SyntaxError: Unexpected token static - jasmine

I'm currently trying to evaluate different testing frameworks that work with React, and it turns out that Jest is on my list. However, I'm trying to use static properties outlined here:
So, I took the tutorial that is given on the Jest homepage, and added a static propTypes property, my code looks like this:
import React from 'react';
class CheckboxWithLabel extends React.Component {
static defaultProps = {}
constructor(props) {
this.state = {isChecked: false};
// since auto-binding is disabled for React's class model
// we can prebind methods here
this.onChange = this.onChange.bind(this);
onChange() {
this.setState({isChecked: !this.state.isChecked});
render() {
return (
{this.state.isChecked ? this.props.labelOn : this.props.labelOff}
module.exports = CheckboxWithLabel;
When I run the tests (npm test or jest), It throws the following error:
➜ jest
Using Jest CLI v0.8.2, jasmine1
FAIL __tests__/CheckboxWithLabel-test.js
● Runtime Error
SyntaxError: Desktop/jest/examples/react/CheckboxWithLabel.js: Unexpected token (5:22)
My package.json file looks like this:
"dependencies": {
"react": "~0.14.0",
"react-dom": "~0.14.0"
"devDependencies": {
"babel-jest": "*",
"babel-preset-es2015": "*",
"babel-preset-react": "*",
"jest-cli": "*",
"react-addons-test-utils": "~0.14.0"
"scripts": {
"test": "jest"
"jest": {
"scriptPreprocessor": "<rootDir>/node_modules/babel-jest",
"unmockedModulePathPatterns": [
"modulePathIgnorePatterns": [
Any ideas on what I'm missing here?

Any ideas on what I'm missing here?
Class properties are neither part of the es2015 nor the react preset.
You have to load the plugins that handles class properties:
npm install babel-plugin-transform-class-properties babel-plugin-syntax-class-properties
And in your .babelrc file (next to existing plugins or presets):
"plugins": [

This error occurs since Standard ES2015(ES6) classes can only have methods, not properties.
For me, it was resolved by installing babel-preset-stage-0 which adds support for class properties.
npm install babel-preset-stage-0 --save-dev
Then configure Webpack (or .babelrc) to use this preset:
presets: ['react', 'es2015', 'stage-0']
As of Mid-2018, Babel env preset supports ES2015, ES2016 and ES2017.
So, you can skip stage-0 preset and instead use the env preset
npm install babel-preset-env --save-dev
And then update your .babelrc to
presets: ['env', 'xyz']
To support latest ES2018 features like spread operator/async functions, you can add stage-3 preset.
Reference tutorial


