.Dynamically changing the clock tick rate in big-bang - scheme

The on-tick clause includes an option to change the clock tick rate. I have included my code to dynamically change the value depending on the world state value. The code is not working and I can't understand why. Another issue - how are world programs debugged? The "step" option doesn't work.
; physical constants
(define HEIGHT 300)
(define WIDTH 100)
(define YDELTA 3)
; graphical constants
(define BACKG (empty-scene WIDTH HEIGHT))
(define ROCKET (rectangle 5 30 "solid" "red"))
(define ROCKET-CENTER (/ (image-height ROCKET) 2))
(define ROCKET-XPOS 10)
(define (main1 s)
(big-bang s
[to-draw show]
[on-key launch]
[on-tick fly (clock-rate s)]))
; LRCD -> Image
; renders the state as a resting or flying rocket
(define (show x)
[(string? x) (rocket-ht HEIGHT)]
[(<= -3 x -1)
(place-image (text (number->string x) 20 "red")
(rocket-ht HEIGHT))]
[(>= x 0)
(rocket-ht x)]))
; LRCD -> image
; positions the rocket at correct height
(define (rocket-ht ht)
; LRCD KeyEvent -> LRCD
; starts the count-down when space bar is pressed,
; if the rocket is still resting
(define (launch x ke)
[(string? x) (if (string=? ke " ") -3 x)]
[else x]))
; raises the rocket by YDELTA,
; if it is moving already
(define (fly x)
[(string? x) x]
[(<= -3 x -1) (if (= x -1) HEIGHT (add1 x))]
[else (- x YDELTA)]))
(define (clock-rate s)
[(number? s) (if (< s 0) 1 1/28)]
[else 1/28]))


Nested while loop in Scheme with Gimp?

I'm writing a Gimp Script-Fu script, and trying to use a nested while loop. x is set to 15, y is set to 30. y loops up to 35, yet x stays at 15 and the loop quits. What is wrong here? Why is the value of x not changed?
(while (< x 20)
(while (< y 35)
(gimp-message (string-append (number->string x) "-" (number->string y)))
(set! y (+ y 1)))
(set! x (+ x 1)))
y is never being reset back to 0. Your code will increment y up to 35, then increment x 20 times, however on each subsequent increment of x y is still set to 35.
If you wanted to go over each combination of values of x and y then you would need code more like this:
(while (< x 20)
(set! y 0)
(while (< y 35)
(gimp-message (string-append (number->string x) "-" (number->string y)))
(set! y (+ y 1))
(set! x (+ x 1))
Here is a more complete example now that I've had time to work through this question with Gimp (I'm using print instead of gimp-message because I'm working in the console, but it should be interchangeable). To start I'm defining a function called SO that accepts the arguments, x, y that both represents pairs of min and max values:
(define (SO x y)
(let* ((x! (car x)) (y! (car y)))
(while (< x! (car (cdr x)))
(set! y! (car y))
(while (< y! (car (cdr y)))
(print (string-append (number->string x!) "-" (number->string y!)))
(set! y! (+ y! 1))
(set! x! (+ x! 1))
Inside this function, I'm pulling out the first and last values of x and y (with (car x) and (car (cdr x)) then I'm using let* to create two inner variables calledx!andy!that I will be altering the value of (to remove side effects of havingxandy` change after the function is called). If you call this function like so:
(SO '(15 20) '(30 35))
You get the following output:

Drawing table/board in Racket

I'm trying to create a game whose name is "Same" in Racket 5.0.2 version.
Here is explanation of the game:
I created a row and draw it:
a: width
b: height
r: radius
(define (color x) ///for random colors
(cond [(< (random x) 100) 'blue]
[(< (random x) 200) 'purple]
[(< (random x) 300) 'yellow]
[(< (random x) 400) 'red]
[else 'green]))
(define-struct top (coord color))
(define (row x y)
(if (> x (- a r)) empty
(cons (make-top (make-posn x y)(color 500)) (row (+ x (* 2 r)) y))))
(define (draw-row L)
(if (empty? L) #f
(draw-solid-disk (top-coord (first L)) r (top-color (first L)))
(draw-row (rest L)))))
So I've got a top row included 20 disks with random colors. But I need 200 disks in 20 rows and 10 columns. So I created a board like this:
(define (board x y)
(if (> y (- b r)) empty
(cons (row x y) (board x (+ y (* 2 r))))))
But I couldn't draw it. I tried to create a function as "draw-row" but I got error.
So my question is: How can I draw this board?
You can draw a row, and a board is just a list of rows, so I would expect
(define (draw-board b)
(for-each draw-row b))
to Just Work.
Based on your comment, an example I would expect to work:
(draw-board (board 10 10))
and it does for me, at least.

