Can weblogic cache reponses to get requests? - caching

I don't mean using coherence. I am looking for a way to avoid hitting my application to look something up that I've already looked up. When the client performs a GET on a resource I want it to hit the application the first time only and after that return a cached copy.
I think I can do this with apache and mod_mem_cache, but I was hoping there was a weblogic built in solution that I'm just not able to find.

I don't believe there's inbuilt features to do that across the entire app server, but if you want to do it programmatically, perhaps CacheFilter might work.


Guide/tutorial on how to persistently save data on Spring-Boot with jpa-repositiroies

I have googled so much how to save data persistent (meaning it is still there after I shutdown / restart my apllication).
But every guide there is is "Hey we show you how to use spring-boot with jpa real quick and we use h2 database (in-memory)"
I am looking for a guide who shows the setup to make it possible to use a database that stores the data somewhere that it can be retrieved at any later point in time, even after the application was shut down.
If any of you can provide a link to something like this, I am very grateful!
I think Google can give a lot of examples about that. I am not sure what was your query.
Here are some examples:

Concurrent Connection Apache and Laravel

I'm a bit confused by a problem that has only become more apparently lately and I'm hoping that someone might be able to point me in the direction of either where I might look for appropriate settings, or if I am running into another problem they have come across before.
I have a Laravel application and a private server that I use for our little museum. Now as the application has become more complex, the lag is noticeable and you can see how it almost lines up the connections, finishing one request before moving along to the next, whether it be api, ajax, view responses, whatever.
I am running Apache 2.4.29 and my Ubuntu Server is 18.04.1.
I have been looking around but not much has helped, in regards to connections settings, if I look at my phpinfo() I see this Max Requests Per Child: 0 - Keep Alive: on - Max Per Connection: 100 but I believe these are just fine the way they are.
If I check my memory I think it says I have 65 GB of available memory, with 5 being used in caching. When reviewing the live data, the memory never crosses into the GB territory and solely remains in the MB territory. This server is absolutely only used for this Laravel project, so I don't have to worry about messing with other projects, I'd just like to make sure this application is getting the best use it can for its purpose.
I'd appreciate any suggestions, I know there's a chance the terms I am searching for are incorrect, or maybe just outdated, so if there are any potential useful resources out there, I'd appreciate those as well.
Thank you so much!
It's really hard to be able to tell since there a lot of details lacking but here some things that can give you a direction of where to look:
Try downloading htop via apt-get and see what happens on your CPU/RAM load with each request to the server.
Do you use php-fpm to manage the php requests? This might help in finding out if the problem lies in your PHP code or in apache configuration
Did you try deploying to a different server? Do you still see the lagging on the other server as well? If not, this indicates a misconfiguration problem and not an issue with your code.
Do you have other processes that are running in the background and might slow things down? Cron? Laravel Queue?
If you try to install another app on the server (let's say phpmyadmin) is it slow as well or it works fine?
Try to take it from here. Best of luck.

arrowDB - is there a way to move development data to production?

I've built an app using arrowDB for the backend. Is there a simple way to duplicate development data to production?
Seems like an oversight not to be able to do this, have an app going through review process and just realised all our test data won't be accessible
As far as I know, there is no feature like this right now.
You could probably build your own using their REST API. I haven't seen a solution like this built yet but I definitely think it is possible. If I get some free time, I will try to put one together and will post a link here.

Any way to use MvcMiniProfiler on windows application? Or is there a sister application?

So I've started using MvcMiniProfiler on our websites and quite like it. We have a Windows Application component/framework that is leveraged by the website and I was wondering if it was possible to use the profiler on that. I'm assuming not, but maybe there is a subcomponent of the code that could be used? I see that there is a way to configure where the results are stored (i.e. Sql Server) so maybe it is close to possible?
We have the following flow:
Website submits job to 'broker' then returns a 'come back later' page.
Broker runs and eventually data in the websites database gets updated by the broker.
Website displays the results.
I'd be great if there was a way I could get the entire workflow profiled. If there is no way/no intentions from the developers to make MvcMiniProfiler available to Windows applications, any recommendations for similar styled profilers?
You could get this working by using SqlServerStorage, there is very little in the code base that heavily depends on ASP.NET, in fact the SQL interceptor is generalized and so it the stack used to capture the traces.
I imagine that a few changes internally need to be made, eg: use Thread.SetData as opposed to HttpContext but they are pretty superficial.
The way you would get this going is by passing the "profiling identity" into the App and then continuing tracking there. Eventually when the user hits the site after it happens, it would show up as little "chiclets" on the left side.
A patch is totally welcome here but it is not something it does in its current version.
(note to future readers, this is probably going to be out of date at some point, if it is please suggest an edit)
Yes, there's a Windows porting of MiniProfiler:

Load-testing a web application

How does one go about testing the server-side performance of a web application?
I'm working on a small web application (specifically, it will solely be responding to AJAX requests with database rows). I want to see how it performs under load. However, I cannot upload it to an internet host right away. The development environment is, however, part of the local intranet, so I can use as many machines as I want to hammer the development server, presumably using Python in conjunction with urllib2.
My question is, is such an approach really accurate for determining the high-load performance of a server-side script? Is there a better way to do this? Am I missing something here?
Have you tried a tool like Apache JMeter?
