VS2013 Remote Debugging - Firewall preventing connection despite open ports - visual-studio-2013

I have a fairly large web application developed in Visual Studio 2013, working perfectly on my local IIS. I have deployed to my remote server (Windows Server 2012) and have the usual problems with adapting to remote vs. local. My main issue is I cannot remote debug out of VS2013. The message I get is this:
Error Message from VS2013
What I have tried so far:
As per Firewall ports needed for Visual Studio 2013 Remote Debugging I have opened both TCP 4018 and 4019. First inbound, then also outbound.
Since that did not work I also opened DCOM (TCP 135) and UDP 4500 and 500. I did not create a new DCOM rule, only enabled the existing ones.
A few things to note:
1. The correct version of Remote Debugging Tools for VS2013 is installed
2. The Debugger is running and waiting for a new connection (run as admin)
3. My local machine and the remote server are both on the same VPN using LogMeIn Hamachi
4. I can see the machine when I try to attach process in the VS2013 debug configuration, it just won't allow me to connect.
I am out of ideas here. Any help is appreciated.

See the required ports for remote debugging here:
[TCP] 135, 139, 445 - Required
[UDP] 137, 138 - Required
[UDP] 500, 4500 - Required if your domain policy requires network communication to be performed through IPSec.
[TCP] 80 - Required for Web Server debugging.
hope this helps ;)


Resolving Host in remotebuild on Visual Studio

Went to Tools --> Options --> Tools for Apache Cordova --> iOS Configuration in Visual Studio on my Windows machine.
On my Mac Machine I ran remotebuild certificates generate and got back:
Enable remote iOS processing: True
Host: hostname
Port: 3000
Secure mode: True
Security PIN: 000000
(I replaced host and pin such that this question may be useful to others in the future).
In Visual Studio on my Windows machine I filled in my hostname, secure mode, pin, etc according to the remotebuild certificates above. I have also tried replacing hostname with my mac IP address.
I am getting the message The host hostname could not be resolved. However, when I go to my Mac machine and do localhost:3000 I get a page saying
Remote build Express server open for business on port 3000
and on my terminal, the server responds with GET / 304 2.185 ms - -, so I know the server is active. What is the solution to fixing this on the Visual Studio side?
I found the solution : turns out my computers were on two different WiFi networks..

Firewall ports needed for Visual Studio 2013 Remote Debugging

I have a 3rd party firewall blocking VS 2013 Update 2 Remote Debugging. I want our domain admin to open the necessary ports, but there seems to be a discrepancy in the documentation.
Online version mentions:
DCOM (TCP Port 135) and IPSEC (UDP 4500 / UDP 500)
Installed documentation mentions:
...To do so, allow traffic on TCP/IP ports that msvsmon.exe is listening on. By default, these are port 4018 and 4019, where 4018 is used on all operating systems, and 4019 is used only on Windows x64 to allow debugging x86 processes.
No mention of DCOM / IPSec. I know there was an architectural change starting Remote Tools 2012, but I don't know if it means that DCOM and IPSec were dropped since then. I've seen in the installed documentation mention of the Windows Web Services API, shipping with Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 (which happen to be my local/remote versions). Does this perhaps replace the DCOM and IPSec architecture?
Bottom line - which ports do I need to open for this particular version?
Comment: Editors please do not remove the words "Update 2", the Remote Tools have different versions corresponding to the different Visual Studio 2013 versions.
I recently tested remote debugging with Visual Studio 2013 Update 3 to an AWS EC2 instance.
I only needed inbound security group rules for TCP 4018-4019.
(Previously with Visual Studio 2012 I only needed inbound security group rules for TCP 4016-4017.)

Exactly what ports must be open for MSVSMON.exe (remote debugging) to work?