on-key in racket

(require 2htdp/image)
(require 2htdp/universe)
(define (render t)
(text (number->string t) 10 "red"))
(define (ball-image t)
(place-image (circle 10 "solid" "red")
(empty-scene 300 300)))
(define (change w a-key)
[(key=? a-key "left") (ball-image w)]
[(key=? a-key "right") (ball-image w )]
[(= (string-length a-key) 1) w]
[(key=? a-key "up") (ball-image w )]
[(key=? a-key "down") (ball-image w )]
[else w]))
(big-bang 100
(on-tick sub1 )
(to-draw ball-image)
(on-key change))
I am trying to get the red ball I have placed in the middle to move up, down, left, or right. When I press any of the arrow keys, it says it expects a number but given an image. What am I doing wrong?
First of all you need to understand how the world is processed in this main circle:
The system takes the first argument of big-bang - 100, and remembers it as a WorldState.
Then it passes it to a on-tick (sub1) function, provided it exists on each tick.
When the key is pressed, it calls on-key (change) and passes the woldState there, as a w argument.
There you draw some pictures and return it in case of an arrow key is pressed. So when an arrow is pressed, it returns the result of ball-image = result of place-image - image
The system remembers it as a current worldState,
and with the next tick, it passes the new value to the old procedure: sub1.
Since the value is now an image, sub1 rejects it.
If you want to move a ball in two directions, you have to store at least two coordinates (x . y). So let now the WorldState be the pair of two numbers. We don't need a on-tick function, since nothing changes on its own. Also we don't need to draw the ball in the keyboard processor, so let's simple change the corresponding value in the pair (worldState), and draw it only during the call (ball-image) which puts the ball into the new place (remember, x = (car t), y = (cdr t), and (x . y) = (cons x y)):
(require 2htdp/image)
(require 2htdp/universe)
(define (ball-image t) ;<-- the t-parameter is our WorldState
(place-image (circle 10 "solid" "red")
(car t) ;<-- here now x variable coordinate
(cdr t) ;<-- here now y variable, instead of 150
(empty-scene 300 300)))
(define (change w a-key)
(cond ;w - is the previous worldState, V here we change it
[(key=? a-key "left") (cons (sub1 (car w)) (cdr w))];and
[(key=? a-key "right") (cons (add1 (car w)) (cdr w))];return
[(= (string-length a-key) 1) w] ;<-- this line is excess
[(key=? a-key "up") (cons (car w) (sub1 (cdr w)))]
[(key=? a-key "down") (cons (car w) (add1 (cdr w)))]
[else w])) ;<-- If the key of no interest, just
return the previous WorldState
(big-bang '(150 . 150) ;<-- initial state
(to-draw ball-image) ;<-- redraws the world
(on-key change)) ;<-- process the event of key press

Spaceship Game in Scheme

The following Scheme code is about a game with a spaceship and right now it doesn't take into account when the spaceship runs out of fuel, which is what I'm trying to do. Here is the code:
;; this is the code for problem rrset -- Lunar Lander
(define (update ship-state fuel-burn-rate)
(+ (height ship-state) (* (velocity ship-state) dt)) ; height
(+ (velocity ship-state)
(* (- (* engine-strength fuel-burn-rate) gravity)
dt)) ; velocity
(cond (<= (fuel 0)
((write-line "no fuel left")
(- (fuel ship-state) (* fuel-burn-rate dt)))))) ; fuel
(define (lander-loop ship-state)
(show-ship-state ship-state)
(if (landed? ship-state)
(end-game ship-state)
(lander-loop (update ship-state (get-burn-rate)))))
(define (show-ship-state ship-state)
(list 'height (height ship-state)
'velocity (velocity ship-state)
'fuel (fuel ship-state))))
(define (landed? ship-state)
(<= (height ship-state) 0))
(define (end-game ship-state)
(let ((final-velocity (velocity ship-state)))
(write-line final-velocity)
(cond ((>= final-velocity safe-velocity)
(write-line "good landing")
(write-line "you crashed!")
(define (get-burn-rate)
(if (= (player-input) burn-key)
(define (play) (lander-loop (initial-ship-state)))
(define (initial-ship-state)
(make-ship-state 50 ; 50 km high
0 ; not moving (0 km/sec)
20)) ; 20 kg of fuel left
(define dt 1) ; 1 second interval of simulation
(define gravity 0.5) ; 0.5 km/sec/sec
(define safe-velocity -0.5) ; 0.5 km/sec or faster is a crash
(define engine-strength 1) ; 1 kilonewton-second
(define (player-input)
(char->integer (prompt-for-command-char " action: ")))
(define burn-key 32) ;space key
(define (make-ship-state height velocity fuel)
(list 'HEIGHT height
'VELOCITY velocity
'FUEL fuel))
(define (height state) (second state))
(define (velocity state) (fourth state))
(define (fuel state) (sixth state))
(define (second l) (cadr l))
(define (fourth l) (cadr (cddr l)))
(define (sixth l) (cadr (cddr (cddr l))))
; Users of DrScheme or DrRacket: add these for compatibility with MIT Scheme...
(define (write-line x)
(display x)
(define (prompt-for-command-char prompt)
(display prompt)
To modify it, I modified the "update" procedure, so now there is a conditional statement:
(define (update ship-state fuel-burn-rate)
(+ (height ship-state) (* (velocity ship-state) dt)) ; height
(+ (velocity ship-state)
(* (- (* engine-strength fuel-burn-rate) gravity)
dt)) ; velocity
(cond (<= (fuel 0)
((write-line "no fuel left")
(- (fuel ship-state) (* fuel-burn-rate dt))))))
however this doesn't work.
You're going to want to add your conditional to the lander-loop procedure. This is the part of the code that checks whether the game is over each cycle.
(define (lander-loop ship-state)
(show-ship-state ship-state)
(if (or (landed? ship-state) (<= (fuel ship-state) 0))
(end-game ship-state)
(lander-loop (update ship-state (get-burn-rate)))))
Then you can add your out of fuel message to the end-game procedure.