React Native Web implement SSR
After reading the SSR example from the document, I still don't know how to implement SSR
And I don't want to apply SSR with other framework like NextJS
Can anyone show me an example or give me some advice
I'm posting this, not as a direct answer to the original question, because it's targeted directly SSR with NextJS, and the OP needed SSR independently from frameworks like NextJS. However, understanding it with NextJS can get anyone closer with things, because they key relies in Webpack config that NextJS also use as SSR in its encapsulation config.
First thing to know is that, once a Package has been written for React Native, it need to be transpiled first to be able to be used in Web, with webpack config.externals.
let modulesToTranspile = [
// 'react-native-vector-icons',
Then you need to alias some react-native packages to react-native-web equivalent to let package use web version of modules like:
config.resolve.alias = {
...(config.resolve.alias || {}),
// Transform all direct `react-native` imports to `react-native-web`
'react-native$': 'react-native-web',
'react-native-linear-gradient': 'react-native-web-linear-gradient',
At this point, you almost get the essential. The rest is normal Webpack config for the normal Application. Also, it needs some additional config in native config file too. I will post all configs content.
For NextJS: next.config.js :
const path = require('path');
let modulesToTranspile = [
// 'react-native-vector-icons',
// console.log('modules to transpile', modulesToTranspile);
// import ntm = from 'next-transpile-modules';
// const withTM = ntm(modulesToTranspile);
// logic below for externals has been extracted from 'next-transpile-modules'
// we won't use this modules as they don't allow package without 'main' field...
const getPackageRootDirectory = m =>
path.resolve(path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules', m));
const modulesPaths =;
const hasInclude = (context, request) => {
return modulesPaths.some(mod => {
// If we the code requires/import an absolute path
if (!request.startsWith('.')) {
try {
const moduleDirectory = getPackageRootDirectory(request);
if (!moduleDirectory) {
return false;
return moduleDirectory.includes(mod);
} catch (err) {
return false;
// Otherwise, for relative imports
return path.resolve(context, request).includes(mod);
const configuration = {
node: {
global: true,
env: {
ENV: process.env.NODE_ENV,
// optimizeFonts: false,
// target: 'serverless',
// bs-platform
// pageExtensions: ['jsx', 'js', 'bs.js'],
// options: { buildId, dev, isServer, defaultLoaders, webpack }
webpack: (config, options) => {
// config.experimental.forceSwcTransforms = true;
// console.log('fallback', config.resolve.fallback);
if (!options.isServer) {
// We shim fs for things like the blog slugs component
// where we need fs access in the server-side part
config.resolve.fallback.fs = false;
} else {
// SSR
// provide plugin
new options.webpack.ProvidePlugin({
requestAnimationFrame: path.resolve(__dirname, './polyfills/raf.js'),
// react-native-web
config.resolve.alias = {
...(config.resolve.alias || {}),
// Transform all direct `react-native` imports to `react-native-web`
'react-native$': 'react-native-web',
'react-native-linear-gradient': 'react-native-web-linear-gradient',
config.resolve.extensions = [
config.externals = => {
if (typeof external !== 'function') {
return external;
return async ({ context, request, getResolve }) => {
if (hasInclude(context, request)) {
return external({ context, request, getResolve });
const babelLoaderConfiguration = {
test: /\.jsx?$/,
use: options.defaultLoaders.babel,
include: modulesPaths,
// exclude: /node_modules[/\\](?!react-native-vector-icons)/,
babelLoaderConfiguration.use.options = {
cacheDirectory: false,
// For Next JS transpile
presets: ['next/babel'],
plugins: [
['react-native-web', { commonjs: true }],
// ['#babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread'],
return config;
// module.exports = withTM(config);
module.exports = configuration;
SSR will fail to build when missing some functions at server side. The most popular with React Native is requestAnimationFrame. I added it add a Webpack Plugin to mimic it. It can be an empty function or Polyfill:
