Blank Security Warning when Opening Website in Visual Studio 2015 - visual-studio

I get a blank security warning popup window when trying to open a website, in Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition. It worked on my other computer in the same environment.
I moves the files to a new fresh computer and I get this window.
Here's a screenshot:
Nothing is clickable, even what where the buttons should be. Visual Studio is just frozen, can't even close the IDE nor the popup window. It doesn't happen to Web Projects, only websites.
Any idea how to solve this?

I got the same issue. Just fixed it. In my case it was entity ".tt" files fault. I guess for some reason VS 2015 does not recognize ".tt" extension. I've just deleted these files and run website (not web application) successfully

The .tt files are needed if using Entity Framework.
Here is my workaround that worked in two cases of the blank security warning. Rename the files with .tt extension to .tt.old.
Open the project (it will not compile, so don't try)
Save and close the project
Rename the .tt.old files back to their original names
Open the project again, this time the warning will have content and will be clickable.


vs C#2015 solution's backwards compatibility wont run on vs2010 even when nothing was done to it

so i was in the middle of making a program, when i decided to try upgrading to vs2015 just because i like the newer UI.
so i opened the .sln in vs2015 test run the program again, and re arrange the ui of my program, but i didnt add or remove anything, or even touched the code.
saved the file, and tried opening it again on my laptop that still on vs2010.
i can open the solution,i can access and edit the code, but i can't open the designer at all, or run the program that i made.
although i can also upgrade the one on my laptop to the newer one, im doing this project with a friend that is also still on vs2010, is there any way to make it compatible again?
Whenever you try to open the project in visual studio 2015 which was basically developed in visual studio 2010 will prompt the window for the make some changes in the .sln file also it shows all changes in the browser.
If you try to open that file which is changed by the VS2015 will not be able to open in VS 2010 but available to open in VS 2012 and on word

Visual Studio 2013 Intellisense not working

I have Visual Studio 2013 Professional with Update 2 RC installed. I tried to add new projects using ASP.NET SPA Template, AngularStart and a few other SPA templates. None of them showing intellisense even the VS can't determine the user defined class types, as their font color is black, GoToDefinition option is disabled in context menu, and I can't see the suggestions drop-down while typing or while accessing class methods through instance.
I reset the settings files many times from Import Export option. I also tried "devenv /setup" but didn't work. At the end I uninstalled and re-installed the VS 2013, still having the same problem.
I tried adding a new Web API project with "Individual User Accounts", intellisense works. But when i added a new Web API project without authentication and later i installed nuget package Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin, now intellisense stops working.
I am getting this problem in almost every project. when I close the newly created project and reopen it, the problem arise. And when I unload and reload the project in solution, then everything starts working. So I have to unload and reload the projects each time I open a solution in visual studio.
Not sure if it's the same thing, but I recently had a project's Intellisense in VS 2013 stop working too. If I cleaned the solution and rebuilt it, it would work for a very short time but then stop again soon. Lots of wavy red underlines too where there shouldn't have been.
For me, I closed VS and deleted the the solution's .suo file (in the solution's root). (Keep in mind this will also delete your breakpoints, bookmarks, and other user-preferences. But nothing "code"-related.) You might also try deleting the csproj.user files as well. I guess it just got corrupted or who knows. But haven't had a problem with it since.
I hope this helps!

Visual Studio 2013 breaking Web Site

I have a really weird problem, be interested in some pointers
We have a website that we have coded from Visual Studio 2003 -> Visual Studio 2010. We are now looking at moving to 2013.
The website is in IIS, when I navigate to it using IE it works. When VS2013 is -open-, not running, but has the project open we get a weird effect where the contents of the website gets duplicated by 3, its as if there are 3 iframes on the page, all with a copy of the same web site.
I close VS2013 and it goes back to normal
So, just to be clear, we don't even have to run the web site from within VS2013, just the project being open is enough to cause the weird effect
We use subversion as as far as I can tell no files have been modified when VS2013 is open
Any suggestions?
It's Browser Link that's doing it! If you switch off Browser Link it works.
The source shows some extra script entries before the final tag but other than that the whole source is duplicated.
We don't need Browser Link and I don't have reflection capabilities on Asp.Net source so as to why that's for some one else to determine, I noticed a few people complaining when I searched on it so it may be something that just gets fixed in a future version

Visual Studio - Error when clicking on Solution -> Properties (Object reference not set to an instance of an object)

