Bash script ignoring command on for loop - bash

I'm running a basic for loop bash script that logs into multiple linux boxes to execute a script and after the script logs out of every box, to wait 60 seconds. The problem is that the script is not applying the command within the script.
#!/bin/bash for i in `cat test.txt`; do ssh -A -t -o userknownhostsfile=/dev/null -o stricthostkeychecking=no -o batchmode=yes -o connecttimeout=5 $i "sudo puppet agent -t & "; sleep 60; done


Run shell script inside ssh session inside Jenkinsfile

I'm trying to run a complete script while the ssh session is live instead of single commands.
Here is my current code:
sh "ssh -tt -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu#IPV4_DNS uptime"
sh "ssh -v ubuntu#IPV4_DNS docker pull X:${BUILD_NUMBER}"
sh "ssh -v ubuntu#IPV4_DNS docker rm -f test"
sh "ssh -v ubuntu#IPV4_DNS docker run --name=test -d -p 3000:3000X:${BUILD_NUMBER}"
The desired code is something like this, but the following doesn't work:*
sh "ssh -tt -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu#IPV4_DNS uptime"
sh ''' ssh -v ubuntu#IPV4_DNS docker pull X:${BUILD_NUMBER}
&& docker rm -f test && docker run --name=test -d -p 3000:3000X:${BUILD_NUMBER}
ssh something here && something else && another one
runs something here in the ssh session, and something else and another one locally. You want to add quotes to pass the entire command line to ssh.
sh "ssh -tt -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu#IPV4_DNS uptime"
sh """ssh -v ubuntu#IPV4_DNS 'docker pull X:${BUILD_NUMBER} &&
docker rm -f test &&
docker run --name=test -d -p "3000:3000X:${BUILD_NUMBER}"'
I switched to triple double quotes instead of triple single quotes, assuming you want Jenkins to expand ${BUILD_NUMBER} for you.
The original question asked about Bash, but for the record, you are running sh here, not Bash. If you wanted to use Bash features in a Jenkinsfile, you can add a shebang #!/usr/bin/env bash or similar as the very first line of the command. But that's not necessary here; all these commands are simple and completely POSIX. (Maybe see also Difference between sh and bash)

Get output from a shell script that does ssh two level

I have two shell scripts like below:
ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null my_username#jump_box <<EOF
ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null actual_host <<EOF1
sudo docker ps --format='{{json .}}'
ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null my_username#jump_box <<EOF
details=$(ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null actual_host "sudo docker ps --format='{{json .}}'")
echo "${details}"
I need the docker details in a varilable in my local machine so that I can do some operations on it. The first script runs fine and I can see the output of the docker command on my local machine but the second script doesn't work. It seems to be hung/stuck and doesn't do anything and I have to forcefully quit it.
Like the comment from #Gordon Davisson, use a jumpbox.
But you can define it in the ~/.ssh/config file, too.
HOST my_jump_box
hostname jump_box
user my_username
StrictHostKeyChecking no
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
HOST actual
hostname actual_hostname
user actual_user
ProxyJump my_jump_box
StrictHostKeyChecking no
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
RemoteCommand sudo docker ps --format='{{json .}}'"
Then you can just use ssh actual
To fetch the output details=$(ssh actual).
Btw. Your specific problem could also be solved by changing script2 to:
echo "$details"

i need execute command after ssh connection, but have command sustitution

but needed execute $() in server, it is running before ssh
ssh -t -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "${SSH_KEY}" "${HOST}" "$(command)"
this is a script that I need to run that code on the server
If you run that, it will execute whats inside of the $() before connecting to the server. Then it will send the result to be executed.
I think what you want is do this :
ssh -t -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "${SSH_KEY}" "${HOST}" 'command'
Where command might be something like :
ls -lh | grep someword
Let me know if I am correct.

Weird output observed on executing ssh commands remotely over ProxyCommand

Team, I have two steps to perform:
SCP a shell script file to remote ubuntu linux machine
Execute this uploaded file on remote ubuntu linux machine over SSH session using PROXYCommand because I have bastion server in front.
scp -i /home/dtlu/.ssh/key.key -o "ProxyCommand ssh -i /home/dtlu/.ssh/key.key -W %h:%p" /home/dtlu/backup/ lab#$k8s_node_ip:/tmp/
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /home/dtlu/.ssh/key.key -o 'ProxyCommand ssh -i /home/dtlu/.ssh/key.key -W %h:%p' lab#$k8s_node_ip "uname -a; date;echo "Dummy123!" | sudo -S bash -c 'echo \`hostname\` >> /etc/hosts'; cd /tmp; pwd; systemctl status cachefilesd | grep Active; ls -ltr /tmp/; echo "Dummy123!" | sudo -Sv && bash -s <"
Both calls above are working fine. I am able to upload and also its running but what is bothering me is during the process am observe weird output being thrown out.
/tmp. <<< expected
[sudo] password for lab: Showing one
Sent message type=method_call sender=n/a destination=org.freedesktop.DBus object=/org/freedesktop/DBus interface=org.freedesktop.DBus member=Hello cookie=1 reply_cookie=0 error=n/a
Root directory /run/log/journal added.
Considering /run/log/journal/df22e14b1f83428292fe17f518feaebb.
Directory /run/log/journal/df22e14b1f83428292fe17f518feaebb added.
File /run/log/journal/df22e14b1f83428292fe17f518feaebb/system.journal added.
So, I don't want /run/log/hournal and other lines which don't correspond to my command in sh.
Consider adding -q to the scp and ssh commands to reduce the output they might produce. You can also redirect stderr and stdout to /dev/null as appropriate.
For example:
scp -q -i /home/dtlu/.ssh/key.key -o "ProxyCommand ssh -i /home/dtlu/.ssh/key.key -W %h:%p" /home/dtlu/backup/ lab#$k8s_node_ip:/tmp/
ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /home/dtlu/.ssh/key.key -o 'ProxyCommand ssh -i /home/dtlu/.ssh/key.key -W %h:%p' lab#$k8s_node_ip "uname -a; date;echo "Dummy123!" | sudo -S bash -c 'echo \`hostname\` >> /etc/hosts'; cd /tmp; pwd; systemctl status cachefilesd | grep Active; ls -ltr /tmp/; echo "Dummy123!" | sudo -Sv && bash -s <"
} >&/dev/null

shell script executing network configuration hangs over tmux

I am executing a shell script which is doing some network configuration.
when i execute this script using tmux it hangs.
Here how I am executing tmux in my bash
tmux new-session -d -s ISA_INSTALL "./installaccess $ARGS"
tmux attach
Command which hangs is
0 16:54:33 cmd /usr/bin/ssh -x -o NumberOfPasswordPrompts=0 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o GSSAPIAuthentication=no -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPath=/var/tmp/installaccess-201607251641FNK/_ssh_%h -o ControlPersist=yes "LC_ALL=C; LANG=C; export LC_ALL LANG; /sbin/ip addr flush eth2 >/dev/null 2>&1; /sbin/ifconfig eth2 down >/dev/null 2>&1" 2>/dev/null
0 17:08:18 CPI WARNING V-9-20-1051 Interrupt Received--installaccess terminated