The file 'polyfills/raf.js(I just put it assetImmediate`):
const polys = { requestAnimationFrame: setImmediate };
module.exports = polys.requestAnimationFrame;
The Babel config is necessary for the last part of it, couldn't work directly in next config. babel.config.js :
module.exports = {
presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],
plugins: [['module:react-native-dotenv'], 'react-native-reanimated/plugin'],
And finally, my list of packages in package.json:
"name": "my-app",
"version": "0.1.0",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"android": "react-native run-android",
"android:dev": "adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081 && react-native run-android",
"ios": "react-native run-ios",
"start": "react-native start",
"test": "jest",
"lint": "eslint .",
"web": "webpack serve -d source-map --mode development --config \"./web/webpack.config.js\" --inline --color --hot",
"build:web": "webpack --mode production --config \"./web/webpack.config.js\" --hot",
"next:dev": "next",
"next:build": "next build",
"next:start": "next start",
"next:analyze": "ANALYZE=true next build"
"dependencies": {
"#material-ui/core": "^4.12.4",
"#react-native-async-storage/async-storage": "^1.17.3",
"#react-navigation/drawer": "^6.4.1",
"#react-navigation/native": "^6.0.10",
"#react-navigation/stack": "^6.2.1",
"#reduxjs/toolkit": "^1.8.1",
"axios": "^0.21.1",
"local-storage": "^2.0.0",
"lottie-ios": "^3.2.3",
"lottie-react-native": "^5.1.3",
"lottie-web": "^5.9.4",
"moment": "^2.29.1",
"next": "^12.1.6",
"nookies": "^2.5.2",
"numeral": "^2.0.6",
"raf": "^3.4.1",
"react": "^17.0.2",
"react-dom": "^17.0.2",
"react-native": "0.68.1",
"react-native-dotenv": "^2.5.5",
"react-native-gesture-handler": "^2.4.2",
"react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view": "^0.9.5",
"react-native-linear-gradient": "^2.5.6",
"react-native-media-query": "^1.0.9",
"react-native-paper": "^4.12.1",
"react-native-progress": "^5.0.0",
"react-native-read-more-text": "^1.1.2",
"react-native-reanimated": "^2.8.0",
"react-native-safe-area-context": "^4.2.5",
"react-native-screens": "^3.13.1",
"react-native-share-menu": "^6.0.0",
"react-native-svg": "^12.3.0",
"react-native-svg-transformer": "^1.0.0",
"react-native-vector-icons": "^9.1.0",
"react-native-view-more-text": "^2.1.0",
"react-native-web": "^0.17.7",
"react-native-web-linear-gradient": "^1.1.2",
"react-redux": "^8.0.1"
"devDependencies": {
"#babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties": "^7.14.5",
"#next/bundle-analyzer": "^12.2.2",
"#react-native-community/eslint-config": "^2.0.0",
"#swc/cli": "^0.1.57",
"#swc/core": "^1.2.179",
"eslint": "^7.28.0",
"metro-react-native-babel-preset": "^0.66.0",
"url-loader": "^4.1.1",
"webpack": "^5.39.1",
"webpack-cli": "^4.7.2"
"jest": {
"preset": "react-native-web"
"sideEffects": false
NB: only React-Native packages used also in Web has to be transpiled. Some React-Native packages can be used ONLY in Native, so transpiling them for Web will add up unnecessary chunks of heavy codes in the Web, which is not good. React-Native-Web/React-Native is already more heavy for Web than normal packages made directly for Web.
TIPS to keep it cool with NextJS
Avoid writing conditional Platform.OS === 'web' on small components where you plan to use either a React-Native module or a Web module, which can cause all of them to load unnecessary Native-Only package on web codes. If size is not important, then you can ignore it. Add extension .web.js and .native.js at the end and separate the small codes. For example I write separate Functions and Components for : Storage.web.js, Storage.native.js, CustomLink.web.js, CustomLink.native.js, and hooks useCustomNavigation.web.js, useCustomNavigation.native.js, so that I call CustomLink in place of NextJS Link/router and React-Navigation Link/navigation.
I use react-native-media-query package as life saver for advanced media queries for all SSR/CSR Web and Native responsive display. The App can be restructured on big screen like normal Desktop Web, and be shrunk to Mobile View on the go, EXACTLY LIKE Material-UI on NextJS.

