Regular expression to match special characters within double quotes - ruby

My input string is :
"& is here "& is here also, & has again occured""
Using gsub method in Ruby language, is there a way to substitute character '&' which is occuring within double quotes with character '$', if gsub method doesnt solve this problem, is there any other approach which can be used to address this problem.
Since first arguement in gsub method can be a regex, so matched regex will be substituted by the second arguement, getting a right regex for identifying might also solve this problem since it can be substituted in the gsub method for replacing '&' with '$'.
Expected output is as shown :
& is here "$ is here also , $ has again occured"

str = %q{& is here "& is here also , & has again occured"}
str.gsub!(/".*?"/) do |substr|
substr.gsub(/&/, '$')
puts str
# => & is here "$ is here also , $ has again occured"
EDIT: Just noticed that stribizhev proposed this way before I wrote it.


This RegEx is not working when I use RegEx Class

I have written the following code
policy="Policy: SCW000359-18\nAB & A Abcdef"
p policy[/(?<=Policy:) \w+-\w+/]
It works so perfectly, it prints the following result
" SCW000359-18"
But I have to receive the regular expression as a string parameter so I have written the following code
p policy[/#{Regexp.quote("(?<=Policy:) \w+-\w+")}/]
But it's returning nil. Can anyone help me?
RegExp.quote will quote the metacharacters in the regexp, so it is going to search for the literal string: (?<=Policy:) \w+-\w+, which obviously is not in your search string Policy: SCW000359-18\nAB & A ….
In this case you should not quote the regex string and instead use:'(?<=Policy:) \w+-\w+')

start_with not working for backslash in ruby

I have the following string -
On doing a string = string.split(";"), I get -
["abcdefgh", "\nlmnopqrst"]
Now when I do -
The function returns false. Whereas if I do
The function return true.
I am new to ruby and just can't understand this behavior. Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong.
I dont know, butString[1][0] (first character from string) returns "\n" so maybe use this
This is because "\n" actually does not start with a backslash . It is the line feed character and is considered to be a single character and for that reason it is only presented having the escape character \ in front of it.
Will return true.
You already tried to search with string[1].start_with?("\\") so you seem to realize you need to escape the backslash character by using \\.
If your input string would look like this:
Then after .split(';') your resulting array would look like this:
["\\abcdefgh;", "\nlmnopqrst"]
Now string[0].start_with?("\\") would return true because the first string actually starts with a single backslash, which was presented with the escape character in the console.
you can try
'\nhello world'.start_with?("\\") # return true
"\nhello world".start_with?("\\") # return false
because '\n' is two chars( \ and n), but "\n" is one char(new line char).
The first character there is not "\" - it's "\n" in the first example, and "\\" in the second. "\n" and "\\" are effectively single characters in this context, even though they look like two characters.
"\n" != "\\", and so start_with? responds false.

Ruby string sub without regex back references

I'm trying to do a simple string sub in Ruby.
The second argument to sub() is a long piece of minified JavaScript which has regular expressions contained in it. Back references in the regex in this string seem to be effecting the result of sub, because the replaced string (i.e., the first argument) is appearing in the output string.
input = "string <!--tooreplace--> is here"
output = input.sub("<!--tooreplace-->", "\&")
I want the output to be:
"string \& is here"
"string & is here"
or if escaping the regex
"string <!--tooreplace--> is here"
Basically, I want some way of doing a string sub that has no regex consequences at all - just a simple string replace.
To avoid having to figure out how to escape the replacement string, use Regex.escape. It's handy when replacements are complicated, or dealing with it is an unnecessary pain. A little helper on String is nice too.
input.sub("<!--toreplace-->", Regexp.escape('\&'))
You can also use block notation to make it simpler (as opposed to Regexp.escape):
=> puts input.sub("<!--tooreplace-->") {'\&'}
string \& is here
Use single quotes and escape the backslash:
output = input.sub("<!--tooreplace-->", '\\\&') #=> "string \\& is here"
Well, since '\\&' (that is, \ followed by &) is being interpreted as a special regex statement, it stands to reason that you need to escape the backslash. In fact, this works:
>> puts 'abc'.sub 'b', '\\\\&'
Note that \\\\& represents the literal string \\&.

Escaping single and double quotes in a string in ruby?

How can I escape single and double quotes in a string?
I want to escape single and double quotes together. I know how to pass them separately but don't know how to pass both of them.
e.g: str = "ruby 'on rails" " = ruby 'on rails"
My preferred way is to not worry about escaping and instead use %q, which behaves like a single-quote string (no interpolation or character escaping), or %Q for double quoted string behavior:
str = %q[ruby 'on rails" ] # like single-quoting
str2 = %Q[quoting with #{str}] # like double-quoting: will insert variable
See and search for % strings.
Use backslash to escape characters
str = "ruby \'on rails\" "
Here is a complete list:
You can use Q strings which allow you to use any delimiter you like:
str = %Q|ruby 'on rails" " = ruby 'on rails|
>> str = "ruby 'on rails\" \" = ruby 'on rails"
=> "ruby 'on rails" " = ruby 'on rails"
I would go with a heredoc if I'm starting to have to worry about escaping. It will take care of it for you:
string = <<MARKER
I don't have to "worry" about escaping!!'"!!
MARKER delineates the start/end of the string. start string on the next line after opening the heredoc, then end the string by using the delineator again on it's own line.
This does all the escaping needed and converts to a double quoted string:
=> "I don't have to \"worry\" about escaping!!'\"!!\n"
I would use just:
str = %(ruby 'on rails ")
Because just % stands for double quotes(or %Q) and allows interpolation of variables on the string.
Here is an example of how to use %Q[] in a more complex scenario:
<meta property="og:title" content="#{#title}" />
<meta property="og:description" content="#{#fullname}'s profile. #{#fullname}'s location, ranking, outcomes, and more." />
One caveat:
Using %Q[] and %q[] for string comparisons is not intuitively safe.
For example, if you load something meant to signify something empty, like "" or '', you need to use the actual escape sequences. For example, let's say qvar equals "" instead of any empty string.
This will evaluate to false
if qvar == "%Q[]"
As will this,
if qvar == %Q[]
While this will evaluate to true
if qvar == "\"\""
I ran into this issue when sending command-line vars from a different stack to my ruby script. Only Gabriel Augusto's answer worked for me.

using regular expressions in ruby to find a string in quotations

I am trying to construct a regex to find a string in ruby
str = "foo"
I want to be able to stop trying to find the string after it finds the closing quotation mark. I also want to keep the quotation marks so I can output the string I found as:
puts "the string is:" + str
=> the string is: "foo"
I am pretty new to using regular expressions.
Here is a start:
" Match a literal double quote.
.*? Match any characters, as few as possible (non-greedy)
" Match a second literal double quote.
Note that this won't work if the string contains escaped quotes or is quoted with single quotes.