I'm asking my network admin to open up ports on the firewall to allow remote debugging. It says in the documentation on MSDN that it needs UDP 135. However, the admin says that a number of non-standard 19xx ports are being used.
Exactly what ports are required for remote debugging to work?
You need to open ports on both your computer and the remote computer. Primarily it's TCP 135 not UDP 135.
All the ports and steps are listed here:
You can link your Admin to that page. If you don't have IPSec rules it basically comes down to:
Your PC:
TCP 135
Remote PC:
TCP 135, TCP 139, TCP 445, UDP 137, and UDP 138
Update: Fix the link as it was updated. Note, Remote Debugging transport changed significantly between Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012+. The above ports should work for VS2010. Follow the link to see more information on VS2012+.
For Visual Studio 2013 I just needed to open 4018 and 4019 and it works like a breeze
For Visual Studio 2022 the remote computer needs
TCP Incoming
4026 for VS 2022
4025 for VS 2022 and Microsoft Azure App Service. This port is only used to remote debug a 32-bit process from a 64-bit version of the remote debugger
4024 for Microsoft Azure App Service
TCP Outgoing

VS2010 remote debugging with default transport problem

I need to do remote debugging of managed code (.NET) on a server hosted on a different network. Neither the client or server is on a domain so i have to use the public ip of the server.
I'm trying to use Visual Studio -> Attach to process -> default transport with the qualifier john#xx.xx.xx.xx but it's not working.
I get the error message : "Unable to connect to the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor named 'john#xx.xx.xx.xx'. There is no server by the specified name running on the remote computer"
This error message tells me i can connect just fine but it can't find the msvsmon instance (which is 'john#WEB-001'). So i tried to use the combination of qualifiers such as WEB-001\john#xx.xx.xx.xx and xx.xx.xx.xx\john#WEB-001 but neither are working.
If I choose the transport "Remote (Native only with no authentication)" it connects just fine and I can see the process list on the server but it is pretty much useless because I can't debug managed code.
The administrator 'john' exists on both computer with the same password
Windows 2008 R2 X64 (Server)
Remote debugging component (VS2010) X64 installed
Firewall off
Msvsmon new server named 'john#WEB-001' running as john
Windows 7 X64 (Client)
Visual studio 2010 running as john
Firewall off
Any idea how to fix this, or is this scenario not supported? Thanks
having you tried putting web-001 in your hosts file, and connecting as john#web-001?
Try adding the server name to your hosts file: WEB-001
Replace the IP with your own. Native code debugging is done over plain TCP/IP with no security but native code requires DCOM to enforce security, I don't understand the reason but ....
I know this is an old thread now but.
When the remote debugger is first installed you can set a firewall setting that allows all web traffic or only subnet connections. Run the configuration again to allow all web traffic.
Also, as the Administrator account, not a user in the Administrator group, Shift+r-click on the debugger shortcut to execute as a different user. Enter in the other user account that has the same username and password as the machine you are debugging with, in this case john.
This is the process I have to use.

SQL Server 08 Express Installed: But how to make a local database?

I try to connect to with Windows Authentication using Management Studio Express 2008 but it never connects says it can't find the server or something. I ran the SQL Server Express 2008 Installer and it said that it was already installed but I can't find any wizard or shortcut to start up anything that will allow me to actually start setting up a local database, what gives?
(Windows 7 x64)
Services were off, turned them on, still not connecting to (local) because of an error: Error 40 could not open a connection to sql server error: 2
NOTE: Turned of windows firewall, same error! everything is local... services running, firewall down, tcp/ip enabled in config... hmm...
Typically, SQL Server Express will install into a "named instance" called SQLExpress.
Try connecting to:
(local) as well as just a dot "." stand for the local machine, and \SQLExpress is the default named instance name for SQL Server Express installations.
Have a look at the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration tool that should have been installed with Studio Express. If you use that you should be able to find the settings for Remote Connections. It may be that you have TCP/IP connections turned off (I can't remember what the default is) and only named pipes are available. If that's the case you can either turn on TCP/IP or try connecting using your machine name in Management Studio.
ensure you have your firewalls allowing access then connect to (local) including parenthesis