Adding Vuex-ORM to Laravel Nova tool

Can someone help me out with adding vuex-orm to a Laravel Nova Tool.
The base of a Laravel Nova tool has tool.js with the following content ('planning-tool' in name, and path may vary according to the name of your tool):
Nova.booting((Vue, router, store) => {
name: 'planning-tool',
path: '/planning-tool',
component: require('./components/Tool'),
As you can see Laravel Nova already has a store present.
According to the Vuex-ORM docs (, I should get it started using:
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import VuexORM from '#vuex-orm/core'
import User from '#/models/User'
// Create a new instance of Database.
const database = new VuexORM.Database()
// Register Models to Database.
// Create Vuex Store and register database through Vuex ORM.
const store = new Vuex.Store({
plugins: [VuexORM.install(database)]
export default store
Since Laravel Nova already has a Vuex store I was trying to mix it up. But as soon as I add an import related to #vuex-orm/core I get the following error:
ERROR in ./node_modules/#vuex-orm/core/dist/vuex-orm.esm.js
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (1105:21)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| }
| if (typeof target === 'object' && target !== {}) {
| const cp = { };
| Object.keys(cp).forEach((k) => (cp[k] = cloneDeep(cp[k])));
| return cp;
# ./resources/js/tool.js 1:0-37
# multi ./resources/js/tool.js ./resources/sass/tool.scss
My code (just so far) is:
import VuexORM from '#vuex-orm/core'
Nova.booting((Vue, router, store) => {
name: 'planning-tool',
path: '/planning-tool',
component: require('./components/NewTool'),
// Create a new instance of Database.
const database = new VuexORM.Database()
// TODO ...
Does anybody have a suggestion? I know I can use normal Vuex store but vuex-orm adds so many nice features (which I'm used to) that I would take me a lot of time to work with normal objects as models by looping through them and loading additional relationships.
To get ahead of myself, how should I register the vuex-orm database plugin since all I can find is creating a Vuex store with the (VuexORM) plugin directly passed along. I've read that a plugin is just function with the store as the only argument, so would something like this work? I've read that it does not always work when you use it like this.
const plugin = VuexORM.install(database)
Any suggestions of what to try is welcome, I've been at it for quite a while now...
The problem was with webpack and/or Laravel mix 1. We solved it by adding babel dependencies and upgrading Laravel mix tot ^6.0.19.
Our package.json is:
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"dev": "npm run development",
"development": "mix",
"watch": "mix watch",
"watch-poll": "mix watch -- --watch-options-poll=1000",
"hot": "mix watch --hot",
"prod": "npm run production",
"production": "mix --production"
"devDependencies": {
"#babel/core": "^7.14.3",
"#babel/plugin-transform-runtime": "^7.14.3",
"#babel/preset-env": "^7.14.4",
"#vuex-orm/core": "^0.36.4",
"babel-loader": "^8.2.2",
"cross-env": "^5.0.0",
"laravel-mix": "^6.0.19",
"vue": "^2.6.14",
"vue-loader": "^15.9.7",
"vuex": "^3.6.2"
"dependencies": {
"#babel/runtime": "^7.14.0"
Our .babelrc is:
"presets": [
"useBuiltIns": false
"plugins": [
Our tool.js is:
import VuexORM from '#vuex-orm/core'
import ExampleModel from './models/ExampleModel'
import Tool from './components/Tool'
Nova.booting((Vue, router, store) => {
name: 'planning-tool',
path: '/planning-tool',
component: Tool,
// Create a new instance of Database.
const database = new VuexORM.Database()
const plugin = VuexORM.install(database)
I hope this helps someone in the future.

Getting sass css modules to show up when using enzyme with gatsby

So I'm having issues when I use enzyme to test a component thats using css modules. Or should I say filename.module.scss
Whats happening when I do something like:
const wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent {}/>);
console.log('wrapper = ', wrapper.debug());
My debug works and shows my component structure with all my divs in there. The issue is none of my styles are getting added durning running tests. But when I run Gatsby develop the styles are getting added. So just to be clear only in test mode do I not see the styles added to my component!!!
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import styles from ‘./MyComponent.module.scss';
class MyComponent extends Component {
render() {
const {
} = this.props;
return (
<div className={styles.header}>
<div className={}>{name}</div>
My debug is showing all styles as undefined which is driving me crazy as I can't test based on style name if a div exists.
Here is my package setup for jest.
"jest": {
"moduleNameMapper": {
"\\.(css|scss)$": "<rootDir>/.jest/styleMock.js"
"setupFiles": [
For anyone else running into this issue.
npm install identity-obj-proxy
then add this to your package.json
"jest": {
"moduleNameMapper": {
".+\\.(css|styl|sass|scss)$": "identity-obj-proxy"
"setupFiles": [
Hope this helps someone.

How to set up Browserify with Elixir and Browserify Shim on Laravel 5?