When i try to access my solution Properties, i get the following error:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
I am using VS 2012. What could be the cause of this?
Some extensions may cause this.
Try disabling extensions and restarting Visual Studio.
Quite often error will be gone even if you re-enable extensions after this.
There's a bug report on Microsoft Connect (link).
It is marked there as "Closed as External", but it seems that it may occur randomly with any extension, so would be worth voting it there to bring it to Microsofts attention.
In my case, the problem was solution-specific. NuGet was causing this error, but not the extension itself but a NuGet package that generated an error on VS load. When I opened NuGet Package Manager Console I saw a big red text with a description of the error. In my case it was T4Scaffolding.Core package, which in turn is a dependency of MVCMailer.
If this is your case, you will probably see what package generates an error in PM Console.
I faced this dialog too and i'm not sure what exactly causes this as i couldn't even open the NuGet console to see detailed error messages.
Closing Visual Studio, deleting %AppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio and restarting Visual Studio worked for me as it causes a reset of various things like window configurations.
I think if this dialog is displayed some files may be corrupt in %AppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio and by deleting that folder Visual Studio can start normally again.
The issue arises on my machine when i start Visual Studio by using "run as administator" whereas Visual Studio has been started before without that option and %AppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio had been created without the administator association.
Visual Studio 2013: I had this issue when I tried opening TOOLS -> Extensions and Updates.
I used #ViRuSTriNiTy idea, but only cleaned the files from:
There are 2 cache files over there.
Deleted them and restarted VS2013 and it was fixed
The way it was happening for me might be unique to me/my setup, but I'd love to know if anyone else has this happen, and if they find out why:
If I launch an .sln file by double-clicking it, it will load VS and I can right-click the Solution and get Properties to come up no problem.
If I go to "Open Project" on the Visual Studio welcome page or from File > Open > Project/Solution, navigate to the .sln file and launch it by selecting it and clicking "Open" in the File dialog, that's when I have this issue.
I'm going to just always launch the .sln file from now on, but I'd love to know why this happens when using "Open Project" from the welcome page or from File > Open > Project/Solution! I tried going into Tools > NuGet Package Manager > General and I unchecked the options for allowing NuGet to download missing packages and Skip applying binding redirects, and under Package Sources I de-selected the checkboxes (my dev machine does not connect to the internet). Environment > Extensions and Updates: I tried it with and without "Load per user extensions when running as administrator" and running it as an Admin and without running as Admin. Also tried just deleting everything at C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio. No change from those 2 bullets above.

Why would my Visual Studio 2008 close everytime I open a .xaml file?

Visual Studio 2008 has been very stable for months on my computer.
This morning when I double-click on any .xaml file to open it, or even click on the tab of an already opened .xaml file, Visual Studio says "initializing toolbar" in the status bar and then 20 seconds later fully closes the whole application without any error message.
Other files (e.g. .cs class files) I can open fine.
Has anyone experience this or know what I could check/change to be able to use Visual Studio to edit .xaml files again?
MORE INFO: I can also create a new project and create and edit .xaml files fine.
MORE INFO: I can edit .xaml files in other modules (projects) fine.
MORE INFO: Everytime it crashes, this event is registered:
.NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.3053 - Fatal Error in executable module (72555E00) (80131506).
(odd since I have .NET framework 3.5 installed)
MORE INFO: It is only in one module (project) that .xaml files cause Visual Studio to crash. Even creating a new UserControl in that module crashes Visual Studio.
I get this occasionally (with .xaml and .resx files) and find that if I delete the solutions .suo file things work fine again.
[The suo file just contains per user settings like recently opened files etc so it's nothing important and will just be recreated when you next open the solution.]
I've been getting the same issue whenever I try to access project settings for a C# project.
Found additional information about this:
And here:
Apparently it's a bug in the core CLR engine that causes the entire CLR to crash if certain types of assemblies are loaded in a certain order.
Most of the time it appears to be directly related to the Visual Studio add-in called PowerCommands - uninstalling PowerCommands will make the problem go away.
And (we hope) it's supposed to be fixed for .Net 4.
This sounds very similar to the issue I had when I first installed VS 2008. Unfortunately, after hours of research, I ended up reinstalling the IDE (with my fingers crossed). No problems since then, but it's obviously not the most enjoyable way to solve the problem.
What is likely happening here is that one of the controls referenced directly on indirectly in your designer is stack overflowing during the designer process. Because the designer is hosted in process a stack overflow by one of the components will take down the designer and VS.
Try attaching a debugger to VS, break on first chance StackOverflow Exceptions and open the designer.
