier answers did NOT work for me. Hopefully others banging their heads will find this and get a sigh of relief. :)
The issue started happening for me when I modified the bundle id of the app.
My code signing is and was correct. My provisioning profile was the "Team Provisioning Profile" which should work for any app id (default for "iPhone Developer" automatic profile selector).
I was doing a DEBUG build (not release / distribution).
You cant debug (start from Xcode) an application signed with a distribution profile if I remember well... And then you get such messages, gdb failling to attach to process.
I finally found my error!
I was playing around with my info.plist file, and I changed the Executable Name and Bundle and Bundle Display name! As soon as I changed those back to the Defaults (EXECUTABLE_NAME, PRODUCT_NAME, PRODUCT_NAME respectively) it worked perfectly.
Delete the app from the device (tap-and-hold then delete) and try again.
For me, none of those worked. Same error, but different solution.
My problem was cause by me accidently changing the "Deployment Target" (ios version) to a version higher than what was on the phone I tried to run the code on.
The fix was simple - drop the deployment target to below or equal to the ios software version on my phone :)
I got the same error by not having my code signing correct.
Go to your project > Targets > Build Settings > Check code signing for debug state.
I stumbled upon this as a solution to another issue whch was a warning when trying to build an app on a new 4.3.5 device.
If i set the profile to distribution I do not get a warning message when building the app, but the debugger will attach to the device.
If i set the code signing to the distribution profile, i get no warnings in the build process, but the debugger will not attach. So the answer above about being signing based seems to be correct. This might also only be an issue on newer 4.3.5 devices with xcode
Product -> Clean in the menubar
This error some times happen due to incomplete "Restore" or "Sync" process of your device which keeps the .app files locked up.
What I did I had to jailbreak my device to go find the app under /User/Applications/XXXXX-XXXX-XXX/ and phisically delete the .app
For one of the apps it worked and for other one I realized it just does not run GDB automatically so the error message is totally misleading, so I set the GDB to manual and it worked and did not give me that error, but of course I have to run the app manually for the debug session to start.
It also may have required some other stuff that I did before like checking the provision profile, but this was the last step that made it work.
Before this I tried all the solutions did not work for me, and obviously simply deleting the app by holding down your finger on the screen did not work, as it removed the icon but all the files were still there. ( Since it was a development app not a downloaded App Store app )
had same problem,
quit the XCode...delete app from the program again..
i solved that of my friends had to restart the device.
I have the same problem. I solved it by changing the project's directory name and then launching the app again.
I had this problem on a recently restored device where my in-development apps had not been reinstalled—they were showing up on Springboard as "Waiting" to be downloaded from the App Store. Deleting the app from Springboard fixed the problem.
I've faced this issue since yesterday on two different devices, both iOS 4.x. Deleting the DerivedData folder, deleting the app, restarting the Xcode, and cleaning the code did NOT work. Repeating all the steps, in addition to rebooting the device fixed it for me.
Here I am posting an update to the issue. Might be helpful for someone with the same problem. I have Xcode 4.4 and launched it on a device with iOS 5.0 . If Xcode doesnt have the 5.0 simulators