I am trying to set up Browserify with Elixir and Browserify Shim on Laravel 5.2 to use Gulp with my JavaScript files, but I didn't have much luck so far. This should be pretty straightforward to do, but it isn't.
Here is my package.json
"private": true,
"devDependencies": {
"gulp": "^3.8.8"
"dependencies": {
"bootstrap-sass": "^3.0.0",
"browserify-shim": "^3.8.12",
"jquery": "^2.2.0",
"jquery-ui": "^1.10.5",
"laravel-elixir": "^4.0.0"
"browser": {
"app": "./resources/assets/js/app.js",
"utils": "./resources/assets/js/utils.js",
"browserify": {
"transform": [
"browserify-shim": {
"app": {
"depends": [
"utils": {
"depends": [
var elixir = require('laravel-elixir');
elixir(function (mix) {
mix.browserify('main.js', './public/js/bundle.js');
Entry script main.js looks like this:
var $ = require('jquery');
var Utils = require('utils');
var App = require('app');
var App = {
init: function(){
//other methods
In short: Utils depends on $, and App depends on both $ and Utils.
When I hit gulp from terminal, bundle.js is correctly created. All scripts are wrapped up in Browserify code (as expected). Each script has all included dependencies, like I configured in package.json so this part looks good as well.
The problem is that all my included dependencies are empty objects. For example, Utils in app.js is empty, and I get an error when I try to call its method "doSomething". Console log prints out an empty object "{}" instead of real object. The only correctly included script is jQuery and it's not an empty object.
What could be wrong here? Do I need to make some changes in my JS files or in configuration to make this work? It looks like I'm pretty close to the solution, but it still does not work and I can't use it at all.
It is the easiest solution to directly use 'exports' from browserify-shim property:
"browserify-shim": {
"app": {
"exports": "App",
"depends": [
"utils": {
"exports": "Utils",
"depends": [
Take a look at this repo which I believe shows the fixed version of your app. The issue is that your app.js and utils.js modules aren't exporting anything to their respective require calls. One option is to add a line like:
module.exports = App;
to the bottom of your app.js file, and the equivalent to the bottom of your utils.js file. You'll see if you test the repo that badapp doesn't have this line and produces the exact behavior you're describing.
See this answer for an explanation of the issue.

CanJS with StealJS 0.3.0

I am playing around on an app with canjs 2.1.0 and stealjs 0.3.0:
I have stealconfig.js like below:
map: {
"can/util/util": "can/util/jquery/jquery",
"jquery/jquery": "jquery"
paths: {
"jquery": "bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js",
"can/*": "bower_components/canjs/*.js",
"lodash": "bower_components/lodash/dist/lodash.js",
"bootstrap" : "bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js",
"bootstrap.css" : "bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.csscss"
meta: {
jquery: {
exports: "jQuery",
deps: supportsUnknownElements ? undefined : ["can/lib/html5shiv.js"]
ext: {
mustache: "can/view/mustache/system"
And my main.js is:
import can from 'can/';
import $ from 'jquery';
import _ from 'lodash';
import LayoutController from 'apps/layout/layout';
new LayoutController(document.body, {});
layout .js loos like:
(function() {
'use strict';
var can = require('can/'),
layoutView = require('./view/layout.mustache!');
But, I get these errors.
GET http://localhost:8080/bower_components/canjs/can.js 404 (Not Found)
GET http://localhost:8080/bower_components/canjs/view/mustache/system.js 404 (Not Found)
How can I solve this issue?
To use CanJS with the new Steal you need to be using the minor branch of CanJS. There hasn't been a tag release yet that supports the new version of Steal.
You can do this easily with bower, just like this (in your dependencies):
"canjs": "bitovi/canjs#minor"
Other comments:
1) When you're using CommonJS (as you are in layout.js) you don't need to wrap it in an self-calling function. That will be done by Steal.
2) The error suggests it cannot find the file. Are you certain you have ran "bower install" to install CanJS? Your configuration looks fine.
