Laravel 5 maintenance mode turn on without artisan - laravel

Is there any possibility to turn on and turn off Laravel 5 maintenance without php artisan up and down commands when my website is being hosted ?
What I've done:
Route::get('site/shutdown', function(){
return Artisan::call('down');
Route::get('site/live', function(){
return Artisan::call('up');
The first route is working fine. But when I call site/live the site still is shuted down. What can cause this problem ?

If your project is already down, you cannot call another function.
What happens after you run php artisan down is that it creates a file named down inside storage/framework. After running php artisan up the file is removed.
You can create the file manually inside storage/framework. It will down your project. When you want to take your project live again, just remove the file.

I think the right answer is missing here..
You could add your route to app/http/middleware/CheckForMaintenanceMode.php
protected $except = [
So It never would be off.

when you run artisan down. site is not available so when try to call up, your IP can't access site.
you must call down with your IP exception.
php artisan down --allow= --allow=
or add ::1 to local.
to make that in route without command
try to save this command in specific one and call it.

Laravel 8 introduced secret in maintenance mode, in which you can bypass the maintenance mode by providing a secret, then your Artisan::call would work.
You could add your routes to the $except var in CheckForMaintenanceMode middleware to bypass the check. Then your site/live route would work just fine.

In order to make your site live again using an url, you can create a live.php file which you put in laravel's public folder and then visit http://your.domain/live.php .
In the live.php file you need something like this: (check your projects directory structure if you don't use the default public folder!)
unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../storage/framework/down");
header("Location: your.domain");

just put
without route function.


Route [add.sp] not defined

i wrote url like that
use App\Http\Controllers\DashController;
Route::get('/admin/special', [DashController::class, 'addSpecializations'])->name('add.sp');
this is controller
public function addSpecializations()
return view('dashboard.add-specializations');
when i tried to open it i can't even though all route work
after that i wrote this code in view's file
<a href="{{route('add.sp')}}">
so i faced this issue
Route [add.sp] not defined.
In case your routes are cached, run php artisan route:clear. In development, don't cache anything, including views and config.

Laravel 5.2 testing always returning 404

I'm having this issue to create my firsts tests on my project. I already try almost everything, search in forums, but I can't resolve this problem. Every page that I try to access using get in my test is always returning 404.
public function testExample()
$user = factory(User::class)->make();
There was 1 failure:
1) FileTest::testExample Expected status code 200, got 404.
I'm using a separeted .env.testing file, but try to setup my .env file same as the testing, in case the Laravel is ignoring the testing and reading the main one, but the result is the same.
I try to use the $baseUrl and .env's APP_URL with http://localhost and my IP and try to use the return value from php artisan serve command, in my case, http://localhost:8000, but in both cases the error persists.
Important: I used php artisan config:cache every time I changed the configs.
I'm already lost. Has someone a hint to help here?
Thanks so much.