Why can't I make two make function calls in function body?

So I'm going through the first chapter of How To Design Programs 2nd Edition. I believe I made pretty good progress. But there's a "suggestion" to add another graphic to the grid. Every time I try I get an error. At this point, I'm stuck. Below is the code and the error.
Note: the ROCKET image is in the Chapter 1. I just copy and pasted it into the IDE.
Note: The "suggestion" is: How would change the program so that the rocket lands on a flat rock bed that is 10 pixels higher than the bottom of the scene? Don’t forget to change the scenery, too.
HTDP Chapter 1
Here's code that works.
(define BOARDWIDTH 200)
(define BOARDHEIGHT 200)
(define BOARDBKGR "blue")
(define ROCKET .)
(define UFO (overlay (circle 10 "solid" "red")
(rectangle 40 4 "solid" "green")))
(define FLATBED (rectangle 60 10 "outline" "black"))
(define (SPACESHIP option)
[(= option 1) ROCKET]
[(= option 2) UFO]))
(define V 20) ;Velocity
(define A 1) ;Acceleration
(define (distance t) ;t = Time
(- (* V t) (* 1/2 A (sqr t))))
(define SPACESHIP-BOTTOM (- BOARDHEIGHT (/ (image-height SHOWNSHIP) 2)))
(define (render-shownship x y)
(place-image SHOWNSHIP x y GAMEBOARD))
(define (create-rocket-scene.v7 t)
[(<= (distance t) SPACESHIP-BOTTOM)
(render-shownship STARTPOSITION (distance t))]
[(> (distance t) SPACESHIP-BOTTOM)
Here's the code that doesn't work:
(define BOARDWIDTH 200)
(define BOARDHEIGHT 200)
(define BOARDBKGR "blue")
(define ROCKET .)
(define UFO (overlay (circle 10 "solid" "red")
(rectangle 40 4 "solid" "green")))
(define FLATBED (rectangle 60 10 "outline" "black"))
(define (SPACESHIP option)
[(= option 1) ROCKET]
[(= option 2) UFO]))
(define V 20) ;Velocity
(define A 1) ;Acceleration
(define (distance t) ;t = Time
(- (* V t) (* 1/2 A (sqr t))))
(define SPACESHIP-BOTTOM (- BOARDHEIGHT (/ (image-height SHOWNSHIP) 2)))
(define (render-shownship x y)
(place-image SHOWNSHIP x y GAMEBOARD)
(place-image FLATBED STARTPOSITION 195 GAMEBOARD)) ;offender
(define (create-rocket-scene.v7 t)
[(<= (distance t) SPACESHIP-BOTTOM)
(render-shownship STARTPOSITION (distance t))]
[(> (distance t) SPACESHIP-BOTTOM)
And the error I get is:
define: expected only one expression for the function body, but found
1 extra part
place-image always takes 4 arguments - the image to be placed, x and y coordinates, and the scene (background) on which to place the image. The problem in your code is that the expression (place-image FLATBED STARTPOSITION 195) is providing only 3 inputs to place-image.
So, back up a little and consider: what does the first expression produce? (place-image SHOWNSHIP x y GAMEBOARD) produces a game board scene with a ship on it, correct? Now on top of that scene you further want to place the FLATBED. So instead of sequencing the place-image function calls, instead consider composing them - i.e. what do you think the missing piece is in (place-image FLATBED STARTPOSITION 195 ____)? upon what scene do you want to place the FLATBED? (Hint: we just answered that above). What expression produces that scene? (hint: you already have that expression).
If you understand the idea, you see that to place multiple images on a scene, you compose or nest the function calls (instead of sequencing them as you are attempting):
(place-image img1 x1 y1 (place-image img2 x2 y2 ...))