Laravel Socialite InvalidStateException in AbstractProvider.php line 200

I'm building a web app in my local system (Ubuntu-14.04 64Bit) using laravel 5.3. I used Socialite to signin from social networks. I configured G+, Facebook, GitHug. I'm using Chromium as my default browser. Finally the problem is i'm getting
InvalidStateException in AbstractProvider.php line 200
frequently. i tried
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:clear
composer dump-autoload
these are helping to solve the issue temporarily, again the problem raising.
please help me in this issue..
I have the same issue and I've read a lot about this, that depend if the URL where you are at the moment of the login request has www. at the beginning or not.
Into config\services.php, if you have the redirect set as http://sitename.tld/callback/facebook the oauth works if you send the login request from sitename.tld, while if you try from www.sitename.tld you get the exception.
I haven't yet understood how to have it working with and without www at the beginning.
If the AbstractProvider.php line 200 fires the exception when the state of the user is not present means that the User cannot be created.
First check your code when you get the details from the provider(facebook, github) if you create a user and you return it.
If you have managed and logged in your app and you deleted the user from the user table remember to delete also the data from the socialite account table.
I was getting that exception because 'state' wasn't saved in session. But I was using asPopup method - Socialite::driver('facebook')->asPopup()->redirect(); so I saved session then - $request->session()->save();. So I solved this issue.
or try
session()->put('state', $request->input('state'));
$user = Socialite::driver('facebook')->user();
it works
I have same issue and solved in 3 steps;
add request on the top
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
Pass request object to function
public function handleProviderCallback(Request $request)
try {
$user = Socialite::driver('facebook')->user();
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new Exception;
Clear cache.
php artisan cache:clear
I had the same error but my solution was a little different. I am posting here just in case someone else keeps hitting this post like I did for a possible answer.
I develop on Ubuntu 18.04 desktop since it is a server with a GUI. Socialite works great locally but as soon as I pushed/pulled the changes through git to the server, it quit.
I was running traces by recording what was sent to and from google. I "dd($_GET)" to get a raw dump before Socialite had a chance to get the info so I knew what was stored and ready for use. All info was there but Socialite didn't seem to "see" it. That is when I reasoned it was my apache2 header configuration interfering with the cookies/session data.
I had set header security in my apache2 configs. One of the settings was
Header always edit Set-Cookie ^(.*) "$1;HttpOnly;Secure;SameSite=Strict"
This setting was interfering with the cookie information that socialite needed. I removed that setting from my apache2 header config(by commenting out) and restarted Apache. Finally I removed all sessions in storage/framework/session/* and cleared them from my browser just to be sure. That worked for me.
After I got it working, one by one enabled and tested each of the following settings to have the framework secure what header info it can:
in my .env file
'http_only' => true, and
'same_site' => 'lax'(setting to "strict" did not seem to work)
in my config/session.php file.
Now it is back to testing security and tweaking things back if need be.

Blank page for any new route in Laravel

I am using Laravel 5.0 and been developing on this project for months without any problems. I just added a new route with a new method in the controller. But whatever I do, all these new entries in the routes.php file show me a blank page.
In my routes.php:
Route::get('dashboard/product_categories/testing', 'ProductCategoriesController#testing');
In the ProductCategoriesController.php:
public function testing() {
die('Hello world!');
This happens to all new entries in the routes.php. No matter what controller its pointed to.
I do not use route:cache so am clueless where this problem stems from
Please note: This is an unchanged project. The httpd server is running as it should and the storage folders have read/write permissions
If you have a resource controller for the dashboard try to add the new routes before the resource.
I totally forgot about this question, but I found the solution: php artisan route:clear
For me, none of the answers helped.
My problem was with two routes matching each other.
A sample of my web.php file is below:
Route::get('user/{user}', 'UserController#show');
Route::get('user/restore, 'UserController#restore');
It took me a while to realise what was happening here.
Despite the fact that $user was typecast in my controller to an instance of User; I just assumed that the string restore would not match that route.
In the end, I realised that the string restore was being passed as a parameter to the route above and was, therefore, failing to match a User model.
To solve this I had to change the route to the following:
Route::get('user/{user}', 'UserController#show')->where('user', '\d+');
Route::get('user/restore, 'UserController#restore');
Now only numbers are matched to that route and the restore route works as expected.
The other solution would be to change the order but I didn't want to do that.
Try clearing the cache:
php artisan cache:clear
Try deleting this before public function methods :
#return \Illuminate\Http\Response

Dynamic redirect in package route

I have defined a route action with some business logic, inside an internally developed package. Depending on the result in this action, the app want to redirect the user to some dynamic route (Redirect::route('admin.index', [$app->id]) e.g).
How would I do this?
Any solution I come up with doesn't work because of the way Laravel handles routes.
Right now I have copied the route to the app routes.php, and extracted the business logic to a method inside the package. But this is not optimal, as I'd like to also keep the route inside the package.
Laravel has some documentation on Package Configuration that should work for you.
In your package's src/config/config.php:
return array(
'route_admin_index' => 'admin.index',
Change your package's code to:
Redirect::route(Config::get('your_package_name::route_admin_index'), [$app->id]);
Now when installed on different environments, you can do:
php artisan config:publish your_vendor_name/your_package_name
Which will publish your package's configuration file to:
Where then you can change the route_admin_index at will.
If php artisan config:publish was not called. Your route will default back to what you have in your package's config file.
